How do we cut the sjw rot off leftism ?

how do we cut the sjw rot off leftism ?

Conquering Reddit would help if it were possible.


Angela Davis is based though. I went to see her speak earlier this year at this bourgie fundraiser put on by the local black community here, and she subtly called the room out for divorcing class analysis from their politics.

This. We need a mole. Any resurfaces know how to worm into moderation teams?


just create a reddit account post some shit on some random subs

also if you try to update us try posting on another less used board so no newfags from reddit will read it

Who is throwing the pokeball here? Who is the puppetmaster, pulling the strings of leftism?

And so it begins.

Have you seen r/Anarchism lately? They have a private subreddit where they supposedly vote on who to ban, but only people from the hardcore idpol clique can get in.

The problem is that those mods, as I understand, are buddy buddy with the reddit administators.

This honestly. The shitredditsays group has remained unbanned despite raiding for its entire existence.

SJWs? People wanting to destroy gender hierarchy?

First of all, they're almost completely nonexistant on reddit because of the fash constantly brigading everytning thats posted about: Muslims, black folk, women, etc. etc.

The rest are shitted out because neoliberal scum like to harp on about stupid gender shit.

Chasing "sjws" is like trying to grab a fist full of water. Its a none issue. Focus on the class war. If queer people wanna hop along, go with it.

Just remind people every time they're reminded that they are doomed to be proles, and that the system is against them.

You're all buying into this gender shit like the newsmedia wants you to.

Its a commercial problem and you're all twiddling your dicks about it like it means anything. Any legitimacy that the feminists had has long been sold as something to distract us by the crushing class war that has killed us as long as capitalism is a thing.

Make entryism great again!

We keel them?

The problem is not so much the SJW's themselves, its the fact that they control the main supposedly leftist boards on a big website like reddit like it is oceania, pushing their retarded subversive agenda and scaring interested people away from socialism, communism and anarchism.

Found the Reddit SJW

I just dont find them to be a large enough group to actually care about.. or really give a fuck about what they believe.

If they wanna believe in a patriarchy, or whatever the fuck.. Whatever. As long as they're aware of the class war.

Feminist agenda is just the wrong hill to die on.

You don't need a large group to cause damage. Just look at the bourgeoisie.

If you think a bunch of purpled haired tumblrinas are going to overtake a revolution in your near future, you probably dont have a real faith in socialism.

Truth be told, I dont give a fuck about feminism. I dont give a fuck about gender. I'd be fine with breaking those barriers down because I hate hierarchy and social standing.

But the truth behind any sort of feminist postulation can only be answered in a truly democratic society.

So again.. It doesnt fucking matter.

We need faith in a democratic society if we're anarchists.

But it does fucking matter because their horseshit is right now controlling the boards on socialism, communism and anarchism on one of the largest forums in the world, which means that they are hurting our cause. We should do everything we can to pursue our cause.

The problem is, they effectively monopolize the Left's discourse in people's mind, stunting the spread of class consciousness.
Don't underestimate the power of narratives on people.

So what group do you deem large enough for infiltration? Or are you proposing a hypothetical alternative you haven't thought of yet?

I mean, I just dont understand whats the big deal. Women face unique hardship like the rest of us, who cares about the figurative tier list of suffering?

Point out all the suffering.

I feel like all of y'all are falling hook line and sinker into the agenda of feminism.. to infight about the esoterics of gender relations, when you should be focusing on the very real threats of capitalism and how it affects all of our lives.

Hell if the scary shadows of feminism are threatening all of us, then infiltrate that. Point out that class affects all of us, and should be eliminated


All caps still doesnt convince me its not a completely pointless hill to die on.

Like legit, I dont give a fuck about gender stuff.

Besides that, the fash have the left cornered on gender issues… and race issues lol. You're not gonna win a game of "who hates who" the most

with people who literally hate everything

So, hypothetical alternative?

Ah, I get it. You're sliding the thread on purpose.

Then fuck off you autistic little spaz.

Well, good luck convincing people you hate niggers and women as much as the right do lol.

Jesus fuck r/fullcommunism kill yourself, seriously.

I think all issues in a democratic society can be addressed, including gender issues.

Capitalism has no need, or want, or push to address any issue that wont lead to a profit. Its a cruel beast like that.

