"The Post-Trump Haircut" / Women get dramatic makeovers after Trump's victory (NYMAG)


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Over at Georgetown Salon & Spa, one of the most exclusive salons in D.C., much-sought-after colorist and stylist Mariangela Moore has witnessed this “take control” movement daily for the past month. “One of my clients said, ‘Think of Melania Trump and go in the opposite direction,’” she says. “She said, ‘I don’t want to be that person people see as sexual, I want to be seen as strong.’” Another professional woman cut her hair into a flattop. One client got rid of the blonde highlights she maintained forever, “because she said she never wants to be seen as cheap. I don’t know where that idea came from, but maybe that’s what she’s hearing.” A move away from the look of political parrot Kellyanne Conway, perhaps. In the comfort of Moore’s salon chair, D.C. women are expressing their anger and frustration, and taking a stand with their hair: Many have gone dark and lopped off length. “I don’t know if it’s that their right to choose could be in jeopardy, or that the glass ceiling is still there, but [since the election], I’m seeing more professional women, from all walks of life, changing the way they look.”

George Washington University teaching instructor Dr. Kristian Henderson had been battling with her hair for years, but after the election, she finally took off her weave and cut it all off. “The election results felt like an attack on minorities, women, and marginalized people in general. Having long hair was my attempt to fit into society, so after the election, I felt a need to exert my ‘uniqueness’ and not tie my femininity to the length of my hair,” she says. Vegan chef Mya Zeronis — who says she’s “a minority in almost every way possible: immigrant woman of color and LGBQT person” — clipper-cut her brown hair on November 18 “to send a message to the Trump presidency.” But it’s not just liberals making female-empowerment smoke signals at the hair salon. “I have clients who were so heavily criticized for not voting for the ‘right’ candidate, so they came in for a big change,” remarks Georgetown Salon & Spa’s Moore. “The way they style their hair is a message they can control.”

Julianna Evans likes the narrative she’s commanding, and says she’s keeping her goth look, though her stylist has added some more natural lowlights. “You have to live here to understand that we are immersed in politics every day,” the mother of two explains. “For many of us, with this election, it’s like your boyfriend dumped you in a really shocking way with no explanation and then moved in next door.” She is resigned to fighting against what she sees as a mandate for sexism through her own style choices. “Now, I feel like my hair says you can’t bring me down. This misogyny will not persevere. The bumper sticker for me is, ‘I am woman, hear me roar.’”



tl;dr this shit



that's exactly what it is, women feeling the need to be in charge again and fucking over their boyfriends or husbands (ebil patriarchy) out of spite with ugly hair

did we meme the Brendan Fraser meme into existence?

Into the pic you originally posted? Removed my sage, this is a bad sign.

Read the fucking text, it takes 1 minute.

Yes.. they cut their hair short.


There was a collage with her haircuts, before and after Trump debate

Those boyfriends are probably Tumblrites who didn't vote for Trump anyway.


That's completely retarded but it could be worse. I guess that's what a women does when she wants to rebel without looking like a gay clown. Modestly alter her hairdo and pretend like it means she's being an edgy renegade.


good, signal yourself as non-relationship material

it would help us out alot

Should have rounded up some homeless bums and told them to go to town. You see, this silly bitch wants to flaunt the idea, but not the reality of it.

what fun can we have with this?

compilation of dyejobs?
a name for them?
a self-evident comparison of long natural hair VS short colored hair?


Holla Forums
Let's use Trump's victory as an opportunity to get sjw's to do stupid shit in the name of equality and anti-Trumpness the likes of #pissforequality.

Let's get brainstorming!!

So the JUST cut wasn't enough for them? Brendan meanwhile has adapted to a much more formidable hairstyle.

No brainstorming required, anyone with any sort of sleeper account somewhere has the potentional to push this pretty far. Do something stupid in public, take a video and use your imagination to come up with why you had put grease all over some stair rails or some shit. Plausible is important but so is making it clear that it's the action of crazy people while also being safe enough for the sleeper to do.


Yikes, what a.. "Kosher" nose. Awful hair too.

Females are subhuman and need to be raped into submission then enslaved. It is the only way to save western civilization.




This is fucking hilarious, but also fascinating as fuck. This physical manifestation of mass mental illness.

If you can get past the mug, these bitches are outting themselves like Jews. So if you want to nut on a lefty, dumb libshit, there's your chance. You know exactly the spiel to feed them to get them on their knees.

Encourage them to distance themselves from the mainstream. Things like "I'm not an american anymore" or "If trump is president i won't pay my taxes". The more they become confrontational and divisive the normies who just want to watch the ballgame and go to work are going to see the cucks as the problem and not the evil nadsees and wide supremacists.

2nd guy looks like Ted Kacynski but if he sent dildoes instead of bombs.

velveteen doggo

never underestimate your enemy, they did it themselves before you even pushed for it

Girls just want to have fun.
They don't want to read about the real world when it ruins their fun.

This is why girls will not run the world.

you have to leave

they all had names.

You see, this is why we have patriarchy.

They're not there yet but they're close.

Reminds me of the colouring some animals use to ward off predators. Also signifies that they're poisonous.

I got it off Cuck Chan months ago and forgot to edit it.




Butler says. “It was like a mass declaration of independence.”


So brave. What a powerful act.

Fuck this is the first time in forever i've actually read through a lugenpresse article. I've been wondering why more and more people are waking up all by themselves, but fuck it's essentially a parody at this point.

There's this old lady at my work who will show me articles in her favorite magazines and we'll laugh about the over the top Trump hate. The goyim are starting to see through the charade.

did you notice this too?

A move away from the look of political parrot Kellyanne Conway, perhaps.

Was that line really needed?

Let them do their dumb shit.

As long as the woman doesn't leave, men can just enjoy life being friends with other men.

There's a certain backwater namefag website I've been posting on for a decade now. I have them pretending to mock me by actually mocking Jews and calling out the JQ every single day now. They "ironically" mock me by using the triple parens and asking me to explain Trump's Jewish cabinet picks. They still don't realize that ironically asking the JQ is still asking the JQ, even though I've literally said it to them in exactly that many words numerous times.

LOL. Girls always use their hair to signal shit, it's just weird how true that rule is

Some OC screenshots would be the most incredible thing. If you throwdown i'll make some OC before and after photos with the womyn in question's quotation from the article.

