Farage to move to United states floats Trump admin position

Lads.. meme magic has blessed us indeed, this however is truly icing on the cake.


“I think they enjoy each other’s company, and they absolutely had an opportunity to talk about freedom and winning and what this all means for the world,” she said.
Farage has said that he would welcome a role in the Trump administration and floated the idea of being Trump’s ambassador to the European Union.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dear God, the implicit bantz.


I'm here user


i for one think it's gonna be great. Trumps policies backed by Farage in an official capacity will be quite the weapon against the E.U.

As fun as it is to move stateside and hang out in fancy towers and fire shooters and what not…. We kind of need ARE Nige back home to sort out this shit shambles of a country.

He deserves whatever spoils he takes for a job well done but it would be nice if he could stick around.


Still not tired of winning. They're fixing the world, not making it better.

If hes our ambassador to the EU we pay his check and for his travel



It’s exhausting and feels futile being a bong sometimes.

That's what you get for being an Anglo.


Our Nige now.

Our Nige now.



That would be great. Farage is best at dealing with EU faggots, and he will willingly do it just to piss them off and save Britain. Win-win. All it takes is for Farage to become a United States citizen,

Please Kek make it happen
Please Kek make it happen
Please Kek make it happen

anime nerds go home

No you.

Please, kek

Between this and the British surveillance state reaching its final stage I think I may have to find me an American wifu. It’s that or a gulag.

See /britpol/, i told you Kek would punish you for mocking dead germans in WW2 and praising the war criminal Curchill.

Now Nige will be ours.

No it doesn't, you can be an ambassador without citizenship

Don't make me bully you into submission weebcuck.

Don't bother. American women are shit tier. Look somewhere in east europe/russia instead.

Cheshires are an important component of British literature, and are incredibly smug, making them obligatory for this thread. Please understand.

I love Farage but doesn't the UK need this man more?

What happens to America if we lose Western Europe and the UK as allies as they fall to Islam?

But I want freedom of speech. I can’t get that in some vodka-tier nation. Burger women can’t be THAT bad?


Just import a woman to the US, dingus.



The Conservatives are gutting what's left of Britain and ARE Nige needs to retake the helm of UKIP and at least provide some competent opposition.


smh you hanging around thots then


I was thinking that the Burger woman would be my ticket into America. I am white you see so presume I would have trouble moving over there, what with being willing to cover my own living expenses and not requiring Government assistance and all.

Ergh. Care to elaborate?

Really? I would have thought at least citizenship, but thats only from other gov. positions. But Farage would easily get the position without a citizenship rquirement probably the first time I have ever wanted a gov. job to not need citizenship

In Trumps america, as long as you aren't from a shitskin country, and are an able and patriotic immigrant (being white makes you much more trustworthy to the entire process), you shouldn't have any problems.


We stole your colonies now we're taking Farage. It's just how it has to be. It's for the better.

FUUUCK sound doesn't work here

the chances are exceedingly high that she won't be a virgin if shes over the age of 18 for one thing, also materialism, false rape accusations, and alimony, and child support

and if shes over the age of 11 its reasonably probable that she's already touched some guy's thingy on purpose

There are good ones out there but you won't find them posting selfies or at the local bar. Move rural and get involved in your community. Learn to ride a horse and shoot. Go to church. You'll meet one user.

I cannot get in the way of what the god emperor wants, but dam, we really need our Nige over here in the UK.

Minister of Foreign Bantz.


I hope that will become the case.

I love my Country for what it was and could be but it is post China-tier oppressive and there isn’t even a whisper of the defense of liberty here. Only compliance and misery. If ARE Nige jumps ship I will take it is a free pass for me to do the same. I can’t live my entire life in hopelessness.

Maybe if the British ever bothered fighting back, like in a revolution or something, they would get the things they want. Why haven't they learned from the U.S. by now? You can't accomplish your goals without fighting for them.



thx for the nige lmao


So, an immigrant is going to come over here and take an American's job? Fuck that.

Wow wow wow hold your horses, fellows.

