Anime no longer safe. Sailor moon being used to promote SJW agendas

Sailor Moon’ condoms combat syphilis but heroine’s fans flustered by age issue
Holla Forums Nothing adds up. The only thing that makes sense is they are using sailor moon to pushed a feminist agenda upon Japan. I had a feeling SJWs will reach anime sooner or later. Considering Sluts in anime use to be rare and now they are recently becoming more common. Shit shows like PASWG is praised as being progressive by western Tumblr fangirls for having a anti-slut shaming moral. Could TOEI have any Jewisj connections pushing this?

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Sounds more like a failed attempt to stop record high virgin rates.

Might as well use the powerpuff girls to promote sex.

According to /a/ toei has a high ranking Jew and jewaboo

Wait, so does this mean the Sailor girls are actually futas? How do they keep thei dong hidden under that miniskirt?

Otaku wont take this kindly, trust me they will make their voices be heard.

Don't give them ideas now. I can't recall a slut in anime during the 80s early 90s that had a canon slut. Besides naga from slayers and possibly Young Bulma. Something that wasn't a ultra violent movie or hentai anyways.

They are. I know.

She's totally a slut

Wow, it's like the "anime are redpilled" meme was in fact only a meme
Dotr can't come soon enough for you

Isn't Sailor moon already a SJW magnet?

In the west perhaps, but in Japan it has been doujin-fuel since forever.

This is the most likely case.
Anime was a mistake.

The shit with the feminist on mighty number 9 should of been a warning sigh.

Fucking checked.

Actually, that just seems like a marketing ploy that backfired. They accidentally reminded guys who can't get laid that their waifu is not a pure virgin.
I can't get laid either, but at least I'm a not a weaboo.

They completely missed the point. The joke is that they're angels, yet are some of the most disgusting creatures with two legs. Meanwhile the demons are orderly and prudish. Panty & Stocking are not painted in a good light at all. That's the point of the joke.

For the west but in nip land it rich source for porn fuel.

What isn't in Japan?

I should add, in the show itself, the angels and demons were kicked out of their respective Heaven and Hell, and had to earn their way back in by not being shits.

What was the intention here? Was this meant to marketed to females? What's even the demographic for this show, isn't it for little girls?

Anonymous messages boards and I don't mean a tan but the actual thing.

sailor moon was always degenerate

Doubt Naga was a slut, implied she is Amelias older sister who went mad after her mother( the queen) got assasinated and ran of in her mothers bedroom attire. Hence why is dressed as a slut.

Tfw CCS will be ruined soon.
Arigato Crampu.

Pick one


Isn't Sailor Moon intended for little kids?
This is like making fucking MLP condoms

wew sonny


Yup, it's intended for young girls.
It just happens that creepy adult men follow it like how they do MLP now.

An anime intended for young adult men that's full of girl characters would be something New Game!


Well that room actually seems pretty ni_
We're at war, Sir.

Anime is no longer safe from jewish influence,In the last gundam anime being aired they just shilled for race mixing between blonde white and a mechanic nigger and pedophillia between a blue eye blonde tall guy that has millitary background from a royal family and a 8 year old kid also apparently the series went from a mercenary corps fighting and doing a coup to revolutionaries creating an accepting world where everyone is equal in less than 1 season i shit you not.

Moon is confirmed canon for not having any sex until marriage. The rest are all confirmed for lesbians or so socially inept that they can't get dates.

You know that shit is just meant to sell toys like Transformers here right?


Maybe Japan could try directly intervening and reaching out to virgins and helping them get laid through government programs instead of just going "lol just be yourself"

Big Brother wingman?

If life-extending medicine doesn't hit Japan in the next decade, they are going to experience a massive social revolution. As a country, Japan sells more adult diapers than baby diapers. It's fucking insane.

If all the elderly die, it will mean less economic strain on younger generations, as well as more space for everyone to actually start families and advance their lives.

As long as they catch Trump fever and it fills them with national pride and a desire to do better, they might experience another economic miracle like in the 90s

Sounds like a bad 90s top gun parody.

But jap women are fucking cunts too.

I find the idea of a government being faced with "help your people get laid or watch your country die" to be really funny and nice

Sick of government's standing idly by as their men suffer

The smarter you are the more you see that in modern society it is completely pointless to get kids. They destroy your ability for upwards mobility in your career. Doesn't surprise me there are guys not even bothering with girls and vice versa since girls also have to deal with that bs.

Government in the far future (+300 years) will controll the means of child production directly themselves most likely, being able to alternate kids however they want them to be so they can be as productive as possible to society. In 100-200 years overpopulation starts to really become an issue.

Some community bonding programs or hobby-making and cooperation skill building exercises could be fucking great for the nip youths and young adults. Unfortunately, not only is the worker base entirely made out of a-social autists, the same is true for the government.

Although, the japanese people sort of shot themselves by giving the men the idea of an alternative. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to not deal with harpies considering how shit women have been, lately?

Aren't nips supposed to be extremely nationalistic and xenophobic? Or were the animes lying about that too?

Maybe we're jumping the guns a bit too fast. I mean we're dealing with a country that sells dispensable used panties.

Sounds like a hentai plot. Anime truly could become real.

Why don't we meme this already, and not just in Japan in the US too

"There's a lot of young men out there who are all alone, its so sad, so sad, and you can laugh all you want but no one laughs when its them. And we are gonna come up with programs and systems to help them so no one has to go without, believe me, believe me"

Pretty much so. Maybe the ones living in the country side but the rest are corrupted beyond saving. Same goes with the rest of the Asian countries that are heavily indoctrined by Jewish media. Unfortunately the western world isn't innocent from this plague.

A lot of people want to change that. Some faggots keep trying to promote foreign stars in their country and doing shit like picking mixed race contestants (haafu scum) as "Miss Japan" and shit like that.

It hasn't caught on yet, and might not now that Trump fever is sweeping the planet, but someone is definitely trying to push globalism and multiculturalism on glorious Nippon.

What Japan needs is some kind of war.


I don't know why, but I find Asians' naivety on the workings and behavior of the American Pavement Ape incredibly endearing. It's like a child that wants to pet the barking dog past the fence. You have to reprimand them, but the innocence is still something beautiful.

Asians are the only race besides whites that you don't ever have to feel threatened to be around, they will never try to culturally enrich you, they don't run around committing a bunch of crimes, they act civilized

Really think about it, do you ever feel un easy if you walk into a room full of asians? Or if an asian family moved into your neighborhood?

They know they're not to be trusted, but they have no concept of them as a universal consciousness, since only the chinks have had to deal with their ineptitude and only just recently.
Niggers in anime tend to just be comical and ridiculous, considering the non-existent cultural exposure to bix nooding.

Depends on the asian. Some of them are jewier than the jews themselves, jewing you with a smile n their face and you none the wiser. Still, they never had to deal with the feral negro, so their lack of knowledge can be amusing and charming.

Clearly you've never been around mainland Chinese or south east Asians.

INB4 someone at Disney XD celebrates the sexual liberation of sailor moon by confirming Star butterfly and Marco been sexually experimenting on each other the whole time on Twitter

Fuck off, OP.

MOST asians.

Dumping this image specifically for you, it is long but read it anyway. The Chinese are practically evil incarnate, down to their society, culture, and genes. They compete with jews for Satan's favorites, and in many ways, surpass them.

This is also related.

I find it really hard to believe

Um Sailor Moon has been an SJW favorite forever. This thread is D&C and nothing more.

How do weaboos do it? How can they possibly spend thousands of dollars on figurines and have a fucking house and food? And don't tell me they live with there parents, no bommer would support this shit.>>8403539

am of shame

Totally wrong. The Aryans (caucasoid northern Indians), Japanese, Mongolians, and northern central Asians (descendants of Turko-Ugric peoples) are the only ones.


Then go live in China, dipshit.


when all of asia is practically unified in their hatred of one certain asian country, that tells you something. And I say that as a burger.

More seriously though, they've had a few government funded animes about having kids and stuff

They actually have jobs and are successful at them. Not giving a single flying fuck about any workplace drama helps, too.
And living alone is great if your salary is decent. Don't have to deal with anyone else "wanting" something.
Also no presents for your GF to buy. Shit's expensive.

I read a doujin with something like this. MC arrives at a rural town with a terribly aging population, where the gov basicly told everyone to make as many kids as possible
Naturally, he fucks the two daughters of his landlords, wich are a loli and a teen, and knocks them up
Pretty sweet stuff though

They could just do the reverse bad moms. they could promote being a marriage stay home mom is something sexy and too be celebrated. Hollywood demonizing motherhood and stay at home moms yet celebrating single moms did more damage to the west than even Homosexuality.

I hope anime gets blue pilled

it would help degenerates getting rid of themselves

Hah. The only credit I'll give them is their culture remains macho as fuck.

An overseas chinese visiting china for the first time with his company supplied tour guide told me, the guide's introductory speech basically amounts to "I am the only good jew for you because i have been paid more than everyone else in this country to not jew you. I promise to lead you to quality goods and TRY not to rip you off. Oh and trust no one in the country aside from me and especially not the poor people"

Tell that to anime America. Those counts praised panty and stockings for being a feminist anime.

that really does sound like the only way to reduce the level of untrustworthiness of a chinese. Like giving a dog a treat, throwing a lot of money at a chinese guy when asking for his help is more likely to keep him honest (relatively) in the short run, because he'll expect more.

If I ever had to go to China, first thing I would do is get a good guide, give him much more than expected, and explain to him in no uncertain terms that he be straight with me and do the best he can with what I need, and he'll get even more later. Even then you can't "trust" them.

Not being a moralfag doesn't make a SJW, actually its the opposite in most cases

panty and stocking is a pretty blatant summation of degenerate culture in the west, and the nips made sure to include their own degeneracy in an episode to make sure they weren't shitting on their owns fans without a bit of tu-quoque.

Spot on! inb4 mgtow kikery or whatever else

That same friend also told me to look for Africa returnees for a guide. Apparently living among feral niggers somehow made them more honest

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Pluto are canonically futa from the original series.

They've had Hello Kitty condoms before, for fuck's sake. This is nothing to freak out about.

I read one with this exact plot. The government made rape legal to solve the birth rate problem or something like that.

who the fuck thought this was a good idea? not only do they pick one of the worst series to do this with, they're also being horribly counter productive.


Hello kitty was never marketed to waifufags or was a canon virgin before she got married.

accurate given the autists on here

There was one like that actually. Akarui Sekai Keikaku.



Pretty sure it's making fun of Mr. Moderate liberal.

Sam Hyde made that to make fun of Sargon of cuckkad.

saw this on (((Vice))) a week ago or so. had no idea, but it already runs deep in SJW, and pan sexual type crowds.


I hope you are being ironic

I think that was a thumb's up gesture, not a hoverhand, but you're welcome to interpret it as you please.

Oh sorry I really don't have the time to keep up with ecelebs


Pans are not for sexual


thumb's up should still be on tay's shoulder unless it's hoverhand.

It's true. My cousin works for a company in Europe and went to China to do business with some Chinese companies, because his company buys certain parts for their products from them. He said he never met so many people trying to lie and fuck him over within a timespan of three months.
He was so angry that he personally got a new parts contractor in Russia first, then made sure the boss of the chinese company fired every employee who tried to fuck him, by threatening to terminate the contract with their company if he doesn't fire them, waited till the boss actually did fire them,
(Chinese bosses give barely any fucks about their employees by the way, they fire them without mercy if it's good for the company),
and then he still terminated the contract with the chinese company afterwards as the biggest fuck you to the boss of the company he could come up with. Then he called all his contacts he knows also getting parts from them and told them to terminate their contract too for their own good.

And the best part he told me is that chinese people fuck each other over even more than fucking over foreigners. The cliff between rich and poor also is abysmal, you can see a donkey carriage next to a mercedes in the middle of the city.

The only reason bigger chinese companies actually deliver acceptably to western companies and don't go down below a certain pain threshold, is because they know if they fuck up too much, the west will stop working with them entirely and they lose all the big money the make from us.