Hence why I think feminism has become a hot button issue. Fuckin' hell, look at the new ghost busters movie lol.. They wanna push the agenda that the only people who dislike it, hate women.

Naw lol, just an old anarchist. I hate reddits socialism reddits.. for reasons unrelated to the feminst shit you all work yourselves up into a tizzy about.

mostly because all of them are tankie hellholes, and r/a is 99% edgelords

No, the people who want to preserve it.

r/Anarchism is satire

Calm you autism.
They might be sjws but they're still communist over there. Just because they obsess too much over feminism and other idpol doesn't stop them being socialists and anarchists retard.

You probably wouldn't be getting banned if you didn't cry about how evil idpol is destroying the left at every turn like a faggot.

Thanks for completely ruining the thread, Slide. At least we now know that your cause for concern is being labelled sexist for calling the Ghostbusters shit.

Seriously fuck off mate you're derailing the thread, this isn't reddit and we can't simply ignore you when you're half the posts and the other half are made by spergy manlets who can't resist a good 300 post debate on tedious shit.

Well gee I guess that's not so bad!

I thought you were okay at first, but now you're just being a faggot.

The only thing that qualifies a socialist is believing the workers should own the means of production.

Gender shit does not matter.

Hi bjorn, no, I got banned for commenting once on another unrelated subreddit.

First time posting in this thread famrade

Youre absolutely right, but its not us, its the feminists who need to learn that.

I agree, lots of feminists are bourge pigs.

Reddit is just full of arrogant libertarians as I understand it

Reddits more of a "fuck anybody poorer than me but please legalize weed' kinda platform.

Ron Paul promised free weed, hence why theres a lot of libertarians.

This plus the big news subreddits are full of fash and alt righters

Yeeeeah, pretty much. Trumps an alt righters wet dream.

They decided they hated black folk and mooslims more than they wanted weed.

You don't, you join the white straight male master race and become a capitalist, you dirty communist pig.

You even hate your own kind. Just stop denying who you are.

They aren't though that's the thing, they swallowed the neoliberal blue pill by making race and gender to be THE main issues of our time and the source of injustice and inequality. Class is a secondary concern for them, that's why we dislike them.

I don't own any capital, so I'm not a capitalist by definition. That other shot doesn't matter and is only used by retards to stroke their ego.

Can we not just make our own subreddit?

i have no idea how Reddit works

You can, but much like how /marx/ and /liberty/ haven't exactly taken off the chances of a subreddit becoming popular are pretty low.

What if the sjw-ism is what makes it popular?

/r/anarchism is not satire
Its cancer

Even if it never becomes popular, I still think it's a good idea to try to create a place to put class back into the class struggle. This board is limited in the sense of doing that because of the way most people perceive chan culture, so in that sense we're very isolated from online political discourse.


I don't think anyone on r/fullcommunism, anarchism or even socialism would say class is a secondary concern.

This poster is correct

Stale meme

we did, and it got immediately banned by guess who

Is that the guess-whos as in the you-know-whos?

The Irish.

We get this thread every day.

send faggots/trannies/merchants/etc to gulag and recriminalise it in the constitution

hard work heals every bourgeoisie illness

Found the idpol.

wow watch out for those edges

hoarder? return to mlp my man

nice sjw universe cartoon child

this is what russans were doing and which worked pretty well

Now I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind the ban. Especially considering there's honest-to-God bestiality subs on that site.


Step1. Infilitration

Step 2. Acceptance

Step 3. Gulaging

I was wondering. Isn't Revleft more popular than those sub-reddits?

I think it's them who we should be infiltrating, and from some threads I saw they are more sympathetic to us than reddit is.

Most redditors are 15 year olds that don't know what the hell they believe.

Actual idpol advocates are rare and stick to their containment subreddits when they're not fucking with the moderation or administration of the site.


revleft is a forum
nobody uses forums anymore

I got banned from r/fullcommunism just for posting a link to bunkermag. And this was right after it first got put together too.

At least r/socialism is a bit better, not banned there yet

Let's dox/blackmail some reddit mods and demand they hand over their boards or suffer the wrath of militant pepes, we will stage an armed coup by cover of darkness.


jesus christ

There's been a "meta" sub for a while. It used to be that it was public and there was a lot of transparency. I don't think it's a huge problem that bureaucracy is kindof kept away from the main sub in and of itself, it's not the "meta" subreddit itself as much as it is half a dozen toxic people in it.

