Germany's 'Mr. Flirt' is teaching refugees how to approach women


Omar Mohammed, a shy, 24-year-old goldsmith from Syria with spiky black hair and almond-shaped eyes, said he’s attracted to German women, with their Nordic looks and punctuated accents.

The subject was pickup lines, and Germany’s “Mr. Flirt” offered a few examples to his class of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. “I really love the scent of your perfume,” he suggested. “You have a beautiful voice.” He invited his students to take a stab.

Essam Kadib al Ban, 20, raised his hand. “God created you only for me,” he said, then tried another: “I love you. Can I sleep over at your place?”

“Don’t tell them you love them at least for the first three months of your relationship, or they’ll run away,” he explained patiently. “German women don’t like clinginess.”

Wenzel, 27, makes his living teaching wealthy but uptight German men how to approach women. But this year, he decided to also volunteer his skills to help Germany as it struggles to integrate more than 1 million refugees who have arrived over the past two years, most of them from war-torn Muslim countries with vastly different relations between the sexes.

“Finding a relationship is the best way to integrate, and that’s why I’m giving these classes,” Wenzel said.

“It’s hard to meet a girl when you don’t speak the language well and can’t really talk to them,” he said. “There are a lot of differences, not only the culture and religion — we just don’t have this total freedom at home.”

Still, he said, “I’d love to marry a German woman and live with her. She could help me with the language, and she knows the place and the laws much better than I do.”

I don't even want to read the rest of this shit, knock yourself out


I hate Germans so much. I'm so ashamed to be genetically related (50%) to these sub-humans…

Nice D&C, shill

I can't wait until this "Mr. Flirt" is dragged out into the streets and hanged from a lamp post. Also, these women need to be branded with a large "RT" on their foreheads for race traitor.


you subhuman scum

Go abide the self-deprecating filth somewhere else. As far as I'm concerned Germany and Sweden can get nuked right off the map.

I'm onto you


This is the same kind of womyn who was calling PUA rape classes only a few months ago.

And look at this faggot's face.

You're a moron…

The ultimate religious goal of the Jews is to destroy the seed of Amalek, their forever enemy, which they have identified as the pure Aryan bloodline.

Jews are genocidal freaks. Their accusation of Germans as the same is because consciously, or in many cases subconsciously, they know what their own efforts are geared towards.

It may work.

How much do they pay you, Shlomo?

Look at his toothpick arms and lack of any discernible chest. Is that the camera angle? What the fuck is going on there?



Just noticed my dubs. Nice. It's fitting given my grandfather was Hitler youth. The good genes left that shit-hole behind. The good German blood exists outside of Germany.

Its just another Soros campaign.
Women who would even consider mating with a negro are not worth crying over.
The only thing that will come out of it will be a few halfling children who will grow up with a (((strong independant woman))) because jamal needed to go home after AFD got enough media pushing.

thats how pick up artists look like

come on now


I don't know why I come to Holla Forums so early in the morning… I didn't wake up wanting to be pissed off.


I've met some pick up artists here and there. For all their incessant talking about how you should go about picking up women they sure seem to pick up very few of them (guess they don't pick up weights either, going by that pencil-arm in the OP.)

Talking to a woman for 3 minutes, while she sits there with a bored but polite expression seems to be the height of their accomplishment. Getting a phone number is winning the jackpot. I don't get it.

Still, I see more and more of these guys. Is it a cult of some sort?

No one calls himself a pick up artist since like 2013 or so, if you want to D&C you should check your facts first.

Nice guy, doing his best for the world peace. Would be a shame if something were to happen to him.

How mentally ill are you? You called it PUA yourself a few posts up.

Yes, but no one goes around saying "I'm a pick up artist", that's the same of introducing yourself as a child molester.

What's this I'm seeing? "Manly" "alpha" "patriarchal" arabs getting instructions on how to get laid from a fucking pick up artist? Mudshit shills will get platinum mad at this.


I'd like to know how many of the people (women or otherwise) supporting this are still butthurt about Roosh. not that I approve of him but I feel this point must be made

Whats the problem exactly?

If the local men aren't good enough the women don't really have a choice.

Didn't he rape an Icelandic girl? Certainly shouldn't receive any support if this is the case.

>>>Holla Forums


Go be a Jew somewhere else.

It's clear that this serves only the genocidal goals of the Kalergi/Hooton Plan.

Who cares? There's more Germans outside of Germany than in Germany. And they're not self-deprecating filth like those in Germany. Why preserve a people bent on destroying themselves?

Notice that he himself is beyond DYEL-tier, and it all falls into place. He's relying on pure ego. Works for sluts for sure but not much of anything else really.

Population replacement results in the loss of our home Nation. Inevitably, we are tied to the soil, to the place. America for Americans, Germany for Germans. Disrupt that balance and you disrupt the Nation.

Why should we listen to anything you have to say when you come in here talking up sandniggers? It's clear you just want rid of Germany.


Well when you forgo your culture, heritage, and pride, then you've got as little, or less, in common with traditional Germans than the foreign born ethnic Germans in the US, Canada, Brazil, Argentina etc. Germans in Germany are no more in touch with their roots than Germans outside Germany. Land doesn't mean shit. Culture, heritage, and blood mean everything, and right now the only thing most Germans in and out of Germany have in common with their ancestors is blood. So I don't give a shit about the locals. They're as foreign to Germany as me.

Never mentioned them once.


Discussed countless times a year ago.
D&C shit.


inb4 it is new because it is a new article

It's weird, I noticed a recent flood of this article being posted on halfchan. Sometimes there would be four threads up about it at the same time.