You can tell that women like this are fed their entire personalities by popular media. Who does that? Who uses their hair style as a billboard to signify changes in their lives? Women in movies, that's who.

You've all seen it, I'm sure. The woman gets raped and she's out for justice, or loses her husband and is going out to take on the world after being holed up in an apartment binging on ice cream and bon bons for a year, or someone kidnaps her little brats and she's seeking revenge. Cue a close up on her face, where she stares intently at herself. Uncertainty turns to distress turns to anger turns to determination. Her arm lifts up in front of the camera so the audience knows we're seeing a reflection in a mirror. She's holding something - a pair of scissors. She lifts out a patch of hair, and the camera cuts to the sink where we see lock after lock fall while dramatic music plays. Next thing you know, she's marching down the street, newly empowered and filled with resolve, ready to take on the world with her new hairstyle.

It's so stupid. You always know shit's about to go down when a woman in a movie or TV show cuts her own hair. There's a montage where she's going to learn Krav Maga or take kickboxing, and/or go to the gun range and become a crack shot in less than half a song.

In this case, though, I think they're just gearing up for four solid years of nagging and bitching.

I once dumped a bitch and she shaved her hair and dyed it red.
This only means they're aiming for a different man. One who isn't a complete faggot taking selfies in his Che Guevara t-shirt while he writes poems about imperialism on his instagram

Search "breakup hair"

They are coming out of the wood work
This is going to make things so much easier


Nothing of value was lost.

If my daughter came home with a haircut like that, then we'd have a chat about boundaries. Not that she would as I brought her up properly.

We got loads of drama following brexit in my country. It seems like the Americans are having the same. Having a haircut as a protest against a democratically elected president is very amusing.

Pls no bully, I sanitized it as best as my tech-incompetent ass could.

How in the hell is anybody supposed to be able to read that?

I would just put a bag over her head and sexually assault her, anyway. stupid ugly cunt


she does not look healthy

We could work with this.

By not reading it on a phone, fag.


sage for edit


Bretty good, downloading gimp as we speak.

Mein fuhrer, why do you deny my desecration and demoralization of the enemy so?

We should convince them to build walls somehow, to keep out Trump supporters from their liberal arts colleges "so they know how it feels" or some horseshit like that. It will display hypocrisy to the normies, and no doubt they will make low quality walls and we can heckle them for their shoddy craftsmanship as a plus.

Revolution is a commodity to be consumed

And if you think about it, they love "safe spaces" and double-think enough that they probably would warm up to the idea of their own walls especially if they thought there was some sort of spite for Trump aspect.

The idea that they should limit themselves somewhere to display their insanity goes against everything they believe in, safe spaces are just a way to censor anti-feminist rhetoric that got completely out of control.

(from Greek ἀπό apo away, σημα sema sign) was a new term coined by Edward Bagnall Poulton for Alfred Russel Wallace's concept of warning coloration.
It describes a family of antipredator adaptations in which a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators.
Aposematism always involves an advertising signal.[a] The warning signal may take the form of conspicuous animal coloration, sounds, odours or other perceivable characteristics. Aposematic signals are beneficial for both the predator and prey, since both avoid potential harm.

This just in: women are overly emotional and act like children.

Big breakthrough.

She's the only one who has any good public photos.

It's important in her mind. Now she should take her crappy haircut and get the fuck out of our country.

She looks like a he

Megyn kelly should be on the bottom


I smell OC. :^)

All better now. What a fucking creature, holy shit.

This hair thing hit me right in the feels. I would thing it was just a stupid article, but my sister did just that before divorcing the father or their children. Here is the whole thing, btw. The bit at the end reminds me of the user rating about girls being a jenga crossword puzzle rubix cube strapped on to terrorists who are screaming at you in another language

http:// www.andtheylivedhappilyeverafter.com/when-she-cuts-her-hairlook-out.html


Is it even human?

What an ugly ape face. No benevolent god would make a face like that.


I can't wait to see the opposite of this, where girls on the fence decide to not become whores.

How good an example is melania?


The architect is the creation itself user.

There is no puppeteer. Only puppets with free will
As expected in this universe of chaos.

God fucked satan or satan fucked god.
We are the children. We are in the image of both.

How unintentionally Taoist.

They are not mutually exclusive from indo-euro and even abrahamic religion.
The problem is abrahamic relgions """prophets""" which is pure confirmation bias.




maybe we could get them started on some sort of long hunger strike or something?
i know some of these people are retarded enough that we could literally convince them to kill themselves to "stop trump"

When being a lesbian nigger is not enough anymore.

Fuck off



We really are killing them to death by being unable to keep up with their invented degeneracy.

Between this, moonman's image appearing over the Oakland fire and one of the actual victims posting some dumb shit about wishing he could burn his white skin off in a fire for reparations, this is just a friendly reminder.


I agree. We must accelerate the meme magic. It's the only responsible action, now.

The warning coloring and the hair cutting just make it easier to tell who the lunatics are. Thankfully, that disease seems to have skipped where I live. But then again, where I live, everyone voted for Trump. It was in the newspaper a bit after the election.

Which song is this?


The only weapon the lugenpresse has is lies and it's a very shit weapon indeed when no one believes them anymore. Note how this fake news narrative has pretty much zero traction. Hell, today on Hannity he was going at that faggot who tried to call the God Emperor a conspiracy theorist for namedropping Pizzagate. Things have gotten so bad now, by very act of their refuting something, it makes normies seek it out.


Just don't post for a while, nobody will know you're a newfag if they can't see you. Then, once you're not, stop lurking.

this bitch has more testosterone in her then I do. No wonder nignogs crave white women

the memes will continue to grow in power exponentially
we're going to get tired of winning
the year of the fire cock begins very soon
what has happened so far has only been the beginning

That said. Jesus seems an unintentional meme wizard. He seems to know hermeticism and was a kabbalah king. Peter's "keys" were infact 'as above, same below'.

The older jewish prophets however were probably not and did not know about how to do """meme magic""". Jesus merely exploited this or perhaps inadvertently became useful to highlight this.

Wait what?



Unintentional Meme Magic is still Meme Magic jej

Is this a dubs thread?

Oh, you haven't heard? There's a thread going on about it.

A cut for Bieber 2.0, something like #Cutagainstfascism or #CutagainstTrump and this time teach them it's down the road, not across the street.

dubs are a natural thing
don't try and force them where they don't belong

dat aryan

errh.. she has nice teeth?

