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Mohammad Shjitsken Abdullah Barbaristan Turbin: Ook oog eek eek ahm mudshit nahmsayin end i wannuh prey in publuck so ah keel whitey nahmsayin sharia for Ohio!!!!!!!!


Yeah double down lefty fucks. That's sure to work.

He was a good boy, going to Mosque to get his life back on track. Islam is a religion of peace, why do you racists have to bully innocent refugees into killing people? Abdul wouldn't even hurt a fly you fucking kuffars

Can we just shoot these people for treason already?

his head is all swollen and deformed. I don't think I've ever seen such a thin mudslime with such puffy cheeks. Usually they're reserved for the fatty mcfatfats who can't resist all the food here.

because it's not a human. it's a chimp. when a chimp sees other chimps and doesn't know what the other chimps are going to think, or what's going to happen… that's when chimps chimpout.

when a human sees other humans and doesn't know what they are going to think they take a guess, when a human doesn't know what's going to happen they take a guess and use experience from the past to make a judgement.

if this chimp's excuse is valid then whites now have a valid excuse to execute them on the spot.

Looks like he's exhaling through his mouth in OP's pic

He just has a typical Somali lightbulb head.

he dindu nuffin

You're right, he's dysgenic even by mudshit nigger standards.

I think he's puffing his cheeks on purpose. lots of niggers do it for some reason.

if youre white you cant be a victim

He was a sandnigger who worships a god with blood lust, you dumb cucks. This ain't rocket science.



Can someone explain to me why libcucks are doubling down so fucking hard on this? They want so hard for mudslimes to be accepted, even as they're the only people committing terror in the world today. It can't be for their few dollars, and it can't be for their pittance of votes. Why are they suddenly fighting so fucking hard for these beheading rapist mudslimes?

I can't wait for people to start ripping those fucking towels off their heads.

Also, what is it with muds and praying in public? You don't ever see Christians doing it. Or Hindus. Or Buddhists. Or Taoists. Or Sikhs. Not even fucking Kikes. Only fucking muds, nobody fucking else. You'd think the shitskins, considering they all have heavily social societies, would be able to notice nobody else does it and maybe that's why they get weird looks but apparently not. What better way to once again show the infidels how peaceful and nonviolent they are than by committing mass murder everytime they get a little stressed or things don't go their way or nobody bends over to suck their dicks

they've spent their entire lives screaming at the top of their lungs to get whatever they want so it's no surprise that they never learned how to actually argue or persuade people.

public prayer acts as another way to instill terror on their host nation and oppress nonMuzzies.

I'm because they're required to pray six times a day.

I had a muslim friend as a child that would make me leave all the time because he had to pray.

Didn't try to recruit me or anything like that until adulthood. I didn't entertain the thought.

does anyone have the article from humans of ohio?
I can't find the original.

Trump needs to start jailing and executing these fucks. This is aiding terrorism.


Why would he want to pray in public and how would he feel unsafe? Women and even men all over Europe and even America now feel unsafe walking the street due to scum like himself. Somehow his irrational fear makes him a victim? Probably he should be fearful openly professing adhering his hostile cult of a 7th century warlord in America but in reality people are far too misled, little informed, underrepresented, divided to actively, openly oppose his bullshit let alone attack him.

CNN seems to want to pin the cause of this relentless terrorism on Europeans "not being tolerant enough" rather than being far too tolerant of these people letting them colonize and replace you. Absolute madness.

Islam is a cult in the modern sense of the word, they require you drop everything and pray to show you are a good believer and so you don't get your head chopped off for being an apostate,

What's the matter GOY? Didn't get the agenda?

The very core of leftism is r-selection and a desire to exterminate K-selected races. They cannot change their message away from the anti-white narrative because it's their raison d'etre. If they give that up then they give up completely. The only option is to double down.

they have to double down and protect him don't you get it?
Every time a terrorist attack happened they argued semantics.

This guy is literally a Somali rat that Obama fought tooth and nail to get here by the thousands. They Write a fluff piece about him to present him as a victim who walks the halls everyday being judged by fucking straight white males.
"I'm so afraid here because I don't know what will happen if I sit down and pray in a school."

They make fools out of themselves pushing for gun control yet again. They play dumb again acting like they have no idea what caused him to do it. They have too much shame to admit they were wrong so instead they do what they do best. Double down and continue to destroy their credibility even more.


