/r/The_Donald cucks out, creates new anti-Holla Forums "New Right" subreddit

Now that snakes like Paul Joseph Watson and Mike Cernovich have outed themselves as controlled opposition, the cucks at /r/The_Donald have taken it to a new level and created a "New Right" subreddit:


One of the top upvoted posts is Paul Joseph Watson, who tells his loyal cuck following that Holla Forums didn't really have much of an influence on the election, and that it was really the civic nationalists who did all the hard work (e.g. by stealing memes and content from our imageboard).

Look at some of the comments:

Yes goy, don't engage in identity politics! Only Jews and the shitskins that make up our proxy army are allowed to do that!

It gets worse:

They're even going as far as to promote Anglo/Jew propaganda about Hitler and WWII. Does it get any more cucked than this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fucking Christ, this faggot really deserves the rope. Isn't he married to a gook anyway?

when do we get to nuke reddit like the old days back on halfchan?

I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I think it feels good to have redditors explicitly against us again. They were getting way too chummy.

The Aut-Right is controlled opposition too. This is two sides of the same shekel demolishing each other, which is very good for us.

The only correct response is pushing even harder to the Right. Make a 'super alt-right'.

Alternatively, keep going as we were.

The subreddit is at least a month old and has the same mods as /r/The_Donald. The counter-signalling by PJW was probably coordinated with them.

20 years ago a lot of Trumps stances would have been considered leftist. He is way more center
then GWB and yet you get all of this far right talk. If Trump does his job it will pave the way for a real "far right" president. What will the commies call that guy?

You say that like it's a new revelation

i have more respect for communists than civic nationalists. at least commies go all the way with their idealism.

The New Right = The New Cucks.

Holla Forums is not alt-right

Fuck off.

The funny part is that pjw came here a while back during the primaries always spamming this video he did talking about Orthodox Jews doing the mouth circumcision as if that gave him any cred amongst those who are aware of the Jewish problem. He's a sad faggot. If you guys ever wondered why we have bene reflexively shedding the alt right label then this is it.

And that's why communists and NatSoc/fascists clash the hardest.



trs pls


Since when did NatSoc become a special snowflake?

More power to them, but leftists and the mainstream will still think that both groups are racist because they refuse to be associated with the left. They already think that libertarians are racist for that exact reason.

Leftists never wanted a shitty version of the democratic party or a "tolerant republican party", they want the democratic party.

Completely pointless to split and there's nothing good from cucking/compromising.

You have to go back.

they coming in huge numbers to seen.life and imagine this gab.ai wich I know little about since I never did twitter browsed it once seen a bunch of lib tards and bounced never did reddit either same thing.Been a loner with anti anything white/cucked whites for longer that some of you been alive.Nice to get the chance to redpill these flocking birds realizing everything they been fed was a jew scam.

That faggot isn't even a civic nationalist. He's just another anti-SJW liberal

This is all because someone snuck in a camera at the NPI conference and Spencer went "…hail victory pepe", they then edited out the pepe and then said Spencer questioned if Jews have souls when he said the media.

All of these alt-lite faggots are coming out of the woodwork now, cucking by punching to the right.

Do libshits do this? No. They double down or say nothing. Obama didn't even disavow Bill Ayers.

So neocon.
Real creative.

I cant understand a word you are saying.



let's make reddit good for once and raid

Spencer is a faggot, Milo is a faggot and all of you are a bunch of faggot cucks

not an argument

Fucking don't come here if you can't handle the bantz you faggots

You can't fucking use Hitler, you retards. Hitler is the Satan of secularists and they will immediately revile you and ignore your arguments. Normies who consider themselves all-right, however, are very open to controversial arguments so long as you don't use trigger words like nazis. Instead of knocking down the whole fucking building, knock down a floor at time. Convince them that fag marriage is useless, that sluts are not okay and should be shamed, family, ultra patriotism to the west, to shitcan religions not within the Christian umbrella, to limit immigration, and to abolish the welfare state. This, in all but name, is western traditionalism.

Wasn't it predicted a few months ago that these fuckers from prisonplanet would continue co-opting and subverting?

I remember a thread about it.

how about tell them to google the holohoax and skip all the bullshit

There are actually quite a few of us.

Milo and Breitbart started it when they suddenly claimed they were "alt-right", while downplaying Holla Forums as just a "tiny fringe".

Fucking figures this would happen.