They may become more attractive by losing weight. We should do the opposite and convince them to become obese, smelly, and unattractive. I personally get a kick out of the fact that they look more and more like clowns as time goes on.


Kill it with fire.


So this is JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP the movement? Praise kek that our enemies are ridiculous.

Sum up why American education is fucked:

Make it worse:

Pic related.

If Trump's win helps some of these hair hats get rid of this bullshit horse hair and go natural, then good. More of them need to follow suit.

Wide supremacists are 400 pound Russian hackers. Or manspreaders.

I'm surprised someone hasn't made a swastika with crops of that dog's legs

You are right, user, they are already like that. I don't know what I was thinking.





Of coursh.

Literally children.

I just want these people to know real struggle for one day, just one fucking day so they can get off Twitter/Tumblr and stop being such goddam idiots.

White women have associated white men with being anti-white and pushing White Genocide. Therefore, if a white man becomes president, they object to it, regardless of whether or not he is anti-white, because they've had experience with white men and they've come to stereotype their men as being sick and self-hating white anti-white traitors. This is not at all surpising, an ugly haircut keeps their would be suitors away, it keeps white men away. It's part of the white women sex strike against White Genocide, #WWSSAWhiteGenocide.

You know who doesn't give a shit?
Cops, that's who.

They are a different race. They have their own standards of beauty. We can understand what they are, but it is perversion to accept them as your own.

My wife went the other way. When we were getting close to divorce, she took her normally short hair and decided to grow it out after decades of shearing the fuck out of it (unmanageable). I guess all that matters to them is that they suddenly change their look in order to signal to the world that shit's going down.

I agree. No one should ever be subjected to the feverish imaginations of congenital homosexuals operating beyond the rule of law.

You know, I think that the redpill hit me when I first saw that video and thought "wow they're actually normal people like me".

Can confirm, ex gf went nuts after we separated, took her usually long, gorgeous brown hair and made it short, white and spiky. She also got involved with a guy that looks like a brown version of me. I'm tempted to say JUST but I'll never see her again so it's not my concern.

Yesterday i saw the cambodian killing fields.
I bet these people don't know what they are.
That is the problem with apathy and bad parenting.

Women – ESPECIALLY WHITE WOMEN – are really fucking stupid. Frankly, they deserve to be all raped and killed ASAP.

2/10 b8 tbh nigger

the vast majority of these mugshots look like professional vagrants or meth-heads or unemployed baristas. lots or people looking like they're in dire need of a check

So this is Zombn? I never understood the appeal of forums. Just a one big admin-dick-sucking contest.

Thank Kek for this, last thing we'd want is to get involved with psychos.

Gas your self son.



They're mad arnt they?

Women tend to change their hair when they are depressed, angry or grieving.

Take it from an oldfag. Trust me. They are children. Pat them on the head, encourage them when they behave but never under any circumstances think they are your equal.

To be fair the niggers, spics, and juden among them aren't so much "traitors" as they are "hostile invaders"

No one has the image with names?

pretty much. but your ex was also doing it to attract new men.

In other words, weird hairstyles are an expression of a subversive mind.

This is seemingly common woman logic that I don't understand at all. Usually even if it's stupid I can understand the thought process behind something, but women thinking a makeover etc is anything more than a change of appearance that nobody else cares about is baffling

it's only confusing if you still think that women have an interior existence behind the facade of their hair and makeup.

I would love to see a hashtag or something promoting SJW's and feminist cancer to go down the FGM route on themselves.

1. I have changed and want the world to notice.
2. I want to change but since real change is hard i'll just use a different lipstic and get a new haircut.

codemonkey you piece of shit. why do i have to solve a captcha for every fucking single post i make? gas yourself you stupid nigger

I'm telling ya' they have the minds of children. It's no different than a 5-year old putting on a Superman costume and thinking he can fly. Usually the 5-year old figures it out after he busts his ass jumping off the roof, women not so much.

You ought to be glad, to be honest.

I was skeptical about the likely hood of an actual zombie apocalypse until recently, my only question now is, where's the fucking quarantine?

and what else could they have possibly added to the additives in the water?

This is fucking comedy gold

your tears taste like nectar


show me how radical you are

Criminally underrated


Self permanent mutilation of their own genitals resulting is loss of pleasure would be fun.

It's pretty simple. Jewish women aren't attractive to European men, so they jealously try to demonize European men and all the unattractive women join in - asserting that they're dehumanized because they're not sexually attractive. Apparently humanization comes out of the end of a man's dick. But, their assertion relies on you believing the prejudice that a man only cares about females to the degree they're attractive. As if white men are going to treat a dumb hot woman like anything but the piece of meat she is. If she's smart and beautiful, then there's romance and love.

The issue, they say, is that a man should approach women non-sexually. Generally, they do, when they're married or not single. When single, they're looking for people to mate with. That's human sexuality. A young man wants to find a good baby bearer. This, to them, is totally "OPPRESSIVE" and "PIGGISH" because they do not want to be seen as only a romantic opportunity.

Well, some men aren't looking for female "friendship" and prefer to have male friends because they share masculine perspectives and can better understand each other. It's the same reason women have 'besties' that are female - or gay males.

A feminist lesbian already went undercover as a man and found out that "Men aren't pigs, they're just different and have different problems than women." to her astonishment.

This is why people like sh0e0nhead exist, who criticize retarded feminist 'sociology' which is mostly ran by Jewish men and Jewish women, who are guilty of 'othering' their host cultures and trying to make their 'othering' justified through universalizing their criticisms. All because the Christian religion, with its Pagan roots for the effective seduction of the lower class Hellenic man in ancient times, is incomprehensible to the Semite (Turkroaches included).

Othering the semite is a reciprocating affair, because the semite had no plans of ever assimilating into the European culture, religion or their values. Instead, they advanced a 'universalist' conception, or 'humanist' conception of values because it was the only effective means for themselves to remain distinct and justify being so, while also not being discriminated as an "other".

That Jews have maintained their Jewishness in all their host countries should be a testament to their commitment that they are unwilling to assimilate completely. Their ideological 'strength' can just as easily be interpreted as a gritty stubbornness to abandon their identity - the same grit one finds with a 'woman scorned'. Appropriate, then, that they determine their identity by the matrilinearity instead of patrilinearity.

