What am I?

I believe white muh privilege exists in *small* amounts. I think a cop might be *slightly* more likely to beat a homeless black guy than a homeless white guy.

SJWs think this makes me "literally hitler" since I won't dedicate 100% of my focus on race. I am a low income white from a black "ghetto" background and I want to smash ghetto/gang culture as well as police oppression.

Am I too SJW to be alt-left?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know where the "MAGA" thing appeared from. The taco bowl picture, I just think that's funny and it said I had to post and image and that's what was on my desktop.

Also I'm an autistic forced-hermit and also a nerdy white dude in the middle of the ghetto so yeah I'm awkward AF. Bear with me. Not a Trump supporter, I swear.

That's fucking retarded.
Don't ever call yourself that.
We left now.

SJWs stopped calling themselves leftists?

I like to call political groups by their proper names, even if they are our enemies. It makes for less confusion.

Although SJWs don't call themself that, its a label everyone understands.

So I can only use "leftist" if SJWs aren't calling themselves that…are they? I haven't spoken to many SJWs in a year or so.

nah very few of us actually fit the "race/gender don't matter" mentality that SJWs try to stereotype us as.

what you're saying is basically our standard views: yes, society has racial prejudices but they're just the visible, superficial results of deeper, subterranean economic processes that we should focus on.

maybe it's because i'm from exactly the same background as you (except south american) but i personally agree with you on this. I always get on fights with other leftists over how much they romanticize some of this stuff, but I'm also not a reactionary who thinks force alone solves the problem.

You're capable of basic pattern recognition. You haven't told us enough to know what your political classification would be.

I don't have to kill myself now.

Maybe I can find other people who are anti-gang without being coplovers.

As a dual survivor of police violence/gang violence, the lack of likeminded people has made me feel hopeless.

This is like that time when I first got the internet back in 2007 and talked to people with the same fetish as me. I knew the internet would save me.

what's your fetish?

Also forgive if this is kind of a shit post, for some reason I posted like 7 times on here before and none of them made it to the "Catalog".

Also, no more chatroom?

The challenge is in proving that they *ARE* romantisizing thug culture. Now they say "there's no such thing as thug culture".

This can be defeated. I call it "thug muh privilege". Thugs being muh privileged over other black and poor people.

Proof of this is when black male leaders defend black rapists who rape black women. (Dunbar Villiage 2008). We can use Dunbar Villiage to destroy the SJW. Read up on it if you aren't familiar.

Don't EVER reveal this link unless you trust who you're talking to. I don't want them saying "Oh noes, white supremacists are using this information to further their cause! *delete*"

Screenshot this shit in case that happens also.

Define white. Race is a social construct.

Yes, but that's because of social conditioning having the cops believing a black guy is more likely to attack them. It's not "race". It's spooked people being spooked.

My fetish is I like to treat grown women like babies and change their wet diapers.

OK so I can't post links here…

Look up Dunbar Villiage Rape Al Sharpton.

This is the key to DESTROYING the SJW.

As for the argument "X is a social construct there for it doesn't exist"…no…just, no.

nah, get the fuck. this is a board exclusively for petty bourgeois.

We don't want poor illiterate trash shitting up the board. If your parents don't have a combined income of at least 200k, you'll never fit in here.

These "social constructs" impact people's lives weather we want them to or not.

What matters is we're all against asshole savage cops beating up poor AND black people. So this is a pointless argument. Unwarrented police brutality: If you see it, stop it. Agree to disagree on the details.

jesus christ

De-spooking 101.
You have an apple. I eat your apple. You don't want me to eat your apple so you create a "law" that says I'm not allowed to eat your apple, or else. Is the law not a social construct? Does that mean I can eat your apple?

De-spooking 102
God does not exist. Organized religion is a social construct. Does that mean people don't go to church?

Race is a social construct, cause it's not scientifically clear and it doesn't really matter. Does that mean people don't think Mexicans are drug dealer or cheap laborers and asians are good at calculus? Does it mean cops do not beat people of darker skin color more than people of lighter?

Seeing beyond ideology and understanding something doesn't really exist, does not mean "oh, it's not real, so I am not to care about it". It mean you are to start making others see beyond their ideologies and stop seeing what is not there.