The problem is specifically that there's an idpol clique that keeps bullying other people and throwing tantrums when they didn't get their own way (usually trying to get people banned through modified consensus, but when that failed just banning people outright and barring any discussion) who tried to stack the voting process out by ensuring as many of their friends and sockpuppets voted, leading to r/drama and a few other subs trolling them. It was made private a couple months ago, and now the only drive to increase memebership numbers are from the idpol clique.

For what it's worth though, one of the mods is probably a cop. They mentioned basically having to flee a leftist frequented place a while back, and gave more than enough info to ask the comrades in that city why they were asked to gtfo. They seem to have a massive amount of money to attend a ton of conferences and fly all around the place being a professional activist despite having no significant income, they disrupt absolutely everything they are remotely involved in, and people tend to only remotely tolerate them because they're allegedly very prone to making epic drama over minor disagreements if anyone calls them out. The only reason they haven't been curb-stomped yet is that they claim to be trans and nobody wants to be seen to be queer-bashing.

Gommunism and leftism is dead(labour UK, socialdemocrats Sweden etc), SJW is left afterall, retarded "collective thinking. You guys are a bunch of autists that romantize about workers and muh revolution but deep down you know youre a loser that cant comtribute to anything.
Real workers in the real world had enough of crooked politicans eating other peoples money, people are not retarded like you autists believe, they dont want their money to be handled by people like Ed or B████ Cuckers so he can spend them on crybabies and fatties like yourselves

The way you leftists think is retarded, youre like those feminsts.
Its a kind of racism, believing all X(women, workers/poor people) have same interest or want to steal money from rich people like you, yourself do.
You guys are just ashmed of SJWs, theyre the pink version of gommunism, same shit different colour(litterally)

Nah I dont think so… OR it proves how crooked everyone can get, you just need to give them the chance

The device you sent that reply on is capital you fucking retard, why are you lefties this stupid??

My cellphone is a factory that produces goods for public consumption?

Someone's butthurt.

Which mod is a pig?

Put it in position of priority. Economics first, everything else second. We are doing things in the opposite order

Social issues should always come second to economics.

Memes aside, leftypol needs a bigger presence on Reddit and 4chan. /r/socialism is pretty liberal but ripe for a "French turn". /r/fullcommunism would be very receptive to our memes.

The online left is far too divided.

She's absolutely based

There's some SJW presence on Reddit but it's overblown even by Leftypol.

But the places you do see it tend to be leftist communities. Highest upvoted posts on /r/socialism tend to be kinda idpol-ish, and usually only somewhat related to socialism.

Bourgie anakid professional revolutionaries.

Makes my conspiracy theories on anarkid circles even stronger!

She spent a few minutes talking about BLM and Ferguson which got plenty of handclaps, as to be expected. But then she went into "let's not forget that the number one source of pain for the black community is the capitalist system, and we can never be truly alleviated of oppression until that system is destroyed." She then talked more about how Marx is still as important as ever.

To say the least, that did not cause as much enthusiasm among the suits-and-fur-coat crowd .

I don't think it's just anarkiddies. There's something about radical politics in general that attracts people who want to be edgy and solidarity LARP with the "less muh privileged." They're usually not cops, sometimes they're just autists with really well off parents who bankroll everything, or maybe they're just idpol shills who are too spooked with whatever stupid ideology. This was a very particular case in which someone appears to be a ghost, undermining activist groups by their actions, destroying cross-group collaboration, spending their entire life flying from protest to protest, etc.

well thats not condescending at all

But he's right, reddit is very hostile to so called SJWs just like leftypol and the other pro-white male hangouts are

Kek, that actually represents leftypol pretty well

What did he mean by this?

I would say but I don't want to be a mansplainer

Not him but we have found cops in anarcho-punk events here in the past.

reddit is more reactionary than 4chan these days -strange that it still has a "liberal" reputation

Oh fuck off, literally every single thing related to politics on my campus either revolves around them or caters to them, no other political discourse is tolerated on a large scale because it doesn't address the "real issues" of gender, racism, etc. This university is sending new lawyers, doctors, etc. all manner of influential people into the society year after year. There is no leftism to be found here because nothing that isn't idpol (of the SJW variety, not of the Holla Forums variety) is allowed to be discussed in public.