The Jew becomes the sexual matrilinearity model competing with the sexual patrileanirty model. The 'overman' will be distinctly affirming of the full breadth of masculine and feminine pride, overcoming this reduction of human sexuality to that of a global system of governance where a bunch of Jewish men study scripture all day while letting/enabling their women to do whatever it is they please.

This conflict between matrilinearity and patrilinearity will enable the female to win out, by sheer mathematics. The Jewish man and his 'masculinity' is poisoned in this way. It seeks its own destruction, in the mind of the host nation - the men of the culture see this instinctively. They are correct: the Jew tries to advance this within their host culture. The Jew performs a deception by asserting that 'othering' them is unacceptable. Their othering is precisely what is needed by a host nation, because the Jew provides host to no one but other Jews.

The Jew will claim this is because they "can't" and it's the fault of people who "other" them. This, effectively, makes the presumption to be that their being "Jewish" must go unquestioned and not criticized on any basis which acknowledges the simple reality of them being "other".

The lie is: "I would stop being other or 'othering' of you, if you just become Jewish or you stop 'othering' me."

we should get them to shave their heads, something in the vein that they feel like jews in a concentration camp, now that Trump has won..

that would be lulz as fuck

But how do we effectively meme them into doing this?

Push it from the "I don't need no man" stronk feminist angle?

I can smell the cat piss and crushing realization of being a failure of a women through my monitor.

These women are still acting entirely within our human prescribed DNA of behavior. This behavior of making oneself less attractive is often done when the men loses a war and the invader is coming to town. Mothers smear ash on the faces of their young daughters, maidens cut their hairs short and dirty their faces, occasionally even getting someone to bash them in the face to get a tooth or two out if they had perfect teeth.

It's the telling sign that leftist women already recognized their loss.

Thought you guys wanted something they'd pick up and run with? I think you'll have to lessen your intellect temporarily by drinking bleach or contracting HepB just to figure out anything ridiculous enough. You must become the mememy! if its to clever, they'll know its not their own.


It wouldn't be difficult to pull off.
The idiots in Europe are currently considering marching into the meat grinder of Aleppo.

The idea could be based around the idea of Trump being a rapist or sexist, and being transformed into someone who can't feel pleasure means they cannot be controlled by the male or some shit. Might be looking into the psychology of FGM for ideas.

Conclusion: makes these cunts miserable for the rest of their life, even if/when they snap out of their childish behavior.

rather…make them make themselves?

This is exactly why I like the idea. They need to be permanently denied all pleasure in life.


these fucking cry-ins and all this lame bullshit have pissed me off, even Buddhists had the balls to light themselves on fire. i wouln't expect much out of these flesh wastes.

I see nothing wrong with this

which ones?
the dumbo, the grumpy or the ismotheredmybabylel ?

day of the rope is gonna be a lot easier than we thought, we'll probably be home before 7, just in time for dinner with our Aryan waifus

is there a consolation prize if I chose all of the above and get it wrong, or can I use this opportunity to call a friend and ask for help?

1 and 3

I said "fuckable", not gorgeous

oh, sorry, thought you were black

you also said women
1's jaw is questionable

well, I'd go with 3, looks more pleasant to deal with during multiple gestation and child rearing periods


yeah, well, maybe I should have blown that picture up first

"I loved my eyebrows, until I lost them… in the war.."

whatever, those are pictures of blow up dolls anyway

Not even with a rented dick/10

what about with a Ronald Trump blow up doll?

enough of my shit

I said what? Where?

It's the least-effort way for them to "feel stronger". Actually becoming stronger in some way would be too much work. As a benefit, the redcoats wear their flamboyant quasi-permanent uniforms with pride!

This. Only a year ago this thought would have been unthinkable in my mind, but I have realized that it is a legitimate truth that explains so much about the relationship turmoil many experience when trying to be on equal footing with a woman because equality.

I plead with all anons to contemplate this observation, as demeaning and misogynistic as it may seem. You have been programmed to reject it, but it is integral to forming a family. The man is the sheepdog who protects the wife and children (all sheep) from (((wolves))), and neutering the sheepdog destroys the sheep.

Take care of your wife but remember that she is a sheep and you are not.

women cut long hair which is a symbol of femininity after traumatic experience,
i.e. rape, breakup and so on
so this is as real as it is stupid
also, if your woman just cut her hair short all of the sudden….

Easier to spot the degenerate with mental illness tbh
Before they were just having short boyish hair… now its full on "fug ur butty system of opprussion mum x("

well I posted this before actually reading the article.

'"For many of us, with this election, it’s like your boyfriend dumped you in a really shocking way with no explanation and then moved in next door."

Let's be careful here and remember the lessons we've learned. I share the anger and the desire for vengeance. But never forget that the Jew wins when he separates us from our women. I'm not naive, I understand that there are some who are unsalvageable. But I think it would be unwise to treat every JUST-haired woman as such, or worse, encourage otherwise salvageable women to contribute to white genocide. Remember why we fight. The religion that is imposed upon us us a religion with no chance at redemption. We are white, and therefore -ist and -phobic, with no hope of redemption. No one with any sanity can cotton to such ideas and we naturally rebel against them.
I agree with the user who likens us to sheepdogs. This is true, we shepherd those who are below us. But let's not forget the responsibility we have to those who are below us. My dog is below me and sometimes she misbehaves, but I don't kick her in anger. I apply as much negative reinforcement as is necessary, when necessary, and I otherwise take good care of her and she is always happy to greet me at the door when I come home at night.
All of these ideas are not my ideas alone, but largely that which I've gathered in a couple of years lurking Holla Forums. What brought me here would be a blogpost. I rarely post at all, but I think this is an important point at a time when we need to salvage every white woman possible for our survival.

200+ replies

So feminists are uglying themselves up because Trump won the election?

Tell me, why were they uglying themselves up before the election?

Their reality has been falling apart just as easily before.

Are you kidding?
I wouldn't touch that with somebody else's dick.


Quit eating Jew-food out of Jew-plastic & drinking Jew-cola & Jew-water.
Your T will explode back to normal in a few months, then maybe you can be the man your ancestors used to be.

The only appropriate response.

American women just aren't for me.

There should be a collage of her noses


3…at most.

But not even 3…

Why do women have long hair Holla Forums?