Which makes no sense. Sure Sailor moon had canon dykes that were fucking. But it had pro no sex before married message. Hell sailor moon was a stay at home mom in her future timing me. SJWs were projecting as fuck. sailor moon later had gender changing aliens. But they were meant to be a parody of bisexual boy bands at the time. Not a pro transgenderism statement. Which of course what tumblr thinks.

(((Someone))) and the nu-males and tumblrinas who watch shitty popular anime. Thankfully nobody takes those weeaboo trash seriously.

Fucking massacre of scorn you capped here.

Excuse me, while I understand you may be ignorant it is unacceptable for you to make such a blanket statement. My pan and I have been in a relationship for a long time and I can't even believe what I'm reading. If her kids had seen that I'd make you apologize mister.

The government should not fix men but instead their women, can you really blame those fuckers for masturbating to anime if their women are as bad, maybe worse than western women?

There are serveral hentais I know of with that plot.

This was the case decades ago. Now with nearly every Japanese girls throwing their virginity like hot cakes they think this is one way to reduce the STDs among them since they're sharing the same gigilo. There's a really good reason why the term 3DPD exist.

Anime never has been safe.

I remember a recent study said like 40 percent of unmarried women are virgins. I know there is no incentive to tell the truth but the average western women is admitting to fucking 7 men before 22

i hope that image is ironic because if not, it's the anime equivalent of watching your grandpa try to speak in the latest slang and use cool tech words on IRC

The Japs ought to promote and subsidize rural living if they really want to increase birth rates. When people live paycheck to paycheck in a cramped apartment, they aren't inclined towards engaging in romance or childbearing. They might be able to increase promiscuity by promoting sex, but that doesn't create another link in the chain of generations.

Jesus christ, are you serious?

I'm 23 and I've only been with two women and I assumed I got unlucky with some sluts when they said they'd had +5 partners before even 20 years old.

That's fucking depressing.

Feminists have been using sailor moon as their symbol for a while now.

That brings an idea to my mind. What if women are actually reporting having more sexual partners than they actually have had, for fear of seeming inexperienced? With how jewified stuff like Cosmo is, it's not out of the question, but I've no way to verify this and again it's not so likely, but then over 50% of white American women voted trump.



Do they even have the space for rural living? Don't something like 40-50% of them live in cities and metropolitan areas?

That sad. Gundam use to be red pill and pro nationalism.

I can't find a link to the study but I would believe it, I have actual autism and manged to fuck 4 girls. So I figured actual chads must be getting like 20+ so it would make sense most normalfags would be somewhere between 6-10

Not, I repeat, NOT the same moon as the moonreligion has. There are many moons in our solar sytem.

Sounds plausible. in bizarro world

It was a stretch, but you can't blame more for at least trying to rekindle some hope.

When you aren't spending shekels on anything related to going outside (clothing, bitches, expensive gayass restaurants that charge for fucking bread), you're left with a lot of fucking money.

But since they're fucking retards, instead of spending their shekels on fucking figurines instead of a 3D printer. If you have more than two braincells to rub together, you would actually spend all those hard earned shekels into improving your life and working conditions, even a fucking dick pump is better than fucking figurines for a 4m^2 cuckshed.

The inverse is also true though. Women reporting less than they've had from shame. It probably averages out.

I don't even even know what half those tags are for

And? its not like Trump is really a figure of sexual morality, its not that I care I'm just saying.

Japan is a big place. They aren't crammed into Tokyo because there's nowhere else they could live. It's because that's where the economic action is. This phenomena loops into itself; as people leave rural communities, the number of opportunities in the countryside diminish which encourages even more people to flock to the big city.

I don't even even know what half those tags mean. Would I regret asking?

One of those pictures is from some korean webcomic or something and most of that stuff is either fan art, doujins or stuff specially catered towards those audiences. I can see how your shitty no effort collage may reach some normalfag sites and confuse some dumbfounded parents.

But why aren't they spending that on items that could make their lives less of a pain? Or I don't know in property and shit they can use later on in life or farmland or whatever? Do they really hate hard work that much?

Yeah, but it's also a very mountainous place. How much more could you realistically spread the population out?

I know that's not really an easy question to answer, I'm just wondering

the "and" in question has nothing to do with trump himself being a figure of sexual moral whatever. It has to do with conservative women tending not to fuck as many guys as the average nympho blue-hair.
Of course with logically diminishing results, but again, it's a stretch. No need to be so acerbic.

Being alone isn't healthy and homosexuality is degeneracy.

Not everyone wants to live in mansion and I all ready have me a puni

The difference is that they don't force that shit into existing fanbases or anime/mangas like SJW do with movies or videogames here. They don't go and say "Hey naruto needs more gay fucks you sexist shits!" and get politicians to tweet that. At the most, the artist himself to do that, which rarely happens or they have some muscular hairy gay stereotype for a few keks. Yaoi or whatever shit have their own little contained world with their own mangas and animes for themselves and keep it to themselves, and everyone who is willing to can go down that path, but no one is forced into it by forcing it into other fanbases.

That's the beauty of most japanese media, everyone has their own shit which he is happy with and doesn't force anything onto anyone.

I can't stand it man. A couple months ago I was just trying to enjoy some vns but the characters had to constantly interrupt the awkward drama to whine about how mom and her traditions are like so out of touch and suffocating or how it's so unfair that the mixed race character is ostracized and feels out of place. I just wanted to kill a weekend reading some shit and I had to sit through hours of degenerate liberalism propaganda.

Gross, I'm still looking for my pure waifu tho and I believe I'll get her one day

What fucking VNs were you playing? western shit from Steam?

Why suffer and sweat when you can get everything within arms reach. And their models are pretty much to fill in the void so it works out as cheaper painkillers.

That may be true but you have to take into account 2 things. That number includes women of all ages and Romney did 3 percent better among white women. I think we are past the critical point in the west

Best of luck, I would suggest 2Dland or a third world loli


Someone post the pic these tags are from

So, what next? Mass enslavement and then gynoids with artificial wombs? The projected future looks really fucking awful, worse than any cyberpunk enthusiast could've imagined, anyway.

No, I have an even better idea! Why doesn't the government just pay some overrated animator to make a music video about a weeb who loses his girlfriend and then gets cannibalized by his waifu in space!?

Surely blaming young, disenfranchised men by telling them to man-up will work! How could it not?!


Houses and roads can be build on the sides of mountains. With terracing, one may even farm on the side of a mountain. With recent advances in farming, manufacturing, and transportation, the benefits of living in the city have been greatly diminished. This is perhaps particularly true for the Japanese, given their readiness to build trains to facilitate internal trade.

It's hard to say how much of the population can be redistributed, but it's important to realize that cities need an influx of fresh faces to remain healthy and it's always better for those faces to come from a nearby rural community than the distant shores of a foreign land.

First example is from Princess Evangile which to be fair was complete trash for a whole variety of other reasons.
Another gold mine of this shit is Root Double where the plot get kicked off because someone on a bus makes a vaguely negative remark about their universes discriminated class and one of the heroines gets so TRIGGERED that she just has to do something about it.

The Hyper War wasn't all fun and games

If youre talking about IBO, that was an arranged marriage. He wasnt actually sexually attracted to her.
Also the "nigger" is an okinawa tan. Jf he was a nigger hed be full blown nigger lips and black as s dar hole.

Too late.

What? Do they want the few people who are making children to stop?

There's a part of the problem, those are some Nutendo tier translations.

Yeah, I was not too impressed by anything that they have done.

maybe they're just running out of trees to turn into tissue paper?

I came here to laugh at you

You're buying shit off steam, aren't you?

Not expecting race mixing in Gundam is already a stupid move. Gundam's Earth has always been a globalized one, with factions being divided by economy instead of political discord.

Seems like they're trying to put a band-aid on the massive wound anime created. These kind of issues won't solve themselves without some persecutions.

Saging because anime.


It didn't start out that way, which is why all the older shows are better Gundam '79 is pretty fucked in terms of animation, though

Condoms help with birth rates?

That was the month that I torrented most of the stuff that I saw on steam and mangagamers store pages because I was running dry on things that I was actually interested in.
Never again man. Trudging through some trashy 2 hour eroge with my poor japanese comprehension would have been a better use of my time.

This. It was like a gateway for a female friend I had a while back to the SJW mindset. Shit is weird and has been very popular among the tumblr crowd.

is there even a single good VN to read on steam? it all looks like garbage.

What the fuck are you even reading? Give the title.

Some are happy with being mediocre.

Ideally you'd get a house capable of supporting several people and rent the rooms to whoever's worthy.

I agree.

What the fuck are you talking about? You don't want to make a Holla Forums mansion?

I just fantasise about Yukari and Eirin as both are god tier. Occasionally Sakuya too as its more of a package of a cute wife and 2 cute adopted vampire daughters. That and nihilism.
Call me petty but I refuse to settle, if I settled for a slut then I am pretty much letting them win, even though they are the ones who deprived me of a loving, loyal virgin wife. I would add family but as it stands the world isn't safe enough for kids. Atleast in dark ages you had a community living with you, working together. Now it's just isolated individuals who don't care for eachother, I'm the same but that's more to do with them being leftists and me being tired of arguing and just letting them fuck things up and hope I avoid the fallout. I need to find a way into America that isn't marriage, I hope my carpentry path leads me there.

This is the typical degenerate tactic on how to have more kids.
More sex =/= more kids.
Marriage + no premarital sex + no contraception + stable one income households = kids

First post is shill as always.

Where do you get this brand of autism from?

Usagi is 14 and anime fans are pissed because she was a child-friendly iconic character.

Also as of November 6th of this year there's been 3,779 cases of syphilis, so this rise is what brought on this retarded marketing idea of putting her on a condom.

Alot of otaku shit is like this because their execs believe thats how depraved their audience is. I mean the fucking cover says "If you don't get tested I will punish you" Inb4 clearly feminist phrasing

Im a weeb myself and I don't really care, its just cringe worthy condom marketing.

Usagi just wants to grow up.

Chinese are the walking scum of asia, the subhumans that pollute it, they are the equivalent to the Jews there. arrogant, dirty, dishonest, slick, cheating, schemeful, backstabbing,tricking, unilateral, communists, even this list falls short to describe the likely of the Mao zeDONG ricemen

If nips had won the war, these lowlifes wouldn't exist today

This is disturbed, Sailor Moon was always targeted at little kids, are little kids meant to be having sex now?

Didn't the japs kicked the shit outta the japs before wwii? To think that such a small island was able to utterly crush such a big nation.

Outta the chinks* kek

Tumblr loved Sailor Moon since ages ago.

Is this even an officially liscensed usage of Sailor Moon? I have a feeling it isn't.

Let me know when they make Gundam condoms. I haven't cared about any anime since 2000 or so.


You think that's bad Reifriend? He has MULTIPLE Sword Art Online figures.

He should be gassed at all costs.

Nigga gundam was always, like every other mecha was made to move toys

doesn't mean you couldn't shove a good story in your 30 minute toy commercial


Anime in the west is a flame in the night for low level normies to gather around and pretend to be something they're not. Not surprisingly the same type of insecure, slightly stupid, and incredibly dry faggot personalities that do this sort of magnet attraction to niche cultures are also SJWs. I went to an anime convention and they were all over, four panels on 'rape in anime' and tons of autistic tumblr shit besides. Still worth it for the moderately cute girls dressed up as anime characters and the other panels.

Anime needs to be purged with gunfire and rebuilt from the ground up.

They definitely recruited the wrong blond mahou shoujo for the job.

They did, because 1920's-1930's China was just a bunch of cheap dirt, cheap gunpowder, no organization, detrimental cities, ricefarms here ricefarms there, some people fighting the corrupt government (and later being replaced by an even more corrupt one) on the other hand, imperialist Japan had just industrialized and modernized. Most of Asia was like China or worse, so Japs tried to establish the Great East Asia Co prosperity sphere, then 1941 came and (((FDR))) decided to seize all japanese assets in (((USA))). Almost immediately, the effects on the embargo started taking a hit in Japan's effort in the war, 1945 and two atomic bombs later Japan was out of the war, and the communist confiscated many of Japan weapons and won. 2016 and this rats are still the same niggers they were centuries ago

2D is only good for posting smuggy anime grills

I hate to admit it. But you are right.

