What are some of your best arguments against idpol...

What are some of your best arguments against idpol? I am currently attending college in the states and a lot of my fellow classmates throw around this white male muh privilege nonsense constantly. I understand the notion that as a white male I may be judged differently than others for superficial reasons and I completely accept that fact but I don't feel that it's ubiquitous and applicable to every societal facet.

They throw around things like "muh 76 cents for e'ry dolla!!!" and "black people make up half the population in prison but only 13 percent of American population". I typically respond with things like "more women go into fields that pay less" and that "the prison population is mostly poor people" and that "the drug war is to blame not racism". Am I wrong? I understand that vegas odds I'm more likely to succeed than my black counterparts but this is just a statistical probability not due to muh privilege. Keep in mind I grew up dirt poor in north philly which is like a 2nd world nation in and of itself. The black kids in my class all grew up middle/upper class and act like at any second they'll be thrown in a prison or murdered by a police officer but it just isn't accurate. I also brought up how white people are racially profiled and abused by police in lower income areas and they acted like I denied the holocaust. Help me out /lleftypol/.

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raep them

So, with 76c extra, you wouldn't be exploited or something?

Matterial conditions, "war on drugs", private prisons need profit.

Also, my argument to "white" is "define white" and "so, you believe in race. tell me more about scientific definition for each race.."

Middle class that needs to worry about something other than the fact that they could be prols sooner than later. Always go historical materialism and DiaMat.

dude was totally a race thing and an anti left thing

yeah thats the point its a structural problem and will be fixed under communism ;)

doesn't negate the fact that its still resist seeing as how black people are far more poor

yeah and thats awful and guess what it happens to blacks more so we need to also work on that, it doesnt mean you didnt suffer it just means that more black people proportionally suffer from that kind of abuse even accounting for class

being against id-pol isnt about when they bring up actually problems its about being against the reductionist view that there problems are only gender/race based

That's what I'm saying

so when there is cross over its not about arguing against what they are saying its about injecting class into the conversation

Women ought to be equally exploited under capitalism tbqh you massive sinner brocialist.

Ugh is this a word filter I wasn't aware of or did autocorrect fail me?

Then what you need to do is develop an understanding of dialectics and materialism. You have to make them understand that issues like racism and sexism stem from economic conditions, and that material relationships govern social relationships.

I first realized this from an examination of history, before I even read any Marx.

Some useful examples would be to point to how racism (particularly anti-black racism) as we currently understand it only developed with the rise of the Atlantic slave trade and the extensive use of African slaves. Another good example to bring up is to point out how the rise of the suffragette movement after WW1, and the sexual revolution after WW2, both of which coincided with the rise of women in the workforce to supply the war effort.

These are examples of how ideologies and social relationships develop to support and reinforce economic relations.

thats the kind of id-pol that needs to be crushed

i dont have women but i hate rich women

Also point out how much more serious anti-black racism is in the States, where slavery was abolished later than in the rest of the world.



Are you serious? This is a genuine problem.

I think you're on the wrong board

Racism is real, but that doesn't mean class oppression isn't real, or that racism is more important than class oppression.

Be wary of anyone who claims to have found the single solutions that solves their problems.

yes, the drug war can be blamed on racism, denying this makes you look like one of those 'dudes race doesnt matter, it's all about class' jackasses

I'm not saying it isn't a problem but I don't think it's because of intentional racism


Post Left Critique

Good stuff

America was literally founded upon racism, it was built from the ground up for blacks to be at the bottom

Read this:


Always fam

I think a lot of problems around gender and race stem from capitalism, but the end of capital alone isn't gonna solve all of them. That's a little reductionist IMO. Is it too much to ask that we address all material inequalities as Communists?


Lupus Dragonowl's piece is very good, but that's been linked already. This is also very good, it's a bit long but it has a lot of coherent, valid arguments about why idpol is fucking cancer. escalatingidentity.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/who-is-oakland-anti-oppression-politics-decolonization-and-the-state/