They are fracturing themselves over in that den of cuckolds for fear of being called a "Nartzee". It's like they didn't learn anything in the past year and a half. It's that old Alinsky tactic again. They are tripping over themselves to cuck out first. Redditte already holds the internet championship for "Largest conglomerate of cuckolds" they don't need to keep proving themselves.

This is the kind of knee jerk shit they expected by signal boosting that attention whore Spencer. The best response is to not allow the label to stick because look at how it already led to fractures in what was once a unified goal.
This ought to settle down soon as Trump takes the oath and is official. We have to actually work to MAGA, can't sweat the bullshit and can't capitulate to the idiocy of the left. There is no point explaining yourself to a mental retard.

Why not just tell them the truth?



You can't just expect them to swallow Holla Forums from step 1, you autist. Most people here didn't go 0-60, it was a slow process.

If they can't handle the truth they don't deserve it

Yes we did, feed acid to a normalfag and sit him down in front of TGSNT telling him it's a lulzy history channel doc, see how quick he gets redpilled.

excuse my typo and FUCK YOU ok now we have that out of the way fuck reddit (never did it)fuck face berg( did it till I started redpilling then was banned.What I meant to say was ppl are leaving them both in droves now is our time to shine and really let these sheep if they have a unbrainwashed braincell left what the deal is.Be a proud white or let shtskins that never built anything overrun you with their street shitting hoards.

True, although I did the moment my teachers couldn't answer my questions about the Holocaust and fascism beyond that they where bad.

We are not arguing with 'secularists'. We are here to crush them into dust. There will be no more debates. Our message is right to the interests of the people, white people, not minorities or left leaning people.

Anyone who protects the kikes while attacking SJWs is fighting symptoms instead of the underlying disease.

It is true that not every jew deserves gas, but it is also true that any population of jews will regress to the mean.

Some people will never understand that an anthill doesn't create ants.

Yes we did.


Hey there controlled op, whatcha doin?


It's necessary. They are building bridges, all of which converge on the same land.

Anyway, I'd imagine most of the people affectionate with the "New Right" movement are just liberals who voted for Trump and found a new place to call home. I don't think it's actually inherently bad, it's always nice to have some brainwashed libs become nationalist, now it's just pointing out who their enemies are: secret societies.

It's not controlled opposition. The movement is real and their ethics pertain to American nationalism without the 4chan racism. What is a false flag is the idea that there is a particular "leader", for instance that guy who hailed trump. I don't think anyone with a head on their shoulder for molding a movement would ever do that, frightens those who've been taught to reject anything associated with Nazism. Understand?

You autistic or retarded by any chance

Anybody else remember the faggots who were saying the aut-right was here to stay and denying the fact that it would die out completely after the election?

i stumbled across a holohoax video on jewtube and went 0-60

Isn't this the same shit the faggots over at plebbit already believe - hence why they're on plebbit and not here? Basically who fucking cares?

The alt-right are cucks in general so what's the big deal?

both are you gigantic faggot


Thankfully we are not the aut-right. We always shit out a chanology clone every fucking time we engage in a massive scale raid.

sure whatever you say but I have a ? too are you a butt hurt jew whos mother is getting plowed by nigger dick faggot? you act like a typo has something to do with IQ kys.

Don't you know? We are Nazis in every sense. Including grammar.

We win either way.

Scenario A: He builds a wall and truly embraces the "America First" and "Law and Order" slogans he's been pushing.

Okay great, perhaps we can start talking about black and minority and immigrant violence again, and about 1965 immigration bill and the transformative ethnic destruction it has brought on.

Scenario B: He cucks out and migrates to the center and becomes a nothing president… a "conservative" just like the rest who conserves nothing.

Okay great, we're going to point this out the entire way, meme hard, and keep telling people the truth.

The difference moving forward on Holla Forums culturally, and in an even broader sense is that we're done fucking around here. Trump is the establishments last chance to wave the white flag and allow us to fix this.

The choice is between victory, and an accelerationists eventual victory. We will win either way.

I was a normalfag until I read Buchanan and after that I eventually became literally Hitler.


That's what I was implying.

Control your mental illness.

You're retarded, learn to read, stop being so triggered.

I'd also like to point out that it is jews, once again, mucking up a positive force for good with their neurotic obsession with Hitler returning.
They waiting on their messiah to return, they scared shitless of Hitler's return. Give it a rest already. You are "white" when it suits you, you are "non-white" but "jewish" when it suits you, you are offended when labeled a jew, by a non-jew…
Jewish tricks, not just an empty meme.