I remember a condom manufacturer doing research on that years ago.

Women who were observed by someone would lower their number of sexual partners significantly, while they would be honest when they were anonymous.

For men nothing changed. So either they lied in both cases or they were honest from the beginning.

Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion was quite a slut, and an alcoholic too. But then again I don't think she was portrayed very positively in it, almost everyone who watches the show likes Asuka or Rei more.

You mean Japs. Because all other Asians than Japs are untrustworthy and WILL stab you in the back either for money or for fun.

Pedophillia always existed in anime/manga and it was never subtle.

Are you? Because its the most retarded political theory of our time and utterly false in every way.


Just two days ago, my Chinese teacher told the class about a news story she saw in Hong Kong where some Chinese tourists in Japan stole the toilet seat from a hotel because they thought it was nice. The Chinese will cheat and rob you at every given opportunity.

I'm not that user was literally trying to report me for wrong think. If that doesn't prove the horseshoe theroy I don't know what does.

There's a shitton of land west of Japan, just gotta open up the Three Gorges Dam and wash it clean.

This would be a great idea if it wasn't established in the show that Panty didn't know what a condom was.

Reifags can't really say shit and expect to be taken seriously. You like a mongrel human alien hybrid android thingy that has as much personality as a doll.

No, it doesn't prove the horseshoe theory. Nothing does, because the theory is wrong. You are a moron to think freedom of speech is a good thing. Did you just fucking arrive here from The_Donald or something? You know this is a National Socialist board right?

Why is Shinji in a maid's outfit

Are there any anons here that speak Japanese fluently? How would you say

Exactly because its some fan fiction garbage, yet the picture is pretending like it's actual anime, when that never happens in EVA.

Well in all fairness there was a pretty explicitly homo moment in EVA, put in there to piss off otakus even more than the show already was, but it wasn't over the top cross-dressing futa shit, nor was it sex, it was space jesus trying to seduce Shinji

Come the fuck on, apart from "nakadashi" you should know them all.
tfw I know them all

It's incredible how much disposable income any job gives you when you're single and don't do normalfag shit. I used to know guys that would literally blow their entire paycheck every single month on bars, alcohol, and girls. They never had ANY money because two days after payday they were flat broke.

Meanwhile I had more money in the bank than I knew what to do with. One or two $100 figures a month is NOTHING compared to $800 on bars and alcohol and girls.

Shinji is probably the most emasculated main character in the history of anime.

It's canon Shinji vs doujinshi Shinji. While canon Shinji was meant as a subversion of mecha anime tropes by showing exactly what would happen if you threw a young kid into the cockpit, doujinshi Shinji is an effeminate twink who exists to be pegged silly.


I don't remember… You mean the 15th Angel?

You sick fuck, you forget you're posting on Holla Forums?

This. Why are there so many people that don't get that virtually everything that isn't Holla Forums approved in anime is a fetish? The japs hate gays, but love to put twinks in anime because it reels in the fujoshis and baras.

A what now?

cumming inside.

Cumming inside. Creampie.

No he isn't. Actually he was the only one with some sort of a believable reason, but every main character in anime now is a reincarnation of shinji.

Creampie. Dunno why they don't use creampie.
Ahegao on the other hand can't be simply translated so it warrants nip-speak


That's the only word that I recognize. It means Kek, right?

where would one purchase sleepwear like that?

Every? I think that shinji clone idea is dieing out now in anime , seems main character getting a large harem of girls is the norm now Im glad the eva trend is dieing out


What about "stupid goofy sex face"?

I just want to thank Holla Forums for this daily dose of maximum autism.

Thank you



What about "naughty face"?

Translations don't do it unless they're stupid. They only really appear in tagging systems, sometimes with aliases to english equivalents (creampie, titfuck, etc, how fucking crude, nakadashi and paizuri sound much nicer).

Rolls right off the tongue.

Not sure if troll, but the fact remains that a lot of characters are more emasculated than shinji. Think to-love ru. Fuck, Characters are hot and Ishikei's art is top notch but god damn that main character.

In the past, fucked_silly was used, but ahegao just rolls off the tongue.

You know, that picture is right. The kind of people that are drawn to working on translations are complete faggots and I'll never be happy with their work anyway. I just need to man up take the last few steps in learning this fucking language already.

It always looks so weird and janky, but at the same time extremely hot.

Ero was a mistake.

Okay feel free to report me then


Who gives a shit? Only plebs watch moe pedo garbage.

griffith cucks guts by raping his girl

In your heart you know it wasn't.

I might have semi-degenerate tastes if you count Asanagi as degenerate but they serve to vent frustration.


Wrong. Vanilla is a godsend.

The degeneration and disrespect of art is the last fucking straw and it's real damning how many degenerates are here of all places, talking about their filthy subculture like it's not soul-crushing. I was once like you guys but I hope one day you faggots will understand like I have come to understand.

Stop destroying what little glimmer of light is left in this world…

People talking about fapping to anime on a image board? No way!

He's right you know. Tolerance of other viewpoints as a guiding principle has poisoned western civilization and every off-shoot of it down to their very cores.
However you may justify it, the people that want us dead do not care about respect and fairness. To them those are simply a weakness to be exploited. If we want to survive we must harden ourselves against any threat to ourselves, even if in some fantasy political utopia we wouldn't need to reject it because everything would be just so darn perfect.

Don't even try to put words in my mouth. I have fully explored my heart while you remain a sexually frustrated deviant. I'm free of this shit and you're still chained to your baseness but I still have to deal with you weaklings who don't even try to fix your station in life.

All Reifags are attracted to dolls and their mother.

Step down of your high horse and grow a skin.

Appealing to emotion must of be what's responsible for all those Holocaust denial laws

For fucks' sake how come someone browses Holla Forums and has this thin of a skin??
Some people have fetishes. Some, you can play out with your wife, some would be too brutal and you're happy enough with letting some juice out once in a while.

Sailor Moon always seemed like one of those anime that slutty cosplayers and crazy slutty weeb girls liked.

Nigga fuck you. Rito is cool and gentlemanly. He's even starting to awaken to his carnivorous harem-king side as well.

Even before that, dude's already gotten his dick sucked like, 3 times in canon. He's far beyond Shinji.

A turbo-bitch isn't any better.

The lack of free speech has poisoned western culture, jesus christ, even some leftists say that their constant screaming about how things are racist or sexist is how trump won, because no one would have a real political discussion, so they just voted how they were in the first place because no one can call them sexist in the voting booth. There is nothing wrong with free speech, only those who are too beta to stand up for their beliefs are at risk when dealing with free speech.



No shit faggot. At least Guts ripped his fucking arm off trying to stop it, while you'd had sat there crying like a bitch.

Kek, that is the most autistic shit I've seen in weeks. No surprise there considering moeshit is made by cucks with wish-fulfillment fantasies.

Real men watch MANLY anime. Fist of the North Star, LOTGH, DBZ or fuck off.

Just wait for the ending. This is canon

Both he and To-Love Ru creator are friends. He draws this series a lot.

After several seasons, a harem show starts to look like it's shaping up to maybe having a harem at some point. And that's good??

He's in a borderline hentai show and according to you had 3 blowjobs. He probably had just as many total-faggotry incidents. I stopped watching once he turned into a girl or some shit.

Meant to quote

Don't worry about evangelion, the faggot doesn't ever actually kiss or have sex with shinji, and dies a gruesome death in all versions.

Honestly that piano scene in rebuilds was gayer then watching 2 men having sex.

psshhh thats the only thing i didnt like but still a good show (og one) and manga.

theres a lack of golgo 13 in this thread

Keep in mind that this is a Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare program. Anime and manga culture is supported by the government. Although the LDP government is neoconservative, they are not Christian and don't understand that premarital sex is wrong and people who contract STIs usually deserve them, so they don't know any better.

The original manga by Takeuchi-sensei is a mixed bag. There is a little too much sapphic love and sex-changing for comfort, but of course there's also the whole "blonde haired, blue eyes" thing with Usagi. SPOILER: At the very end of the manga, Prince Endymion/Mamoru says Sailor Moon is the most beautiful being that has ever lived. Not a bad endorsement of the Aryan physique. Also, in the side manga Codename: Sailor V Minako falls for a tough guy, and the message is very pro-patriarchy.

Found the feminist. Back to Holla Forums nigger

what the fuck i cant believe i watched that garbage


japan feels the need to insert token faggotry into every good anime

I actually liked sidonia

If changing gender actually worked as perfectly as it did in anime there'd be no reason to hate it.

That only works if you have an amputee fetish.

touche, but he did get his head blown off soon after.

She's a bitch because she wants to be loved.

Irrelevant. Fanart is fanart. It has nothing to do with the official show/manga

The first season didn't count. That abomination should not have existed and is hardly canon. That leaves us with approximately 3 seasons and a scattering of OVA's.

In those, he's made multiple girls cum, gotten his dick sucked multiple times, and gotten confessions from at least 3 as well as progressing the PLOT. Recently, he's been considering accepting The Harem Plan and just giving into his thoughts of boinking them all. He's well on track.

Wrong show man. This show/manga is 0% homo. The only relevant male in sight is Rito and his harem.

Even if your definition of homo is lax enough to include scenes where he doesn't immediately j-j-jam it in, then there's also very little of those. Once girls start seriously hopping on his cock, Rito is actually fairly quick to start responding positively. It's just that convention demands he gets interrupted by something before anything happens.

I won't let you badmouth To-love-ru. That show is super interesting and all men should read it.

i did too brother, but i can never recommend it to anybody because of TOKEN FAGGOTRY

i LOVED the show ERASED, but for some fucking reason on of the characters was a boy who looked like a girl

I've never been to an anime convention, but pretty much all my Touhou-loving weeb friends are just typical guys. A few fuccbois, a few manly brodudes. We hate SJWism with a passion.

My old friends from highschool were definitely low level normies who just liked whatever played on Toonami or Adult Swim. There's a big difference between them and the typical weeb.
Like getting laid, for instance. Everyone I know who is a true weeb has either never been laid or only did once several years ago before they became a big weeb.

That did irk me a little, but that pales in comparison to the irritation I felt when that little faggot somehow ended up cucking the MC.

It's a scale user, there's the dudebros who watch naruto, the SJWs and slightly-less-than-normalfags who watch FOTM shit and think it's the pinnacle of anime, and there's weebs who have actually learned that just because it's anime doesn't mean it's good, and actually have taste.

Asanagi is a degenerate faggot. I hate how the best way to become a popular doujinshi mangaka is to draw the most revolting shock value shit you can think of. Him, Shindol and Xration need to have their fucking hands chopped off.

I started just darkness, saw genderbender, and dropped.

It's emasculation 101. Guess what, girls don't want "nice men". That show is a bad pipe dream, where the main character spoils every opportunity by virtue of being a total manlet scared of women.

Shindol shows what happens to sluts though

If you want more children then promoting "safe sex" is the absolute worst way to go about it. In fact there's no greater correlation with plummeting birth rates than this, it eclipses even female education.

so curiosity is killing me, how do i find this? google dont work

It's [current year].

Maybe they're trying baby steps? I mean telling a neet to go out there, find a girl, have sex, and have a child is a tall order, where as just getting to the sex part may be more attainable.

The people who watched Sailor Moon when it was new are in their late mid 20s to early 30s now, so yes, they are meant to be having sex.

oh haha yea wtf. that was a serious dick move. but at least he got a young teenaged girl instead
Let's see how much of a newfag you are.

I chuckled a bit at the middle column and outright laughed at Hadena
well played

I won't bother arguing further with a retard who starts a show halfway in then retreats without even giving it a chance.

Trash begone.

Asanagi is based, you homo.

I think you're the newfag here, mr degenerate.

Shove your onahole down your throat until you die.

We may be on Holla Forums, but this is an anime thread, cry me a river.