You're not gonna stop nazis from being nazis by banning them on reddit or something. You have to beat the spooks out of them. I mean that metaphorically.. of course.. .. but actually beating nazis is never a bad idea..

Then tell what race people from Andalusia are.

Black-and-red-flag HELP! HELP me escape ghetto culture!

I FINALLY got a break last Friday: Poetry reading. And of course that's the ONE day I have an errand I have to drive 4 hours for and I miss it. FUCK. My ONE break away from ghetto culture for the first time in years got ruined.

One of these days I'm going to be some creep breaking into the houses of nerds and hipsters and forcing them at gunpoint to be my friend. Just to have a conversation with a *nice* middle class person for once who isn't out to insult me, physically assault me, call me "bitch" and "faggot", etc.

With middle class people, they might make fun of me a little bit for being an awkward aspie fuck, but at least they don't think its "funny" to jump people like me.

I guess I'm a class traitor now? Eh.

Doesn't matter. As long as you don't think addressing white muh privilege is as important or more important than class struggle, you're alright.

We came first, though.

Someone needs to screenshot this.

This again? Really?

I'm not screenshoting my BS, that's for sure.

Also, Zizek on ramstein should be webmed.


OK fine…white civil rights then…I'm a slum dweller who's never met a fellow leftist irl. Cut me some slack.

But yeah that's another problem with "white muh privilege" and even "middle class muh privilege". It assumes not being beaten is a "privilege" and not a right.

Also, if white muh privilege is a "privilege", and a "privilege" is something that's earned, then aren't SJWs essentially saying white people DESERVE to be treated better? Since its a "privilege" and muh privileges are earned and not granted?


"Brivilage" doesn't even have a meaning as a word anymore, IMO.

Hello Holla Forums

"Retarded" would be a good place to start based on everything else you said

As many people do, you're misunderstanding having muh privilege and being less oppressed.

Being homeless but having less risk to be senselessly beaten by a cop than your black homeless neighbour is not a muh privilege. it is suffering less oppression than him.
If it was a muh privilege that would mean that the normality is to be beaten by cops

A muh privilege is something more than the normality and something that one should not have. Oppression is having less than the normality, and also something that on should not have.

If you say that someone is muh privileged because he has less risk to be beaten, you're saying that the normality is to have more risk to be beaten, and that the homeless guy should be beaten more

you are a tripfag that forgot to write your name in the name field
perhaps you would like to talk about what you believe and why you believe it and the problems and solutions you see in society

1: "As many people do, you're misunderstanding having muh muh privilege and being less oppressed.

Being homeless but having less risk to be senselessly beaten by a cop than your black homeless neighbour is not a muh muh privilege. it is suffering less oppression than him.

If it was a muh muh privilege that would mean that the normality is to be beaten by cops

A muh muh privilege is something more than the normality and something that one should not have. Oppression is having less than the normality, and also something that on should not have.

If you say that someone is muh muh privileged because he has less risk to be beaten, you're saying that the normality is to have more risk to be beaten, and that the homeless guy should be beaten more"

I 100% agree with that. I'll try to reword myself from now on on this subject as such.

2: "you are a tripfag that forgot to write your name in the name field

perhaps you would like to talk about what you believe and why you believe it and the problems and solutions you see in society"

WTF when I use my name I get called "namefag" and flamed for it…what hypocrisy.

My full set of beliefs?

I'm a tangled fucking mess. I've been growing more neurotic over the years. I don't even know where to start.

I'd like to create multiple threads but I worry that noone will reply.

"Destroying ghetto culture" would be one, but that would have to have sub-threads…

My explanations are complex and usually require further explanations. Soooo….You're basically asking me to write a 300 page novel for people who's reply to me will likely be "lol that's retarded".

I'm not saying I won't start somewhere, but at this point I'm considering paying people to help me construct propaganda that better explains/endorses my beliefs because my tangled, congested thoughts are far more numerous than the muscles in my typing fingers.

We all agree about that. The best way to do so is to destroy the ghettos. Provide decent housing and education to all regardless of how much property tax they can pay and say goodbye to ghetto culture.

Threads I may type in the future (My next posts will be FAR superior to this one. I kinda sorta shitposted this time around because I got sick and tired of my well-thought-over posts never showing up on the catalog. For some reason with this post it started working for the first time, so now I know its worth putting some actual thought into).


