Hello, America, would you please stop producing degenerate videos like this that infest my country?

Hello, America, would you please stop producing degenerate videos like this that infest my country?


It's literally omnipresent where I live and played everywhere. I don't even know what delusion liberals have entered that they can align this with their feminism propaganda but somehow they can and the other day I caught my 9 year old niece watching this.

not murricas fault your people are weak willed

you need to take it up with (((them))).

I could have pulled that video from youtube, but now I wont.


for what purple

Have some Holla Forums.

It's a saddening state of affairs that led to this but America is the largest media owner with the largest economic output in this world and people around the world act upon what America thinks is cool and sexy.

You weren't careful and let them subvert your country, no, you literally fought and died for this, even though you knew they were expelled over hundred fucking times already. You can't just shirk your responsibility now.

1) It's on TV. 2) Have fun trying to prevent your child from ever touching a PC today.

Throw out the tv then or at least teach your niece why that shit is degenerate.
Give them other things to do?

the thing is, that's life. if it wasnt this degeneracy they'd be pushing kids torward something else equally destructive and self-serving. In this world there are many different types of people. It's never going to be this paradise where everyone works together because we all want different shit. So focus on countering the signal. Subversive shit will always exist.

The name sounds like a brand name for Italian scooter.


What do you expect?

From which country are you from so I can know if I will be sympathetic to your cause?

That image is wrong. Faking it was on MTV for about 2 seconds and got cancelled. It was about two girls pretending to be lesbians to be popular and the initial controversy/butthurt about the subject matter didn't generate into ratings


eh whatever. For CY+2 it's really not that bad, could be much worse.

Did you actually watch this shit?

There is nothing wrong about the picture, though. Whether it's on MTV or Nick, it targets teenagers and children.

And it's actually on Nick in Europe.

A bit more honest.

america, kikes, what's even the difference at this point?


western euros have a tendency to blame all of their problems on anyone but themselves

because most, if not all, of our problems are caused by others, burger.

its nice to hear you admit that you are children who have no control over your own actions tbh

So you're saying you have no say in your own way of life?
Then why should anybody feel sorry for you or guilty about shitting on you if you're both incapable or unwilling to tell others to fuck off?

smh fam

We tried getting rid of our problems once, then you cucks had to get involved and fuck shit up for everyone. Thanks for that.

as you are so fond of pointing out, it was the ruskies and eternal anglo that ruined that shit. we just nuked the nips needlessly.

… and helped the ruskies & the brits (who would have caved without help), and been one of the major players in D-Day. You are not getting out of this one so easy.

So which one is it?

The bongs maybe, though they were receiving considerable aid from other countries as well, but the Russians had little to no direct aid from us on their front, and were already in the process of fucking German asses by the time burgers got involved.

sure sure until the next ww2 debate when you once again claim that we did nothing important. typical eurocuck. no responsibility for pissing away utter domination over the world, letting the jews live when you could have finished them off any number of times, and letting muh centuries of culture fall to kikewood shit.

there's no substantial difference between the two at this point, lets be honest.



Why are you redirecting me to your greatest ally?

then you shouldn't have gone to war with us dumbfucks

Its the jews you goddamn slag.

Hell I shitskin. Would you please stop infesting youtube with your shit comments and blaming others for you watching something of your own volation.