Hey anarkiddies, i find the idea of anarcho communism cute and all...

hey anarkiddies, i find the idea of anarcho communism cute and all, but holy nigger shit your aesthetics are so fucking bad. like, look at this, communist propaganda vs anarchist propaganda, we can already see how anarkiddies are a bunch of talentless 12 year olds who couldnt design for shit and just steal shit from other people. why are anarchists so fucking retarded, Holla Forums?
get better aesthetics and maybe i'll consider becoming an anarchist, mmmkay?

Anarkiddie aesthetics are shit, especially the flags with the anarchist symbol interlaced with the hammer and sickle.

Also mandatory webm

you mean this one?
dont b00ly them comrade, at least theyre trying their best to be like us.


are you fucking kidding me. anarchists came up with some golden level aesthetics during the spnish civil war.

sasuga user-kun


Yeah that one. It looks so fucking bad.


alright, get ready to be proven wrong. Let me find it

Was being retarded part of your plan?


holy lel

has a green "you" next to "user"

Did your brother use your computer when you weren't looking, as well?

classic anarkiddie

So why aren't you a Jainist yet OP?



kek, that actually does look like something a 12 year old in the 1930s would draw


He is a tankie, after all.

none of the pics had any words, yet theyre more effective than any of your crap


How triggered are you, right now?

proof anarchists are just quasi-leftist raiding Holla Forumslacks

You're just a retard. The Soviet Union had plenty of propaganda poster that essentially were just like the ones the black flag user posted.

of course it did, but communists had actual good propaganda that they created, while anarchists just steal from them.

Kek, fuck those gooks up lol






I have even more.

Can't we just be friends