Is this quote real?

Is this quote real?

If yay why did you tell me that Cultural Marxism isn't real?

Other urls found in this thread:!Ocgh3IiZ!JGYEgw1dK0nJmj9bAHBJAw

No it isn't. Now fuck off stormfag.

because it isnt, all we can see now in the west is cultural capitalism or late stage of capitalism

it is real, most of Holla Forums doesn't like to admit it because they try and be the opposite of Holla Forums rather than leftist

explain why it is so "late"


Source it then.

read a fuckin book

azquotes does not cite any source for this quote…

do you have anything of substance to say?


Really doesn't read like anything anyone associated with the Frankfurt school would come up with.

Searching up the quote using Google only turns up crass websites associated with the far-right and that one unsourced A-Z Quotes entry.

Sounds likes a load of bull to me.

That quote ain't gonna source itself buddy :^)


Depend what you understand by Cultural Marxism. Frankfurt school existed, but it was not an all powerful illuminati shit.

How about you actually fucking read the Frankfurt school?

I have, and how is critical theory not cultural marxism?

Fucking lel.

I, too, browse halfchan Holla Forums.

It's not hard to do a little research to try to figure out if a quote is real or fake. Try searching for one thing, you won't find this quote published anywhere. You can also try searching the old "newsgroups" (an early form of internet discussion used by primitive screwheads from the 1990s and into the 2000s, though they've mostly died off today) at – if you search for "revolution won't happen with guns" you'll see that a bunch of people posted versions of this quote but none before 2008. Also the 2008 version I found at was a little different ('infiltrate their established social & educational institutions… and their political offices' instead of 'infiltrate their educational institutions and political offices', along with some extra stuff at the end), further evidence the quote is a fake:

"The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their established social & educational institutions… and their political offices, transforming these bodies
slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism. The masses who notice the transformation will object and henceforth we shall silence them through methodical tactics of
guilt… guilt for their ancestors past sins."
Max Horkheimer, Marxist Theoritician


And what makes you think it is a plot to destroy western civilization? If anything its quite socially conservative, in many places.


revisionist marxists of the frankfurt school believed that the reason the west did not fall to socialism was its strong christian morality so they sought to destroy that

Provide sources, book titles, page numbers.
Repeating it over and over again won't make it true.

Implying that Cultural Marxism is a thing created to undermine "western values" and create a communist society, let me just answer this in terms a Holla Forumsack would understand.

Why would jews -the embodiment of Rootless international capitalism- want to bring down the very system that guarantees their supremacy over goyim? It has worked wonderfully for (((them))) for about two hundred years, why "get rid" of such a divisive yet universal form of social and economical regulation that's worked fine for so long?

The end of Capitalism Spells the end of Jewishness itself, all that tribal nepotism and rabinic law would become completely pointless.

Complete garbage. If you want the real story, read this.

How about you actually do what he asked and post the books and page numbers instead of some random conspiracy video.

Have you even touched a work written by a Marxists?




every time xD

What separates cultural Marxism from its conspiratorial antecedents is that the former’s primary function is to provide fringe conservative movements
with a narrative explaining why contemporary culture is in disaccord with their ideological preferences —in a manner absolving capitalism of any responsibility therein — whereas the myth of Jewish Bolshevism and the Red Scare campaigns were chiefly utilized by elites to assist in preserving the status quo. Its secondary function is to defame cultural liberalism by associating it with “Marxism,” a term which often elicits fear mong Americans and citizens of many Western European countries. Conspicu-ously absent in the propaganda which features cultural Marxism is what an abject failure the Frankfurt school’s enterprise would be on its own terms, were it true. Far from the means of production being collectivized and welfare provisions expanded in tandem with cultural degrada-tion, the exact converse has been itnessedin Europe and North Americain recent decades.
They further neglect the many other philosophical conduits to cultural liberalism in existence, e.g., utilitarianism, existentialism, and Rawlsianism, which, if one is to seriously entertain ideal-ist or conspiratorial interpretations of social phenomena, are just as tenable in explaining the dis-integration of cultural conservatism. In the final analysis, the conservatives heretofore critiqued have matters exactly backwards: cultural liberalism (deceptively termed “cultural Marxism”), at least in its current incarnation, is
not corrosive to capitalism; it is its ideological compliment. It accommodates and expands the opportunities for accumulation, while contributing to the mass delusion that all things are possi-ble in life except transcending class relations and generalized commodity production.

its so true. So called "cultural marxism" is just what we call "idpol"

It's one of the "better" videos on the conspiracy.

I know, I watched it with some friends for fun some time ago. It was time well spent.

Your world view is sad. You live in a sad little hate filled bubble. Every day you labor under a combination of lack of efficacy and just enough schadenfreude to get through the day. It's sad that you choose to exist in that bubble, but nobody can let you out of it if you refuse to leave.

The funny thing is, the Frankfurt School's writings can easily be appropriated by the Right in order to make a case for traditionalism. Walter Benjamin's critique of progress was entirely rooted in Jewish theology. Adorno hated identity politics and was even critical of the anti-racism and feminism of his day. Fromm said multiple times that human relations pre-modernity and pre-capitalist were more authentic. Hmmmm.

Sometimes i tell myself i should post Adorno on Holla Forums, just for teh lulz.

Just post some random Adorno quotes and tell Holla Forums they're from Evola or Spengler.

lel, give some example

He wasn't wrong.

II have the culture industry on my hard drive, is it enough for quote minig or is there any better work for that?

Minima Moralia would be better.