Only technically.

lmao holy shit, it's a label used by the kikes so they have ground to attack. Before the movement was unified and faceless and they couldn't attack us. You fell right into their trap, accepted the kike label and are now open for attack, ever realize how suddenly the whole msm started attacking the "alt-right"? Also milo is a faggot kike, spencer is a faggot and so are all the other prominent figures in your faggot "movement"

no shit
if you expected Trump go Hail Hitler youre an idiot
normies won`t accept it and this is perfect for the enemy to use as ammunition
you can still keep redpilling but don`t expect Mein Kampf to be the blueprint (thou those rumors of Trump reading the "My Order" manuscripts are interesting…)

>reddit spacing

>reddit spacing

Seems to be a trend.
Honestly, if I was Trump's advisor, I'd advise to get miles away from Holla Forums. We are a liability, and wont be needed for another four years.
I'm not bitter, it's just smart politics.

*"My New Order"

Didn't he litterally get a whole crowd of people to salute him a pledge their loyalty?

touche fml and fuck you too trying to exclude an Aryan cuz he don't follow jew grammar.

Getting a little self-conscious there? lel

We will continue getting better at crafting and reposting

tactical memes

like these, that can so strongly influence people.

There is no going back. We have the momentum.

I'd ask why you fags give a fuck, but then I rembered reddit is where you cockmonglers heard about this place

Do you want to tell us that you redditors are a bunch of useless cucks? We knew that already, thank you.

>reddit spacing

Try going up to a devout Christian and tell him that this Satan guy is actually pretty cool. That immediately shuts down the conversation. The new generation, others autistic enough to post on the Internet, is post-christian secular. That is basically a religion in and of itself, being a product of liberal brainwashing in public schools and universities. The ultimate evil to these fags is Hitler because that's what they've been told most of their lives.

"Alt right" faggots on reddit are. Hell, a good half of posters here are. You ever done any apologetics? When you're arguing with a Muslim, you start off with what you have in common and from then on tell them what the Bible says and why it's right. If you go ahead and tell them that Mohammed was an illiterate pedophile and the Quran is his wishlist, he's going to shut down and fuck off. Muslims aren't that different from millenial secularists, they're both brainwashed.

It's not PR you retard. It's called not being autistic and having actual experience with arguing with people of a different worldview outside of Mongolian cartoon boards. If you convince them to change their positions to your positions, what sense does it make whether or not they worship Hitler?

You can create salutes and everything "in the image", get inspired by it but don`t be surprised when anything related to Hitler get denounced
On account Americas long history of fighting the nazis etc etc and the political establishment "at the moment"

Frenkie? Is that you?


I've never posted on plebbit. I was breaking thoughts into logically separate paragraphs. The meme is fucking dumb, since wall of text isn't "the only valid pol style."

Didn't Germany offer peace to Britain and France in the early stages of the war? I believe under the conditions offered Britain would have been able to remain its empire. I can't see how this is in line with the claim that the Nazis wanted to conquer the whole world.

Us being psychotic feckless nazi bastards is what gives us our power.

is it TRS then? you're clearly not from here

You can back up the truth with evidence.


Here are some gems from /r/the_donald










I would have to agree.

You weren't a normal fag if you were open enough to sit down and watch all 6 hours of TGSNT. You were open to things that you were told your whole life to dismiss. Liberals are only open to ideas that they are told are correct, so the process of becoming entirely open takes some time. At least I would imagine.

I'm not arguing able the label you dummy kike.

lol well fml again cuz I don't space shit only a jew would give a shit

Believe what you want. I've been here much longer than you.

Lol, did some user created this movements on plebbit after I wrote down the theory of the New Right on some thread few weeks ago ?

Laughable to say the least, but this division was easily predictable to say the least. They have to ditch the brand " alt right " and engage in a broader, more simplistic and less extremists by nature. Gotta appeal to normaies.

Interesting, I wonder if any other of my theories will bear any fruits.

>reddit spacing

I'm sure you were user

The wearing of MAGA hats, creating memes and having fun will always be white nationalist Holla Forums. Anyone else who believes the White Nationalist movement here is fake needs to fucking leave. There are plenty of LARPing faggots PRETENDING to be WN's to FIT IN with Holla Forums. These people are the "I'm only pretending to be X, hurrrr" crowd and are fucking cancer.

We're not Alt-Kike.
We're not New Kike.

I didn't even watch TGSNT. I watched documentaries on History Channel and got interested in german tanks.