Posts I would like to make in the future:

*Proving that thug culture exists
*Proving that thug privlege exists ("privlege" used in correct context this time)
*A cultural problem, NOT a race problem

*Preventing right wing advances after destroying thug culture
*Preventing pacifism from taking over after destroying thug culture
*We need to create a Culture of Self Defense (Likely unnecessary thread)
*1990's gangsta rap and modern day "capitalist" hip hop's hold on youth culture

*Preventing police from making advances while destroying thug culture (Keep the "stop snitching" aspect of thug culture, in other words)


*Creating a leftist street presence in everyday life (beyond protests). Perhaps a "good gang".

*How can leftist children compete, strength-wise, and street-wise, with children from ghetto/redneck backgrounds who are beaten every day of their lives, and likely have very reactionary beliefs from those cultures which they will enforce, socially? (I will NOT condone we start beating children. There must be other ways.) (Also the title of this thread will have to be shortened).

I think you are taking SJW's words at face value and that is a mistake.
Regardless of their grievance of the moment or the buzzwords/keywords that they and their media owners use in their narrative, what is more important is WHY?

Why is there a mass of people with constantly contradicting beliefs, ever-changing-ever-revisioning ideologies and why,despite this zeal , their impact in society is limited to consuming specialized media?

If you worry about what label you can better present yourself under, you my comrade, are knee deep into IDPOL.

"We all agree about that. The best way to do so is to destroy the ghettos. Provide decent housing and education to all regardless of how much property tax they can pay and say goodbye to ghetto culture."

Doing that requires that we stop sagging our pants around our ankles (Horrible military tactic), we stop robbing other poor people, and start attacking the powerful instead.

In other words, you have to destroy ghetto culture BEFORE you can destroy the 1%. The counter-revolutionary violence and aggression of ghetto culture is making this impossible, as well as reactionary beliefs within that culture.

If you want to help out us low income people, inspire us to join the fight. Don't make excuses for us when we commit counter-revolutionary acts. Its insulting and infantilizes us.

Yeah I've been homeless before. It sucked. At no point did I have the desire to beat up other homeless people. Why? Because I'm an aspie so I'm not as susceptible to cultural influences as others are.

For those who ARE susceptible to such influences, we must destroy counter-revolutionary cultural influences and create revolutionary ones. This is PART OF destroying capitalism.

Look at any revolutionary in history. Did they rob other revolutionaries, then make excuses for their behavior? NO. They starved. Were beaten and killed. And the survivors kept fighting against the elite anyway. At NO point did (most of them) turn on their fellow revolutionaries. Life is rough. You have to be willing to die for what you believe in. ESPECIALLY if you're coming from a place of desperation and poverty like I am.

Fuck off normie.

I think most people on Holla Forums agree that prejudice exists and may even be systematic in corrupt bourgeois organizations such as the police. We are different to SJWs in what we blame for these problems and how we propose solving them.

Most SJWs just blame "the patriarchy" or straight white men for all their problems and never realize just how hypocritical they are being when they do so. They respond to bigotry and generalizations by becoming bigoted themselves and making generalizations about the "enemy".

People on Holla Forums generally recognize that these problems are an emergent property of the socioeconomic systems we live under (mainly capitalism), and that you can't fix bigotry and hate with bigotry and hate. You don't help anyone by telling a homeless man that he's more muh privileged than Hillary Clinton.

"I think you are taking SJW's words at face value and that is a mistake.

Regardless of their grievance of the moment or the buzzwords/keywords that they and their media owners use in their narrative, what is more important is WHY?

Why is there a mass of people with constantly contradicting beliefs, ever-changing-ever-revisioning ideologies and why,despite this zeal , their impact in society is limited to consuming specialized media?"

I'm going to ignore the rest of your comment. OK I'll address it but it ends here. I'm looking for people with similar beliefs so we can get shit done together. Labels are helpful for that.

As for the important part of your comment:

"Why is there a mass of people with contradicting beliefs, ever-changing-ever-revisioning ideologies…"

I honestly don't know. Maybe leftists aren't putting out enough good propaganda. Also, because people are dumb?

hello babby, how old are you?


hello babby, how old are you?"

I'm 28 years old. But since I'm not a spoiled little bitchboy who had rich parents to buy him everything, I didn't have internet until I was 20 years old.

