
Is Technocracy a valid form of governent for a socialist transitional state?

yeah, "transitional"… hehe

Technocracy isn't valid for anything.

the vanguard party might have technicians and specialists, but technocracy is retarded

I like some aspects of technocracy, like the calendar, and engergy credits. But they lose me with the whole "worship a computer-god that runs society" angle. While those proven to be more competent may have a valid reason for holding more sway (say an experience car mechanic, compared to a half dozen aprentices), I don't like the idea that there are a handful of designated rulers, because the power ends up becoming circular and feeding itself.

No. There were some theories, but so far I didn't get to a single that would've made any sense. At the end of the day, you'll get either oligarchy or democracy. And only democracy can actually keep things in check.

Basically, Technocracy was propagated as a "clever" facade for Fascism. Intellectual, rather then racial superiority (if we are talking Nazis). That's all there is to it, imo.

Sounds interesting. Explain.

Citizens in a technocracy are not given money for their labor. They're given a set amount of energy credits. These credits expire after a certain period of time and are non transferable.

its still money.
What differentiates energy credits from the forms of money commonly used today?

I explained the major differences in my previous post. There's no way to "earn" more energy credits. Everyone gets the same amount each month regardless of what they do. They aren't transferable and you can't save or horde them. Its simply a way for the technocracy to see what goods and services the citizens are interested in and allocate resources accordingly.

No since all power/control would be relegated to a taylorist scientific management bureaucracy… you would just create a new ruling class. The point of socialism is to dissolve class rule and that can't be put off.

I'm pretty sure the goal is to be ruled over by a benevolent AI computer god.

And whoever is able to hack into and control it becomes the new dictator, right?

dumb brainlets

stfu noob i bet you dont even use kali linux

He's right no super haxxor MLG is going to hack some futuristic computer god fam thats just silly. I'd trust some unfeeling computer over a human any day of the week.


Holy shit this is a pretty nice idea actually.

Stellaris Communism when?

Isn't technocracy plutocratic capitalism? Only a capitalist society puts that much value in technology

What did he mean?

No it's not a capitalist society. Technocracy is against free trade and any kind of market based economy. Everyone under a technocracy is provided with health care and a comfortable life is a basic human right. The biggest difference between it and traditional leftism is that it doesn't support collective ownership of the means of production or to end hierarchial systems.

Technocracy has a bunch of cool ideas like that. It isn't aa leftist ideology but it has plenty of interesting managmemt and logistical ideas that are very useful. The Soviet Union could have really benefited from some of their stuff.

(This will be simplified)
The idear of energy credits is based on having a currency which isn´t part of a price system. If there is a price sythem, tham this sythem whould be based on the following aspects: Scarcity ( because aslong as something insnt endless, it cant be priceless, because of the rule of supply and demand) and growth (for multiple reasons, growth is needet, because a stagnating economie can become instable quickly.) One proplem within a price-sythem (and a free unregulated marked) is overproduction. If a society produces more than can be consumed, the suppply would be way higher than the demnad wich end in the prices dropping, wich means the production whouldnt be profitable which whould cause other problems as the money-flow influences the whole economie. To say it simple economy=wrekt. So scarcity has to be done artificial, by the goverments making more and more depts. The price-systhem is generally instable, and thus evry economie which is based on it. The possible solution is to create a currency which has a clearly defined value. The problem with usual money is taht its only worth something , aslong as poeple trust it as currency. If they loose their trust in it, it becomes worthless. (wich is one of the reasons why inflation or deflation are posible within a price sythem) So the currency has to be based on an objective value which it can incarnate. The perfect candidate is : Energy!
You can just calculate how much energy the production and transport of a ware/product needs, to calculate its price. Everyone gets paid as much pay as they work, by calculating how much they produce or how much service they fullfill. Aditionally,the general energy that a human needs to do one houer of work whould be calculated and put into the formula. And to further advance this everyone could get a basic income, because the costs of living could be easily calculated, as any service and ware has a certain price (You could also easily calculate, how much food the individual needs). So to ensure that the concept of dept is put out of the picture, you just need to make these Credis untransfareble, which also allows a sythem without "rich people". There would be individuals that would earn more than others but only on small scale.