Obama To Sign Bill Making ‘Alternative Media’ Illegal


Spread the word. The new media is under the attack. The old media got hammered so bad, they now have to resort to banning their enemies. One thing confuse me.

Along with >>11375424, they're acting like Trump isn't going to be in the house, or he can't overturn this afterwards. In case the worst happens, might as well take away their stick to prevent them fucking people over (because if Trump wasn't in the house- they would hit back so fucking hard, it'll make China look like Texas.)

But, it's the same deal:

- Spread the word.

- Tell people to protest and call.

- Get Trump to know we don't want it (one tweet by him could kill this outright).

Make #HR6363 trend!

Warn people about the H.R.6393 Bill

Other urls found in this thread:


Did you post this on cuckchan or something?



We North Korea now

How is this not blatantly and obviously unconstitutional?

For the newfags that actually bought into the Republican party being decent this should wake your retarded asses up.

Well, this is passed every year, this year it just has a clause no one cared to bring attention to because you're right, they're cuck traitors who should be held accountable for their crimes and Trump won't be the man to do that.

The republicans and dems are both shit parties, and it's one or the other.

the sad thing is they are the lesser evil.

The media's highest priority should be to cover our leaders and spread the word to the people about what they are doing and what is going on. But with this bill, they have to be approved by the same leaders that they are supposed to keep a sharp-and-critical-eye on.

Holy fuck, talk about pulling down the veil, this is great for us. The more current situation looks like the way we have been talking about for decades, the more people are going join us in the war against the kikes and for our freedom.

Stop accepting lesser evils, we need to get these fuckers primaried and out of office.

Never accepted them. They both need to be purged.

This has been a card the american elite have played any time thier powere base is threatened, just look at all the crazy non-truth propoganda about russia under cuckunism int the 70's, whilst missing the fucking kgb insertion of ideas through education.They had no idea about what the russians were doing, they just used them as a lever for more controll over the that period. same as now.

The paralels of what the msm and establishment is pushing now and and known lies that were being pushed then could be used to piont out the falsety of these claims to more """logical""" bluepill faggots hopefully.

Does anybody remember when the right was full of Russophobe red-baiters?

Is this another case of disinformation to reinforce the "fake news" narrative?

You're a little late for this thread, Schlomo. Set Alt+F5 as your reset key if you're serious about always being the first comment.

Obvious first amendment violation.

err, I'm sure you were referring to another post



Stop shilling this shitty disinfo outlet. I bet you also spread their "leaked" secret election pdf. That said tbtb would use project blue beam to get Shillary elected by ayylmaos. Sage. Get better source.




Nothing wrong with that bill.

Russian disinfo outlets like 8ch.net need to be taken down before the Russians corrupt the minds of our youth.

They're really pushing it, aren't they?

In America's two party system, hijacking the republican party is the most practical way of achieving this at this time. Even if we did create an alternative compelling enough to defeat the republicans, all it would lead to is the worst party (democrats) coasting to victory.

It seems retarded in the age of the internet too. How does it even work ?

These laws are so retarded too.

Take Infowars for instance, if they wanted to shut down Infowars, all they would have to do is report the truth about infowars in the MSM, but they don't do that. I mean really throw a brick.

What do you have here ?

You have the government allowed to propagandise it's own citizens passed by law.

Then a law is passed so that you can't do fake shit through the media ?

See the problem ? So what do you end up with ? Nothing but an all-government circle jerk lie fest.

Government run Infowars Alex Jones calls government run MSNBC Rachel Maddow a witch and she just responds by saying he's a kook and so on and so forth.

These laws are a joke.

Even more dumb is how Russia doesn't even do anything about it either, just all this accusations and crap, and Russia never really throws a brick either.

Someone needs to pull the pin on all this shit, these people don't seem to realise that all they're doing is making their existence less and less tenable.

What do you think I meant by getting them primaried?

This post had absolutely no right being this long.


Why haven't we banned your kind yet?

What's the reason I should give a fuck?

do you know how much jonestein has to pay in alimony? this could be a disaster for the filter industry


Feel free to respond to anything that was actually said instead of being government/media shills

This is going too far now…


The government doesn't want Infowars shut down. Infowars is the government.

Keep gunning for that derail shill

I don't care… It's all disinfo. Fuck them too. CBS = infwars inverted but it's still Jewish. Besides it would be great PR for exposing the corruption because all the plebs would go nuts.

Their literally memeing Trump 2020

What the fuck are you even doing. Why are you pretending we can't tell you're a Redditeer?

So a proper source is where?

You're either a fucking retard or a shill, you really don't think Holla Forums would be considered a
russian propaganda site" by their standards?

GG leftists

uhh, this post is straight out of like abovetopsecret in 2006. is it a bot?

Sorry, I changed my mind about this post.

Where does this bill say ANYTHING about alternate media or even Russian propaganda?

>>>Holla Forums11375424

Section 501.

