Hi user

hi user,

I recently wrote an article in the guardian, you should really take a look.


I'm looking to build a support network for disenfranchised white men who have become radicalised online.

If you want to join this group add me on kik: FSTAsuportnetwork(break your link faggot)

Other urls found in this thread:


whats altright? maybe 4chan will know..


There was already a thread about this article. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. Suck the barrel of a revolver, nigger.


Why do you think people with "Alt-Right" sexual identities need a support group? I mean, it's 2016.



I feel that I need some support. I've been feeling so low that I haven't been able to lift for more than a week.

My rotator cuffs are sore, and NSAIDs don't help. My latissmus dorsi are screaming.

And - I know this is my own fault - I'm eating too many carbs.

I desperately need a support group. How can I ever be swole again?

Thanks but no thanks. Islam is not just a religion, it's a full socioeconomic system. They won't stop until either they conquer us or are put seven foot under. If you think they won't turn anything they touch in a shithole you don't need to look far: you have your own Sharia police. It's still unofficial, but mark my words: if we lose, one day it will be official and they will make sure your daughter is properly covered and your son doesn't dance to music.

You think you were one of us, but you never were. You may have been angry at mudslimes, but you never fully realized the threat they pose. You're like a kid who has a crush and thinks he's fallen in love since he doesn't understand the difference.

Why do these dumb fucks even bother? Do they do zero research?

This article is fake as fuck.

can't find you OP, are you sure that you spelled the name right?

call me a cuck all you want, but I'm not giving up on Holla Forums. I'm just curious about what they have to say

ah nevermind, you left out the extra "p" in "suport"

Don't give them useful info. OP may be a team of marketers instead of just a cuck.

fuck, I already messaged him

You can have your fun, but don't help them understand us. You could try to open their black heart to kek.

>If you want to join this group add me on kik

is that a gay dating app for smartphones?

Take the day off, OP. We already did that. Now gtfo of it.

So apparently Godfrey wrote this, for those not familiar he's a Poe account that satires leftists.


" On one occasion I even, I am ashamed to admit, very diplomatically expressed negative sentiments on Islam to my wife. Nothing “overtly racist”, just some of the “innocuous” type of things the YouTubers had presented: “Islam isn’t compatible with western civilisation.”

She was taken aback: “Isn’t that a bit … rightwing?”

I justified it: “Well, I’m more a left-leaning centrist. PC culture has gone too far, we should be able to discuss these things without shutting down the conversation by calling people racist, or bigots.”

The indoctrination was complete. "

I got to say it's pretty good. If you had asked me I would have said trolling The Guardian would be harder than that but it just goes to show you how ridiculous these publications are.

Godfrey Elfwick Brilliantly Trolls Guardian With “Alt-Right Nearly Turned Me Racist” Column


"UPDATE: The loons over at GamerGhazi ate it up as well."