Holla Forums culture and zero sum game; pack mentality

Been around since 2013.
This place is becoming more and more.. controlled. Not necessarily by moderation, but by the population. Loud posters who are offended by everything. Holla Forums used to know better than to have a narrative. Jews are evil, we can prove it any day of the week, and probably within a minute.

>You don't think this completely new and unsourced version of history is correct? TRAITOR
Yet they never do a single thing about any of the issues, they juts harass other posters with differing opinion / value system. Small, niche extremist groups that drive away people… Easily used groups.
Rejecting one aspect does not mean rejecting every aspect. Disagreeing with one thing does not mean disagreeing with everything. Prioritizing one thing does not mean discarding the secondary values…

You want self-improvement? Stop being intellectually lazy.

No shit.

Go to the bunker and wait for an alternative like most of the other oldfags. The moderators anchor redpill threads, literature threads, culture threads, basically every sort of thread that was standard here once. Shit's done, it's almost Holla Forums-tier.

You've been here for 3 years but you just discovered many moronic shitposters come here and try to impose their opinions by yelling and calling you names instead of arguing?

If you deviate from the path of ethno-centric heterosexual monogamy in any way, shape, or form, then you advocate for alternatives. Which means (((civic nationalism))) (or some hyper-egalitarian, gated-community mindset of "blacks/spics/etc. are our friends and homogenous societies are bigoted!"). Or it may mean sexual perversion (to act as a disincentive for childbirth, while Jamal pumps out twelve niglets), or it may mean the promotion of hook-up culture (why buy the cow when you get the milk for free, shill for increasingly degenerate mindsets in younger generations so they get used up by the time they are supposed to settle down).
Other than that, I agree that the "oh, you hate Jews, you Muslim!" kind of shit is garbage.
Out of curiosity, is it your view that you value something higher than race? And if that is true, what is that thing?

Been here since '09 and I realized this years ago, only reason why I still come is you occasionally can find a diamond in this pile of shit.

No, I've discovered them a long time ago.

Lurk moar
t. 2004 fag

Yeah, yeah, we're a "hugbox", why do you insist on coming here to disagree when you have about 6,000,000 other platforms to spew your commonly held opinions? Arguing politics is a waste of fucking time, no one ever changes their mind through rational discourse

and you waited this long to make a shitty OP about it?
gee, what would this board do with out you?

Everything has to start with the respect for truth. If we don't respect truth, we can change the boundaries of race/[insert anything here] in the category itself.
We must also hold moral duty up there, or else we can choose when we respect truth (and functional categories) and when not.
Then we must value quality - or else the race we so love may end up like jews. "Anything goes, so long as we survive."
After that would come beauty, civilization (of which demographics are a major issue/part of), law, economy and all those.
Survival comes fairly late, but it is still there. Survival without those prior to it is meaningless, counterproductive and harmful.

For truth to have meaning, meaning has to be true. If we just value survival, why would we be against transhumanism? To sate our biological urges fanatically? Come the fuck on, we are men, not animals.

Have you heard of Reconquista? Barbarian savages, skinheads and other trash need to leave.

I tend to procrastinate.
Fade into naivism and retardation.

People come to different conclusions based on the study of variable levels of evidence. It's the reason why some people are christians and those who study more know christianity was created by jews.Neither is advocating we kill christians, but rather educate them.

The only narrative here is that you are a faggot, OP.

Holla Forums has not been the think tank unrestrained by political correctness due to inherent image board structure at the very least since jewt nuked Holla Forums for some ugly chink bitch in the hope of selling 4chong. And if i had to put money on it probably before, but i wouldnt know i almost exclusively a Holla Forumstard at that time.

Holla Forums figured out who it is and what it stands for through near on a decade of debate digging and faggotry, its now much less a place of discussion of things we already have established canon on and a place to keep track of the world, comment on it with like minded men and of course dank memes

So quit whining about people calling people faggots. For all your farting about the truth you seem to want us to challenge it. user summed it up pretty well here

OP is a faggot

Rome was civic nationalist. Russia still is. Finland still is. Every western empire ever has been, aside from one, and that was Third Reich.