We may never know why this bright young man did these things.


im going to die of sodium overdose

in order to feel shame one needs to be sane.

Project, Fabricate, Double Down, Play the Victim.

These commies have such a limited playbook we would be able to completely destroy them if we were able to have a couple group think tanks.


Great. Time to kill every last Nigger and Jew. We got precedent now.


Muslims are a satanic cult and the world elite are satanic vampire-kikes.

They all answer to the same person so they work together against us. The way you know this is because its nonsensical otherwise.

Anything that damages the interests of right-wing whites is good in their eyes. They're brainwashed golems.

The dubs are with you.

They're trained to be anti-white and have a pathological urge to "protect" minority groups.
Blacks are an old hat, mexicans breed fast enough to not really worry about, gays already have fag marriage.

Now muslims are the new token minority. It's re-invigorating all of these SJW types who need to work on their pet browns.
Trannies are also the new hotness.

Next is going to be pedophiles, and possibly scrounging for another minority group to import. Maybe pigmys or abbos. Who the fuck knows. They won't stop, after all of this they'll start trying to normalize animal gore and infant necrophilia. There's no end in sight.

This. The liberal mindset starts making perfect sense once you realize they're just trying to destroy white culture, regardless of any internal inconsistencies.

It's why they can support atheism, trannies and muslims at the same time.

anons have already given you some insight into it, but let me take it a step further.

There are a number of main factors at play here to consider, but it all boils down to two simple concepts that have been pushed on people since childhood.

Consider, the current western version of "education" is simply "follow the herd, dont question your leaders" type of stuff. It teaches rudimentary replication and repetition of predetermined patterns over independent thought and exploration of ideas or concepts. You arent encouraged to think outside the box, in fact you're punished for doing so. Look at common core as a prime example, an entire education system that not only forces you to comply with its wonky ass nigger-tier way of answering questions (note: not actual problem solving as generations before were forced to do), but actively gives lower marks to kids who take a different route to get to the answer. We've seen examples of this with homework and test scores marked lower, despite getting the correct answer, simply for solving the problem in a different way. We've also seen "social studies" questions that massively misrepresent how our government works and glorifies "the president" as some benevolent ruler who is far wiser than us and knows whats best (ie: do not question leaders, do as you're told).

The education system wasnt always this fucked, but most of us are in our 30s or late 20s here I'd venture a guess, and we grew up in the development years of this stuff. Think back on your years in school, did you not notice fewer and fewer problem solving skills being used, and more and more "do as you're told to get the answer you're told" questions? I bet if you think back on it, you'd notice it got worse as you got older, now expand on that by 10-15 years. However, if you were in various types of "advanced" classes you may have avoided much of this and not be as aware of it as others, but surely you had a friend or two in "normie" classes and talked about school work sometimes, no? Try to remember how THEIR lessons went. THAT is the world liberal in the millenial generation grew up in, and it was a world built by the liberals before them who embraced those ideas and followed it themselves, "follow the leader, dont question the collective judgment"

Which brings me to my next point. You have an entire generation not taught to think, but to follow directions, and at the same time punished for not following the herd. This pushed not only independent thought and analysis out the window, it also shoved in collectivism into its place. So you have this generation, built by the former generation, who cannot think on their own, and who are reliant on the "herd" to tell them what to think and how to act.

Well, what happens when they get out of school, suddenly they're on their own in the world, and arent being told what to think? Two things. They first form other collectives or join pre-existing ones, and the group think is restored and they're told what to believe and do. Second, they follow mainstream "news" sources, be it social media infused with contacts they met in school who were taught the same ideals in school and the same collectivist mindsets, or they follow out right MSM "news" which has its agenda to push, but which paints in a way that is right up the alley of the collectivists, who have been again taught to follow the herd, "hate" is evil, "racism/sexism/bigotry" exist "everywhere" and must be stopped, and so on (and if they dont follow MSM, chances are someone in their collective does and parrots those lines as if the lines are their own, and everyone nods along). And the MSM and social media reinforce these ideas, give them new collectives to join in with and follow, and so on, all of which follow these same mindsets, some more extreme/radical than others.

I'd hazard a guess that the overwhelming majority of people who still trust the MSM are liberals/collectivists if polls were done on it, just as an aside.

Anyway, so basically you have the overwhelming majority of liberals as sheep, unable to think or act on their own, taught to be this way from childhood, and fed very key ideological dispositions and had them forced on them in the same turn so they assimilated it all into their being, it is now all a part of who they are.