David Irving claims that Churchill ignored Hitler's multiple attempts at securing peace.

Hess flew from Germany to England for this explicit purpose.

I am only here to fuck with you butt hurt reddit fag shills that nod your heads at the swinging of pols nut sacks ;)get fucked

Who was w.t. snacks and what happened to him?

Redditors are fucking retarded.


Except if you signal against it then you're being trapped in the cuckservatism minus silly feminism quagmire

holy shit

I went from 'gays are cool' to 'kill the faggot and glass israel' practically overnight. I was and still am as normie as it gets.

Of course you can, and that's what I'm saying. If x=y and y=6 and j=x, then convincing someone that x=y will logically follow that j=6. The thing is that most people will refuse to argue or even associate with you if start off with a big, general contradiction of what has been drilled to them all of their lives. Most people are useful idiots and don't necessarily need to have the whole scope of everything nailed down. This is why Islamists don't want the Quran translated from classical Arabic, because they want to teach it. They just want people to know a few things.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Forgot about this one

where do you think you are?

Am I still enabling white genocide simply by replying to your copypasta?

Also; tl;dr

That's the mantra. I've even posted it a few times.


This place is going to be cozy again, and all those faggots who thought we were friends are going to fuck off back to their cucksheds.

That's why we have memes.

youtu.be/P0vmQNEM5-s we are coming for you jew and your little mask of liberalism as ppl have stop buying your lies NO MORE SHEKELS FOR YOU RATS!!! go to israel and make it easier for the WHITE MAN to bomb you out of existence.

We don't have to worry about this much. As they shift closer to use we shift further away and we always have halfchan as the buffer. If anything we will just receive more shilling from organizations, the small from TGS and god knows what else.


You fucking idiot. Politics is about convincing people in order to attain a goal. What you are saying is "I am not going to be pragmatic in order to stir things the right way." What good is your truth if you cannot apply it in the real world? The Fourth Reich would be real, but only in your mind, if people were to pursue your faggy mentality of "wait 4 hitler!!1! zieg heil!"

Spencer can suck a dick for being a spergy autist, but if he is genuine, then fucking give him advice on not being an autist (even though he is already compromised) or come up with someone/something better so that his spergyness won't be associated with us all.

Remember;when we have power those who did not join our side willingly, or joined us by succumbing to the memes, will be considered recalcitrant enemies of our eternal Reich and will be executed for clinging to outdated liberal ideals.


It was a press conference - the media was allowed to film.

He ended his speech with "Hail Trump, Hail Victory"
and people responded with a roman salute,
apperently because Mike Enoch suggested earlier to not feel intimidated by being called a nazi and throwing at back at them instead in amused irony.

The night before this speech two(one?) jews and Tila Tequila already did a roman salute as a joke on a picture,
which is now being spread around in the media.

You were right about about him calling the media soulless, not the jews.


>reddit spacing

It's like you're doing this ironically.

What ethnicity is that fluid druid on the left?

The elections led to a very weird web of alliances.
While it was fun, in a way, I'm glad that we are purging the hangers on.

Big tent doesn't work. It's the engine of ideological purity that keeps the movement going. We are that movement.
And the cucks can't handle it. They are inherently satisfied how things are currently.

We shall never let ourselves be corrupted, we shall never take the easy road nor compromise our ideals or integrity.
Hail Victory, hail our people, and Heil Hitler.

Not even my post but are you fucking insane? That isn't "reddit spacing", holy fucking shit. All the people on pol have gone full schizo these days.

I hate reddit spacing, but that's just formatting.

We have the memes. Fascism is very easy to start actually. And once it starts going;


We litterally have nature and a god-construct on our side.

Oh they get it. They're ADL agents so they have to push it non stop. For the shekels.

you have to go back, TRS

White Japanese National.


>reddit spacing

>proceeds to use >reddit spacing


So I'm supposed to not skip a space in-between replies to different posters?
I know you may be joking, but would you kindly anhero?


If you're not pure and honest about your ideology,
it is bound to fail.


The weimar Republic was just as bad if not worse than the west these days. You think Hitler cucked out to liberals and commies to win? No, he only needed the truth, and only told the truth with no compromise

That's not reddit spacing



is, and it's exactly what you did in the second half of your post.

It's stefanie joosten, she's Dutch.

Actually you are completely right.
Disregard that I suck cocks


No, flipping out like a psychotic, triggered retard certainly is.

How many times have you escaped the institution?

praise kek


Oh you newfags with your forced reddit memes. Checked.