You know Nige and you gotta trust the man. He will still be fighting to kill the Sovie Union 2.0 and set you free. He's just changing the frontier in which he'll be fighting for now.

This guy gets it.

What's it feel like to be an Amerifat? To be the burger?

It feels like winning.

Fuck off, he's white. We belong together.

Fuck off with your civic cuckoldry.

No, he needs to stay in his own fucking country and take care of it.

Where did I say anything about niggers and spics? We don't need some britcuck nationalist taking an American's job.

What american loses a job by OUR Nige taking it? A shitskin who doesn't belong here? An anti-white cuckold traitor? He isn't taking anyone's job by doing it. You're just asshurt that America is winning and you can't stop it.

Been a bong I agree they was fucking autistic as fuck.

But that's what nationalism is, they where been British Narionalist.

That's just CTR, don't give so much attention to it. They seem to be everywhere in this thread btw.

Fair advice. There is no way in hell I would move to a city but as it stands it is all pie in the sky, unless Trump changes immigration law to favour white folk I’m not going anywhere.

I hope so but as much as the EU needs finishing off it doesn’t help prevent the Conservatives from grinding their boots into our faces. Without opposition they are running wild, they are capable of being just as damaging as the European central government.

He's not an American. He is not ours. And it would be very easy to give a White American the position of

If he can't hack it in his own country, then he can fuck off. We're not taking refugees.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

I'm not sure how much I like this. I was kind of hoping Nige would be depozzing England so we'd have two stronghold countries to depoz the others instead of one.

Please shlomo, you can do better.

The U.S. is worth more than two countries on its own in both people and land mass.

criminally underrated

Tourists usually haunt cities and play the hipster game unless they're on package tours. If you rent a car and tour small places while openly declaring your love for America the small town people operating cafes and so on will embrace you. More so than me being a city burger. Rural people are used to being perceived as rednecks so if you are not like that and sincere about it they will be very friendly. We like British accents, mate.


Here you go.

Those digits appear to confirm your post to be truthful.

I am already self-employed so logistically it would be possible. It would be quite the adventure, beats sitting on Holla Forums waiting to be hauled off to the gulag for a thought crime.

I know it's hard but you just need to hold on a while longer. The USA right now is the center of the (((infection))) and Trump is going to need every able man there to help him. If they win there the rest of their creations will colapse.
See the bright side of this, you could be an eternal Hueland's citizen with no great perspective of change like me.

Just support whatever is left of UKIP or anything similar and have some faith. Everything is going to work just fine.

So many people go back and forth on a tourist visa. Have your business squared away and keep the income coming in and there shouldn't be a problem.

Damn, looking at it again, I'd pay to see Trump perform this seriously.

we dont want him

Try southern small town American women who grow up with blue collar parents. 70% chance they'll be super qt and pre-redpilled. Can confirm personally, have dated a few

And we want you to go to the nearest oven.

Discouragement shill please.

Where are you from? The vast majority of women have never been sexually active with anyone other than themselves. The "women are whores" meme doesn't do anything to actually describe women, only the rare high profile city-clubbing type (which is not your average woman). It's almost as if you're afraid of women and are trying to legitamize your fear.

His people abandoned him.


I agree to some extent but whilst we aren’t hue-tier we are pretty oppressed here. Hope is fading fast.


It's only fair tbh. Britain turned our youth into communists in the 60s with the Beatles, ruined our political commentary by sending us Piers Morgan, and ruined our comedy by sending us John Olliver. Now we're taking Nigel Farage to fix all of the things Brits ruined here.


Not unless you take current year man back too, britfriend.

Deal but no Piers, just chuck him over the wall.

Package deal, you get current year man with him or you don't get Nige at all.

And your pushing all your degenerate culture here now.
It's an endless cycle.

Unless the brexit can be pushed through, and that would need the help of our Nige, this place is doomed.

What would be a good place to move to in the US, what's it like getting a trade job over there.
I've only worked as hotel management and I don't think that would cut it for a move to the US.

IRL Holla Forums death squads when?

I’ll get back to you after I have consulted my copy of TAOTD.