Too bad eva is shit

>Turns out the ruling class is the originaly human race and MC and friends are part of a engineered race meant to survive on the ruined earth

Also Eva's world ending shit isn't as interesting as Ideon



Kill yourself faggot. Porn is a jewish tool for mind control, drawn or not.




i have a weakness for anime titties tbh

wtf tho man why do i need a browser add-on just to go on an anime titty website

she's clearly a thin-framed 18 year old

NGE was 90s' anti-BokuNoHeroAcademia, all girls were worst girls.

Spoiler that shit you fucking faggot.

Me too
almost everything on sadpanda is on nhentai but its worth making a account


I didnt realizes drawings had a age , made up bullshit by artists. Its like dokuro chan. Apparently zakuro is 9 years old , she doesnt look 9 at all

This is not true. or at least forth e degenerate shit I look at


Obvious outsider. I'll just go ahead and report and filter your ass, be sure to keep your shitposting contained ITT.

Fuck you! Now I have it stuck in my head again!

Clearly these superior anime titties have caused some controversy

Best of luck with that

Who was the newfag again?


Just copy the cookies dammit.
Also if you got a VPS to spare you can do like me and run [email protected]/* */, then have so many credits you get all the perks like bigger images, multipage viewer and can download zips all the time.

Kill yourself faggot. Churchill is a jewish tool for mind control, British or not.

I've never used a plugin I was assuming he meant using one instead of waiting for your account to be ready.

Do you know where you are? Who am I kidding, you probably just arrived, straight from cuckchan.

Meh, reported.

dis gon be gud



You don't seem to either since you keep trying to engage me.

Guts also gets raped by a nigger.

Who was the newfag again?

Oh my, you must have put a lot of thought into that post. Bet you really wanted me to see it.

Too bad.

check't and rek't


What's the matter? too deep for you? Maybe you'd like a baby anime like Lucky Star?

Can we uh, continue to shitpost about ways to solve the birthrate issue or are we just gonna post hentai and smugs for the rest of the thread?

Login on e-hentai, copy cookies over to exhentai, and sadproblems are happygone

Well you clearly can see it since posts vanish now when they are filtered. Unless you are you looking at the replies made to your posts then manually entering my post number, but based on how much you seem to enjoy solving capatchas I wouldn't consider it out of the realm of possibility



I liked the first season. It didn't have to be like this…


Attention all newfriends, your welcome

Is it the one that's called unicorn?

found the problem, it's the show that the guy behind it said tekkadan can do no wrong no matter how much bullshit they commit

Abusing religious imagery and modern-artish surrealism does not make something deep, just pretentious, especially if you are part of the Western audience were abrahamic references are neither exotic or obscure.



why the fuck is it so complicated

to keep normalfags away, thus letting them host pretty degenerate shit.

Publishing companies too

If you think about it. Anime conventions aren't even about the fucking anime. Its a fucking autist shoving their personal life, & insecurities into something they moderately like. Mostly the western ones.

If you don't want loli or god forbid, shota and bestiality, you can just use g.e-hentai

They failed. Sadpanda is shit nowadays, and I'm still baffled as to why it continues to be popular.

Where do you go then toughguy?

I'd shove my personal life and insecurities into that.


This as fuck.

Fakku lied

Pururin died

I've been using nhentai for a while now. It's pretty good and I have no complaints.

pururin became to tsumino fam

This is why I have never felt the need to look into those things. Sitting around with guys of similar backgrounds and arguing over likes/dislikes and sharing little industry anecdotes we've heard does sound pretty fun, too bad they aren't really like that. I'm really not interested in standing in line for merch and trying to woo some slutty and insecure 14 year old who has never had a father figure in her life.

Maybe 3D interracial cuck porn is, or that tranny/sissy garbage that's been getting popular in the last few years.

Vanilla japanese cartoon porn is wholesome stuff for straight men who love women.

More like
Because holy fuck Crunchyroll subtitles are garbage. They never tell what the original dialogue really says, but a very overly simplified version of it that often has flat out wrong meanings for the entire sentence that is translated.

You don't understand translation. Weebs are just obsessed with autistically literal translations of everything.


This, it has pretty much everything covered and a slick interface.


Wasn't crunchyroll that translated some random anti-otaku rant of a character into an anti-gamergater rant?

oh it was funimation… same shit though

Crunchyroll changed yobai to bootycall. That's not a translation that's laziness

That was Funnimation. Cruchyroll is just run by incompetents not SJWs

This is why I will never like tsunderes. It always has to be someone else who makes them stop acting like a bitch instead of doing it on their own. And in most cases they still act like a bitch.

Man do I love the autistic, anymee related banter that happens on Holla Forums threads. Fuck /a/!

some shit just doesn't translate, especially when nips love wordplay jokes

you can sorta do literal translations up to an extent. Wording is an issue, but the point can be given. Also pop culture references may not carry over well.

>pururin isnt dead

When it comes to references I would much rather not understand a line than read some shoehorned reference to american pop culture.
You guys can hang all the enemies and traitors you want on DOTR but I'll be taking my vengeance on the faggot translators that decided "translations" are in bad taste and that they will instead be "localizations" from now on.

japanese females are fucking ugly.

women's rights and AoC bullshit don't help. if they want to patch on top over and over and over instead of removing the root of the problem, so be it. i'll be over here watching civilizations collapse because they were too retarded to take the solution to a simple problem that was right in front of them.

Nigger-tier. Shut down the gooktunes, get out of the house, get a job, fix your shit. Ban all anime of the sexual/degenerate type. Ban feminism. Return to tradition.

I think copyrights are more of an issue than extreme fetishes.

Are we being flooded by refugees from Reddit or cuckchan? What is this?
Are you really this new here? No, we don't generally approve of freedom of speech here. You do realize that? Letting leftists spread their ideologies is something that most of Holla Forums disagrees with and would say it needs to be severely rooted out and shut down.

If not based in truth it's not a meme. How new are you?


No, I think it's true. I think Holla Forumsacks need a government backed, voluntary eugenics program to find themselves 120 IQ waifus and sustain the white race. It's not even a matter of forcing two people to breed; just get the strongest candidates in one general area, and let nature do the rest. Make sure the women who participate in this problem have financial security courtesy of the state. The problem is once you pass a certain point in intelligence you need a strong social support network in order to succeed.

But unlike /leftardpol/ we tolerate it.

true, but something like this might fall apart when translated

The joke here is C's name is close to the nihongo for glasses

Since glasses would be translated properly the pun would lose it's punch.

Knights of Sidonia is fucking garbage compared to all other manga by Nihei Tsutomu. Read BLAME! and Biomega and your mind will be blown by how good scifi and cyberpunk they are. And those have no perverse shit either like Sidonia.

Didn't this faggot willingly get tricked by fucking kikes?

Fellate the barrel of a loaded gun, you are already mentally compromised.

Yes, and? I'm not the guy who said he was reporting the Reddit refugee, yet he appears to think I was. Just more proof that he is a faggot from Reddit if he can't look at IDs and tell different posters apart.


Yes, we, as in Holla Forums in general you retarded fuck. Do you think more than 10% or so of Holla Forums is Libertarian or something? Over half of all the posters here are National Socialists.
So yeah, in general, Holla Forums does not give a shit for your freedom of speech. It's not that great of an idea really.


tl;dw: of his racemixing rant? it's something about kickstarterand megaman is all i could get

At least cuck/pol/ still has debates, redpills normies and refines their arguments. The posting quality is why I stayed here and even that has is just shit-tier now.

I have never seen a conciseness about anything on Holla Forums other then maybe Trump and there was at least ~1/6 of the board who wasn't found of him for Kushner/ect

Pick one and only one.


"Tricked" implies lack of consent and you are right since perma-drunk degenerates can't consent.

When it comes to cases like that I've really given up on caring what you do because there are good arguments for both literal half-nihongo translations and trying to let normalfags in on the joke. In the end I understand your reasoning, it's inconsequential, and I can hear what they are saying and understand what you changed so it doesn't really matter anyway.
On the other hand if such wordplay is integral to understanding anything more than a passing joke like that I will get very irritated if you start rewriting the script because you the translator in your infinite wisdom apparently know better than the author how he should have told his story. In this case normalfags be damned.

No, you don't. Crunchyroll translates a lot of things completely fucking wrong, at least for JoJo it does.

I heard crunchyroll is being infiltrated by feminist. So fuck that place. Don't spend your money there, not that i believe you would anons.

If we're going to talk seriously about genes as the foundation of society, is this really something we can continue leaving up to chance? Most Holla Forumsacks would breed with a 90 IQ Italian if she let them put their dick in her whenever and she stayed barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. If we want to put the pedal to the metal, that will require, you know, organization and societal involvement. That's the very foundation of the difference between lolbergs and NatSoc.

Trump isn't fond of Kushner either you kike, and you would know this if you weren't a refugee from cuckchan. Should have known you were anti-Trump, you're probably a severely autistic Libertarian huh.

I'm an Asukafag for obvious reasons, I'm just not roasting the Reifag, I felt merciful consider Sword Art Online was involved

Kike detected.

Maybe 2 years ago now 90 percent of this board is American republicans

Why is there not more WLP on cuckchan and 8pol? Where'd you find that btw?

Resource burning by constantly spoonfeeding with the same ol' infographs and making a coherent argument against a two-digits IQ brainwashed leftard is neither of those. If anything lolbergs could be a bit challenging in debate up to the point their pretentious verboseness and unwarranted elitism became too repetitive to receive a dignified counterargument.

Fucking /fringe/ is more intellectually challenging than ZOGbots.

it is.

who elses fault would it be you retard? instead of stretching little girls to take dick, you take them to disney land and you tell them they're special princesses. instead of teaching them to do chores, you buy them toys and let them watch jewish poison on TV. what did you expect to happen? should have kept them in their place as baby carriers instead of giving them rights and rigging the entire system to work in their advantage.
men: the only species to rig its own habitat to work against itself

so are you saying the system was created and is maintained by jews? so much for "white master race", you parasite.

That wouldn't really matter since their translation is done by software

Really last I heard Trump loved all his Jewish grandchildren?



No, we need the government to support us. We are this nation's most valuable natural resource.

I don't remember. There was a Pierce thread the other day though.

Jesus man…

It seems that every shoujo anime/manga always has some element of degeneracy, moreso than the male animes. For example I believe the original japanese Sailor Moon had a lesbian couple, one always dressed like a man.
Revolutionary Girl has two girls in love, one is a shit-skinned; again MC dresses in male uniforms.
I'm definitely sure the two guys from cardcaptors are homos for one another.

I think the moral here is women shouldn't be allowed to write stories.


If I recall one of our guys runs a twitter account that i think is a bot where you tweet a picture and get back a dancing akari edit.

Shiit I tried to start WLP threads in the past but it seemed nobody has ever had the attention span to listen to him speak for 5 minutes, which is obviously so sad because, obviously(?), I think he's one of the most captivating speakers and thinkers of recent times. I often find myself imagining myself talking to a WLP right now, explaining to him what's happened over the past 14 years, and wondering what he would think of all this. Too autism?

Anyways that thread isn't findable is it? Archived or something?

That doesn't work you retard. You have to fix marriage and culture before you can tell men to stop using alternatives.
Men do this shit because what they get for their effort isn't worth it. They check out of society because society expects them to be thankless, subservient doormats(and ATM cards for women in japan). Marriage no longer guarantees sex, loyalty or love. It's just an invitation for a woman to walk all over you and for the courts to help them do it.

For shame, user…

But a women wrote the greatest love story ever told.

You sir have nice taste

It's in the catalog, mein mensch.

What will that be?

fucked it up like a retardo.

Some other stuff from Nihei, the author of Sidonia. Sidonia is his worst manga so far, BY FAR. Like it doesn't even come close to his other works, which makes it even more disgusting that Sidonia is the only one that got an anime.

Taming of the loli

Sure, like you have to let an alcoholic keep drinking himself to death instead of putting him off of it.
No pathetic piece of shit that replaces natural relationships with cartoons and similar items can be considered a man.

look at the pic r tard

nice thanks m8

I didn't like Gurren Lagan at all

Blame is getting one, it's going to be a CIG abortion though

I cried when KnJ ended. It was too good for this world.