Maybe that committee will sit on their asses with the lame duck. Chances are an old power structure in this turf war is trying to blow up the whole house to get their way, so we may see anything happen in these next few months. I dunno if that pertains to this bill necessarily, but it definitely sets a pretense, does it not?

Here's what the bill actually says:


That's not officially from the government, it's from a very unreliable third party source and it was reported on by the Washington Post.

The thing is that Trump is in office in about a month. I don't see how the intelligence agencies can get away with targeting "legitimate" news sites without proof of connection to Russia with him in power.

You are not even trying.

Thanks, just noticed the full text congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/6393/text
They could definitely spin that as anything non-approved as news.

Wew lad


How's Fort Meade and Englin AGB this time of year Corporal Shill?


Christ are they really letting guys this stupid into military intelligence? What was your ASVAB, 25? Who's your CO? I'm gonna come slap your shit boot.

It's blatantly unconstitutional and no one will obey it. If this isn't fake news it could be a "trial balloon" to see what they can get away with.

but isn't Obama starting an alternative media website?

Spacing after you link a post is literally reddit spacing.


So your ASVAB was closer to 15 then? I can't believe my tax dollars pay for you retards.

January 20th can't get her soon enough.

Obongo is gonna be pulling every crazy thing that comes across his nigger brain before The God Emperor fires him.

OP, the language in HR 6393 is pretty vague, and I don't think it implies "banning alternative media." The language in the bill says that intelligence agencies should "expose falsehoods," perpetrated by "da Rushenz." That's pretty vague. No action, especially legal, is even discussed.

OP, are you Sherman? You need to stop pulling this prank. And text me, faggot.

its fine! shill detected and filtered.

That's not what the bill says at all.

With regard to Russia, there are sections 501, 502, and 503.

Sec 502 has to do with limiting the distance Russian diplomats can travel from their post to 25 miles unless given a waiver by the US government. Section 503 has to do with a study into expanding the Open Skies Treaty. They're not related to the subject at hand.

Section 501 details the creation of a committee featuring a single member of each intelligence committee with the task of countering Russian "covert influence." To this aim, they devise strategy to "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence, including by exposing falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies," and "such other duties as the President may designate for purposes of this section."

As far as I can tell, this is just "proofs?" and counter-propaganda, like CTR level shit. It's bad but not "ban all alternative media" bad, which is so absurdly unconstitutional and impractical as to not merit danger. That's likely an invention by said media to get people to rally around them. I realize the irony of me criticizing "fact-checking" shills while doing actual fact-checking of my own, and I imagine I'll get called a shill for it (just look at ), but you shouldn't fall for this hoax.

I'm a member of CSIS I'm not even American and I'm paid quite well thanks.

They might pay you good but they didn't train you so good it seems.

(b) Establishment.—There is established within the executive branch an interagency committee to counter active measures by the Russian Federation to exert covert influence.

(c) Membership.—


(A) APPOINTMENT.—Each head of an agency or department of the United States Government set out under subparagraph (B) shall appoint one member of the committee established by subsection (b) from among officials of such agency or department who occupy a position that is required to be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(B) HEAD OF AN AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT.—The head of an agency or department of the United States Government set out under this subparagraph are the following:

(i) The Director of National Intelligence.

(ii) The Secretary of State.

(iii) The Secretary of Defense.

(iv) The Secretary of the Treasury.

(v) The Attorney General.

(vi) The Secretary of Energy.

(vii) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

(viii) The head of any other agency or department of the United States Government designated by the President for purposes of this section.

(d) Meetings.—The committee shall meet on a regular basis.

(e) Duties.—The duties of the committee established by subsection (b) shall be as follows:

(1) To counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence, including by exposing falsehoods, agents of influence, corruption, human rights abuses, terrorism, and assassinations carried out by the security services or political elites of the Russian Federation or their proxies.

(2) Such other duties as the President may designate for purposes of this section.

(f) Staff.—The committee established by subsection (b) may employ such staff as the members of such committee consider appropriate.

(g) Budget Request.—A request for funds required for the functioning of the committee established by subsection (b) may be included in each budget for a fiscal year submitted by the President pursuant to section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code.

(h) Annual Report.—

(1) REQUIREMENT.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, and consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, the committee established by subsection (b) shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report describing steps being taken by the committee to counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence.

(2) MATTERS INCLUDED.—Each report under paragraph (1) shall include a summary of the following:

(A) Active measures by Russia to exert covert influence during the previous year, including significant incidents and notable trends.

(B) Key initiatives of the committee.

(C) Implementation of the committee’s initiatives by the heads of the agencies and departments of the United States Government specified in subsection (c)(1)(B).

(D) Analysis of the success of such initiatives.

(E) Changes to such initiatives from the previous year.

(3) SEPARATE REPORTING REQUIREMENT.—The requirement to submit an annual report under paragraph (1) is in addition to any other reporting requirements with respect to Russia.