German peoples in Brazil are less cucked and more in tune with their culture than Germans in Germany. I don't live in South America, by the way. I'm just speaking the truth about the genetic waste that was left behind in Germany post-WWII. All the good blood left.

People at work today only had words of praise for this. Fml, fam.

Sauce for last pic?

Sigh.. Part of me doesn't give a shit but i know it'll soon come to where i live if action isn't taken.

So what do we do? Complain on pol as always? You do know the elite keep their untouchable status because we let them right?

I'm not suggesting anything. Whites have lost their balls, either they're lefty trash or their redpilled but unwilling to act.

You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

I almost read a quarter of that before I said "fuck this…"

Id like to see pure germans in brasil.

Apparently there's entire German towns completely segregated from the rest of Brazil. I saw some videos posted on here a while ago when they were celebrating something in October. Fugged that up


It's a combination of the local culture making most men into cuck faggots, while also glorifying the slut lifestyle for women and making them think that banging non-whites is a socially rewarding behavior.

They used to demoralisation/d&c spam about Germany before the election shilling took over.
Seems like they are back at the old tactics

Since mods are compromsied they won't delete this shit.

You just had to ruin my morning OP. Just seeing your thread as I scrolled by ruined it for me.

Yeah pretty simply this shit is always demoralisation. Any attack on the women of a group is demoralisation of that group. It's an age old strategy used in conquest for thousands of years. Same with the Koln attacks, same with the articles that keep pouring out, the actual events in the articles themselves, the propaganda. It's all to affect despair in the men of the nation and depress their will. It's demonstrably effective, too. Recently this seems to have changed, however, as the outrage in the average man spills over, overcoming his dull passivity. The spread of information as Holla Forums and other groups educate more and more people focuses their anger as well. Very interesting to observe all this. Remember to never despair, friends. If you can't derive hope from external sources, manufacture hope from the light in the core of your soul. It's always there waiting for you!

How many Germans and Swedes do you think visit this site a day? I'd venture a guess that it's less than 100 (probably more on 4chan since it's a multi-ethnic shit-hole, while 8/pol/ is mostly Americans). I've been using Holla Forums for a little over a year now and I still find it amusing how people on here talk as if the damn world revolves around them and how they're the center of some huge struggle. Holla Forums is just a place for people to bitch and moan and spread news to bitch and moan about, and sometimes people organize and dox and/or harass people. Holla Forums is not as significant as you people make it out to be. Especially the kek fags who think their memes are changing the fucking world (the one area where Styx sounds like a moron to me when he talks about the subject)… If Holla Forums users weren't so adamant about gathering news for me (I'm lazy about it), I would have stopped coming here months ago. The only people more delusional than Holla Forums users are those brain-dead morons on Holla Forums and their little revolution and holier than thou, centuries old Marxist rhetoric.

If you come here only for headlines you need not post.

Many more than that. We've discussed this several times.

Do you really think we aren't at the center of a huge struggle? Have you studied history, user? If you haven't noticed a massive paradigm shift in the past year or two, I don't really know what to say to you but your condescension and defeatism from the first post reeks of either newfaggotry or shilling.

No, Holla Forums, and the chans in general, are not at the center of anything. What we're seeing is just the culmination of years of Leftist aggression growing more and more authoritarian in media and educational institutions and people are getting tired of it. We aren't convincing people to come to our side, they are chasing people to our side. I've been propagandizing for years on the internet. Nearly a decade now. I may have convinced people. I don't know. Most of what I said was probably reported and deleted. But these people are doing more in one month to sway people to my position than I did in ten years. This movement is reactive. It's not born of desire to achieve, but desire to defend and survive. People are motivated by fear and anger. Which is fine. It works. But it's us. It's not Holla Forums. It's not this stupid "meme magic" shit or kek. Hell, on youtube Left-of-center schmucks seem to be the biggest voices against BLM and feminism, and the University authoritarianism. They're the ones with the biggest reach, and the ones assisting the change in perceived consensus on there allowing others to feel comfortable opening up. Trump didn't win this election because of us. He won because people saw him as a defensive measure against these authoritarians. Holla Forums isn't the center of this. It wasn't in the past, and it isn't now. It's okay that you people are doing what you do. It doesn't hurt. You make some funny jokes/memes. You made me hate Germans and Swedes. You entertain me a bit when you're not annoying me. You gave Trump some amusing talking points by rigging polls, and you got some funny but stupid shit in the media by spamming twitter while everyone was looking.

First we won.

Now we fight.

The Thule Society rises like the dawning sun. Do you tremble at our power, to attack us so meekly? Try again. Try, try again. Smash yourself against us until we have reforged you into our weapon.

Assumption that women want to be accosted by refugees on benefits.

Woweee guys, what a catch.

this pisses me off. to think these shitskins are coming here to rape our women, but not only their bodies, they want to rape their minds by manipulating their emotions towards them as possible romantic partners.

Shut up, you autist. Fuck sake. Sick of seeing these shitty posts.

Low vril. Try again.

Try using the English language.

How low standards must one have?

That fucking illuminati hand gesture in EVERY FUCKING PICTURE of this wrinkled evil cunt

Yet German men do nothing about it.

According to the CNN we are the free world's #1 public enemy.

Your dubs are week, you are not fooling us.

if people every get at you for calling these folk 'cucks'… show them this.


He thinks 'ripped' and 'bodybuilder' are the same thing? He's clueless.

Double clueless. Money can certainly be a signal of success, not simply a signal of wealth.

There are people who give their money to that guy to learn how to seduce women? WTF

There it is again.

Holy shit

I really need to reevaluate my life, fam.

Pics should be spoilered. I am ill.