Since when was Orobutcher a woman?

user, pls. Watch the beginning of 'Idiocracy' for an indepth analysis of the likelihood of sustaining the White race by picking 'intelligent' womyn.


And that's why we know you're an outsider. If you came here regularly you would know Trump loathes Kushner and is known to constantly yell at him, it is known that Kushner is trying to subvert and control Trump all the time like the kike he is, but Trump always ignores his (((advice))) and tells him to fuck off. For example Romnie for Secretary of State is Kushners idea and he has been insisting that Trump pick him, but Trump instead chose to humiliate Romney by making him grovel and beg and then just denied him, simultaneously humiliating Kushner by signaling him Trump does not value his advice in the slightest.

Nigger, you clearly know very little of what is going on.

Was Sidonia canned? Is that why it had to end in the garbage way it did? I actually liked it, but didn't catch up for a while. At least until I heard about the last chapter.

p-pic related?…

That's why we utilize the government to provide a foundation of financial security, so smart white women will choose to breed early and often. I mean, de-kiking the currency would also help. But our generation is running low on time; we've been run like dogs and we're starting to age out of our most effective breeding years, thanks to the machinations of the Jew.

Wew, who would have thought. I guess he can't help his Semitic nature.

I can't speak for Japan, but in the west people are waiting until about that age to have children.
It's not a choice, it's the state of the economy. In order to promote people having kids you need to make it a sound economic decision. Having kids in your early 20s is currently financial suicide.

Please join the next russian ice skating for the holocaust routine and do a triple backflip straight into a fucking oven.


what you need is women staying at home and men being able to provide, the latter is no problem, but the first is hardly possible because women are sooo liberated and independent today.

women's rights is the key item in the downfall of western civilization, and the white race is the one that will pay the price in the end.

The jewish mind is severed from spiritual experience, he only sees the literal appearance of things before him, he sees animu girls are representations of actual real Japanese women rather than the beautiful, intangible ideal that they are but an imperfect incarnation of.

Its only a movie not an anime series. And yes it will be CGI in like 10 fps, so utter shite. And Blame is so amazing, it really deserves at least an OVA series fully hand drawn.

Women are fundamentally dishonest generally, and Modern Western ones more likely than not are also rampant whores.

Having 'intelligence' only exacerbates their evil tendencies user. It doesn't help anyone tbh. Much better to have a humble, caring woman than an over-reaching, aspiring one.


Pretty sure Uncle Adolf disagreed, Mr. Hitler Dubs.


Just look up the happy sex tag on Tsumino if you want to find non-degenerate stuff. Vanilla is the absolute best. Here are a few favorites of mine.

So, it's bukake in the manko?

At least the nips will fuck more I guess

Jews are the sequel to the Canaanites, and the Chinese will be the sequel to the Jews.

You cannot just write off women as being uncooperative and 'evil.' They are not dumb animals incapable of their own thoughts. They tend to be less rational and more emotional then men; they are still people.

Men cannot make it through life on their own. You have to learn to cooperate with women. Feminism sold women a lie, yes, but it's up to men to deter them from it. We as a species cannot just split up if we are to survive.

does this mean that hentai is going to lose meaning?

SJWs have always loved Sailor Moon for all of the wrong reasons, just like Panty & Stocking.

It's no use, user. They either see the wholesomeness and romance of vanilla or they are lost to degeneracy, and we are clearly dealing with people who are of the latter.

No idea. Only watched the first two episodes of Sidonia and read the first 10 chapters of the manga and couldn't continue any further. It was so different from Nihei's other work, and it was just BAD.

BLAME! and Biomega, his masterpiece mangas are incredible cyberpunk scifi. The guy is an architect, and most pages are just large pictures of massive structures that despite depicting a horrible dystopian future are also very impressive.

For example the setting of BLAME! is that all construction was at some point entirely done with robots, and their use was made automatic. Because of a catastrophe with the Net Sphere (basically what internet was developed into, just like the internet but you need to be genetically modified to be able to access the internet and when you access it you enter it like a virtual reality space), the builder robots all over the world, and anything that was controlled by the Net Sphere basically got out of human control. The builders would eternally keep building more and more city, and there was no way to stop that because Safeguards (robotic firewall protection system, they download units into the real world to exterminate any human who tries to illegally access the Net Sphere) prevented any humans from any longer accessing the Net.

The story of BLAME! takes place thousands or tens of thousands of years later, when the result is that builder robots have continuously built the city for so long that the entire solar system is inside The City. At one point near the end there is for example a room that is the size of the planet Jupiter.
It's the most dystopian, nightmarish future I have seen in any fiction, because there is no hope of undoing that. There is no ground or nature anymore, just endless city, everywhere in the solar system.

good taste

I guess you don't know who he is? It's Weev. He is actually Jewish. You dumb fuck.

they are a product of market research, and from what you describe them as, its clear that you were the target of said research.

au contraire

they will fuck less, they are angry that their memes are being used to sell an impure commercial product.

TRS please… kikes and faggots will never be White.



1st one… Knights of Sidonia? If so said charecter was literally gender neutral. Built to adapt it's body to the person it becomes emotionally attached to. Also if it was KoS, do understand less than 125 years ago the population was down to less then 700. Gotta pull some drastic measure if you want the colony to survive.

And Evangelion…… Fucking Shinji should nut up and
1. Slap the dogshit outta homoangel.
2. Anally penetrate Asuka until she calms down.
3. See a therapist about his attraction to MommyClone.

I've actually read multiple studies saying women are the most affected by the media which explains a lot. If we can fix the media we can fix women.

4th picture's RWDS seem pretty fashy.


Oh come on! This can't be a real translation.

ITT: Ignorance

You feel the butthurt in the person who was translating what it actually said.


It's like I'm back to College…

Are you retarded?

Was amputation really necessary though?

Less body mass to feed nutrients to.


Maybe it's a defense mechanism to trim away the selection of males that are more passive in favor for a more dominant partner.

I can imagine really getting into hate-fucking her, which then later turns into deeper affection.

They're actually very jewy. If you mean the 5th picture. Its the private military of a technology and medicine corporation called DRF in Biomega. Biomega is basically the kind of future we would have got if Hillary won the elections. Giant corporations waging war against each other with nukes and viruses that cause genocide and turn millions into mindless "drones" (zombies).

One such corporation, DRF just one day decides to announce the entire planet Earth and all its nations and people that it is now the world government, the "new world order". It has more military strength and wealth than all the nations combined so that's just how it is from now on.
Some of its top ranking members have Jewish names, but this is so far in the future nobody even looks like a human anymore so whats the fucking point of even trying to save the world from them.

The company even has its own space elevator.

Doesn't mean I'm wrong though. This is 70% 4/v/-tier cancer, 20% porn and 10% people stirring the pot and occasionally making a decent post.

Worst fucking thread on the board right now.

I don't care if Naga's a slut. I just want to drown in those titties!

During the scene where Misato has some bedside banter with her ex-boyfriend Kaji, she lights a postcoital cigarette. When Kaji comments on her habit she mentions that he's still "the only one who knows about it". This implies that she's still an honorable woman, at least in regards to Kaji.
She does offer to comfort the severely depressed Shinji with sex later, though. Unsurprisingly, the little faggot declines.She makes him the same offer at the End of Evangelion again, but, well, death.

True. But she behaves like a slut and a degenerate. I just find it impossible to like her.


Best anime coming thru

Mellowlink was great.

Where has this comic been for the past 2 decades of my life?

For a character who's been designed as shameless fapbait, there is shockingly little porn of her that isn't scat.

That is demonstrably false user.

Yes. It's women's fault of their own for being so fucking dumb when it comes to rational and logical descision making.


Good Redpill anime

Fuck the kike mods who won't allow the same image on the board twice at a time

Because she's a shit waifu. You want best girl you need Fluff

This is what I wished that the remake of Evangelion had been.


Why do you think it's redpilled, personally, user? For me it seems to do an excellent job of capturing the feeling of fighting an invisible war that only a handful of people in the world can understand or appreciate. It's a great snapshot of the loneliness and the despair… but also the resolute commitment to a closely-held value.


And if you came here you regularly you would still know a fair number of people think he's in bed with the jews. And I don't know about him hating Kushner I know that Kusner was the one who paid for all the adds here. I'm not saying its the majority of the board but you can't say "we" about a board this big.

I wouldn't call it redpill but I like all MKultra references in the first episode with the butterfly's and black/white tiles, most likely going for the whole 2deep4u thing but I enjoyed it


I guess if by that you mean a very tiny minority. There has been far more evidence to point out Trump and the kikes really hate each other and have been rivals for decades.

Butterflies are an ancient symbol of death and rebirth in Shintoism, due to the chrysalis that separates caterpillars from their adult forms. The black and white checkerboard has many antecedents, I can think of the Masonic connection, of course, but the alternating black and white tiles in go does also come to mind.

Go figure… (thanks mods)

This is good but god damn you weebs sperg like nobody else


Even shittier? Rebuild is a joke for mindless morons who couldn't handle babbys first symbolism and some character development outside of mecha's stereotypes (which was for the longest time and still is a garbage genre for otaku and kids)

Clam your tits, sis. You are so triggered by smugs and lewds you literally started using goon nomenclature.

Because two nukes clearly wasn't enough.

Nobody likes sluts, user.

Yess!!! Posting Ecchi.

According to this here, it's all part of the plan.
Spoilered, in case our enemies catches on.

smdh fam.

I would have properly ignored the thread but it seems ignoring threads with youtube embeds is broken. They don't really hide all the way once you refresh. You weebs have managed to keep it on the front page almost non-stop since it was posted, good job, but it will expire soon. I'm sure you'll make another irrelevant threads that vols wont remove.

See you next time

I was thinking that too but knowledge on that matter is pretty limited

anchovy butt

How do I know you are a flamboyant weeaboo:
>so were they in Greek mythology/folklore, the word for soul "psyche" was also the word for moth
>you post megukas along with your 2deep4u tl;dr when meduka meguka was not actually deep

It is

I will go ahead and agree that the symbolism of Madoka isn't the most deep by any means. I just think it captures a particular feeling, the feeling of loneliness and alienation, better than any other anime I've seen. If you want deep Shinto symbolism, you might consider Ghost Hound; xxxHolic; or Mushishi.

See You Space Cuckboy

Please don't, faggot.

Eva has a much more thought out and deep plot and lore than a single one of the garbage you people watch.

Tough break, sugartits.

I understand that you NEETs are retarded as shit and cant understand something as simple as Eva but please dont be such a faggot.

Apply yourself, /m/asturbator.

Stop pretending animes have meaning. They are dumb fun.

Evangelion is the fucking anti-thesis of mecha, idiot.

I gotta say, Pringles-san really got me the first time I watched the series. Sent chills up my spine.

I'm not sure it's symbolic in the sense of representational of something else. But the visual imagery is powerful; it punches above its weight in a way that's hard to define.

I don't. EVAkiddos do. Megukas was plain drama with the metaphysical only as plot device and some wacky shit eye-porn.

True. Too bad there are lots of modern-art hipsters out there trying to apply to it deep meaning and psychoanalyze the artist out of it instead of enjoying it on face value.

This. QED bros.
Can't wait till it gets printed in English next year.

The very definition of pretentiousness.

I heard it'd be a digital only release. Source on printed? I'll have to pick it up if they're doing a physical release.

Nigga, you ain't gonna get what you want out of that deal.

"Universal Century" timeline is the mainstay of the gundam franchise and the only redpilled timeline (plus Correct Century and Gaia Gear if they count as part of it), the alternate universes are pretty cucky and universalist.

Future century is fun but irrelevant to politics, and After War is alright. The rest is trash

something along the lines of


or something

fucking fullspace = signs

also meant for

You can't learn Japanese.

I think you can cut it to the 'norume deteke!' for brevity's sake.


wouldn't norumi be better than norume?

A woman wrote one of the greatest anime out there. Except nobody in the west seems to know about it. Of course it also sold like shit, like everything that tries to innovative and good in this cancerous industry.
Video related

Post the usual shit you see on boorus and sankakucomplex. It's filled with dark skinned males with white females. Even your typical honorary aryan porn is interracial propaganda. Some more overt than others, but it's become default that your typical japanese drawings feature that pairing.