I'm so sick of seeing SJWs amd their partners in crime come here and pretend SJWs are just some kind of non existent boogeyman in our minds when the reality is they are playing a dominant role in our culture and political discourse, while being aided by a very willing reactionary media that promotes them at every turn while obfuscating all other avenues of political discussion.

They are getting well respected professors and entire college administrations to "step down" or get fired all over the country. It wasn't the Nazis who got them fired, it wasn't the socialists, it wasn't the Trump supporters, the Clinton supporters, it wasn't Holla Forums (they would just laugh at our demands,) it was the SJWs because they are the only group that wield such enormous cultural power right now.

You sure that was all it was? Did you appeal?

Reddit has drifted to the center-right.

4chan is all over the place, with an apparently even split of leftists, liberals, and fascists.

Holla Forums has gotten less far-right thanks to an influx of Trump-voting normies

The political parts of Reddit are by no means center-right. They're definitely on the left side of things

That would be the "political" subreddits which are split according to their tendencies. The main subs like /r/news are full of StormJW shills

(TW: lots of anecdotes)
Whenever I see them talked about, either in media or online, they are certainly being mocked rather than accepted. (But perhaps you and I are thinking of different things? To me not every social activist is an SJW.)

Again, with regards to colleges, every campus I've been around has an activist component but I wouldn't say they had a powerful role there (I live in a solid "red state", however)

All of this just gives me the impression that the people here talk about SJW's having actual real fucking power over our culture are just former Holla Forumsyps that haven't quite despooked themselves of the Cultural Marxism meme

Because it somehow hasn't been posted yet:

Or you can actually read the news and see how Yale professors stepped down due to SJW pressure, how the entire University of Missouri administration stepped down due to SJWs, how they got Woodrow Wilson's statue removed from Princeton…countless other things I don't need to list them all.

You repeating ad-nauseum "THOSE ARE JUST ANECDOTES" is worthless. We all have eyes, we all see the news, we all see that no other group in our culture is wielding enough influence and power to so radically get institutions to cater to their will. I dare you to make similar demands as they do over a statue, a song, or an employees best on any other non SJW ideology, say Christianity for example, and watch how quickly you are laughed out of the building.

And, no, media channels like the BBC, TYT, Bill Maher, etc. constantly push an SJW revisionist narrative, lacing every single argument they have with "due to the inherent racism, sexism, etc. in our society." It doesn't matter if TYT criticized SJWs once or twice, they push the same narrative constantly while ignoring the real problem, class.

Again, we're using the word SJW to refer to two different things. I only reserve it for when I describe a particular form of online cretin that exists on the margins of the web, whose heyday peaked around 2011. Whereas you seem to be using it as a general term describing various social activists groups.

The ignoring of class is unforgivable, you'll find no disagreement from me there. But I don't find social activism as a problem in itself, I don't see a problem with critiquing various -isms in our society, and I don't think it's some sort of travesty that they pressured a university to take down a statue of a scumbag like Wilson.

My only issue is how they construct the critique because, like I said, they ignore class and the nature of capitalism. And because their critique focuses on individuals and their actions, and not the system itself, their critique is liberal in nature, not radical.

Social activism isn't the root of the problem. Liberalism, which has infected political discourse everywhere you look, is.

They typically criticize others for bigotry while being bigoted themselves. It's like saying that Nazis are okay because you agree that it's not good to be "anti-white".

Black self defense organizations. Armed ones.

"Checking your white 'privlege'" should amount to fighting on their side. Actually defending, gun in hand. Not holding signs.

"Guns are racist because black people are more likely to be shot by police"-SJW

Well, stand in front of them and shield your black gun-owning comrades, then.

Help the average black person get more of a platform since the average black person actually agrees with most of us on most things and has respect for his/her low income white neighbors. Take the mic away from these wealthy white so-called "antiracists" who wish to divide and conquer.

I can't wait till all of us Jim-bobs and Leroys in ghettos and trailer parks around the world unite to defeat the bourgie. Seeing us united…those among the petit bourgie Big Social Justice system who REALLY cared to begin with will have to drop the act at the sight of this, admit they were wrong, and support us.

Or not. Depends on weather these SJWs are mislead and naive, or if they're actually purposely protecting their own petit bourgie status by condemning "racist hillbillies", something which they won't give up easily if that's the case.

There are black nationalists on those subreddites.