Do you deny whites as a group(including whites that were considered lower in status like irish and italians) have had a much easier time in this country compared to non whites?

OK lets not get into our egos here. Back to the subject:

India has one half the murder rate compared to the US. Poverty is PART of what creates ghetto culture. But there are also purely-cultural and media-based influences adding to that culture (I know that sounds redundant, don't know how else to say it.)

I'm not saying listening to a 90s rap song automatically turns you into a counter-revolutionary bitch-slapping "Only God can judge me yo" asshole tyrant who preys on your own class.

But being surrounded by that type of influence for YEARS AT A TIME, and having that be the ONLY cultural influence anybody in your neighborhood takes in…probably doesn't help make things better.

Listening to a counter-revolutionary message for 5 minutes won't cast a spell on you and "brainwash" you like conspiracy theorists might think…but listening to that message for 5 years straight might push you in that direction. Its not subliminal, its in the open.

Many cultural changes you can read about are too sudden to occur organically. Propaganda works, damn it!

If I was a rich man representing my own interests, I would want to spread counter-revolutionary messages though "ghetto" culture AND through "youth" culture, as well as "redneck" culture and all variants of "Middle class" culture.

Before shrugging something off as a "conspiracy theory"…try putting yourself in the shoes of a rich man, at a meeting with other rich men, working collectively for their own best interests.

What has the fact that you were lynching niggers to do with Race?

Am saying Race is a spook and your answer is "yes, but the way 'Muricans are spooked justifies race, or something".

Also, no word about Greeks and Anarchists in general, huh?

Just stoping you before you start going on about how white muh privilege doesnt exust because 'you cant even define white xD' so something as equally stupid

I was fucking looking for that a few weeks ago. Just too lazy to search through the whole movie. but i was dissapointed to not find the clip on porktube.

Race is a spook, or at least it's not classified enough and how 'Muricans use it is a spook, for example "Hispanic" is a made up term that doesn't exist elsewhere.

However, the fact that people in the US are too spooked and cannot deal with the past, present and future and would rather glorifie or vilifie people that are "different", stands. Again, calling a black person nigger or "african-american" (he's not american, he is african and american, even if he's never been in africa) or PoC sounds the same to me. Prejudice and racism. Even if you sugarcoat it with "PoC".

So, in the end, the whole race thing is just a way to skip the "it's actually capitalism" part and go to the "it's because we are evil white men and we oppress them that they become drug dealers and so on".

Do you have anything of value to say or arebyou jusy going to spout more loosely realted nonsense?

This shouldn't be hard, because the sole reason criminal organizations exist is because it is profitable for them to exist. Crips and Bloods make a killing off of drugs and whores.


That will be all.

OP here–My original question has long been answered. There's a list of other posts I want to create (as I said above).

We need to organize and specialize. Some of us can destroy capitalism directly, while others destroy secondary pillars (Like thug culture, redneck culture, racism, extremely violent subcultures, overly passive subcultures, etc.) from a class-conscious standpoint. My specialty can be studying ghetto culture, or maybe even middle class suburban culture (I spent some time in middle class suburbs), and planning, with others, how to destroy these toxic influences and spread leftist ideals. ("What are leftist ideals"? Shut up. We'll argue on that when it comes to. This post is pretty much over with so this is not the place.)

Besides, this was mostly just a test post to see if my posts would start showing up on the catalog. For some reason, it works all of a sudden.

If I type anything brilliant in those other posts which can help leftism, (We've ALL typed something brilliant up at least once), steal it and spread it. All credit goes to the cause. Particularly if you're a handsome, popular person who has a way with people.

While many of these cultural programs I wish to initiate may seem far off from the direct goal of "smashing capitalism" and "workers owning the means of production", keep in mind that capitalists CREATED these secondary problems intentionally to protect itself.

In other words, capitalism is an enemy soldier with a shield, and we must pierce through that cultural shield which holds the masses back from attacking capitalism head-on in the first place.

Meanwhile, we can create another unit within our ranks who's goal will be to attack capitalism directly while my unit attacks its "branches", such as cultural degeneracy among poor and middle class folks, class traitors, etc.

I'm straying from my OP here but that's because people keep asking what my beliefs are.