Nigel will have far greater resources for enacting change as an embassador to the EU on behalf of America than as a nationalist candidate in Britcuckistan. This is for the best.

Holy Kek, this needs to happen!

ebin m8. simply ebin

British "nationalists" sold out the future of the world to globalism and the destruction of the european races. Few people in the history of mankind will be regarded as big traitors as the british, i am writing a book on this subject for when the trumpenreich comes. You should be defacing churchills grave, he almost single handedly delivered the fate of the entire planet to kike bankers. Churchill was the most important factor behind the tricking of america to go to war. Any britcuck who even stlighly considers him human is not welcome on this board or anywhere else in the future we are creating. Ignorance is n excuse, especialy on Holla Forums. Might as well have gone full retard and start worshipping soros too.


Ok this is getting odd.

It's clinton threw the foundation under the bus by using the server to organise this "nerv like" organisation.

There really is no brakes on this train. Time to bring down this interconnected criminal syndicate.

please focus your energy, I want this man's smiling face triggering US SJWs into suicide.

He knows where his bread is buttered obviously. It's not among the brainwashed hoards in Britain…I always dreamed of some kind of Anglo-Amero-Canada-Russian super power tbh…We'd be really good if we fielded a hockey team also…Nobody would even come close, average deficit would be 4-6 goals…Even against Sweden and Finland, it would be a blow out…Just sayin'.

Bongs should get the fuck out of that shithole while the getting is good.
Farage is smart enough to realize its a lost cause at this point, you should be too.

It's refreshing to see Brits who at least give us a fair shot given our faults.

>But Simon, Americans fucking love the Brits. You can do no wrong in our eyes. We fucking love you guys.

Actually hold on, can foreign citizens even be ambassadors for the US?


You realize that the first American stock was British, right? There is no problem with anglos coming to the US.

He already took his place in the UK, he fucking freed them from the EU. His work there is done.

needs more smiles

Look at the color of his skin. We are united by blood and any European has a birthright to live in America. I would trade every last spic, nigger and jew for just a single white European if I could. There will be plenty of room in this country once we get rid of our shitskins and we'll need to import more white people to fill in the space.

In fairness, literally 20-30% of the BBC's(big Jewish Cock) airtime is spent on trying to reassure Brits that "dumb backwards-gun toting-hatefull American peasants are the world's worst enemy and must be crushed before any kind of world peace can be achieved"…Even Jew-wise brits carry that brainwashing into Holla Forums…Which is why they might need to be completely gassed tbh. The final solution.

So much d&c and in this thread. Brexit happened, the strongest country in the world just followed that path. Logically, wouldn't you want to combine forces and ride this wave into mainland Europe? The alternative would, of course, have been Hillary trying to wither Britain into a commie shithole. Anybody against this is a fool, or a traitor to the white race.

I think it is one shill in multiple threads, someone is really earning those D&C shekels.

This shitholes dead already.

Our Nige is British. You Yanks can't have him.


Then how about you
Even your own anthem declares you shall never be slaves! RISE UP, REGAIN THE PRIDE OF THE BRITISH SPIRIT! What made Britain great, had become the seed of what made America great (until 1960 or so). Think of it. Taking the ruins back, and rebuilding the empire greater than before.


In our wildest wet dreams back in May, we could never have imagined meming that picture of Trump and Farage together with their big smiles in front of Trump's gold door, both of them having won.

Like something from an alternate universe (and no, NOT "berenstain bears," keep reddit cancer out of here). where suddenly things began going right and we started winning.

We need a 3rd person to tag team Bantz

Farage,Iron Coulter,Who else?

The idea is that you put all three in a room to work together to verbally gang bang the opposition. So when Farrage makes a retort, you have the other two to jump in wear out the opposition. They would use team work.

its just stupid idiots being bullies tbh, don't let them bother you tbh, america is an anglo-saxon nation and we will always support you

looks like Holla Forums finally showed up

Is there a YouTube link for this? I can't play videos on twitter.