So really, they're just mindless drones, akin to the borg from star trek, or those mech troopers from star wars. Which only leaves the question, who is at the top pushing these narratives that they all eat up, who is indoctrinating them since childhood, and what is their ultimate goal for doing all this?

well.. Holla Forums has been screaming this answer for years if you've been here and listening you'll know who is, and why they are. And its not for the benefit of "poor oppressed moosleems" but rather a means to attack the people those "in power" consider their ultimate enemy

This post is also relevant FYI.

Another thing to consider with "sjw" types, liberals, collectivists, whatever you wish to call them, is that they CONSTANTLY need validation, something to "feel good" about**. So what do they do? They constantly seek out the "next thing" to crusade for, because they need their fix. I called them like the "borg" in my last post, but in truth, they're more like zombies. Zombies shamble from point to point looking for brains or flesh to consume, because its the existence they know. Liberals shamble from "cause" to "cause," because its the only existence they know either, its all they've been taught and all their massively under developed minds can comprehend

**Part of the reason for the seeking validation constantly, is that they have nothing else to feel proud or accomplished about. Specifically, these people have been taught from childhood to be sheep/zombies/borg/whatever, showered trophies just for showing up, and so on. They never learned how to excel on their own, its not in them anymore to do so. Even the few who do earn some kind of higher up position are only there because SOMEONE had to be elevated, but in truth any of them would have done the same as the rest and they know this on a basic level. So, the only sense of satisfaction they get is from "beating the bad guys" and various other forms of virtue signaling for praise from each other. The issue is compounded when you tack in all the anti-white "muh privilege" rhetoric that comes out of the left. So many of them who are white view themselves negatively and think anything they achieve is PURELY because of their race. Many of them seek to shrug this off in different ways and live like the subhumans do, in order to feel better about themselves when they DO achieve something, but still nagging at them is always the "you only got this because you're white" mentality they've been programed into. Other liberal whites who choose not to live as the subhumans, instead seek their validation by being "on their side" and constantly attack anything white they can find, the more obscure the better because then they feel more satisfaction for "bring attention to it" when others overlooked w/e obscure meaningless thing it was to begin with, and the cycle begins anew where some crusade begins against some fringe thing, grows, and consumes it, and the zombie herd moves on.

Look at video games, something that went under the radar for decades because it wasnt flagged by the hordes seeker drones. But as SOON as they got a nest built within it, and started signaling, the horde descended and chaos ensued with "personalities" popping up left right and center to become top virtue signalers for attention and praise and to direct the horde to its new goal of destorying what it had set its eyes upon.

Of course this is with the more fringe sect of liberals. The mainstream of it, the moosleem dick suckers these days, are just the ones who want to follow along in the mainstream of it all, looking for only small bits of attention or praise from each other. Once they get w/e it is the group deems it wants right now, they'll move to the next goal, and the next, and the next. Until nothing is left but corpses and ash.



The AP stylebook is to have the press just lie.

What a demonic creature she is.


He was probably making a weird face to try to fool facial recognition software.

2:00 is all I could stomach of this cunt

Then dont come here you fuckin mudshits!



With any luck we won't have to worry about these sand people in the next 4 years.

Getting real sick of your shit, leftists.

Good post, thank you.
In America they told people a slice of pizza is one of their 5 fruit/veg a day. They told people that the tomato sauce base is considered a vegetable portion. They ignored the amount of bad fats, salt, processed meat etc in it.
I was shocked when people just accepted this, I wondered how dumb parents must be. Is this still a thing in America or did they ever fix it?

This is no longer doubling down, this is playing 4d chess against Trump, repeatedly moving pawns into the same lane and going oh yeah I bet your rook can't keep killing all of these!
Remember in chess white makes the first move


backwards. your point of view is from an outsider, or someone who was only in one set or the other.