Morrow pls


You mean the tan males? That's just how the Japanese actually are. The women they want to fuck are white as snow though. If anything they are cucking themselves.

No, just without a chronically depressed, passive, and effeminate bitchboy for a protagonist.

It's Riajuu, you fucking tards. リア充

I unironically love you guys.

If they can't count it, it doesn't exist to them.


I never see that shit, also using that logic women are being trained to like fat ugly men since a surprisingly large amount of porn features them.

After War was pretty solid, liked the resolution with newtypes

your projection is showing

Just wanna say, Anons, stay golden.

Either what said or you must he actively looking for that kind of shit. The amount of stuff with niggers is actually and thankfully really scarce.

Digital Manga is releasing the greatest love story ever written in print under its ecchi imprint. I backed the Kickstarter and have all my volumes and goodies reserved, so make sure you order quickly when they go to press in case the run of extra volumes isn't very big!

what the fuck is this shit? a whole bunch of white niggers picking up women to brainwash children that underachieving and slacking in life are desirable characteristics?

What the actual shit did I just watch?

I agree except Chinese.. they are very threatening especially if they are straight from China.

You're right.
"Intersex" bullshit has risen dramatically over the past years, as well.

Used to be a little "feminine penis" …but thanks to "slippery slope" it's total ruination now.


Yeah all the kancolles get rapped it happened like 70 years ago so I figured I didn't have need to use spoilers

Oh my.. wall to wall propaganda just in the trailer

top kek

Thank you jesus. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Vice is shit now.

They went from finding Black Market nukes to SJW bullshit.

I was never really super into anime (never went to a convention or bought all kinds of merchandise). But now when I do decide to watch something. I basically only watch stuff from the late 70s, 80s and parts of the 90s. If there's one thing I can tell you. It's that all this cancer that now surrounds anime is a very modern thing. This shit was not that common even ten years ago.
Why don't you watch this video and tell me how many obvious degenerates you see walking around. The entire hobby itself use to be much more about community and the thrill of the hunt in the real world. Fan subbing was also way more involved back then and combined all aspects of the hobby. It also taught you very practical video and AV production skills for the time. Something that might have even gotten you a job if you were really adapt at it.

Long story short. Just watch old shit and avoid the cancer.

Thanks for capcha cucking me kikewheels.

What is your personal definition of cancer?

nostalgia cringe incoming.

I don't know whats worse their behavior or that fact I would fuck over half those girls.


Like all niche subculture, they are inevitably invaded by trash. This trash then propagates itself, twisting the culture to more aptly suit its trash-needs. Anime was not immune to this.

Cons, as the meeting ground for these new-fans, are concentrated autism and cancer. That's why you are worse than dogshit if you even think of going to one.

Isn't it sad? Western anime fandom pretty accurately paralleled the Japanese in the past, but we've since split off into our own cancer. Truly deplorable.

The dark-skinned faceless males in hentai represent the viewer, or just an anonymous japanese male. The intent is for you to project yourself into the image.

You have to specifically look for niggers to find them in japanese porn, and they're generally a rarity.

I know those people. They're basically destroyed husks at this point. The merchant has spared them nothing

I agree, though it's gotta be a married couple. Can't feel good about sex outside of marriage. That's not to say that I condone partaking in porn, but if they can't even appreciate a wholesome relationship, that's pretty bad.



Absolutely nothing is sacred to these people. Everything that is beautiful must be considered ugly and suppressed. Everything that is ugly must be considered beautiful and elevated. It's fucking exhausting at this point.

Part of the postmodernist war on beauty, piggybacking on feminism/leftism. Since beauty as a concept has inherent inequality, it is considered evil by Marxists. And feminists, in their quest to blame every problem in their lives on (white) men, consider beautiful art of females to be sexist because it's something men can enjoy without female approval.

These groups want to destroy the image of the beautiful female and replace it with something ugly and undesirable.

It's already an anime thread, might as well check those digits

There is a fantastic doujin-series with that exact premise.

It all makes sense now!

Instead, I suggest [email protected]/* */, a REAL MAN'S ANIME!

Terrible idea. This is why Japan is so shit now.
The samurai spirit is all but gone.

I'd just say don't bother with streaming, period. Download quality once, instead of shitty multiple times until the show is pulled from the catalogue.

A few of them do sweet doujin works.

CIA, is that you?

Lovely stuff.

Geez, I wonder who could behind this.


>[email protected]/* */

Move over, grandma. New hotness in town.

Thanks. I'll give it a shot.

You're right, a lot of older shows are very brunt about the message they want to bring. Pic related is probably the most redpilled anime bar none, featuring a fully blooded German proud of his heritage blowing up refugee spaceships trying to make it to the Earth. Meanwhile everybody on Earth is distracted with entertainment and their own little bubbles, never waking up and realising the horror about to crash down on them. They fear him and always try to ambush him whenever he lands on Earth, always blaming what the refugees do on him.

It's mostly this, the Elevens do produce some degenerate shit, but they do so for the very small audience that actually wants it (generally speaking ~100 people who buy their book at a convention). The kikes in comparison deliberately force that shit on an unwilling populace, they forcibly subject the general public to race mixing bullshit and so on, which nobody asked for or wanted.

no theyre not, they are all girls. where did you get this idea? are you getting confused with uranus and neptune being lesbians?


((((((((THE JAPAN TIMES))))))))

Daily Reminder Anime is one of the only entertainment platforms that's not under jewish control trying to promote cultural marxism
==Daily Reminder the jews and their feminist/sjw/cult marxist/numale cuck hordes tried and FAILED to even set foot upon the land of the rising sun in a cultural and ethnical (failed attempt to insert rapefugees) manner


But they're not robots. Did you even watch the show? At all? They're actually giant artificial humans with the pilots dead mothers souls trapped inside, and some armor plating slapped on so that the pilots would be tricked into believing they are giant robots.
You have garbage taste in anime.

No, EVA does have a well written plot and deeper meanings, Megukas does not. Nobody said all anime does. Most of it is just braindead garbage like the stuff you watch.

This is just stupid chink advertising. They literally have no second thoughts and are overly optimistic about everything.
That's why japan sells so many stupid "anime endorsed" products.
Like that nge shaving kit.



Google it.

Behold the kike of anime!!!

if you think P&S is crazy, watch Dead Leaves.

Anime has been used as a vehicle for SJWism for years.
Especially 16-24 year old males who "identify as women" use female anime girls as their avatars, as, being weak in traditionally female features, the female Japanese body shape is readily attainable by an underdeveloped male. He can emulate the small breasts and narrow hips of a Japanese woman much more readily than the wide hips and ample breasts of a White woman.

Yellow fever is a cover for pedophilia.

Not to mention the 'bators are fucking space jews funding both sides and harvesting loosh.

Total myth.

Here I thought that Japan couldn't surprise me any more, and you come with a pic that proves me wrong.

Condom cooking? Seriously?

I am not sure what to think of this.

I hope you are being gassed.

…a month.

Nice try merchant.

There's also cooking with semen. Sometimes I have to wonder if it's just the Japanese acting retarded in their desperate attempts to escape their shit reality, or if the Jews really are slooooowly getting a grip on the Nips.

Never heard of it
Your know wich anime i heard of?
Sacred Blcksmith
Specifically, i heard about the shit storm in wich it was engulfed
Thousands of fans burning the books, light novels, games, toys, mangas and merchandaising in a fit of rage
Because the Heroine at one point got raped by the villan
So the Author had to either rewrite or retcon the light novel to make the villan some sort of eunuch so that the purity of the fans waifu would remain unstained

Tokyo kikes will not sacrifice shekkels in orther to push a western kike agenda
They know eho their consummers are, they know what they buy, and they know trying to commercialize Western liberal degeneracy and prmiscuity is commercial suicide
See pic related?
they don't produce this stuff just to spit in the Zog's face, they do so because this stuff sells.

It sells because of the psychological impact these pure moe characters have. It goes back to Jung's Anima/Animus theory. There's a cute moe anime waifu living in your head that you project onto the world. She is pure so you demand purity. What kikes do is attack this Anima with sluts and other deviant females in hopes of totally ruining your worldview so you become a feminist nu-male with no standards only living for today and nothing else. In other words, a nigger. A golem.

It needs to happen in more than just the US, fam.

good thing I don't have to value your opinions

These images are the most autistic shit i ever seen on the internet outside of a minecraft forum.

Ecchi minus the autism.

I want everyone involved in this to be killed.

I remember going to a convention once and three of these weird fujoshis was going from stranger to stranger straight-up asking for free money.

The electric jew defiles all that you know. I'm sorry anons, I really am.

What's wrong with FAKKU?



I forget the whole story, you can google it for halfchan archives.

Basically, they used to be a free doujin website. Then they switched over to being a paysite (no more downloads, deleted anything semi-edgy from the site, merchandising, etc). Fakku started acquired publishing rights for some of the manga they had.

The problem is that they started sending C&D letters to competing free websites, over doujin Fakku didn't even own rights to. So they went MAX JEW (also Jacob is a Jew, pure coincidence goy). When all this happened, there was a time it hard to actually find doujin online.


I know it has to be shit, but can I have some sauce?

People really need to shut the hell up with all this back and forth about Polynesian pop-art and it's place in the White Nationalist movement, and focus their energies squarely on ensuring the existence of our nation and providing a future for white children. The jews divide and conquer tactics are always clearly visible in this thread, people just need to man up and deal with the fact that some people like Singaporean screen plays and some people don't, this is NOT the sort of thing that people like us should be arguing over.

Every minute spent arguing about this issue is a minute NOT spent impregnating white women and making white babies.

If you must argue and fight with each other, it should be about things such as, hemp versus polypropylene, Zyklon B versus carbon dioxide, ovens versus shallow ditches.

Where were you? They already have, but the reason you haven't noticed is that they're relatively obscure. Hunter x Hunter already covered otherkin, headmates, and trans back in 2004. Not to mention Hayao Miyazaki shilling out global warming since the dawn of time. The reason you never noticed is that you picked out the 10% of "redpilled" anime, or shows that are too dumb to even bother with it.

It's like a satire made in real life.

Look at the date this was posted

Hello /monster/, long time no see.

That picture is retarded.

[Angry neckbeard disgruntlement in distance]

Anyone over 12 who watches is either severely autistic, pedophilic hikokomori or a degenerate archmage level beta. You the faggots who buy used panties off vending machines

Enable "expunged content".

I think we need to know what 244245153 was responding to.

Also fuck yeah digital lover.

Gundam Wing was pretty good too. Main plot is 5 Gundam pilots fighting for the independence of their space colonies against Order of the Zodiac, which is controlled secretly by (((Romefeller Foundation))). Literally nationalists against a jewy NWO organization.

I'm amazed Anime fans haven't turned on him yet. He shits on Otaku"s and anime it's self

FIVE Bitcoins in Japan jacob being a registered sex offender.

I don't get how people still suck his dick after all the shit he says to his fans.

I liked Toward the Terra, although I don't know if I'd suck it's dick quite as hard as you did

it was about male objectification of women in hentai, so he pointed out that its mostly women drawing hentai.

I didn't know spilled water could be so deep user, tell me more

not really, there was potential especially when they started talking about how automating the battlefield removed the human element. But it was a show created during a period where bandai was trying to rebrand gundam. Wing was solely created to target fujoshits

Finally, someone with good taste on this thread.

Nah. It was also meant to appeal to tweens and teens and especially gunpla fans. Both V and G were pretty well-received by fans but they didn't draw in much of a new audience and the designs didn't have much mass appeal so with W they went the safe route with the designs (not to say that there aren't some breddy gud designs in W) and basically switched out the trademark Tomino weirdness for writing that was much more palatable to most of their target demographic.

Well it's canon that bubbles is going to be a slut sooner or later. Hell she twerks in the new episode when that party bear comes back too.

Holla Forums-approved

As long as we're having a degeneracy thread have a Ben Garrison from his hidden archives.


List of anime with more conservative values?