Tell me where I'm wrong, faggot. Tell me where wrongthink sites will be illegal. OP is trolling you. This isn't the first time a budget bill was made into some big panic.


kill yourself

Good luck enforcing it, king nigger. Let me know when you won the war on drugs and piracy. :^)

You're right, and it's the wrong strategy. What they should do is simply come clean, admit they push a narrative, and then expose media tactics that both sides use. Even the fact that they call the big media groups mainstream media is stupid. They should just call it the liberal media. This way they legitimize themselves, instead of framing themselves as the uppity little brother.

https ://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr6393/text

https ://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr6393/text

Don't this atomatically bans gawker, CTR and whatnot?


Requesting sticky tbh.

Yikes. Maybe Cunton sold her share of CTR to Barry?

Barry talks about starting his own media outlet and then this happens. How much do you want to bet his media will immediately become "mainstream" instead of "alternative?"

It's funny how an article about fake news is actually fake news.


Nigger, find a better source next time.

Now that's better.

"Curiously, the bill which was passed on November 30, was introduced on November 22, two days before the Washington Post published its Nov. 24 article citing "experts" who claim Russian propaganda helped Donald Trump get elected."

That's an important detail, that could be a clue to help us find out who is behind PropOrNot. We need to find out who wrote this bill H.R. 6393. What do we know about congressman Devin Nunes ?


It's essentially a symbolic thing because neither the congress, the senate or the president can abolish the First Amendment with a law. It's going to be complicated for them to prove that this or that website is russian propaganda and PropOrNot are probably going to get sued soon so we will eventually find out who is behind that ridiculous list. One or more of the websites on the list need to sue the Washington Post too.

This could work


Bullshit source. Problem 1.
It's fucking nothing.

This is the U.S. The congress cannot make a law preventing the freedom of expression OR the freedom of the press to print whatever they want.

Every non-retarded adult adult realizes that people offer up bills that will never pass.

Delete this dumbass thread.

If they actually shut down Infowars, Drudge, Breightbart, and Zerohedge.. it would probably start a war. Which is what they want.

Either they plan on going full dictatorship within a month, or they are amassing weapons for Trump to kill them with

Jesus fucking christ learn to type.

or trump is a plant and he will do what they want

or they are tricking the Jew and Trump will use this to shut down CNN, MSNBC ect

The two party system needs to be destroyed. We need to get this on trumps to do list. We haven't fixed this problem that the great George Washington warned us about. It's about time

Who still gives a shit.

He is a corpse by now

Exactly, there should really only be one party in America the white party and all subhumans should die.

This Russia vs America is a rehash of an old distraction propaganda method. Its the 40s, 50s and 60s all over again. The goyim are too distracted by bullshit our own governments invented t to keep us from seeing the bigger picture.

ywn be as butt blasted as this

They did nothing about the Soviet influence which was exposed during the release of the Verona papers. It doesn't help when almost every damn liberal and neocon is a Soviet pinko influenced plant. The neocons themselves fully admit to be Trotsky worshiping pinko traitors and they hijacked the republican party. McCarthy was right. The only hope now is that the new generations are shifting back to how it was before the boomer generation ruined everything.

Do they want to ve assassinated?
Because this is how you get assassinated.

Hilarious. Obama signs bill making alternative media illegal. Trump gets into office and declares all of (((them))) alternative illegal media. Hahaha.

Understood. Sounded screwy in the OP.

Yuri said they would always infiltrate conservative/republican movements because leftists movements were to be used a useful idiots.

David Cole did that. Animal Party.

Is king nigger just salting the earth before the god emperor comes?

If we can't verify anything about this "PropOrNot", doesn't that make it fake news?
Possible angle for redpilling normies here.

How do they keep track of all these long laws?

The bill exists but I don't know how exaggerated the threat is.

Shill harder.

This will end up being the case regardless due to their incredible stupidity.



also, filtered

They better be able to provide some solid fucking evidence. Keep in mind the same fucks pushing this lapped up soviet propaganda back in the day.

CNN and MSNBC are fake news websites. Media manipulation, disinformation, and the funding of agents of influence are things that the kikes do habitually.

We clearly owe these guys a round of applause, but the law is the law, and it must be enforced. I would like to see how Mr. Trump goes about enforcing a law that was designed to punish the people that got him elected. If spreading false political propaganda on behalf of a foreign government for the sake of influencing the democratic system becomes illegal, then how many jews will NOT get locked up in cages as a result of this new law?

What is unconstitutional for 100, Alex.

We want him to get this through.

This is what we call pretext dear gentlemen.

**Republican Party Animal.

He hadn't renounced his political stance, and was browbeaten by the (now out of date) GOPe elite. What a time to be living in!

We have to get this to Trumps team!!!


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When is a law not a law?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

it sets the precedent which can be used to ban other forms of media, you fucking retard.


It's already been authorized, for a while.


>The two party system needs to be destroyed
>The current two parties need to be destroyed

That law is facially unconstitutional. That law abridges the freedom of speech. The media is so pathetic they need Obama to pass a law to eliminate their competition. If they ever want to be relevant again they should get better at journalism.

CNN is mad cuz bad.

cnn, msnbc, BBC already are fake news, see