(((Gloria Allred))) begs Trump to not sue her lying client

KEK you have to see this shit.

The acting so unbelievable and shitty. The moaning and whimpering and shaking. It sounds like someone is grabbing her pussy.

Literally being raped during the interview.

(((Aldred))) is an infamous (((Discrimination Attorney))).

She keeps parading out women in bogus press conferences who supposedly were raped by Trump but refuses to take it to court.

She is also persecuting Mel Gibson to no end, trying to squeeze as much money as she can.

Other urls found in this thread:


She was apparently paid $500,000 by (((Allred))) to fabricate the claim.

Zavros was previously a Trump supporter as was her entire family.


That evil bitch should have her law license revoked.

Sounds like someone is grabbing her by the pussy in that video. ifuknowhatimean

Are they really asking Trump to admit to raping 20 women? They're clearly desperate. If they had some big thing they could use on Trump, then they would just use it. Instead, they're making vague threats and ridiculous demands. I don't know what they were even hoping to gain through this. I guess they were after sympathy, but if they didn't get it during the election, then I don't know why they'd get it now.

Oh, I just got to the part where (((Allred))) cites the precedent that president's are able to be sued based on actions done before being president. Fun fact: that precedent was established by Bill sticking his dick in someone without their consent.

Who the fuck gave women this kind of power? Can I just claim that 10 years ago, Oprah Winfrey tied me down and sodomized me… will she give me 20 million?

This Jew cunt needs to be introduced to an oven…like a cancer that never goes away, never ages…she's been an 80 year old, money-grubbing, fake-rape hustling jewess since I was 8 and seems like she just never dies.


To sue a woman is to rape her, obviously.

Does anybody believe this shit? How can someone who was raped 10 years ago and stood silent would act like this? "WHAT HAPPENED TO I'M SORRY?" Really?

I hope Trump rakes them.

Hahaha. These two women. They should both be dragged outside, shot in public and left on the street as a warning to all.

Fuck that, just crack their skulls open with a brick. Even rope is too good for these subhumans

He should sue Gloria Allred instead.

That would actually give these whores the opportunity to be good for anything in their lives.

Barefoot and in the kitchen? Nah she'd make a terrible wife.

Literally raped, I can't even. Trump put me through so much. He bullied me into submission with his war on words. I can't even anymore.

Shouldn't aldred be jailed for such a conspiracy?

Little too late for that innit m88?



Trump has said he doesn't settle things out of court, he makes examples of people trying to make quick money by always taking them to court. This bitch is going to get fucked.

Holy Hanna, your are a terrible actress, sweetheart. Stick to whatever your "business" is before Trump sues your lying ass and takes it from you.



You are a terrible actress, sweetheart. Stick to whatever your "business" is before Trump sues the shit out of you and takes it.





Someone say pussy grabbing?

Jesus Christ this is so cringe worthy. This cunt is is pathetic. Only a woman can degrade herself to the extent of lying like a fucking demon.



That's not funny. She actually did that to me….

Trump has astro projected his hands and grabbed her right by the pussy.

I hope Trump destroys their lives and sues them for every last penny they have.