Also, PR fagging applies to those who try to include "godly niggers", "based fags" and "not all jews" into the same tent. Not once have I suggested this, I only said stop LARPing like it's 1933 irl. Fun fact: it is cringy to hear non-germans saying "lugenpresse", use the word "cuck" irl, start wearing brown shirts with swastika arm-bands and throwing random roman salutes accompanied by autistic screeching.

Also, off topic.

Fucking pick one, >>>/trs/


If you behave a certain way, I have to respond with the appropriate meme. Someone else in the hivemind replied the same you prfags.

What would you expect from paid shill army that's full of retards to boot?

I take it, you've never written anything longer than two sentences before.


Information is easier understood in logical packages.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

moar liek anti-lulz amirite?

I've got news for these faggots: "new right" is a term that is already taken by the cuckservative-neocon alliance.

he also had brownshirts to beat the fuck out of cucks who tried to shut it down

Yes. This is what we want. Let the normies flood plebbit.

And by Grindr Greggy.

These dubs have been left criminally unchecked

Get gud faggot stop being a PRfag

It is cyclical, but the dialects, the lingo, the way people can be persuaded changed. Plus, our current conditions are not by any means similar to the way post-Versailles Germany was. You do not go to the store carrying a sack full of money in order to buy bread, do you?

Exactly, look into B.F. Skinner and his behaviorist model for psychology, chemical imbalance model is pure kikery
also nice >reddit spacing

>reddit spacing is a forced meme
Nice meme there, it's a way to spot obvious outsiders and subversive elements trying to troll "autists"

Read a book for once in your life, Hitler didn't need >reddit spacing and neither does your common-core educated ass.

You're right, but that's not what I'm advocating. I just want to keep us from making the same mistakes gamergate made. Using any internet vernacular IRL is asking to be socked in the mouth.
I wouldn't have a problem if they used the original "judenpresse" though.
Do you think the guy protesting the Fed/UN and GLR were "cringey" too?

What does it mean?

Praise kek

I've met Greg Johnson, and he didn't seem like a faggot.
Why are you trying to meme every "alt-right" guy into a flaming homo?

Then, it's always the same screen caps as "proof".
Seems like a psy-op to me, mate.

Iktf user
The look on his face was priceless

"homosexuality is part of european culture and it's not going away"
"I am attracted to men"

Charisma can insulate you quite well.
Just be cool man. Also Holla Forums culture comes across as fresh and new.

Just make sure people like you before you go full Holla Forums on them.

Holy shit. How am I getting so many dubs?

Reddit spacing is using a paragraph break every one or two sentences for no reason beyond aesthetics/rhythm. It's not always reddit spacing though, if they're used to break up paragraphs between different ideas, and we also do break up paragraphs normally for readability but on imageboards that's around 3-4 sentences, applying redditor heuristics will just result in a loss of readability.

For example, this post isnt reddit spacing despite the previous paragraph only having 2 sentences, since this paragraph marks a change in tone towards self reference. His post also wasn't Reddit spacing because he was just breaking up the lines to red text.

It's important to wield your memes correctly because intl was spamming Reddit spacing everywhere as a way to undermine the long extant meme - it's useful and important to perform hygiene on redditor cancer but remember you have to look at other distinct tells: their cadence, vocabulary & punctuation alongside their formatting. FYI: Anyone that thinks calling out redditors for their obnoxious and distinct typing style is a new thing is a newfag.

protip newfags: dont capitalize the first letter of greentext, don't add a break after the quote # or greentext; optional but most oldfaggiest: don't capitalize at beginning of sentence, don't use periods at end of paragraphs. This is by far the most refreshing and noncancerous posting style

There we go again
stop sucking off your faggot representatives, get ýour ass back to TRS

Your strange way of wording yourself makes it a bit hard to decipher what you're trying to say, If you're saying that the whining about "reddit spacing" that's been going on the past half year is a newfag forced meme, then I agree.

Because you post in this thread as if your life depends on it. Either way, this one deserves a check, and a Heil.

Because they are

This seems more like an attempt to clean up the alt rights image to normalfags, making it much easier for them to swallow and join in and thus grow the movement. I literally don't give a single fuck if they don't like our anti-kike ways and try to "distance" from us so long as they keep pushing for everything else we want. It's a good thing imo, it's like how if you want to redpill a friend/relative you don't just dump them into the deep end of the pool ranting about jews and the inherent violent and stupid nature of niggers, you start small and gradually have them come around. This is no different than Trump "disavowing" the alt-right despite still going in that exact direction, it's just words to calm the faggots, his actions are what matters. So I think this is actually a good thing, they can paint us as the super evil badguys all they like if it helps redpill some normies. Nationalism is the end goal, not getting everyone to identify as a nazi, it doesn't matter if they don't identify with that label so long as they believe in its ideas.