A selfish narcissistic woman who claims to be a catholic. Good thing shell never reproduce, her children would've been either neglected or brainwashed

A large portion of pheromones are excreted through the head. Long hair facilitates this (since it makes the head warmer). Also, the quality of hair reflects reproductive fitness, since it is decided largely by their owner's lifestyle and eating habits.

With all the artificial hair styling and treatment products, though, it's a lot more difficult to judge a woman based on her hair nowadays. But the point still remains, good-looking long hair are one of the signs of a high-quality woman.

Put me down for having an ex gf that pulled the whole haircut then break up thing before. I was well aware of what it meant but tried to keep her anyways. That was quite the struggle and it didn't amount to anything. There's a reason why women never make good strategists/investors. Too damn emotional and those emotions change with the weather. This girl I was with suddenly decided she needed to be independent. Which translated means she just wanted to fuck around and pretend she's a different person because she actually hates herself. Same with the women in the op who "get dramatic makeovers! lol" after something like an election.

really sad, and it's pretty much just another example of modern women being nothing more then jealous little dykes with a bad case of sour grapes.

without long hair most of them just end up looking like weird dudes with too much makeup.

I mean if you're going to go short at least get a decent style of cut.


What does a crusty cum slut trying to pretend she's wholesome have to do with the election?

Lol. Women.

Could we get them to burn flags to marginalize themselves and make leftism socially toxic? yep

How much can you miss the point

just tell them to step on Rusty nails (for equality) or inject drain cleaner into their veins ( for solidarity).

lol, kek be praised!

user she was preparing to re-enter the dating scene, that should've been a massive red flag.

is she nekkid?

Common Filth go away

Good, goooood! The butthurt is strong with them..

Yes, I'm pretty sure nobody wanted to think of these screeching harpies as sexual even before the election.

nah, man. nah.

we do this the right way. sterile, surgical removal. you don't stick your fucking tongue in a open wound.

Absolutely not the case

It's so blatant how these dumb women make it all about themselves. What's even more ridiculous is that they screech about not being objectified, but the first thing they do is change their physical appearance.

I guess these whores don't understand that changing your hairstyle doesn't stop your awful, self-absorbed, ignorant personality from being obvious to everyone.

So toxic women who'd make for bad partners are now visually identifying themselves?

Evolution is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

There is nothing sexier than a woman with short hair.

fite me faggots

lol, these women don't have boyfriends….

You can't run your fingers very far through short hair, and all the silkier shinier hair is usually at least shoulder length.
But some short hair girls have this sort of youthful playful aura about them and I adore that

Longer hair is also better for Cave-maning

What happens? You continue to be a fugly dyke?

go back to cuckchan you fucking nigger.


Jews are big on sado maso shit, so definately this.
They love aryan semen.

Meme them into self genital mutilation in support of Hillary.


Sounds like some of that #fakenews to me. :^)
Why do they want to make themselves as unattractive as possible, sans going so far as to self-mutilate?


See, this is why they put birth control and estrogens in the tap water. When men have testosterone, they do things like flip cars, and kill politicians and shit.

It's worse. The 5 year old at least knows he's just pretending and playing a game. The hysterical woman thinks it's actually working.

She looks like she just let out a big, beefy nigger fart and is waiting for it to hit you.

Every aspect of that thing's persona is awful.


Men see the election and Brexit in practical, statistical and realistic ways. Women act like little children and politics are all about their feels, which are completely wrong and illogical. You can't run the world on feels or you get shit like islam and millions of rapey shitskin invaders.

Odd how nothing seems to stop niggers from culturally appropriating Indian and Asian hair.

She's not my ex. We pulled it together in time.

It was a massive red flag, alright, but I doubt she was consciously doing that (but maybe unconsciously). No, I think, after observing her and my daughter, that women just have a bad time dealing with sudden gear shifts and need some sort of symbolic outer change to announce to the world that they're going to war.


Is that "devout catholic" or "devout cat-holic?"

Tfw you realize these degenerates making themselves less attractive just makes it less likely for them to reproduce and indoctrinate their children. Same thing with them moving to Canada. We should encourage as many of them as possible to move to Canada.

Kek. The country is on a purge, and we don't even have to be the perpetrators.

too soon

fuck this hits me on a level i dont like

2nding post

done right, has Bread potential

I always thought it was the muslim anti-rape look. After all the noise they was making about rape culture, making it look like the norm and paving the way for migrants to come in and rape without it looking like anything seeming out the norm. After working with the enemy on feminism and rape culture I'm sure the half where kept in the know about the impending immigrant rapes and warned they might want to make themselves look like dogs to ward of unwanted attention from the mudslimes.

It's a blatant shot against white people.

He look like a Neanderthal.

When do they ever?

which means we should get rid of the illegal immigrants so the farms would be forced to mechanize and allow the american citizen to get a job w/o competing with people who should'nt be here. As for the poor Africans bullshit, none can argue with me, that even under the Beligans in the Congo, was there ever a time of everlasting peace; to sum it up, blacks killed blacks before the white man, and are continuing to do so now, but everyone is outraged by colonialism for, despite the last colony ending in 1974 (Portugal). I find it odd, that this pic doesn't describe the suppression of the San and Twa peoples by the bantu-speaking blacks either, double standard?

ugos making themselves even less attractive?

Is it rape if she asked for it?

I wanna fugg Milo Stewart



Sam Hyde is posting on 8ch

Daily reminder that our social interactions are, to a surprisingly pervasive extent, memetic exchanges between minds. A person's physical manifestation (hygiene/preening, body language, attire, smell, gestures, gait, facial expressions, etc.) convey memes. Some memes are (for lack of better terminology) objective/absolute (big muscly guy signifies strength, limp wrist signifies effeminate), and some are subjective/relative (purply hair, le nose piercing) and depend more on the ambient culture.

Everywhere you go, you emit memes. Influence = influenza.

These people with le stronk womyn haircuts have been memed into taking this particular action rather than some other action. And when they look in the mirror (which they do all the time), the memetic microbiome floating within their little minds are reinforced around le stronk womyn meme.

wtf is wrong with its forehead?

That's a Klingon.


Makes me think it'd be a good thing to always keep some good old 3rd Reich quotes ready, preferably some good ones with timeless redpills, and whenever someone implies they're being an edgy renegade, give 'em those quotes and tell them where they're from. And tell them that adopting those ideas is what really makes you an edgy renegade. Who knows, some of them might eat it up.