i was a student. i took all three tracks (they were making them four tracks as i left), fought the teacher consortiums, fought the education boards communes, and knew only fields of kaleidoscopic blue mental arrested development thought – with only my innate intrinsic unyielding clockwork mind to fight unknowingly against it all. i remember. i can think back and see. they would classify me in retard class, normie class, adv class, and ultimately tried their best to keep me out of adv plcmnt class to no avail. i took nearly every damn course. year after year. never stopping. embarrassing the shit out of all of them. they tried to kill me at the beginning, and i didn't like it. i got endlessly lividly angry, and i fought the school. almost every damn class. i know, for a fact – a fact to completion and correctness – a fact not limited to once-thru-on-one-track-only tunnel vision – that the failed females were all feminist teachers teaching crony gift giving, for it was all they ever knew. this was, by the nature of the underlying mechanical sexual clock, a drive that fixated the failed fem dependentists precisely at the organizing 'maleness' at the perceived top first. they subverted the boys the most, and made them into dependentists as well. i don't know what else to call it. and i scarcely know how to write it. it was jew. it was jewry. the jew does pluck pennies out of poor, but they vampire directly from the central gateways – which aren't wealth, but are the perceived 'top' source of it by children.

so no, you have it backwards. the 'advanced' 'classes' cannibalized and indoctrinated students first. the retard classes and normie-ville were more akin to teaching nogs how to be white cucks and settling for at least getting them to drive – all so that the select of thousands of adult children + feminists + pederasts could rent seek and play payroll in the public charade.

i has, and will continue, to get to new levels of can't-get-any-worse worst-est.

A think tank or two would be a good addition to the arsenal. No pun intended, just never noticed the double meaning of tank in that expression.

Holla Forums is an interesting variant of a think tank.

The jews fear Amalek. The jews fear the samurai.

Most excellent posts m8. Keep up the good work.

Look at this fucking shill

Here's the same fucker in another thread:

Doesn't this nig have east in his room.

How the fuck does anyone rationalize that the media doesn't outright hate them? I guess you have to be as out of touch as the media themselves to not know you're lying to yourself.


cnn is sympathizing with isis

And more:

Hol' up. cuck news network is now so disconnected from american citizens and reality that they are defending a mudshit who just shot up a fucking school? We might not have to tie any rope ourselves, boys. Please god I want nothing more than to see these lugenpresse dragged into the streets. Please oh please Kek our lord and savior from liberal retardation give us a jumpstart.

Please tell me the normalfag reaction to this. Everyone I know would throw a rock through the TV and write abusive email to cuck news.

We need to go into businesses who blast cuck news network and complain until they change the channel. I say this as a form of boycott. I would personally stop watching, but I already don't watch them or visit their site ever. Most people don't, they are mostly aired in businesses as background noise, like for waiting rooms or lobbys. Go in and ask your local businesses to switch the channel to a local news network or the weather channel or something else benign. Can we meme this?

Heh. It can become like real life anime. Since nigs, spics, and muds rape blonde white wimminz more than anyone else, let's have a blonde big-titty miniskirt death squad. If anyone asks, they were scared of getting raped and had to gun them down in preemptive self defense. Ain't nothing more american than hot blondes with raifus. And they're women so they can get away with it.

We can and should definitely meme this

Seriously trying to defend an officially endorsed by ISIS school killer with several victims under the belt in the name of Allah is the pinackle of retardation.
they only thing they'll succed at is persuading more and more normies that the (((media))) cannot be trusted

I know they are not dubs but i just had to check those beautifull numbers i got on my time stamp
polite sage on this post so as to not give an unnecesary bump to this tread with such a useless post


Operation Cuck CNN in effect. You lads know what to do. Let's hurt their bottom line and send them the way of Gawker. Remember: The average worker at these places is paid shit all and gives zero fucks. All you have to do is bitch and look like you'll be a pain in the ass, and they'll cave and just change it. You can hit a place in 5 minutes. Change the Channel!

Then what do you do next?

Do you repay the debts you owe to society and to your hosts? No.
Do you deign to say "Thank you" to the people who have done everything they can to help you? No no.

Instead, you meticulously plan and then go on a murderous rampage and run down almost a dozen people with a car and then butcher them with a knife.

And then, after the monkey goes on a murderous rampage, our idiot white liberal friends decide that the person we tried to help, who showed no gratitude, whom we spent a fortune on, who then turned on our people and tried to murder us, that this filthy nigger is the VICTIM in this story and that the white people, who tried to help him, are the PERPETRATORS.

Let that sink in. The moral compass of white liberals literally points backwards.

I'm going to tell this story to my grand kids one day and they're not going to believe a word of it.

giving up the idea that we are all equal is not something easy to give away.

This is a huge underestimate of Islamic violence. Look at wikipedia terror lists or thereligionofpeace.
Islam is responsible for over 99% (not hyperbole) of terrorists attacks, even including political attacks.