SPECIALIZE. And these small "units" would be part of a larger "propaganda department" of a leftist agenda which includes other departments. (Security department to physically defend us all if necessary, A/V nerds to assist propaganda dept., Telecommunications, a construction department to build our headquarters, etc.)

And of course an accountant and a system to evenly distribute necessary vitals/money for living to members of all departments. (We must buy the rope from capitalism, which we will use to hang it with, as Karl Marx said.)

A good community project is always a good idea.

For example, in New Orleans, there is a school that teaches among other things, how to actually grow crops, and use many disciplines of science and technology and actually apply them in the community.


They cooperated with Open Source Ecology project, which works on affordable, reproducible machines to facilitate civilized living.

For example this tractor they developed and built for the school in New Orleans.


So in conclusion, an urban farming project with a participation from community might alleviate the most acute alienation in the youth, and make them less reactionary and more able to point out the real wrongs in the society.

To further elaborate, culture and theory are one thing. But vegetables growing in a vegetable garden are much more tangible.

People need to be invested personally in communal productive efforts, and then they would be eager to defend its existence, and incite others to join theirs or make their own and cooperate with them.

I have no experience with ghettos in the america, but one could say the problem starts when the youth have nothing to do.

As long as you realise that racial issues like these are caused by class, then no. Admitting that cops are more likely to kill black people or that people are less afriad of whites than blacks is common sense in burgerland. However, this is caused by the fact that blacks are disproportionately in poverty and can't escape it due to capitalism. This in turn causes racism. This racial devide is great for the capitalists because it takes eyes away from the real issue, class.

Destroy capitalism, the ghettos will slowly dissolve and all races will be distributed normally in society, making it no longer neccecary for blacks to disproportionarely commit crime, making people have no more bad experiences or fears of black people.

also, dont call yourself alt left. Its both retarded and give sjw too much credit.

Apparently you missed the part above where I mention that India has one half the crime rate of the US even though there is more extreme poverty in India.

Only *Part* of this counter-revolutionary violence, and materialistic culture, is due to "poverty". The rest of the culture has been created by cultural influences themselves, e.g. media, "Thug privlege" (Google Al Sharpton Dunbar rape 2008), things like that.

Seemed to spike in the late 80s/90s. If "poverty" was the cause you would have heard of more of these "gangs" in the 1920s yet it was pretty much all white people joining gangs back then.

Black gangs existed back then I'm sure, but the most basic glance into 1920s culture tells you that this was not the norm. I'm mentioning "black" since SJWs are going to make it about race anyway, so fuck it. 80% of the urban poor is black.

I grew up in the same environment as them and I HATE thug culture. So no, being poor doesn't automatically mean you beat children and pets and spend all your money on expensive clothing so you can talk shit and look down at comrades who aren't dressed as nicely.

That's purely a 1990s/2000's cultural thing not just something that automatically happens because of "poverty". If anything I'd relate ghetto culture today with the petit bourgeois of the early 1900s. (Obsession with fashion, aristocratic mentality which gang members have, etc.)

So many people here seem to assume "Going without food for a day automatically turns you into an American jive-talking gangster who gets all your information from BET and wears expensive clothing".

"Even if they live in a country where BET doesn't exist and they can't afford fancy "hood" clothing labels…they manage to wear it and listen to it anyway, magically, because that's just what happens when you're poor".

What a load of shit. "Thug culture" as we know it in this country is an AMERICAN thing. Poverty isn't.

Historically, the people who exerted the most force were the rich. In the middle ages a warrior elite would form in every land which would do this DIRECTLY.

Also notice how us aspies can spend our childhoods literally homeless, and we're still nerdy aspies for the rest of our lives. Also notice how "thug culture" tends to attract the housed poor, who live in projects, more than it attracts homeless people.

So there's an upper limit AND a lower limit to what sort of economic situation is most likely to make this culture appeal to you.

Most "thugs" I've met would have probably been slightly-less-violent rapey fratboys if they grew up in a middle class environment. The poverty aspects only elevates it slightly.

A lot of it comes from the "enlgihtened thug" "only god can judge me" culture which I often associate with Tupac. Liberals and Christians making excuses for counter-revolutionary behavior which in turn, influences other people to start making those same excuses for "thugs".

PS I use the term "thugs" because that's what they called THEMSELF at the high school I went to in the early-mid 2000s.