Third pic on the second row is actually a boxfish not a pufferfish. They're entirely harmless, though some species are pufferfish mimics so it could be argued their appearance is still a "warning" in the form of a bluff.

I'd hit it.

No you dont get it, she is still not asking for it

Does anyone have the 4th one without the filters?

i've used Holla Forums since the exodus and I use 4chan too, you're full blown autistic if you don't think there's any bleedover

would certainly rape that one in the center top good god

fucking Klingons

Why did god forsake me to have the same genitals as these degenerate retards?

Checking because no one else has.

user? I'm a woman, and even I don't understand the impulsive decisions made by others of my sex. Nor do I understand this compulsion to change your hair because of breaking up with someone. The only time I cut mine short was because the situation necessitated the change. (i.e hubby's friend's kid sister had head lice and used my brush without me knowing. Another time was when I was being given methotrexate shots and developed chemo burns, so I had to cut my hair because the tips were agitating the burns and making me itch like crazy. Only other times were when our A/C broke down during the summer, and I needed to keep cool. So I cut my own hair to lighten the weight for when I dipped my head in cool water.)

she's not catholic you stupid shit!


meaning ,she has 500 cats.

Klingon fun fact: The forehead goes up with males and down with females!

hey i have the guac bowl as a sticker on my laptop
minus just hair though

I have never met a woman with long hair and that name

Then isn't this very beneficial for you? Since these chicks are getting their hair pretty short and all, why not spread the meme magic?

surely this will help them find a good man

why do you guys care so much?

This topic doesnt deserve its own thread, let alone this many bumps

woo hoo, some women are crazy.


Stopped reading there tbh.

Vid related…

Entertaining. Also, it would be stupid to assume that their cultivated crazyness couldnt in some way be used as an exploit for other things, obligatory smugatron smiley :^).

They look like someone that would die in a rave fire


gentle reminder that the only state in the union fertilizing near replacement levels is full of niggers


Auctions have privatiers.

Her grandchildren will be mocked at school.


**>hair cutting resonates with emotional turmoil

Somehow i like that picture, that piece of work has some kind of grace to her. Her posture is like making a celeron 400 running windows 10.

tits or gtfo

How the FUCK do I find a woman who is aware of the Jew/Globalists/Leftists.

You start by realizing that if
doesn't show tits
not a girl

It seems counter-intuitive if one believes the equality propaganda but once you accept it your life becomes so much more peaceful. They have to be managed with a firm hand or they will wreck everything around them.

Find the right hardware and then you put in the software in a non autistic way with little gentle effort.
If you are a real Holla Forumslack you should know enough on how to mangage this. If you go around looking for the right gem, having dem big tiddies and firm ass and a natsoc policiy, well good luck. You shape them like you shape yourself.

So a bunch of old women whose eggs are downsied and dried up are making themselves even more ugly and easier to shun since Trump won? Good stuff!

God, women are so fucking worthless, this is why there's a market for anime waifubots.

No, what it shows is women are extremely narcissistic and self-absorbed, that cutting their hair has such deep meaning for them.

I thought that was Gary Johnson for a second but her eyes are not nearly red enough.

Nice of them to remove themselves from the breeding pool for us.


Oh fuck me, so typical! Everything revolves around you and your vagina, don't it sweetheart.

I think it will persevere because of stupid cunts like you!

Pic related.

I'd give you the usual TITS or GTFO routine, but I'm actually kind of curious what it takes to redpill a woman. The ol' ball & chain actively resists anything that drags her from her comforting bluepills, and wants me to join her in there. What did it take for you to see red?

They're not mutually exclusive, you stupid cow.

If you're dating a girl and she gets a dyke haircut, dump her ass and tell her it's her ugly hair.

I'd say try to communicate your displeasure, first, then walk away if she flips her shit. That's IF she's marriage material under normal circumstances, anyway.

Not putting my dick near that. Not even with peniciline shots.

Its pretty interesting in that this reaction is hard coded into women but is so entirely outmoded by modern reality. "If something happens that I don't like I will deny sex to anyone so fix it" but that doesn't work with elections


Common Filth pls…

The whole "sex denial by women who aren't actually desirable" thing is darkly funny. I say darkly because they'll probably kill themselves when they realize no one cares

All women need to be sent to re-education camps. They're as dangerous to society as Jews at this point due to their Judaized conditioning.

tbh id fuck evalion if she wasn't crazy

The way that cunt makes that hand to boob wave… i assume that she did this on purpose.
It is like she controls that muscle chain to make her boobs move, they move excessively. Watch the timing of her hand giving it to her chest muscle.More lewd pics?




gotta love how women can't resist going out of there way to make sure everyone knows they are female to get attention.

You make them, retard. A strong male that knows how to handle women can mold them into whatever he wants, they will follow whatever you believe as long as you are the dominant one. We've gone over this in countless threads.

Holy fuck that is an old meme
too soon


Drop her off in the ghetto for an hour? Drastic but it'll do a lot if you question them about how they felt correctly afterwards. Also start with smaller red pills and keep hammering them (repeated information eventually sticks) until she simply agrees with you. The keep moving up over time.

I can't look at this image without imagining that i am slapping this bitch while fucking her.

Most punchable face i ever saw on a woman.

For single women, who use government programs in place of male providers, this is like being dumped. Their "man" abandoned them. Perhaps changing their hair comes from a subconscious feeling of "I have to find another provider". It's mostly women over 40 because they were the most dependent on the state always being there for them. Younger women can just suck some dick and be fine.

That is mostly correct, but now the state has to worry about their fruits not being collected. And then again the state relies on the beta goyim fetch crops. But the "state" became a little bit to desperate and now it is really enjoyable to watch this shitshow that will unfold in the "current" 5-10years. I wonder how they will handle that.


a very small percentage of women can pull off short hair but the ones that do are sexy as fuck tbh

I agree, but since only the young ones can successfully do it, I asssume it just highlights their youth somehow.

I wish I knew. Your best bet though would be to look in smaller towns, rather than in bigger cities. You'll be more likely to find a woman with more conservative values.

Honestly? It was a combination of my parents and my overall upbringing. If you saw the thread where people talked about what brought them to Holla Forums, I was the one who posted about my dad getting fucked over by his ex-wife, and had the CDC show up on his doorstep due to said ex spreading Hepatitis C in the neighborhood.