Found it.


might as well of suggested that user attend his local synagogue

no u

I feel really bad about taking him from you. Maybe by being in a powerful position in the world's most influential country, he will be able to help liberate his homeland better. It seems like he was pretty ostracized back in England, and I don't know how much more headway he could make back in his old office.


How about we keep foreign influence out? How about we get all dual-citizens out of government positions while we're at it. Plenty of Israelis in our government.

How is this exhausting?
All this shit just makes the adrenaline flow.

The United States is still the world hegemon and if it gets fully unpozzed combined with Russia it's absolutely ogre for everyone that gets in our way.

We'll force Europe to spit up the bluepill when they're on their knees begging for mercy.


This, we make Nige a US citizen.

Kill yourself and go back to whatever autistic carpet weaving forum you came from.


Please be ambassador to EU. That is the single funniest opportunity of the decade. "WE finally got him out of our kangaroo court!" turns into, "we now have shit dictated to us thru fucking FARAGE!"

Absolutely beautiful. Who could imagined the future would be so bright?

Thanks, mate.
We stand shoulder to shoulder.

I don't think this is a good move for a civic nationalist to make
although who can blame any white person wanting to leave great pakistan
most likely media bs
they already tried to claim earlier he was planning on moving to germany

We will take him and make him better. This is Nigel's pilgrimage towards leading the UK.

That's right buddy. When the going gets tough…the tough get going.

yeah the guy who made a career out of triggering the EU and almost got killed twice by the establishment for trying to save Britain is gonna abandon his country when he knows he's the only figurehead the anti-establishment forces in Britain can rally behind
not gonna happen tbh

I know its bait but I cant resist

He can do way more damage to the EU from the USA side, as we have the NSA and shit.

Well if he's the UK or EU ambassador to the US he's got a decent amount of power

I thought we didn't want dual citizens in our government

America is Anglo-Germanic

Are Nige is the exception.

We'll revoke his british citizenship for an american one, don't worry :^)

But the UK is 80% white.
US may be too far gone already

I think Shulz will kill himself. They were probably glad they got rid of him.
Now they''ll have to tolerate his bantz as the god-emperor emissary.


The next UK election isnt until 2020, and we already know the tide is changing and UKIP will win.

Nige can serve a term as Trumps ambassador and still return to the UK to be Prime Minister (Trump will teach him).

After 2020 the US/UK imperium will reign supreme.

I don't give a shit about your percentages, there are more white people in the US than there are in the UK in actual numbers.

If you think that, you haven't been paying attention and probably should be put to sleep. Yes, I'm suggesting suicide. I mean it.

We are talking about a land mass the size of New England and the population of Texas and Louisiana…It's a big deal in Europe I guess.

If Farage wants to win in 2020, he MUST stay in Britain for the next 5 years. He needs to get into the commons.

Then fuck it, weve lost.

Just be kind to are nige okay?

There is more white people in the USA than in Germany and England put together.

Don't try to add the population of England and Germany you fucking weasels. Add the amount of white people. I figure he US has at least 180 mill..


I don't know why this made me laugh so hard.

I thought 190 mil but yea.




Yeah it's Probaly closer to that. Also, you can't dismiss the "muh dick" spaniards that are at least half white/injun…Most of them
Identify and will go down swinging as "American"…So we have that going for us I guess.

No they won't. They'll make big gains but they have zero chance of outright winning. Politics is still dominated by the two party system and UKIP is a third party.

Do you think Trump would have won had he ran third party? Not a chance.

I'm going to frame these beautiful posts for the next time someone on Holla Forums starts screaming at me that the Poles are my "white brothers". Fucking eternal yank I swear to God.

Anyone saying "pizzagate" is the new exodus is an idiot, they're purposely spamming cuck/pol/ to get those idiots banned to force those morons over there. Be warned.


fuck this board


n-n-no, please give him back ;_;

He can do more for brits/europe in Trumps administration than he can from his current position, this is a win for everyone if it happens

Sorry champ, that ship has sailed. Their party no longer has a raison d'etre. Unless something shocking happens like Brexit being even further delayed and quagmired.

