Climate Change Will Stir 'Unimaginable' Refugee Crisis

Climate change is set to cause a refugee crisis of “unimaginable scale”, according to senior military figures, who warn that global warming is the greatest security threat of the 21st century and that mass migration will become the “new normal”.

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That being said, they'll just do more shilling in third world and convince the masses that they're failing to grow crops because of the illusive (((climate change))) instead of their own incompetency.

Or we could just stop feeding them, stop taking them in and let them starve like a sane society would.

Reminds me of this King Nigger gem.

Blameshifting: Obama tells DiCaprio climate change ‘contributed’ to the Syrian civil war

So then have a strong millitary and protect your borders. Every white country nowadays is a cuck because we don't fight anymore. Whites stopped fighting after the world wars and it made us weak. The subhumans were not a part of this so they were not stricken with the weakness that we received. All we need is a little conflict to get white countries being ok with ethnic warfare. Once the whites are on board with race war, the sub humans will be wiped out and put in their place for good. We won't have issues after that

Mo money fo dem programs!

Sanders said it in a debate as well, it's been floating for quite a while now. Looks like this was supposed to be the next step in the "inevitability" of mass-migration after beach-kid.

Reminder that AGW doesn’t exist.

100% not our problem.
The world isn't a nice place where everyone can get by . Nature is very cruel and unforgiving. Only the strong survive. The time of peace and plenty is coming to an end. Either we will defend our wealthy land or the invader will take it.

There are historical climate changes like the ending of the roman war period where it got too cold in the north so the germanics/huns began migrating south and invading. At least the romans fought pretty hard to stop them for the most part. I can't think of any civilization that has just let the invaders come in, feed them, and let them take over. Modern society has reached cuck levels that should never be possible and nature will correct that soon enough.

Man, I guess we really need those (((carbon credits))) if we don't want our daughters raped by shitskins.

This is the real reason why a wall is needed. Europe is probably fucked unless they get people in power who are willing to give the order to shoot rapefugees. Iceland will be the only white country left.

Obviously. How do we achieve this though? How do we normalize ethnic warfare? Niggers and shitskins would join together and wipe us out if they could. What will it take for whites to understand that the other races are our enemies?

Nigger, you don't need a wall when you can simply shoot the invaders. One common sign of a falling nation is that its government cares more about defending by building structures than being offensive and attacking.

These people have no morals whatsoever.

The Romans cucked out at the end and basically gave the invaders free land if they would turn around and fight for Rome. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work out very well for them. Always remember that making any concession to the invader, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is tantamount to surrender and will only ensure the inglorious death of your civilization.

Spengler, nice.

Yeah this also confirms my belief that Trump is more like a final gasp of white american civilization hearkening to the past only in style and not in true spirit. A cheap imitation that will perpetuate a failing nation in its current form for as long as he can.


Yes, climate changes. But there is absolutely no evidence that humans are having any impact on the climate whatsoever. In order to establish an actual human impact in a statistically significant way, you must show a modern trend that deviates from a baseline of appropriate duration. Because geologic processes spanning millions of years are responsible for tremendous amounts of variation in global temperatures, an appropriate baseline must necessarily include millions of years of data to account for this variation. Not only are we not in a period of “record high temperatures,” we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years.


There is absolutely no evidence that current temperatures are outside the trend of totally natural variation, and all attempts to make it appear that way are misleading you by truncating the data to a sample of statistically insignificant size. And then they apply their misleading, exponential curve-fits and smoothing effects for dramatic purposes. The earth had had ice caps for maybe about half of the time over the past 500 million years. The picture shows rapid periods of melting and re-glaciation over periods of a few thousand years. There is nothing abnormal about current melting rates.


The sea level has been rising at a very steady and predictable rate over the past 8-10,000 years since the emergence from the last major glacial period with no deviation at all from this trend even as humans began industrializing. When environmentalists show you graphs going back 50-100 years of rising sea level data, they omit the fact that this is both on-trend and completely expected.


We have no actual data that indicates that climate is in any way behaving abnormally, much less due to human impact. The only thing we have is a hypothesis that CO2 affects climate in a meaningful way, which is what climatologists attempt to model. But those models make terrible predictions.