As for redpilling your wife, it's easier to do it gradually. Bits here and there. It's the tactic I've been using with my sister as well. She's liberal, but I think some of her views were moreso because of the people she hung out with in college, and that desperation to fit in. She admitted that it was actually hard to talk to people about certain topics (evolutionary characteristics inherent in different races via environmental adaptations; for example.)

How bluepilled are we talking though? It might not be that difficult depending upon what her own belief sets/experiences are. A lot of my own redpilling was through personal experiences, on top of my mom being based as fuck on things like race-mixing.




changes hair because election didn't go the way she was told it should.
This is why women should have nothing to do with politics.
Why not let kids into politics or dogs while your at it fucking communists.

That was my first thought, amazing their capability to fuck their own shit up.

I wonder if the ones who ever see death in front of their eyes wake up or not. Close family or friends, that sort of thing.

Hahahah holy shit.
I saw this happen firsthand.

I've got this co-worker who proudly declares herself a radical feminist. She's a degenerate who insists that she's bisexual but has never so much as dated another woman. She's also married, but after her husband lost his job, she tried sabotaging their relationship immediately… and then cucked him with some scrawny hipster… But her husband is also a weak-willed liberal and let her do it.

After voting day, she was so distraught and emotional. She didn't say much to me besides stuff like "uhggg… this week.."

Then she comes in one day with 70% of her hair cut off. She butchered her own hair around both sides and the back, giving her just a misshapen crop of poorly dyed, uneven hair on top. She said the same kind of shit we're seeing in these #PostTrumpHaircut tweets, too. It's been weeks and she still hasn't gotten it fixed or evened out.

This is so fucking pitiful, I didn't think it could become a widespread phenomenon.

I'd fuck Evalion BECAUSE she's crazy, she is precisely my kind of crazy. I'd be less attracted to her if she was not crazy.

Also, I seriously doubt that she's jewish, lots of eastern euro people have black hair and big noses.


it's called acting


am i stare raping her because some user didn't spoiler that shit?if so, is the emperor proud of me?

I have to say, it's very nice of them to self-identify like this.

Lets us know who not to ask out, not promote, generally ostracise, etc.


Too soon, faggot!


Moar plz.

lol, like this dumb twat could ever afford to visit the continent anyway. She's going to end up on the dole with five shitskin kids and never leave her shitty town.



Leave it to women to make the election result about their fucking hair.

With 25k and under paying zero taxes, or 50k for a couple. Highly doubt any of them would be paying taxes anyway…

Honestly, niggers were the first thing that made me doubt the existence of God.

They just exist to be a slave race. Although I wouldn't want them as servants in my house, and their usefulness as field workers has been replaced by machines. So now they have zero purpose to exist.

hyi helvetti


Remember, White men are stupid, unsexy and incompetent.
Use his money to pay a Jew to do the job better.



mitä vittua

Women believe it of all men. Women believe men to be unbelievably boring and stupid. It's just they can't diss non-whites in ads, but whites are happy to get buttfucked and cucked.

If anyone, I'd take 2. She at least has a proper chin, 1's face ends 1 inch too soon and her flaps cause aerodynamic drag and 3 is borderline disfigured. 2 is the only one with human proportions.

Long hair is objectively better in every way. You might be a faggot if you like short hair on women.

I'm getting sick of seeing this bitch's face while browsing the catalog. What the fuck is with her eyebrows? Her bowl cut isn't even on fleek.


Stephanie Lund, Wash Post




Holy shit, my sides.

that means you're a closet homosexual.




You can't just use a male phrase and apply it to females. It's disgusting.



i honestly don't understand how some of these people only use this website, it's insanely slow

but i think there's a sizable portion of NEETs here that get their only sense of superiority from what website they use. As bizarre as that is, I really think that's how they think




1st exile
never been back
fuck that shitty site

Pretty on point about Frankfurt school psychologists.





What? a dumb fucking yid gets a stupid as fuck haircut?


I thought non-white feminists hated white women because more than half of them voted Trump.

No, Carl the Cuck, I'm absolutely serious. We are on the internet. Only serious business here.

Nice try, schlomo.

Restoring greatness of white women is a top priority to fix the demographics.


They can be dumb cunts and believe any stupid shit they want. The fact remains that white men have to constantly un-fuck everything a woman or nigger puts their hands to.

She looks lovely.

Long hair tbh

ooga booga

Something along the lines of "Trump is such a disgrace to hairstyle, that I don't want any hair!" might work. #PissforEquality really only worked because of stupidity, but if you associate the dumb thing you want them to do with something they already believe (trump's hair is ugly), then it will have far greater success.

Anyone willing to commit heresy against Trump's god-tier hair dew, for the sake of memeing? Kek absolves the sins of those who work in his name.

That's called a "coalburner haircut" around here.

You can tell she has the mental age of a 4 year old, showing of her hair with that face. I've seen stupid children with that same expression.

Well if spiders spin their webs backwards when a storm is brewing I guess there's room enough for weird portents like this.

toplessness to fight our rape culture.
Make Femen mainstream

If they're going to whine about a rape culture that doesn't exist at let's at least get some eye candy.

We don't want them to mutilate themselves, only humiliate themselves.


I dunno, he looks like a pretty big guy and a biker as well.


polite sage because off topic.

Pity rape it is then *sigh*



not your friend, but RIGHT RIGHT!!

This fucking shills are disgusting and need to be turned into a lampshads asap tbh

Underrated post

spoiler: she cheated on you.

would be pretty hilarious to see good old M.Stewart get a lesson on how to be a "good girl" lolz.

i've never seen anyone so passive aggressively beg to be fucked as much as this loony.


I could you being ass-pained if it was an anchored thread…. but you do whatever you like, kike. ;^)




Best motherfucking hair in the world right here!

She has the Brendan Fraiser
look on her face lmao


dat not aryan


What a prize!

If you cook flax seeds on low temp in around 4 parts water for 30 mins. or until it becomes gel. Then strain the gel through a cloth, then put it in you hair together with some great hair oil like high quality pure argan oil and let it dry out, then you hair will be smoother than silk and as shiny as polished chrome, and it can't get messy. but you need a lot of oil. If anyone does it, then dont do it too much. I think the flax gel can ruin the roots if it gets to dry out without oil, as it absorbs a shit ton of oil.

