This just popped up on /r/The_Donald go figure it was a muzzie

This just popped up on /r/The_Donald go figure it was a muzzie

Other urls found in this thread:

The post got removed and wasn't loading for me. It was a post blaming Trump supporters for hate and violence or some shit. This is the link to their blog.

Kill yourself.

You realize you can't just direct link reddit and tumblr for a thread and expect to not be considered a faggot because you posted a Pepe

Like this. Also lurk moar OP this is cuckchan tier posting.



nice reddit spacing

Hello reddit.

Are the gay muslim bombers back?

fucking fail

guess redditfugee doesn't know how to archive


Rediit leave nigger faggots

Well, if this is true it is confirmed a muzzie by the tumblr

i saw that post too


OP is a faggot, but this is a dumb meme and you're even using it wrong

Don't bother clicking, this is what it says. Doubt a mudslime would burn down an SJW rave to combat racism and Christianity, but one did kill a bunch of lefty faggots for vaguely the same reason.

It is probably just a troll. This isn't how they work anyways, we'll see if anybody claims the kills.

This reminds me of something……good work OP


Oh, is this a gore thread?

if you're going to post gore don't post it for ants.

This isn't even good gore. If you are going to spam with gore, do it well.

Show me up bitch

check out this gore guys

Would it matter? ISIS claims credit for everything that kills people. If they take credit for this doesn't it help our agenda?

That is a little better, and you rolled dubbs….see kek wants you to post good gore.

isn't that the point?

show me up faggots

fuggin trips


Thx, I need to fortify my gore folder.


Is there something to this?


definitely something to this.

I'm waiting for you to top me nigger

Yes, but I would bet 70/30 its a troll. If we pushed the meme regardless it would be good, but it's a weak meme to push because it's an easy one to disprove.

This is now a GoryHoWa thread.

Kek has willed it; the Great Homo-Muzzie War has begun.

Been a while since I've seen decent gore on Holla Forums

This turned out to be pretty good bread


you got any naked chicks?

Keks blessings be upon us.

No, but here's one eating shit.

With those dubs, I can make it happen.

Praise kek


The resemblance is uncanny.