To all the bongs crying about Trump stealing Farage, it's for the better. We will protect him, we will train him how to run en Empire and fuck his enemies on multiple timelines. It is going to hurt for awhile but he isn't in govt currently anyways and his life would be in danger in Bongland. If it is true and he becomes Trump's ambassador to the EU he is a made man that cannot be touched or the wrath of a God Emperor will rain holy justice down on all those who try.

Trust us that it is for the better big brother.

Schulz and other EU cucks are going to kill themselves. EU on suicidewatch. LMAO

I don't think you realize just how many…err 'thots' live in the cities.

Wew. In all seriousness though, I think Nige can do more work not only for Britain but the rest of Europe outside of just british politics. Within British politics he'd probably be too limited in what he could do and would have too much opposition. Here he can really cut loose with the backing of the US and the fear of Trump pigblapping the EU. Add Trump working with Putin and Le Pen possibly winning, you have a very interesting picture.

Can you imagine the comedy value of the coming reversal of current tv bias?
When we have three of ours ganging up on one lefty instead of the current system of three lefties ganging up on one of ours?
Imagine the bantz
Imagine the salt



This is a rehash of old news bro.



REEEEEEEEEEEEEE this documentary was triggering as fuck. Trying to paint 3rd century Britain as a multicultural paradise.


Do you ever get tired of posting the same old D&C, or no?

You fuckers can't have him! You already have Trump, Sessions, Bannon, Gowdy and more. We need are Niger over here.



What are the job prospects for sparks / electrical engineers in burgerland?
I fucking hate myself for thinking about abandoning my country but at the rate we're going its like trying to save a sinking ship with a spoon while everyone around is calmly discussing the weather.


Right this second? Not so good. China was the place to be an EE for a long time.
In a year or two, as manufacturing starts to come back to the states? You bet there'll be a boom in EE and every other field needed to make shit.

Is that OC hitler?

Not manufacturing, i meant contract work like installations / rewires. It'll be a while before i'm certified regardless as im still half way through training.


Oh, we call that an electrician. Yeah there will always be demand for the trades, you'd do well here but you'd almost certainly need to get an American certification.

Oh good lord. Stop it boner you're going to kill someone

Time to get my arse in gear before i get v& over my internet history then, thanks.

see you on the other side

Rude tbh. Should be merged diagonally the other way around.

That term is so gay. It's basically the alt-right's response anytime you think that a person is unfit to be a part of the movement. It's the reson that have gays, jews, Tila, etc. in their movement and jack off to them all the time to virtue signal about how accepting and progressive they are. They still have the leftist mentality at the end of the day.

Polite sage because unrelated.

That would be so glorious.


True olfags here, those from Holla Forums harbor…could you ever have imagined in your wildest dreams a year ago, we'd have gotten Brexit AND Trump and would have a real fucking picture of Trump as President-elect and Farage smiling in front of his gold elevator, with Trump sending out tweets requesting Nigel as Ambassador and Theresa May-be just has to sit and take it?

This is success beyond any of our wildest, wildest fucking dreams. And if Bannon helps the Le Pen campaign… imagine, in a few years time, if we could have a lineup of Western leaders that was Farage, Trump, Marine LePen, Orban and Putin (I know, Russia technically not "Western but whatever).

We need real fucking Frenchmen to teach us the basics of French political culture so we can start brainstorming for Le Pen. It looks ALMOST certain that Italy will say NO in the referendum, that cuckold will be out. Austrian election do over is voting (it's mostly ceremonial, but still). Imagine Trump and Le Pen?

If Frogs were smart, one would create some sort of "guide to political culture in France" to help those of us with photoshop skills work on Memes.

Katie Hopkins. 'are Katie always reks and triggers the liberals.

user, I don't know how retard you really are, but, I'll bite the bait.
You know what else is fucking purple?

She's OK, but IMO too much of the "Reality star, fame seeking sort." She did "celebrity big brother." UK needs someone more like Coulter, although I guess you need to deal with what you have. She's been married 2x, both times took the guy from a woman he was already married to.