Any other parts of history you'd like to stuff down the memory hole?

do you think a post-revolutionary society would tolerate the open display of monuments of people who maintained the capitalist order?

History isn't being erased, the only way you could do that is to destroy archive information and ensure that no one speaks of it again. Rather, it's about whether these people should be commemorated.

Of his many sins, what Wilson did to the radical movement in this country via the Espionage Act was unforgivable. So no I do not mourn the removal of his statue.

Godspeed, commissar Cletus.

Why destroy them unless you want to destroy reminders of the past?

A sculpture can exist for more reasons than commemoration, for a start. Also, history very much is being erased.

I presume you would support the Taliban in their destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan or ISIS in their wanton smashing of Assyrian antiquities, given their motives are identical to the argument you are using.

I notice I'm not the first person pointing this out, but literally ISIS.

There are examples from every revolutionary period of the people destroying buildings, statues, monuments etc, that symbolized the oppression of the ruling class. The destruction is more symbolic than practical, but don't understate the importance of symbolism. I don't see what objection one could have to this unless you're someone who believes we should preserve everything forever, regardless of their value.

How does removing a statue erase our knowledge of past events? Especially since they moved the Davis statue to the "Briscoe Center for American History"? (The statue removals happened at UT btw, not Princeton)

On one hand we have monuments that have been around for millenia that are of archaeological importance. On the other we have shitty statues of Woodrow Wilson and Jefferson Davis that someone took and moved somewhere else. The artifacts and actions in question are not equivalent.

Most SJW and LGBT are just liberals, COINTEL-PRO or even fascists in the case of LGBT (see Ukraine).
Ending racism and archiving real woman's rights(not just the right to be exploited by capitalists) can't be fully archived under capitalism.

So if you disapprove of it, it should be destroyed? You are no different to a book burner.

The same way that destroying a building does, the object is no longer there to be observed, discussed and trigger memories.

Yes, they are equivalent. Your entire argument hinges on the idea that these objects only have value in relation to your perception of them in an extremely limited context. Furthermore, let us be clear that "removal" is simply a prelude to the destruction of these sculptures. You are no different to those Islamists.

I would go even further, to state that any ideology which resorts to censorship of any kind is, on a fundamental basis, in defeat.

The only ideas, including ideologies, that deserve to exist, are those capable of constantly and eternally defending themselves against all challengers.

Free speech is the scientific method applied to the human psyche, the ultimate filter to separate chaff from wheat.


So do you think we should've left the swastika on top of the Reichstag after Germany's defeat in WWII?

It's been 71 years since that giant swastika blew up, and yet it (among other destroyed things) are still being discussed. An object does not need to be in continual existence for it to remain in historical consciousness, if that were the case we would not possess any historical knowledge whatsoever.

I wish namefagging wasnt frowned upon here cuz I'd keep "Commissar Cletus" as my username.

Trying to "destroy capitalism" without ANY lifestylism, propaganda, recruitment methods, idpol…won't work.

idpol or lifestylism alone also won't work.

All of these elements need to be combined after the destruction of Big Social Justice.

It seems there are a lot of fellow REDnecks here.

But idpol IS social justice. Post-postmodern nonsense like "critical race theory" is inherently beyond redeeming.

No, but for very different reasons. The Reichstag was Nazi party headquarters. The swastika was to denote it as such. With the fall of Hitler, the function of the building changed. Ergo, the signage needed changing.

Are they discussing the quality of the workmanship or the stone? No, there are discussing what they saw in a grainy black and white image as that swastika slips from memory.

The destruction of items means that in many cases we do not have historical knowledge. For example we don't know the location of the ancient city of Akkad. There's the small matter of the library in Alexandria and the many lost works of ancient writers, too.

I was going to create my own thread for destroying the SJW.

We will destroy Big Social Justice and create true social justice through many means:

*Publicize black male civil rights leaders taking the side of black male rapists over black female rape victims (Even though black victims are just as likely to get discriminated against by the court system as black perps are). This is something I call "thug privlege", a privlege bestowed upon the upper eschelon of an oppressed group. (The oppressed group being the "urban poor").

Look up Dunbar Projects Al Sharpton Rape

We must also support Black Self Defense. We must loudly reply to "B-b-but guns are racist because 6 million black men are shot by cops every day"


"Then pick up a piece and stand in front of your black gun-owning comrades."