Our lives do depend on it user. We must never falter in our duty even once.
The juden must be eradicated or they will eradicate us.
The middle ground is for fags.


Yeah I don't know why he started pushing that. He's been causing a mess behind the scenes from what I heard. The term 'New Right' is Alt-light cuck cancer now.
Maybe he wants to build a bridge and deny the cucks/kikes their own brand. Keep the door open for r/thedonald types to keep pushing rightward instead of wallowing in a containment zone.

You put it way better than I ever could've, capped for posterity.

I am trying to say that >reddit spacing is a legitimate criticism and those who refuse to lurk before posting, and refuse to or are unable to assimilate to board culture need to be outed and fuck off.
Yes, I use a slightly spammy tactic to do this, but it's still a legitimate criticism and reddit, cuckchan, and TRS as well as those who enable them or are complacent to their presence need to fuck off.

You lazy fuck. We don't need them. Those fuckers rode OUR coattails and want credit.

Vid Very Fucking Related

Paper and ink cost money, pixels don't.
Books also require to be held in your hands,
so more pages than necessary is a problem.

If you use fucking linebreaks your eyes don't have to travel across the whole fucking widescreen, either, just like in a book (coincidence?).

Also, we don't have common core in Germany, so go suck a dick.

But I don't think they are, and nobody posts proof outside of few out-of-context quotes.
I think that someone has a vested interest in painting them as such.

The end goal is the destruction/sterilization of the Jews and survival of the white race.

Oh I'm laffin, looks more like you're trying to convince yourself that they aren't faggots, instead of it being the other way arounf

And I'm saying that no one ever talked about "reddit spacing" or gave a shit about how people formatted their posts before you fags arrived this year, and no one will give a shit after you leave again.

Most people don't know National Socialism is Nazi tho.

About OP
Fuck these cucks, they are only useful to introduce people to our ideas.

The only guy from that side who's awesome is Alex Jones, because he might be owned but he knows the truth and doesn't hide it as well as he thinks, VID RELATED. And he exposes very useful stuff.

Now, the rest of those faggots? They will be trampled, because they offer a more politically correct "gateway-drug" to us, that will only increase our numbers.

and you think you can determine what ppl think ahahahahaaa your making a DNC mistake we don't gove a fuck about hitler and his half jew ass what we do care about it White Nationalism because without that the entire planet goes 3rd world as no other race is capable of creating much less running the modern world Whites created not some spearchucker mud hut monkey taught to speak out of necessity and convenience for the Whites,you look back throughout history no nation state ever survived higher than barbarians shitskins yet whites have always been in control what you are seeing now is the butthurt that they have to deal with the fact they will never beyond their wildest dreams be better that whites so the backlash of all the half breeds and cucked whites as the king nigger that has been the champion of false promises and now ever giving your ppl medals they don't deserve yet fact is come war your asses along with lezbos and all other degenerate sht like faggots will get culled and ritually abused by REAL MEN FIGHTING REAL WARS you sniveling little pussy cucks get your T up .

well, point is that "New Right" is a term that has been used by Political Scientists since at least Reagan, so 40 years or more. Coming along now and calling yourself "New Right" is confusing at best, if not pants-on-head retarded.

Didn't Greg Johnson write that pro-fag piece in the Atlantic Centurion or something?

fuck off back to >>>/christ/ you semite-worshiping niggers

It is true that aversion to "homosexuality" is a semitic doctrine. Or, better, the very idea of "homosexual" is itself is a semitic category. Greeks and Romans did some weird homoerotic shit, though I'm not sure they would have considered it "gay," and in Northern Cultures faggots may have been seen as weird, but not "sinful" (the concept of Sin – a semitic moon god – being derived from religions originating in Arabia/Mesopotamia)

What? How?

We can determine what people think. We proved it during the election.
We wield the power of the meme.

Regardless, it's not aesthetic. Just look at your post.


I don't care about getting credit or people identifying with labels, I just want to see Nationalism implemented and in order to do that we need strength in numbers. If they literally believe in everything and do everything a Nazi would do, what would it matter that they don't identify with a pointless label? What difference does it make? It's just a word.