I don't like 'thug' culture obviously, but the feeling of disposability and the understanding that poor life doesn't really matter means they're clearly alienated and honestly more realistic about life than the moral majority

They don't care to adhere to anyone's standards because the people in power don't care what anyone thinks of them either and it works fine for them. Rot at the core of society spreads all the way down

"I don't like 'thug' culture obviously, but the feeling of disposability and the understanding that poor life doesn't really matter means they're clearly alienated and honestly more realistic about life than the moral majority

They don't care to adhere to anyone's standards because the people in power don't care what anyone thinks of them either and it works fine for them. Rot at the core of society spreads all the way down"

DO YOU NOT READ? I've CLEARLY stated that I come from the same environment they do. And I manage not to be a counter-revolutionary fuckstick.

I'm tired of replying to people who obviously haven't read the OP clearly enough.

Let me repeat the OP again:

". I am a low income white from a black "ghetto" background"

Its like everybody keeps saying the same thing without reading. I'VE ALREADY ADDRESSED THE "Its because noone cares about them, maannn" argument.

Noone cared about the poor of Soviet Russia either. Did that stop them from putting aside their differences and taking the fuck over?

"They don't care to adhere to anyone's standards because the people in power don't care what anyone thinks of them either and it works fine for them."

I adhere to my OWN moral standards which are leftist. There's no fucking excuses.


"I am a low income white from a black "ghetto" background"

How many times do I have to repeat that?

I'm coming from the same place these thug assholes are coming from. SO WHY THE FUCK DON'T I ACT LIKE THEM THEN???

""I don't like 'thug' culture obviously, but the feeling of disposability and the understanding that poor life doesn't really matter means they're clearly alienated and honestly more realistic about life than the moral majority"

OH YEAH I'M JUST A RICH SPOILED BITCH I HAVE *NO* IDEA WHAT THAT'S LIKE. Oh yeah and I"m not part of the "moral majority" I'm a fucking leftist, atheist, socialist.

I keep repeating myself. Half of these gangsta assholes are white, so that's out of the picture.

The only difference is I"m an aspie so I'm not biologically wired to be a slave to what "everyone else" is doing. I have something called free will.

I think they do too, they're just too chickenshit to break free of their toxic culture.

I COME FROM THE SAME CULTURE THEY DO and yet I formed my own superior values which I choose to follow.

No. Fucking. Excuses.


Do gang members make excuses for cowards who snitch? NO! And there's no reason they should. Snitching is counter-revolutionary behavior.

So why should I, a low income person, coming from the SAME BACKGROUND THEY DO, excuse their counter-revolutionary behavior?

The only good thing to come out of OUR culture (its my culture too, unfortunately…well, kinda)…is anti-snitch culture and an opposition to the police state.

The rest if counter revolutionary garbage.

How can you make excuses for what they do, when I COME FROM THE SAME ENVIRONMENT THEY DO and I don't do those things? (Abusing children and pets, materialism, robbing other low income people, etc.).

I know what its like to be poor and disposable so WHY AREN'T I OUT THERE DOING THOSE THINGS THEN?

I feel like I"m talking to a brick wall. Excuse the all caps but I'm tired of repeating myself.


">what is the aryan brotherhood

I don't get it. What are you implying here? I think the AB is a bunch of anti-revolutionary trash.

The other gangs are counter-revolutionary which is slightly less shitty.

Both of those are things that Low Income and MIddle Class People could defeat if poor folks like me could stop mugging other poor people and trade in our camaro's and blinged out SUVs for some guns.

We need to leave this trailer trash ghetto bullshit behind, and create a leftist culture in those trailer parks and projects.

I'm from a poor background. I know it sucks. I don't make excuses for myself. If you're a poor person who mugs other poor people, GULAG. End of.

Yes, feelings will solve our problems. Not material circumstances.

PS, I have it a lot worse than them.

Pretty much everyone else in neighborhoods I lived in are part of some "in group", what you middle class folks might call a "gang".

I've been excluded from my own neighborhood.

So they at least have *some* type of group loyalty and membership.

Most people I've met from these neighborhoods have at least ONE person, cousin, sibling, etc. who they get along with fairly decently. Usually there's a dozen or so.