We may ask for the endorsement of Marvin Guy if we can reach him. He is a black man who is in prison in Texas, likely awaiting Death Row, because he killed two invading, unidentified SWAT team members who broke into his house on a wrongful raid. Find revolutionaries in poor neighborhoods who defy ghetto/trailer trash culture and help them replace thug culture with revolutionary culture.

Include black females and LGBT people along with "cis straight white males" in this leadership. Lead with true anti-racist values.

Speak out against police brutality, and mention the racist aspect occasionally. Use the phrase "People of color and poor whites" to describe police brutality victims.

"People of color" sounds academic and nasaley. Use "minorities" if good politic to do so.

Create a revolutionary culture of unity between black and white "low income" culture (Much of this unity already exists). A culture which openly and SPECIFICALLY defies Big Social Justice (Even if BSJ isn't the main enemy, it is a specific enemy which must be named).

That thing about Lena Dunham molesting her sister? That helps too. Keep it up with that. Create a culture with high leftist moral standards.

And don't give me that bullshit that "these cultures are the way they are because of capitalism we have to destroy capitalism first".

We will never destroy capitalism without creating a culture against it.

Create soul-stirring speeches like the following speech I created against Big Social Justice (SJWs) and counter-revolutionary lumpen culture:

"Our hands, soaked in rapist blood, will crush Big Social Justice "feminists".

Our hands, soaked in white supremacist blood, will cover the mouth of Big Social Justice race baiters.

The place of a poor black or poor white person who betrays their own social class is lower than that of the rich whites.

The rich whites are our uniformed enemy, fair and square. They are defending their own interests. May their destruction be quick and painless if possible!

But those who scour the ghettos and trailer parks looking to prey upon their own kind are lower than any animal. We must UNITE against toxic influences within our own classes, within and across racial boundaries, in order to destroy the one percent."

SJW's can't write speeches like that. Imagine that in a powerful voice.

Be sure to include females and "people of color" to deliver such soul stirring speeches and Call Them Out For Their Bigotry (how's it feel fuckers) if they call this "masculinized speech".

That image of Harriet Tubman with a gun in one hand, and her other hand extended…that's good stuff. Leftists need daddy figures like any group does, including revolutionary ones.

In this case the "daddy" would be Harriet Tubman as well as white male revolutionaries and white male leftist martyrs portrayed side by side. Again, true antiracism.

Can you see it now? Most of the benefits of lovey dovey liberal culture but with a violent revolutionary leftist fervor. SJWs will convert to become true leftists or starve.

Oh I need an entire new thread for "fiction media".

I predict the cancer will tentacle rape your plans into submission after all of 18 seconds.

Bahaha I cam here via news, and stayed just to soak up your utter stupidity. Just so you know, the universe shudders with embarrassment every time one of you cretins puts your thoughts before your peers.

This is the best post I've found thus far: .
I will be sure to thank god this evening that I am not so retarded as to believe in a kumbayah, brotherhood of man, multiracial global revolution against a class of people who grew up believing precisely the same shit as all of you (that all races are interchangeable and that the swarthy hordes would join together with the white proles (whom you all hate anyway) to fight 'economic injustice' if only some charitable sorts would import them into our formerly stable nations).

Serious question: how do you nitwits process the fact that every 'bourgeois' faggot that has been to university since the 1960's has at some point espoused the same theories as you? How do you get your heads around the fact that most of the bureaucrats in the EU were student marxists? How can your pea-sized autist-brains tolerate denying something as obvious as the common thread running from classical marxism through to cultural marxism (when all of the identity politics of the last century has been propagated by self-confessed marxists)?

I really wonder if, in your eyes, there has ever been a 'true' marxist. Every effeminate, friendless leftist husk I've ever met has gone to such lengths to deny that any form of marxism has ever been attempted, and to discard any 'problematic' figure associated therewith that it seems a herculean task to actually pin down any ideology at all.

What unites you all is a distinct lack of charisma, an average level of intelligence and a truly autistic disregard for blood, culture or tradition - borne out of spiteful envy (however you wish to spin it).


here's your (you)


Is there really anything more politically incorrect than a leftist, though? The sites of enunciation will let alt-right faggots talk on TV, but you're not going to see op-ed in the NYT talking about how bosses are unnecessary.

Everything you believe is laughably inane and unworkable.
It all reads like a particularly unimaginative child's conception of utopia.
But yeah, keep it up, guys: the low-intelligence foreigners that you've enabled the importation of totally love you people, and will be sure to thank you for bringing about the 'worker's' revolution.