I can see that. Kek is really the figurehead of Holla Forums taking over Holla Forums
That's bullshit. The first batch of mods here on 8/pol/ went full natsoc, the new ones somewhat less so, but they adopted some weird notion that we need to alienate everybody and everything.

I'm of course, implying that Holla Forums had many different routes before switching over here.

How natsoc is Trump?

not at first. To say it was is to be completely ignorant of nearly 2 millennium of history. read moar fag
cant comment, not too familiar with russian history
literally who?

clearly you havent followed keks birth here, as well as the phenomenon that was ebola chan. realize the esoteric and metaphysical exist outside of christianity, and has for hundreds of thousands of years.
no its not. Even on thewith me on the peripherals i could tell 85% of Holla Forums was either lolberg or neetsoc, with the natsocs clearly gaining the upper hand.

i would hazard a guess you are newfag fatigued from all the fags who think trump will save the world, lead us to the stars and is secretly Hitler.
im willing to give him a chance, to use him as a stepping stone. personally i would rather hillary have won so we could just get this show on the road, ive been waiting for too long

IMO we need more discussion threads about books and intellectual stuff instead of no #12569800 >look at what Sam Hyde did rofl threads. This weeds out the Holla Forums-tier poster. Ofc there's nothing wrong with memes but you kind of need to counterbalance them with discussion threads.

or i'm just an oldfag who remembers when this board wasn't /trump/

Holla Forums is winning now. We spend more time digging through pedophile emails and making sure the Hillarys of the world stay unelected than reading shitty opinions about various degrees of concern posting.

The real red pill is that you go where the energy is, and then ride it to wherever it takes you. Trying to fight it is impossible. Just working on getting more people red pilled and having a real impact is better than whatever diacourse we have here frankly.

t. 2011.

Ultimately though every western empire was also racialist to some degree. Spain in particular has a complex caste system, though I'm not sure that's such a good model since it eventually collapsed and led to the pacos we see today.

same as rome, same as india.
this is why race war, RWDS, etc is so prevalent and Hitlers germany so admired around here. we realize that nothing but a 100% white nation can be sustainably great. and the best way to make sure those 100% white nations dont make the same mistakes that have been made in the past would be to ideally wipe out niggers, spics, jews etc so the ability to make that mistake is removed entirely forever.
thus leading to a white earth, a galactic white ayyy empire etc etc etc

I have. Ebola-chan wasn't really Holla Forums, it was our desire to purge the degenerate world with a disease. Kek is Holla Forums, though. Why? Because of what Kek entails. Not just meme magic, you know. What god is he? What does he represent? Chaos, Random, aka. Holla Forums.

Natsocs were just the most popular branch of nostalgiafags. There were -and still are- all kinds of variations.

Nu/pol/ is not. Civic nationalists are winning, for good and for bad.

That's simply because they weren't brainwashed retards. "One race, the human race." is exactly what I refer as a category 1 error. Not that they care, not that they need to care. Guess we really should start with God instead, to sanctify truth.

Good luck not having them bumplocked by mods

It'll remain white as long as hipsters are kept in line, or we are going to have the French revolution, noble savage and other revisionist retardations taking over.

I'm a nationalist, don't get me wrong. I just happen to prioritize things before that. Lately (within the past year and a half), the natsoc people have made clowns of themselves, and showed the ideology to be a hollywood caricature. RWDS is retarded terrorism and will not yield the results you claim to want. Have your power fantasies, but don't make an ideology off of them.

Been a while since i have seen such blatant newfaggery, i was nearly able to smell it. If you get called shill or traitor it's because of babbys first arguments or typical shilling or derailing behaviour.

TL;DR lurk moar.

Been here since '09

I want my 2014 Holla Forums back. God damn it. You retarded Holla Forumstards and reddittors ruined everything like a bunch of gypsies.

Polite sage.


please refer to
kek is the primordial chaos from which order and form arises. I shouldnt have to explain how that correlates with Holla Forumss current place.
i know, i thought i said it was Holla Forums, thus furthering my point that meme magic was discovered by Holla Forums and is apart of it now.

you're not thinking in time spans of thousands of years. the middle east used to be white, northern india, northern africa spain, italy and greece used to white as well. and i bet when the first became white their founders thought they had a really great system to keep fags and liberals in line. obviously that was not the case.