Her columns are OK sometimes, but not really a great speaker. Believe me: now that the tide is turning, the class of people Dr. Pierce used to call "The Exploiters" will begin switching sides and adopting the role of {patriots" rather than lackeys of Jew-controlled America.

Only question will be, who to pick?

addendum- Sarkozy already tried this (from NWO gangster to "populist champion of the people" and got BTFO. NOw that Bannon has an official role in MH, don' t think he can help Marion Le Pen (if I recall correctly, he texted her rather than her aunt, I assume because he wants to get in her pants).

So Bannon cannot help her, but BB surely can. I say again in all earnestness: if we have a smart frog here interested in saving France, he would do do well to write up a small primer on French culture and politics.

We were able to work together with the Brits on Brexit (recall, the second petition, and the python script adding votes from Vatican and Best Korea) because those of us who cared could read enough and learn the cultural and political norms surrounding an election.

We have no such advantage with France.


this tbh

You were mistreating him anyways.

At least in the U.S. trust in the media has fallen about as low as it can so only a minority of retards + paid soros goons actually believe the big media slander machine, whereas there are plenty of Eurocucks who genuinely believe Nigel Farage is a banker just because the lying press kept repeating the lie.

Bend the knee to the US and we can incorporate you as the 51st state. No more ban on teaspoons, self defense, and monogamy. No more Rapingham – the 1400 children. And funs for all.

But really what's gonna happen is he helps the Trump out, learns from Trump, then when America is Great Again, Trump can lend his support so Nige can make britain Brittania again. Expel your mudshits and fish your nuts out of your purses. Hell maybe you can reconquer India and thin the masses of street-pooing undesirables out.

Just imagine how much more power Farage gets if he's personal friends and political coworker to Trump, President of the greatest nation in existence. I'm certain that's what the Don and he discussed. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. Right now Farage doesn't have the power to MEGA, but with backing from the Trump he could. And Farage will be Trump's arm in yuurope to spread the emperor's war of justice and truth. Once again America saves you sorry lot of skinny-pants-wearing wine-sipping metrosexual cuckolds.

Kek does not forgive and he does not forget. Recognized digits. Heil Kek!

This is already happening. You haven't been paying attention to your own country's news? Holla Forums had threads on the (((efforts))) to delay or throw out Brexit. You think your masters will just let you leave? They're pitching more of a shit than they are against Trump. If the UK leaves the EU it's all ogre and the house of cards falls down.

Like a poster for a capeshit movie with the big five heroes lined up. Plus Duterte who is pretty much aquaman shoved into the frame somewhere. Trump is Batman, farage is superman, marine as wonder woman. Orban and Putin I guess as Flash and Green Lantern. The EU exploding in the background.

Sometimes, I think about how far out into meme territory we are and I get a little scared.

I have so much hope for the future.

Your yarmukle is showing.

I thought this was an 18+ board?

America brain draining the British isles yet again.

Nige will need to acquire some firearms to celebrate his move. What are the most American guns?

The ambassador of USA to EU dumbass.

this shit needs to become a full version, the timing just looks on point even though its not completely

This isn't halfchan. There are no rules on this board setting an age limit.

The time has come for true patriotic immigrants.
Poor Wojak.

Old rules are like tattoos, my man.

Also, why does MSM never cover this beautiful woman?


You keep choosing poorly. Will it ever end? Yes.


No, Anglo Republican Empire.

But… but I'm…

But I'm Canadian!

It seems you're suffering from POST traumatic stress.

So fucking saved

CtR are a bunch of kissless virgin losers who get triggered when seeing smug animu grills.
Almost forgot to mention they're cucks on par with rick wilson whose only argument are muh anti-anime

Like you.


That must of took 20 interns being forced to watch tapes all day

I think they do it with machines

Farage posted it on his instagram! Praise KEK!

Cuckold-like behaviour.

Did I hear smug anime girls? Because I remember hearing somewhere that they trigger CTR; goons; and leftists.


All your Farage are belong to us, faggots.

Oh man, I really went overboard on the Brit hate the other night in this thread. Please forgive me lads, it was just a prank for real.