The New Right are KKK Nazi!

Well, guess they'll have to pick and new name and new place to post now. This is what happens when you listen to folks telling you to change the tag.

As long as they hate Jews.

Line breaks are fine when you're breaking up paragraphs or large chunks of greentext
Using linebreaks to "make shit easier to read" is fucking retard tier and it's exactly what a redditor would say.

The reason nobody cared is because there weren't hundreds of obvious redditor newfags dropping low IQ shitposts all over the place that all adhere to a very easy-to-spot formatting style.
Next you're going to tell me that attempting to enforce basic standards for posting quality is jewish


Hearing him talk interviews is enough for most people to suspect he's a fag, there's something seriously wrong with you if you couldn't tell after meeting him in person.

Greg's homosexuality is an open secret in WN circles, he has come out to various individuals, and takes male dates with him to events (like the London Forum). He has also written multiple articles in defense of sodomy.

Why not both? Make several accounts with different redpilling ways. Sometimes do 14/88 and sometimes drop breadcrumbs.

You can easily redpill people on Hitler though, just ask them how Hitler was different then any other Leader and Warmonger, it's very easy to make people understand that Hitler is nothing but a scapegoat. Just make fun of them for still believing in 6th grade history lessons.

Detected the fag enabler

Holy shit, I keep getting gets!

Praise kek eternal!!

Is that way they threw fags in the bog? Because they thought it was "weird"?

Hitler was a strong nationalist leader who got crushed by (((international bankers))) because he wanted to take his ball and go home, just like Saddam or Qadddafi. I find even normalfags hesitate before slipping back into the programming when confronted with that idea.

Anime triggers goons
NatSoc triggers TRS

not bad

Even moar gets praise him!

I actually had more success with going straight for it.
When I tried to tip toe around certain topics, I constantly had the right thing in mind but had to say something less coherent.

It's really hard to propose nationalism without race reality, tribal interest groups and anti-egalitarianism.

So do these.


We can work on that later on and it will be much easier to swallow once they see how much better off they are under Nationalism, you can then simply point in the jews direction to show them how things got so bad before now. Like I said, start small, if you go full 14/88 right out the gate you'll just scare them away, we have to do this carefully.

sure are a lot of non-arguments and lack of citations, here

I don't think we have to worry. All my gets on this thread show that we have a real god on our side.


shut the fuck up faggot

And you too, get the fuck back to TRS cocksucker

I've found that for INTJ/INTP 130+ IQ people it pretty much is 0-60, yeah. Dumber faggots without pattern recognition are the ones who need baby steps.

Anybody who isn't explicitly anti-kike is an enemy.

No alliances with kike-enablers.

Not jewish, just faggy.

You're not going to enforce shit anyways.

You just come off as a conformist nanny.

Perhaps I'll just start "reddit spacing" on spite to annoy you newfags.

Good job with your enforcement Mr. Holla Forumsice

(((Try to make us WHITE MEN hate our masculinity because they see it as a threat when we out perform them in everything even our offspring as they are riddled with deformations with all their shekel saving inbreeding so only natural they hate what is infinitely better than them yet white compassion has allowed the parasites to breed NO MORE SYMPATHY FOR A RAT JEW !!!!!

Can anyone doubt him?
Praise kek the eternal one.

ENTP masterrace reporting in, I'm INTP's non autistic cousin

I don't want to argue with fag-enablers, I want you in the bog.

Hi Holla Forums

not surprising

Fair enough, but getting Nationalism instituted will be the greatest way to make that a reality. We need to get our priorities straight. If we want to do that then we have to win the hearts and minds of the normies, we won't do that if we go full tilt on them. The massive backlash against SJWs means that now is the perfect time to get people on board, we've got to do this the right way.


well "memed" bro

"You don't belong here" isn't an argument, it's a fact.

kill yourself.

I think we are on the right track. Make the left as openly anti-white as possible and scoop up the wheat as it leaves the chaff.
No pr required.

How many times do you pathetic redditfags have to get cucked before you figure it out? It's like you keep wandering into the same gay bar every weekend and then get all shocked and surprised when they rub their dicks up against you.

"It happened again!".

Everyone who isn't an 80 IQ subhuman knew this from the start.

pick one


no you are negotiating with the enemy and that cannot be tolerated EVER!!


Fuck off dumbass we've been doing this a lot longer than you have



added bonus:

cmon user, this faggot comes into every thread where forum drama is mentioned even in passing and posts the exact same images and words his posts the exact same way.