RWDS came into meme before trump, when it was taken for granted that the current order would not last more than a decade and western society would decay into violence, race war, starvation, etc. Hanging jews et. al would have been both plausible and convenient in such an environment.

Couldn't you just call them out on their threads instead of shitting up the catalog with your bitching?

nice arguing with you 43a9f3 but im tired, night


You're going to get banned for shitposting regardless of any argument, belief or position you have. It's just kampfy banning people he doesn't like or just for the heck of it, the mods here are the main reason the board isn't as good as it could be.

OP is a faggot

Holla Forums is chaos.

Deal with it. Or fight with arguments and rhetoric.
Holla Forums is a perpetual debate/shitpost.

t. totally oldfag non-NSA, heilhitler 14/88 guy

You're a whiny cunt and your shit is all fucked up.

I like how stoic we're becoming.

I'm reading plato right now. His description of old greek debates on philosphy and politics is aligning with how many talk here when talking seriously.

The other 50% is funny as fuck shitposting. I can't get enough of this board lately.

I think you are on to something, but right now your conclusion is not quite right I believe. Holla Forums is pretty much pure chaos as it was, is, and will be. Always constantly on the move and that is why it is still the same, still on the move.

I saw people got yelled down, then other user calling the one that yell some other user down a stupid nigger faggot. It mean, this is anonymous message board for heaven's sake, not reddit, nobody cares.

Anyone with consistent patterns of behaviour could be found piling on Pizzagate thread because they are probably the ones that are actually doing something, and the mods (who I noticed ninja'd some threads and replies on occasion, or maybe the poster delete it themselves).

Same here, i can tell when someone is a sophist in less than 2min of conversation.

Forget the jews, the masons, the niggers, the leftists.
We need to kill the sophists.


you gotta go back newfag

This. Likewise people who try to write entire novels to describe a simple fucking principle. Just get to the point.

I think Holla Forums is stoic in some ways, but soohist in other ways.

The memes might be merging. I think this is a good thing, we need those with loose statements or shitposts (sophists) and we need those who look at this stoically.

I tend to do both. I let out in some circumstances, then rekindle myself and think stoically.

Otherwise we become clowns or robots.

Forgive the typos, on a phone.

I like both obscurity and discretion.
Expecially when one causes or is used to analyse the other.

Memes needs sophism because some of them are made to infuriate, sophism in debate is actualy just making an extensive excuse to make your lies sound plausible.

Also i still think some on the right are still too sophist. The right is nearly there, but that's where the sophistry of the left inspires an epiphany and highlights a weed choking the tree.

A broken clock is right two times a day.


Mod bitching aside, you're essentially looking at a split in the Holla Forums community, based on several lines. It is not the first time, and OP's idea about Kek being the manifest god of Holla Forums does have a ring of truth. Holla Forums is the origin point of this culture and practice that has led us to exposing the degenerates of the world. Going back to this root has caused us to flourish. As seen by the election.

I would ask you my Holla Forumsacks to ask yourselves what it was you felt when you decided to take up the plaid bathrobe and go forth from normalcy, into this rabbit hole.

In this, this primal desire to understand and KNOW what the enemy is doing and how to stop it, is at our core the one thing we need to keep.

The rest of the doctrine, and the hostility to outsiders has developed due to a sound rejection of our seeking by EVERYONE who isn't from here. GG cucked, Civics cucked, Lolbergs cucked. Fashy Lolbergs (TRS) cucked.

We are the only ones who have refused, even our own moderators, our own website owners to comply with demands to stop digging, stop being racist, etc.

Holla Forums is always right.

I'm working on something, I'll release it soon. But we are close.

Ashes and Echoes

I came to Holla Forums for politically incorrect dank memes.
Now Holla Forums does that :^)

I started there. Now I am here as well.
But we must remember that all the Jews must die.
It's so much funnier with the genocide.
Welcome to Holla Forums, come for the funny memes, and stay for the eradication of the Jews.

Also checked