Somebody start a thread, link it, and then we'll post some quotes in it under Evola / Spengler

Some people enjoy their hatred deeply.

So US fundies are pretty much the same as a ISIS in ideology, right?

Fromm was a giant humanist who frequently used Marx's theory of alienation. He, like Benjamin, was also a giant Torahfag.

Not to mention, it's pretty obvious to me that Benjamin knew about the "degeneration of the generations", a kabbalistic concept found in the Zohar which posits that humans degenerate spiritually as we progress in the material world.

Had it been posted on /freedu/?

Not sure.

If this was true, schools would be teaching Marxism and not social democracy/state capitalism as the true form of socialism

relentless control mechanism which determines whether the latest
imago to be distributed really represents an exact, accurate and reliable
reflection of the relevant item of reality


BTW, I also found that all the earliest appearances of this quote on google groups from 2008 are by the same guy, one fpen… who has a post titled "principles of progressive politics" with some comments about open borders at ( ), and the same comment about open borders, along with the same fake Horkheimer quote, appeared in a blog by "Fernando Peña" at ( ) so it seems to be the same guy. It's pretty obvious when you look at the posts on his blog and on that usenet thread that he's a troll, creating a character of a leftist with idiotic opinions that are parodies of things leftists actually say, like this one from the blog:

Or this one from the thread:

Western nations fall. The West's wealth purely rooted in
exploitation, oppression, racism, and hatred of non-whites. At my
University, the Progesssive Student's Assoc. throws a party everytime
a U.S. bank fails; each bank failure is yet another victory against
the West.

Since he's a troll who created a fake persona to make leftists look stupid, he's probably the one who invented the fake Horkheimer quote too, since I couldn't find any examples of other people mentioning this quote before his posts.

Even if that quote was real, the Frankfurt school had practically no influence on real world politics.

"Cultural Marxism" is inherently nonsensical.


That shit fits.


post that shit on Holla Forums
I want to see

bump it

good job comrade


Are you sure this is Holla Forums? It looks like Holla Forums


who is this semen demon?

its Zizek

fuckking KEK

it works

Yep, sounds like Holla Forums.

Fucker have no respect for national culture.

You'd be surprised. There is a lot of opposition to liberalism in France by both the left and right.

The fuck does this even mean?

I guess it means that what we assume to be innate human behaviour is actually the behaviors we acquired through observation of our peers from the day we were born?


No they didn't. They were anti-soviets who did an analysis of bourgeoise culture in the West, and what proletariat culture would look like.

>they're actually taking it seriously\

this xD

To my knowledge, both Adorno and Benjamin believed art under socialism would look more like European high art. Benjamin liked Soviet mass-media and the use of art to convey political messages. Adorno didn't, and neither did (gasp!) Marcuse.

That's because they liked bourgeoise culture. I don't take their opinions on art seriously, but their analysis is good.

Adorno was a big fan of Greek tragedy. Benjamin loved German Romanticism and dirty Parisian poets like Baudelaire. So yes, I can see it.



Good there is still hope for m…
That's still something i guess…

jesus people are fucking horrible at cross referencing

if you come across a quote put a portion of it in quotations and type it into google and see if anything comes up, if it's real you should be able to hunt down a primary source

simply rule is if there's no source chances are it's bullshit

A-Z quotes has a lot of unsourced bullshit.

Quick question. What happens if google becomes untrustworthy? That shit with Shillery comes to mind. I guess you could always use other search engines if you wanna be extra sure.

Anyone down to post
over there?

I can post it and some other Adorno stuff on the continental philosophy thread

duckduckgo is protip

i'd use duckduckgo if it had good reverse image searching. also, since i use chromium (the original, non-google "chrome", basically) i have the function of right-clicking any image and searching for it with google RIS. i still do not know of any extension or other trick that would let me do this with duckduckgo.

wait chromium isn't by google?
I wanted to switch from firefox, but thought it was another botnet

What about Qwant lite? Is it good?

the chromium code and project itself is all open source (unlike chrome, the "final" google product itself) and so are the community packages. this is why there are so many, private, open-source or otherwise chromium forks (e.g. comodo dragon, coolnovo, etc.). a good, open-source fork of chromium that puts transparency and privacy up-front is the iridium browser, so i recommend that as well as just vanilla chromium.

firefox is still good, despite not having multiprocessing.

You must have a very broad definition of trustworthiness.

Aren't there sites for reverse-image search? TinEye, for example.

Real source, or OP is a fag!

The when in this instance is almost all the time. Really only good for entertainments stuff for me.

conflation upon conflation built on lies.

Where did this shit come from?

yeah, but i'm specifically talking about how easy it is in chromium-based browsers (none others i know of have this) to just right-click an image, and from the context menu click "search image on google". if i could do this with other search engines, i would defo stop using google.

Stumbled on this gem earlier

lmao reactionaries can't even bother to read these dudes and find out that, not only do they not openly cite benjamin, but it's doubtful he played even a minor influence on their thought

Anyway, here's the mega I promised with 'Minima Moralia', threw in some other critical theorists and the VSI book:!Ocgh3IiZ!JGYEgw1dK0nJmj9bAHBJAw

Let's see how long it last before being taken down.

I know the exact article you're quoting.

Honestly, Benjamin's works weren't even published until the mid-1950s when Adorno and Gershom Scholem were able to put them together, far too late to have been much of an influence on Barthes and Foucault.

De Man gave a terrible interpretation of The Task of the Translator essay and Derrida had a few things to say about our an hero'd commie Jew mystic but other than that I can't recall his work being that much of an influence on anyone.