Golgo 13
fist of the north star
Getter Robo Armagedon
Black Lagoon
G Gundam
Gundam Wing (yeah the mcs look like twinks but you guys are right about them fighting a nwo type organization which adds points imo)
Fate/stay night unlimited blade works ( I am the bone of my sword!)
Gunsmith Cats

What do you think of Baki the Grappler?

Having a vagina in that show makes you killing machine almost immune to bullets, the MC is an emasculated fag and they have 2 episodes of the nigger and Tila Tequila killing goofy NatSoc LARPers straight out of (((The blues brothers))).

A piece of media isn't conservative just because it revolves around people shooting at each other.

well thanks , I dont mind improving the list guess you are right , only thing I would argue for the mc he does get taught to be less of a cuck over his journey.
What anime would you say better represents conservative values?

buko no pico with out a doubt

It's a great show regardless and you completely forgot to mention the flashback scenes of the nazi soldiers being shown as human beans which the west has never done. Faggot.

Some of them know

I thought this was a great anime, visually stimulating, helped redpill me on the jews. easy to avoid criticism from SJW because all of the protagonists are female, sad that they did not make a sequel to the movie yet. Very fun to watch on acid

Legend of the Galactic Heroes, but that gets mentioned literally every time.

I used to think that too, but its just an overrated show that gets liked by people only thanks to the crime syndicate/modern mercenary theme it has going for it.

Most of the gun-fight scenes are silly and repetitive, they consist of either a whole army of redshirts missing the MCs repeatedly for 2~3 minutes or two plot armored characters missing each other for 2~3 minutes.

LOL, the one where the SS officer is show as an insane ideologue that kills his own comrades because they dared to speak ill of Adolf Hitler/National Socialism ?

Das Boot has that exact same trope going on, whole crew are good decent German guys just wanting to survive the war except the one wacky ideologue guy that worships Hitler, its a narrative strategy to distance regular Germans from National Socialism.

And that is another thing in Black Lagoon, the creator just copy things whole clout from famous movies, including even the very name for the show.

Also one of the 'good guys' group is a Jew.

Because he's right.

Look at any anime convention, the otaku culture and the anime/manga money-making machine and tell me he's wrong.

heard that kill la kill is a blue pill anime?

Did you retards read the date on this?

I'd say just flashy fanservicey fluff that lost its way.

heard that kill la kill is a blue pill anime?>>8427229
something something at the start of the show where a teacher is equating clothes with nazism and the show is about the main fighting increasing rank members of the school , a lowly commoner fighting the system

Add to that:

Legend of Galactic Heroes
Area 88
Full Metal Alchemist

In some respects, Nadesico, even if it was kind of cucked in others (especially the cast). Hard to say why without a lot of spoilers, though. Also the follow-up movie sucked.

oh ya erased is cuckold shit dont watch it

Kill la Kill is a Red pill disguised as a blue pill that lost it's way.

Yeah but then it turns out the nazis were right and were preparing to take on an even worse evil.

Nah, ever since Gundam Wing their primary audience has been horny fujoshits.

lolwut, asians ESPECIALLY chinese are far more openly racist against niggers than anyone on the planet. They have no politically correct racial guilt, they see them for the violent lazy apes they are.

Are they threatening? No. Unless you're in a really bad part of town no asian poses a threat to you.
Are they trustworthy? Fuck no. They will jew you the first chance they get.

Not gonna watch that shit but let me take a wild guess:

Gundam Wing, or maybe the movie, inspired me to write a prophetic essay in high school regarding the dangers in the use of drones in battle. I noted that the sacrifice of soldiers was neccessary as a feedback mechanism to tell us when to stop. With automated weapons, we can just kill and kill and kill without ever feeling or even seeing the consequences. This has largely come to pass.

Watched whole show, and don't know how you get this idea.

Think he means satsuki was making a fascist regime to fight her mother

There's tons of space for rural living.

A big problem in Japan is rural exodus where people are moving from the countryside to the cities.

Cities become more and more populated while the beautiful countryside gets depopulated.

It's sad.

^— that's from 1976. The problem is even worse now.


Fate is compromised, and arguably always was. Heaven's Feel is either the most NatSoc version of the mc, or a pro-abortion white knighting shitfest, depending on how you look at it.

Additionally, gender bending is rampant, especially in later works. In Grand Order, Da Vinci appears as Mona Lisa because why the fuck not.

I still like Fate.

I do understand why so many young guys like the show though, it gives you the nice illusion that you left your boring everyday life to become a freebooter, Rock is obviously a vehicle for the audience itself.

Hell just look at Revy, she killed her own father, has a tribal tattoo, loves guns and wears fingerless gloves 24/7, that entire picture is screaming "I am exciting and dangerous".

What? I don't think I was watching or reading the same show then but then again it's been years.

All of that sounds extremely degenerative.

Besides the gun loving part, why would anyone want a woman like her?

its been a while since I watched the show, but doesn't rock turn into a scheming tactician by the end of the OVA and revy is feeling down because she realized he turned into a degenerate like herself instead of a knight in shining armor?

And thank god you do, any action show with a female protagonist who is not a cyborg or has magic powers is shit. This whole gender equality shit being pushed in animation has to stop.

Shitty cancerous tattooed slut who is a tsundere shit is the main protag while Rock is Watson. Anyone with a vagina has super powers.

Some of the best fighters of their respective countries are female, fuck that shit.

Shitty feminist propaganda about how STRONG INDEPENDENT LESBIAN WOMYN CAN BE TOUGH GUN WIELDING BADASSES, get that sick shit out of here!

Retarded plot to be honest, and Wufei is a straw man misogynist. But even with Wufei being a strawman misogynist I have to say that the Boy Band Gundam show is ironically one of the most masculine both in the UC and non-canon universes. Honestly most Gundam shows deliver subtle blue pills, from STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN NEWTYPES, to pussy whipped cucks who stop being bad because of their women. The least pozzed Gundam shows I've seen has to be 08th MS Team and Gundam X.

Gundam X if I remember has no female pilots, and a male lead who's not afraid of showing his love towards his main love interest. In terms of pozz, 08th MS Team has only 1 female pilot and she's fairly mediocre when compared to the rest of the team, it has a rebel forces brat who's annoying, and a female scientist.

With that said, add to the list

Kimi ni Todoke
Fune Wo Amu
Amaama to Inazuma
Hajime no Ippo
Darker than Black (season 2 never happened)
Armored Trooper Votoms
Sakamoto Desuga?

>the GAR as fuck character dies like a bitch

Nah, that show is far from conservative

top kek more like gender idealization if anything

Idealization would be bitches and whores knowing their place as support in the battlefield, or EVEN BETTER at home making babies or taking care of them. No what we get is shitty "WOMYN CAN TOTALLY STAND NEXT TO MEN OR ARE EVEN BETTER ALL BAKA MYSOGINIST PIG MALES SHOULD DIE" harpies. Any anime that has a female protag that doesn't have magical powers, or is a cyborg is shit.

In fact GITS the anime and films are the best representation of women I've seen in combat/service. It describes PERFECTLY what has to happen for women to actually function on said roles at the same level males do. They have to abandon everything that makes them female and human to even come close. The manga is a depraved shit show though, I have no idea how the films and anime came out so good with the source material being so shit.

In fact I'm glad Shirow the Cuck is drawing porn, we don't need garbage like Police Tank Patrol out there.

You don't get it. Womyn in anime are stronk but at the same time writers add enough redeemable traits to make you like them. SJWs do exactly opposite, creating completely unlikable persons for the sake of passing on the message of whatever the fuck they have issue with now

I like the original ubw route as much as the next guy, but that franchise went down the shitter.

attila the hun is also an alien from outer space summoned by a comet supercomputer to destroy human civilization.

Which is cancer, no woman trying to compete at the same level of a man has any desirable female traits IRL. Even the 2d feminist cunts barely have any since they're all loud mouthed bitches who constantly bitch about their male superiors. In fact we always get subjected to the misogyny arc where the cunt has to prove herself superior to some person in power or some person who is clearly stronger than her.

What irritates me the most about these cunts is how ALMOST ALWAYS they belittle, and physically abuse the MC while he just goes m'lady and sucks on their clits. Bitches and whores belong as support or back home, they do not deserve a chance in the spotlight. Get your propaganda peddling ass out of here, I'm tired of seeing that shit on /a/, and I definitely don't want to see it on Holla Forums.

Regular aggressiveness implies high testosterone which leads to sexual aggressiveness and assertiveness. So that means guys see themselves having a better chance of getting laid by someone like Revy, Rock as the pathetic stand-in (prior to character arc) lets them self insert and even the most boring mundane beta can see themselves as possibly worthy of female attention. Plus, aggressive crazy girls fuck really well.

So basically pic related.

Unfortunately accurate, Revy is an alcoholic, tattooed, loud mouthed slut no sane man would bone unless he's thirsty or a beta cuck.

There's a difference?

that's the case in the older harem shows. most of the harem MCs grew some balls since then which is nice

Chads are perpetually thirsty too bruh.

You're going to have to post examples, because all I see now a days are Ritos.

Sort of 50/50. I've always been a fan of action girls because I like women that are capable in emergencies. I've known lots of farm girls, redneck girls who go fishing and can clean and gut a fish, steer a boat, and just generally get shit done. It makes life simpler and when the two of you work together, you're miles more effective. Lot of those girls are loyal to a fault as well, and even though high testosterone is supposed to lead to unfaithfulness, I've found it to be quite the opposite in my life. The feminine vulnerability is still there in these girls, btw. Revy has it as a fictional character and that makes her interesting, but I've seen lots of girls IRL who are relatively tough, act a bit tough, but would love to go for a picnic in a summer dress and sun hat. There's a beautiful art to it. I'm sure there's a trope for this. Harley Quinn in the new batman movie has her fantasizing about a nuclear family when she gets shown her heart's desire. It's actually not as straightforward as some anons may think, but that's how life tends to be.

You have to be almost cartoonishly manly to keep these types of action girls, but it's worth it.

I'd take revy for a picnic, bone the hell out of her, then we'd move to a small town and raise a wonderful family.

He's talking about the nips you fucking idiot. Aside from Mongolians and other Steppe Asians, East Asians lack any kind of individuality, so they need government pushing to breed and survive.

I highly doubt a woman like that would make a good wife or mother.

That's reality anime is often a romantic fantasy


Anything a woman can do a man can do better. The fact is, is that she'd be dead weight in an emergency and it'd be your job to take care of her. There's no such thing as a woman who's as capable as a man unless she roids up.

That is used as propaganda to emasculate the populace's values and gender roles, fuck that shit with a fucking rake.

Moe shit might be brain dead cancer, but I must admit, at least it doesn't try to subvert gender roles as often as action shows with fem protags.

That's ridiculous. I personally didn't even start watching anime until I saw for 3DPD for what it was not the other way around.

No, just the useless ones. If you want a useless woman so you can feel better about how shit you are at life, then go right ahead. I'd rather have one who doesn't mind gaffing a fish or shooting a bear if push comes to shove. It's clear you're a useless suburbanite.

It doesn't subvert gender roles because it knows women are brain dead cancer.

2D is justice, and we're all permitted our waifus. I'm not going to get pigeonholed into liking moeshit just because some faggots in this thread get triggered by the idea of a woman shooting a burglar if the husband's not home.

Kill yourself, kike.


No all women, anything a woman can do, a man can do better, get your head out of your autistic fantasy land and smell reality. From cooking, to singing, to acting, even being single while rearing a kid men are better. It's such a sad fact that sadly we need them to actually have children, an even sadder fact that we need them to instill healthy gender roles as well.

But with the way they've been poisoned in the west and parts of Northeast Asia, it's no surprise the degeneracy of waifu shit plus MGTOW has reared its ugly head into the mainstream.

You're all degenerates who love fictional women that are nothing more but misnomers of reality. Worst of all is that you're all running away from reality and enabling the ills in reality by consuming this sick filth. You're effectively funding and enabling the reality you're currently running way from, it's irony at its finest.