If your hypothesis consistently churns out inaccurate predictions–no matter how many times you tweak the knobs and change little fudge-factors here and there–then your hypothesis is shit and must be discarded. Morons who believe in this garbage have no understanding of basic epistemology, let alone science–and that goes for the so-called “scientists” peddling this mystical bullshit.
CO2 is only hypothesized to have the impact on global climate that the alarmists claim. But this has failed to be demonstrated in two major (but related) ways. First, carbon dioxide levels are currently being measured at several hundred ppm higher than measured from ice core samples. Now, it must also be cautioned that you can’t necessarily compare these two sets of data because they represent two different methods of measurement, and have other potential biases. However, even assuming that its true that CO2 levels are much higher–and that they’re caused by human activity–current temperatures are not deviating from the normal historical trends in line with CO2.
A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2 ºC. Everyone agrees on this point because it’s a simple computation given the physical characteristics of CO2 which is well mixed in the atmosphere. Actual warming, again absent feedbacks, would likely be much less due to bandwidth overlap between CO2 and H2O, something that we understand but find difficult to model (H2O levels vary dramatically day to day and even hour to hour with regional weather).


The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8 ºC of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming until a new equilibrium point is reached.
The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average feedback rate. Again, modeling H2O in the atmosphere is extremely difficult because it varies so much with weather. Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 15 years. They are all trending too high. In the late 1990s, the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
There is no data to suggest a positive H2O feedback either now or in Earth’s past. Indeed, we cannot model some periods in Earth’s history with an assumed positive H2O feedback. It would appear that Earth’s atmosphere is remarkably adept at dampening forcings from either direction and does not amplify them.
If there is no positive H2O feedback, we literally have nothing to worry about. The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, and surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind, it’s simply “CO2 = bad” and “experts say we’re warming faster then ever.” The more you know.


Not only are current temperatures not outside the normal trend, we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years. Also, current temperatures (at the peak of the current 100ky cycle) are actually lower than past 100ky cycles, meaning that we are expected to either warm further just by way of natural variation or we are in an unusually cold peak period.
Second, climate models that use CO2 as a major driver for global temperatures are not producing accurate predictions for global temperatures. This is at least good initial evidence that the alarmist stance on the CO2/climate hypothesis is false. Notice that current temperatures are in no way deviating from normal trends. and that the two “scary red dots” are not observed data, but “predictions.” But, as we already know, the observed data is wildly lower than the predictions. These people are completely full of shit.


this is a really great post. I love:

The cuckolding fetish is going to take care of us weak white males soon enough. Just wait till whites are the minority, but only the strong ones survived.

Oh course it will. I've been saying for a long time that I fully expect northern countries, and Canada in particular to become a massive dumping ground for them; and I already realize that they are already, but I'm talking about increasing those numbers greatly. I don't know if anyone here saw the thread here a week or two ago, but the Canadian government wants to have a population of 100 million people by the year 2100 (our population is only at about 33 million currently). I think that it's safe to say that those -roughly- 70 million people aren't going to be produced by the Smith's or the O'Connor's from down the street.

We can ban the media for using images of women and children like they have been doing so for propaganda reasons.

We can the media form using images of women and children like they have been doing so for propaganda reasons.


More like it's going to be used as an excuse. The global warming scam is really the goose with the golden eggs for these people. World bureaucracy, endless shekels, justifications for whatever they shoddily manage to cobble it together with.

Even China did their part to keep population growth under control with the one child per family rule.

Truth is these people wouldn't be so miserable if we didn't allow them to breed like rabbits, and we didn't keep encouraging them to reproduce. This entire third world problem is due to a bunch of emotional liberals not having the logic and resolution to make the tough decisions to stop these problems from getting so out of hand. Climate Change is nothing more than trying to shame white countries and white industrialized society into fixing the rest of the world's problems.

we can stop discussing this as if its something that needs to be calmly debated. we've got to string these fuckers up and dangle them from bridges.

I didn't know Sandhurst was now a meterological college. Fuck off Rupert.

In a related story, the Loch Ness Monster has been driving Syrian refugees into white countries, baffling many cryptozoologists who had previously believed Nessie would target Israel.



Thanks for posts like these. They got me started. CO2 also has a significant positive effect on plant growth and food production.


(((Refugee crisis))), (((senior military figures))), (((global warming))), (((greatest security threat))), (((mass migration))), (((new normal)))

Climate change is good, let all the subhumans starve and burn in the sun. If yurop gets a little more tropical, so be it, not a major problem.

And a playlist composed of redpills

Or you could actually read the papers yourself and stop reading shitty blogs.

Okay, moishe. Run along now.

Okay Schlomo, which Neocoon is paying you to shitpost today? Or is it Enron again?

This has been my conclusion as well although the one thing that IS mand caused is the Holocene mass extinction, we are killing shit tons of species.

Fucking disgusting

It's such a shame ACG is being used as a political tool and not addressed seriously. Then again even if we do address it seriously we still have shitholes like China and India shitting up the environment. Maybe we should just let it all burn, and let the EPA do the nasty shit they've been doing too.

Nobody gives a real shit about our environment.