I don't have that. So I actually have it a lot worse than other low income people do.

If I'm not making excuses for myself and I'm literally all alone in this neighborhood,

They have no excuse to make excuses for themself then.

To say that people who are from thug culture get NO respect is simply untrue. At my high school, the student population glamorized thugs. And these were middle class white kids.

The people above who have caught onto this thug glamorization culture are spot on.

I can find SEVERAL examples of gang members saying, "After I got jumped in*, people started respecting me"

This is proof that "gang members/thugs get no respect" simply isn't true.

*"Jumped in" is standard gang membership procedure. They will beat you for a few minutes, and then you are expected to stand up, sometimes expected to fight back…after this, you are initiated as a new recruit.

I have been jumped before. So why do people keep telling me "You don't understand how rough the gang life is…do you even know what the initation procedure is?"

I'VE BEEN FUCKING JUMPED BEFORE SO STOP TALKING TO ME LIKE A PUSSY. See? That's thug muh privilege in action. If I dressed/talked/acted like a thug, you would ASSUME I'm the type of dude who can get jumped and survive.

">create a culture

Yes, feelings will solve our problems. Not material circumstances."


This OBVIOUSLY means us poor people need to do EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER to support porkie!

We need to keep getting all our ideas from the bible/hip hop/old ass druggie outlaw biker culture, we need to keep being a bunch of racist gangbangers,

And just in general do everything in our power to do EXACTLY what porkie wants us to do.

Our excuse? "Porkie hasn't been destroyed yet".

Gee I wonder why porkie hasn't been destroyed yet? Could it be that us low income folks are too busy mugging our own kind so we can buy spinning rims for our trailers?

None of you have answered my question. If being low income forces people to act this way, and I'm low income,

Then how come I don't act this way or do these things?

There are already low income people of all races who are rejecting the cultures of trailer parks and slums. Security organizations in Detroit replacing worthless police, for instance. They pretty much follow leftist principles. All of them come from the neighborhoods they work in.

Middle class people need to stop making excuses for us.

Me: "Can we create a leftist culture, to breed revolutionaries, who will then destroy capitalism?"

You: "No. We have to destroy capitalism first."


"Yes, feelings will solve our problems. Not material circumstances."

In order to create those material circumstances, we must work in all arenas. How are you going to destroy capitalism? Where is your fucking army? The populaces of both the poor and middle class is dumbed down and needs rolemodels and we need to get working on propaganda and not circlejerk in here all the time.

I can't do this myself and neither can you.

If someone with more experience could guide me in working for common goals, you'll probably recognize me from my similar styled rantings on other posts here in the future and I'd like some help putting things together.

Many of you claim to come from "Middle class" backgrounds. I lived in a middle class area for a few years, but it has been awhile. Perhaps you could inform me on what stupidities they indulge in out there, and how to replace them with more constructive ideals.

I spent 4-5 weeks total in contact with petit bourgeois culture but not long enough to learn much. Same with rural subcultures.

I believe all people are born with roughly equal brain structures, thus, born as blank slates. People's minds are shaped in life by material conditions as well as outside (media) and inside cultural influences as well as family life.

"Lets create revolutionary culture so we can smash capitalism"

"No that's just a bunch of spooky lifestylism. Everybody knows that revolutions form out of thin air when the revolution fairy waves her magic wand. No cultural change is needed."

"Roughly equal brain structures" per averaging out entire classes, races, etc. I meant.

Individual differences in brain structure are still present, and that is another factor. Imagine a spreadsheet with personality types on one axis, and socio-ethnic groups in the other. In each cell, you would have different subcultures listed. People are born with a certain personality type, and they are influenced by what is around them throughout life.

"Material conditions" are only one part of those influences.

Good posts my friend. If anything, you are correct that people need to be primed to accept leftist thought and actively fight for revolution. Becoming a socialist is not the natural result of being harmed by capitalism (this is also why accelerationism is bulshit)

lul are you stupid or just a troll? bring the meaning of "white race" race to semantics when it is pretty obvious in this context honestly just shows a lack of arguments and honesty.

also, muh privilege is the wrong way of the left to analyse it since it puts people or classes of people as the problem and not the power structure that solidify this division. in the end we have a shallow and non-radical analysis that not only fails to attack these power structures but also contributes to a even bigger division between workers.