Women wouldn't be 3dpd if they were bitch slapped into their place, it's cuckolds like you that funds feminist garbage that has us in the mess we are. Plus it's ironic you like STRONK INDEPENDENT 2D womyn when real women are just as fucking obnoxious as your 2d sluts. The only difference being is that with 2d sluts you only see them in the "lime light" you don't get to deal with the actual 24/7 non-stop bitching.

Realizing that women are shit and that they have to be kept in line is not being a good goy, it's the total opposite. You're being a good goy and buying into the shitty feminist narrative of women being able to be equal to us.

Once again, GTFO.

You could say the same thing about every tax payer in the western world.
But 2D girls aren't obnoxious that's the entire point

The tax payer doesn't do it willingly, most don't even know about shit like DIGRA and other government funded SJW programs.

They are, they almost always physically abuse the MC, they always call him shit. In terms of story they always have a shitty misogyny arc in their characterization whilst trying to prove they're equal and FUCK GENDER ROLES XDDDD WHO NEEDS THEM!? You have shit taste in IRL and 2d women, please reevaluate your existence.

What the hell are you watching.


Birdy the mighty, black lagoon, Aquarion EVOL, etc. etc.

If you're too retarded to spot the shitty ham fisted political messages it's not my fault.

Nice argument faggot.

If you're too retarded to tell the difference between 2D and 3D women it's not my fault

Again you're only seeing a FRACTION of what goes on in your precious 2d slut's life. You aren't seeing the INSUFFERABLE complete picture. As is within the scopes of the show/story she's a manhating cunt, one can't imagine what she behaves like in the unfilled gaps.

Simply, a violent, man hating slut who physically assaults males, and constantly complains about male superiority is not "waifu" or wife material unless you're an effeminate cuckold who probably doesn't even lift.


Again what the hell are you watching I rarely see that and no girl I would even put in my top 12 harem does that.
You seem to have a vendetta against fantasy so I would assume you imagine the absolute worst.

That's what LN's, OVA's, and doujins are for.

In which she still acts like a cunt except OCCASIONALLY in doujins, but that's due to doujins being for profit fan fiction.

Same garbage with tsundere shits you are, I can give you a list of all the season's favorites you /a/ faggots watch.

Personally I'm really liking Flipflappers and the sweaty sexy pingpong show.

Wasn't expecting Konosuba to be any good seeing that 90% of the cast is female but damn it was satisfying to see how retarded they are and how alpha the MC is.

Haven't checked it out yet, but it probably has dykes in it thanks to Yuru Yuri's success along with that show with the furfag bearsuit dykes.

5/10 bait. Stale but solid.

Pretty cool story faggot.

No wonder, a faggot who watches a show full of lesbos and sluts would get triggered by someone who hates such degeneracy.

oh yea

You're clearly a genius user, years ahead of the curve in fact!

You just admitted you haven't even watched it.

Too bad, butt boy. Deal with it.

It's definitely yuri-shit and the only redeeming factor is the animation. While I get yuri over there is more of a sisterly love while maintaining heterosexuality I'm still traumatized by how fucked up RL dyke are. Of course you have anime like that Madoka clone with dykes in animated form, which is ok since one of them is killed while the other kills herself by the noose

Depends on which girl.

You some how didn't drop that shit??

I can tell by the art style it has dykes in it, and from the fact it has dykes in it I can tell it's subversive crap that panders to proto SJW and those running away from reality.

Reposting in another thread because I'm fucking angry and don't care.

I had red hair and blue eyes. I'm 33 and no gf let alone waifu and kids. WE ARE GOING TO GO EXTINCT!! In 300 years, we will be living in a world without my phenotype, in a world without anyone who still exhibits the features of our ancestors. Whites are an endangered species. Our genes are under an existential threat. I cannot even articulate how angry and threatened I feel. My people are dying and 70% of them don't even care - fuck, they think it's a good thing.

You didn't read the spoilers? The entire show is about them dying or getting killed off which turns me on so hard seeing blood coming out of them more than once a month and seeing how they react to death like little bitches they are. While it's subtle and the feminist might not get the signal, it shows how females react towards unexpected situation similar to RL.

Like singing to the choir here, you just wasted some effort there.

Anime is serious business.

where do you think you are?

I would say you are no fun allowed but its a subjective opinion
This is objectively false. I have no idea what a "proto sjw" is but I know they aren't the ones who are buying BDs

I did and I'm still not able to get past rabbit kyubey de pon

He's just reposting it in general. Also:

Where do you think you are nigger?

Pick one


Again, pick one

Converting from jew-loving christianity is part of what made me realize I have a genetic duty to save my race from destruction. But it also made me realize how badly the odds were stacked against me….

Directors do try to fit political and social messages into their animes. One example is that Gate show showing the might of the JSDF against any odd hoping to recruit any single unwanted otakus since the army is desperate enough to recruit anybody.

Kaiba is worth a mention. Set in the far future, it offers a surreal criticism of both communism and the degeneracy of capitalism.
Cobra the Animation isn't exactly the pinnacle of conservative values, but it's a nice throwback to the unapologetic cheesy scifi of the 70s and early 80s. If you like Captain Harlock, you'll probably dig Cobra.
Log Horizon is literally about building society and directly deals with noblesse oblige through the interaction between PCs and NPCs.
Princess Tutu is a good alternative to popular children's shows these days. It's dripping with references to the Western traditions of music and literature. The overarching theme is that women ought to embrace their femininity, and that people in general ought to fight for those whom they care for.
Bartender has the titular character helping people with various problems, mostly dealing with their families. It's not really political, but I think people undersell the importance of what we might call "simple conservatism". No small part of the problem with contemporary media (and society) is the disregard for simple courtesies and charities. Being a kind person to the handful of people who cross your path is a far grander deed than its given credit for.

Well Gate wasn't a anime a original the webnovel was written by a exJSDF guy and A1 actually toned down the nippon banzai quite a lot for the anime. I wasn't saying there were no political themes in any anime ever. I was pointing out there is no evidence of anything being marketed "proto sjws" especially when its a well known fact disk sales are irrelevant outside of Japan.

oh shit meant for

Finally someone with taste.

This is how the anti anime faggots from reddit, SA, and stomfront fucking sound like.

If westerners gave a shit about children they would destroy magazines that have skimpy under aged children in celebrity magazines.

You stupid niggers should learn how things work here and stop trying to turn Holla Forums into your disgusting forums.


I know about the Chinese Doujin ripping crews but I haven't heard of any foreigners in Japan having a significant impact on disk sales

They're the ones responsible in injecting pozz pills in the media thanks to them subverting the Yakuza. From porn, vidya, to antihatespeech laws.

What a shitshow this thread turned into because of one autistic retard.

Also, Mahou Shouji Ikusei Keikaku is great, fuck all you niggers hating on it.

Great as porn material, maybe. As a show? It's shit.

Its not even a good madoka clone


Eat shit. You fucking plebs can't even tell good anime kino when it hits you in the face.

Bet you nerds are >50 anime watched.

Speaking of degeneracy, the creator of ghost in the shell is probably the most prolific drawer of interracial porn in Japan.

Never watched the OVA.

The average modern human being is constantly bored by the safeness and mundane nature of his advanced society, that's where the admiration and sometimes fetishism of crime, mafias or just some sort of "underworld" ( Vampire the masquerade for instance ) comes from.

Revy is not alone as being this tragic underworld girl archetype, just look at Cait from Fallout 4:

Looks like shit.

The only good thing about animes are the tits, but as a story medium they are generic as fuck.

good thing I can disregard your opinion.

>the GAR as fuck character dies like a bitch
Yeah, but that happened because the government and its commissars were so evil. As did the entire war.

Don't forget the ship was a private enterprise, too, and that's why it BTFO'd the official government military.

You shouldn't.

Christ you reminded me how much I hated the ending of Gundam 0083 by chance , fuck the ending of that anime

Nina Purpleton a shit indeed, the MC of that show was such a cuck I even forgot his name.

The thing is, is that Nadesico was very well aware of its own tropes. It was very deconstructive as well as subversive about itself, But there comes a point where you parody something so hard, you become the thing you parody.

Not the worst anime ever, but certainly not a gold standards of entertainment either.

Stole the words right out of my mouth. Whenever you see something degenerate as fuck promoting multiculturalism, homos, metrosexuals, and Ganguro/Gal culture it's usually Zainichi Scum funding it. Whenever a new authoritarian anti freespeech law is being pushed forward it's the Zainichi. Whenever you see some fucked up fetish porn and the like…

Gooks are called the jews of asia on Holla Forums for a reason you fucking newfaggots.

Men can do it better != women can't do anything.

there's no horseshoe. there's not left or right. there is no such thing as rights. there's no unifying ideology.

there is only one's own nation and its power.

750 posts seems like forever

Real butthurt lasts a life time.

Shall we hurry it along?

I dunno 'bout that, user. So Europeans can define the characteristics of the ideal woman down to specifics. So what? Information, no matter how profound, can only work by taking action, which waifuism ultimately doesn't do despite all the talk about it motivating to self improvement. Because I have yet to hear a conversation about waifuism talk about how it helped someone actually get a real woman they want, or how it taught someone the art of leadership and improving others so they can at least start to find a girl. And if those conversations do happen, how few are they in comparison to the rest? As to the sentence before the last, most especially the part about leadership. Unlike the anime fantasy, women are not autonomous creatures who can learn on their own about how to be lady-like. Women need to be taught and trained by a knowledgeable man who knows how to take charge. I'll bet the number of anime that knows this reality about real life relationships and shows men how to do it is countable on one hand. Especially with all the beta MC's that are everywhere nowadays.
Waifuism needs more than itself to actually accomplish anything beyond mental masturbation.

To be fair. She is technically 5 years old (yes, I shit you not) killing machine that was age frozen and has no knowledge of human relation whatsoever, so of course she is going to behave like an ass around others. Later in the novel she started to get her shit together like a proper woman because she learned how to be properly human.

But yeah, the anime pretty much started the rubbish tsundere fad.

Wrong. We've already won. Waifuism was the answer to begin with: having a waifu is saying "no" no to women. It's letting women know that in their current state, they're really not worth anything at all to us. We'd rather a 2D. Hateful, spiteful, self-destructive loveless creatures are just not appealing to us. The solution is not to chase after these lost women, but to leave them out in the cold and only let them back in once they start being nice again. And that's precisely what's happening: women have no cultural power left whatsoever. They've completely detroyed the general male public's affection for them.

Women thought we'd never stop wanting them. They were so wrong that we literally turned to 2d cartoon girls instead. What they need now is a strong man who will do them the justice of holding them to a higher standard. Women will fall in line perfectly so long as they are made to. However, teaching them will achieve nothing whatsoever. Stop trying to help and save women - they're the ones who need to come home by their own volition.

Is this nigger serious?

That is not at all what I said, and your misunderstanding it only further proves my point. Disgusting. The point is to be a man and stand up to women: use your strength and power to hold them to a higher a standard. It's not a matter of "doing nothing", you fucking mouthbreating smug cunt, it's about not chasing after women thus giving them endless power to be the cunts they want to be. Let them know there are limits.

Seriously I come here for discussions not so some guy can (probably intentionally) misunderstand my posts as an excuse to post ugly smug anime girl pictures

Wow, look at all this mad over a legit criticism of your Chinese moving colors. Top fucking kek. You don't know anything about "strength" and "power". You're a big pussy is what you are. You're not holding women to shit with your loser mentality. Do you seriously believe women are smart enough to "get" what it means when anime nerds ignore them? Do you seriously believe being ignored by a stranger means "I have limits, lady, and here's what they are:". Lol, no. They'll just go after a man that actually takes action and leave you behind with your body pillows.

You write like the 17-year-old mentally deficient halfchan refugee that you are. I tried to have a discussion with you, and you used it as an excuse for a cheap shot to look cool. Well done. You're worthless.

Is that the best you can do? How much do you weigh? Do you even talk to people? How many figures and pillows do you own? Do you even have a plan for the future that doesn't involve thinking will just magically come together like in your animays?
One thing is for sure: You can't even deal with anonymous strangers on the Internet. PATHETIC.

And just to cuck a loser like you. :^)