Anyone with longer hair should try this it feels amazing

reported for not spoilering that shit fuck you

Why is a fucking illiterate retard working in a career that involvss writing? Technically, we're still pre-Trump as he has yet to be inaugarated as POTUS. Only after he's served his term(s) in office would we be able to say post-Trump society.

you want more people to divide up rural land with? The only reason growing population levels is seen as an important thing is because the jews economic kikery depends on an ever growing population to remain solvent. If America drops down to say 1860's population levels we would be none the worse off for it.

She is just begging to get pushed into the pool

Great hair starts with having a great diet, putting oils in it can help though.

is it better than coconut oil?

Excellent, thanks.

High quality argan oil is better I think. At least in europe that is, as the oil from morocco is the best kind. I know that it is more expensive in the U.S though, and probably not worth it both price and quality wise from what I have heard. Here in europe it is around 50USD for 300 ml pure oil. and you can't use all that by yourself. It reaches very far.
When I use coconut oil in my hair, it begins to smell real bad after a while, like it goes bad and my hair becomes weird and looks greasy. that doesn't happen with argan oil for me.
If you buy argan oil, buy pure argan oil. Else it is mixed with all kinds of synthetic shit.


where and why all this immigration…

sorry, I'll try to stop myself

I'm starting to see why people think whites are so fucking subhuman, my race is the most polarising as it has the worst of the worst, but also the GOAT intellectuals and general based geniuses.


Don't body-shame, shitlord!

Whatever, not like there's anything else to talk about.

Pass me summa dat beer, homes.

Baron Von Kekkenheimer


I know you shouldn't hit women, just a smack with your flat hand when act you act up is enough to put them in their place

seriously had i met her, I'd her a soft hit straight in the face






1000x bump.

It's like someone went into the Oblivion character creator and just set all the sliders on max, what the fuck?


It looks so familiar.. I can't put my finger on it… is she kill?

What a beautiful language.

So what happens if i actually did what she said?

You'd probably get a venereal disease though

spürdö späärdë



Couldn't find the cut one, must organize, listen to the "women" scream, we are reliving it

I still cant believe we memed the JUST haircut into reality. KEK

nope they double down on their insanity and forgive the murderer. Theyve even been known to treat them to dinner.

So I guess it's a bad time to mention that a black sun symbol manifested over the south pole?

Forgot my image.

Kristian is a fucking male name
yeah I know that's like the fucking vietnam war all over again

FFS slap some wits into your women over there

he even love dogs too!

cucks everywhere
You seriously thought something was going to change?

Same with me, or well it was an ugly screwed up bitch or more like whore, like you know that one everybody poked when you were like 16…

anyways she wanted me, when I was 18, she was with my fucking friend.

And I came a long, I was a short grower so I kinda bloomed late. Worked out and all that shit and not to brag but I got dem natural 6 pack and all that shit and workout

She couldn't get me, because I didn't want no ugly ass whore the whole fucking village had allready fucked by then

she did this too
colored her hair weird black and red and wore black stuff on her nails and dressed in black

All fucked up, simply couldn't handle the rejection even how kindly I told her it. No FUCK YOU YOU'RE AN UGLY WHORE.

But rather I went with a hot one instead, some of them can't handle it. She knew that it was because she was well we have words for this I guess like "labrat" for fucking is the closest I get.

Test your dingdong on and learn to use it, she is so fucked

Saw her earlier this year, still ugly and fucked and my damn she started going towards me, I just turned my back and left

She also moved to another part after this, disgusting. Some think this OK…

Same just 2 years ago.. had a party, didn't drink fell a sleep went for a piss when I woke up in my underpants.
Chick together with one of my closest friends, went all nuts fucking taking pictures and all

now dumping her friend and all over me
get lost whore
she didn't act out like this though, but is a drug mess

Something did change.


how about him backing off clinton and appointing shills?


my polack dad's diy skills are fuckin boss. advertisements are cancer




Regardless of your lies, Obama is still a nigger. How can you live being be a nigger lover?

seems like she has a personality even if its an underdeveloped one

Personally, I prefer them bald.
Wouldn't wanna be seen with a bald woman outside, but definitely would fugg
(providing face&body is ok)

Almost stopped reading right here. These places are a frothing hive of degeneracy of liberal ideas pushed to their absolute batshit limits. Also every last person involved in drama club or performing arts has permanent victim woe-is-me chip on their shoulder syndrome.

Nothing but pure hatred for all faggots involved. I went to a half redneck half nigger highschool where most everyone was redpilled to a degree. Except the drama-club, they had blue hair and dyke glasses back in the mid 90s. They were complete outcasts and always tried to act "above it" like they didn't care. When they so obviously did. They all push various forms of cultural-marxism to make the rest of us as freaky and miserable as they are.

I guess I'll read the rest…

Weeeeeeew that article. Everything I expected.

Even when Hillary only had a glimmer of hope left, guns still flew off the shelves in record numbers. Trump ends up winning and the liberals respond by….dying their hair.

Cut them off from the benefits of masculinity.

Next meme in the pipe, self-sterilization.
Fight the patriarchy!

About that…


U? I don't think it was U unfortunately. It was Holla Forums. Shadilay.


this. I could fap to this reply.

The perfect crime. Or as men call it, a harmless prank hurting nobody that we can all look back at & laugh years later.


2 semites and a guinea pig? there are no women there. that's bestiality.

Shoulder-length is the god tier. All other opinions are wrong.


short hair on women is universally ascociated with advanced age, shoulder-length hair with maternity and married domesticity, while longer hair is sexy and youthful.

no need to fight you, you are misguided.


I was in a buddies car earlier today and saw someone with a trump sticker on the back of their car, was a dude, was also hispanic.
Women really screwed the pooch on this one. They were given the ability to vote and have a voice then they turned around and started fucking up so hard that men are actually turning back around and metaphorically saying, 'Ehhh no, that's fucking retarded, stop acting like a child.'

I would just push her into the pool. It's almost like she wants it to happen… she wants to get wet…

single women in their 40s, and those with effeminate males in their lives - are truly competition to sjws to how actually helpless and insane they are

Not defending that ugly creature, but, you ought to work on your nose identification, matey. At least I'm pretty sure it's a straight angled nose from how I see it.

She doesn't sport a hook nose like our greatest ally. But you know you could be right; she's probably some apologist faggot convert.

But art chicks are so fucking cute, user.