How many of you work the land, or on a building site, or in a factory, or in any capacity that could be considered traditionally working class?

Grow the fuck up.

You created these sjw's, but are too vain to see it.

Why can't humanity ultimately live without bosses and permanent, rigorous hiearchy? To clarify, under Communism there'd still be bosses and hiearchies but they'd be temporary and only created to perform socially necessary labor (which will decrease the more robotics advance).

Why is this utopian? If anything believing that we could create a society wherein bosses possess arbitrary authority over the life of someone who is at least equal to them as far as intelligence/morals/work ethic etc and there is no alienation is utopian

It really isn't worth me trying to explain something so fundamentally obvious as hierarchy. If you haven't worked it out by the time you're old enough to use the internet unsupervised, then you really are a lost cause. Fucking effeminate mess.

Answer me this, if you will: in your own words, why is communism a good thing, when nothing about its effects on the people who lived under it seems to suggest it is? You do realise the Poles and Ukranians detest communism, don't you?

But I just said there would still be hiearchies under Communism they just wouldn't be permanent/your life wouldn't depend on being a subject every day.

If it's so simple why not explain it to me?

Rude :^)

I wasn't aware that the citizens of the Paris Commune, Mahknovist Ukraine, Catalonia, the Zapatista areas, and Rojava hated it so much Yes I know none of those places were technically full gommunism but you know what I'm saying

What is the relevance of the opinions of Poles and Ukrainians here?

They missed out on the only good part of USSR Socialism, which was Stalin industrializing the country.
I think that has more to do with Russia trying to annex them over and over

Meanwhile, polls across Hungary and Romania(as well as Khazickstan) show that people prefer socialism more than capitalism.

Capitalism didn't even help Russia, they don't even break the Top 40 HDI.

I'm sorry that you're a cuck and can't picture a world where you don't have a father figure like daddy Trump standing over you to direct you where to go and what to eat and what music to listen to, but the rest of us aren't infants.

not that it's relevant, but I grew up on a farm and have been a wage-worker my entire adult life. but doesn't suggesting that the correctness of a theory depends on who is saying it violate one of those fallacies you Holla Forumstards like to keep at the top of your shitty board? hint: it's ad hominem

Communists getting murdered by nazi gangs and people detesting communism are different things.

When the ideology espoused by the members of a given board involve the bloody deposition of one class by another, I think it's worthy of note that the majority of the vocal malcontents are of the class that is to be deposed (which I have observed to be the case, in the wider world: hence my asking in this thread).

I'm not sure whether you're suggesting that the nazi gangs killing commies are actually okay with communism, or whether you think these are imported right wing death squads.

I think that Communists keeping their heads down don't mean that everyone hates Communists.

People in power do.

A class does not have to act in its objective class interest.

Fall on your sword then, you faggot of truly cosmic proportions. Or continue larping about a bloody revolution; safe in the knowledge that it will never happen, thus you will never have to crack rocks for being a bourgeois element (for what could be more bourgeois than pontificating about Marx?).

Except the vast majority of people here don't own the means of production and employ the labour of others, the majority sell their labour to such people. Meaning that they are part of the proletariat, not the bourgeois.

What defines class isn't about what job you do or what your income is, but your relationship to capital, labour, and the means of production.

I hope you're a troll and not just retarded beyond all salvation.

You stormcucks are funny. You think taking the bottom 20% and firing them into the sun would fix all your problems, but haven't yet realized that there would be a new bottom 20% and they'd face all the same problems as the last group did because you didn't fix shit.


I went to a 70% black elementary and middle school as a child, from 1994-2001.

As early as 1994 (first grade), African American pride was the THEME of the ENTIRE SCHOOL, all year round. I'm all about "black history month" but I don't think racial unity of one race should be the THEME OF AN ENTIRE SCHOOL all year round.

I would consider that SJW bullshit and this was in the 90s.

Name one successful leader who didn't implement some sort of cultural change in tandem with, and building up to, actual revolution.

Some (heavily limited) lifestylism is necessary for a feeling of community between leftists as well as helping create a revolutionary culture.

inb4 "We have to destroy capitalism first". That'll never happen without first building a revolutionary culture.

I never said anything in favor of mass immigration dumbass.
