So why did Jewish doctors and that faggot Beria kill him?

So why did Jewish doctors and that faggot Beria kill him?

can we bring him back with magic

kikes are subversive wherever they are (doctors plot, trotsky, etc)

should have all been gulaged with the feminists

white workers uniting and establishing a white nation when?

Yes tonight we resurrect Stalin through meme magic

tfw when 99% of political leaders are only in power bc right place right time

I am glad that cocksucker died


cause he as gonna holocaust those kikes, Stalin a real Facist G

Revisionist anti-Stalinist "communists" cheer every time the global bourgeoisie cheers. Can't be a coincidence, can it?

whats a tankie

Anti-stalinism is a necessary (but not sufficient) requisite for being a socialist of any kind


This. Anti Stalinists are liberals that pretend to be communists to seem more radical. Their entire worldview and mode of thinking is entrenched in liberalism and nothing else. They call themselves "Marxists" but replace Marxist dialectics with bourgeois liberal emotional hysteria.

Hardly. Anti-Marxists are obviously unconformable that a strong communist nation with a bright future and hopeful population was actually succeeding. It makes sense that they'd rejoice when opportunists filled the void after Stalin's abrupt death.

Cause everyone was too afraid to go inside.
"What if he dies? What if he lives?"

Also, Stalin ruined everything.


to prevent another purge and a democratic anti-bureaucratic reorganisation (similar to Walter Ulbrichts new economic system of planning and managing) and instead hold their ground to then get revisionism started after running a purge of their own against marxist leninists, duh

it's no suprise that the ones taking credit for the murder were former right wing market socialism advocats, just look up revisionism in the USSR and what comrades have gathered on texts those rats and their associates had published in the earlier years of the soviet union

the idea that stalin was an antisemite is ridiculous. why keep jewish doctors in the first place then and have them build a whole fucking autonom region in the russian federation instead of driving them out into israel?
the soviet union supported israel as a project because it had certain ideas, as soon as those were off the table they took a rather hostile position to it as israel became a US colony.
and then of course we have a quite clear case that stalin was indeed murdered. the accusations of the conspiracy being a fabrication by stalin in light of his death by poison that was never publicly admitted then is an ironic joke.

stalin wasn't full nazi towards jews but he didn't like them for obvious reasons. jews in the ussr generally opposed his rule and his whole feud with trotsky only soldified his personal dislike of the yids.

He was drunk and went to sauna, even though those "kike doctors" told him not to.

Wait… Sauna s from Finland… that means…


you're laying out why stalins "antisemitism" was a rational rejection of zionism that has been hijacked by western imperialism

to claim it's a far fetched idea western powers wouldn't have been interested in utilizing zionism and nationalistic jews against the soviet union is naive at best or willful ignorance and propaganda

stalin disliked jews. this is a fact. he purged a shitton of them in the late 40s from the party

disliking jews and being an anti semite are dofferent. he didn't dislike them based on racial grounds but the fact that they were subversive as fuck to his rule

If you say that to a Jew he'll say "I don't care how you justify your anti-semitism".