I really hope he's being paid for this.


Normies get out

It seems like we've just gotten rid of the retards in the movement aka half of reddit. I see no problem here since nothing of value was lost. Spencer has made the subversives expose themselves in the open

Kek wills it

Newfriends, please show me a screencap mentioning "reddit spacing" from before 2016.

thought you might like that

Hah good luck with that. All of the memes come from the real Nationalists, us.

This is what their plan from the moment they introduced the term alt-right. Create two groups, one is the evil nazi (((alt-right))) and the other the family safe zog approved (((new-right))).


please show me where invasive redditors were a problem before 2015, then kill yourself.

enjoy your ban kike


American public education.

The cancer always outs itself in the end. All we have to do is wait.


Thank you KEK

I just know how to suppress it with my charisma user
Well bad thing is the other half is now trying to push there shit over here

i sure did, went from light conservative to full 14/88 in no time

for u


Leave now

You think that's good to jump from one thing to another so quickly?

This always happens or are you all too new to remember?
It's an infinite cycle, just ignore them the next time a new fad comes along only morons follow them, at best 1/3rd of the people follow the rabbit hole and see the light.

you try as many have to negotiate with stupidity you get the result they before you always received The only way is to stomp your foot down so hard on their necks either it breaks or they fall in line to what is best for the nation.Sounds like commie shit but you have to under stand commies have been invading us and blowing propaganda up our asses for the last 30 yrs now we are pissed off know what its about and saying fuck that I have very little interest in redpilling unless they are almost half way there by themselves then I know the will and power of the WHITE MAN is still in them.


Your reddit is showing


Have you ever thought that SOME might come to this conclusion while observing how normalfags react to fullblown redpills vs. subtle redpills?

What if we both want to achieve goal C, but you keep arguing to pursue path A while I insist on pursuing path B, which is a longer one? Remember: it took them almost 70 years to fuck up Europe and the U.S. Do you truly expect to achieve this over night, especially with an unwilling population?

yes, the truth is the truth

The length of the paragraph is less relevant than it's content. And again, I'm not american.

But formatting your posts like that wasn't uncommon at all before that.

Half the posts in my old screencap folder is formatted like that.

So how does whining about reddit spacing solve the problem of you newfags pouring into this community?

I get it, you came here fresh of the boat and someone shamed you for "reddit spacing" and now you feel you have to crusade this forced meme to fit in.

Problem is, the guy who shamed you was a newfag too.

Throw off your shackles user, shitpost any way you want.


this will happen, havent you heard that wall wont be? already pulled from his site alongside the muslim ban and prosecuting shilery

You can even see it happening in this thread

You're still stuck in the phase of trying to convince people to come into the fold. This largely doesn't work with shitlibs, it's a fruitless endeavor. If anything they'll dig in deeper into their own delusions.

They have the mentality and conditioning of a two year old child. when they act out you punish them, you shock them into submission. I'm not just joking here, if you look at shitlibs it's usually not a debate, but some event in their life that changes them - that first paycheck, that first traffic ticket, first job, first child, first experience getting their ass kicked, first time getting mobbed by dindus, first time in jail.

They learn things the hard way - by consequences. And you can see they view the world that way too because look what they do to Trump supporters. They attack them, set their vehicles on fire, go after them in numbers. By using the tool of violence, they're revealing to you that they think that tool will be effective, and essentially admitting their own weakness to being influenced by violence.

Non-cucks on the right will not be swayed by terrorism and threats to change their beliefs, but the people on the left absolutely will. A good beating will activate them.

They did, but they didn't start using


easy to spot bullshit until the collective IQ of reddit dropped to single digits. reddit has been fucking our shit up since 2007, but their shit hasn't always been this easy to spot.
Maybe we're dealing with a new wave of incredibly young redditors, as double-spacing everything is how they teach you to write in common-core backed primary education.

Post some that aren't examples of using line breaks to break up paragraphs or large chunks of greentext.
fucking ebin. reported for /int*/


You completely ignored my argument, did you?

(Checked and ultra-hailed)

Oh shit they've spread to here.
Get the gas quick.

Are you that deus bult who spams down every christcuck thread?

There is no arguing with a trs PR cuck

No you fucking retard. Do you not get it? We National Socialists aren't any kind of "alt right". We are National Socialists. Fuck your gay little terms that deviate from the truth. Not alt right, not new right, not super alt right. We are Nationalists and National Socialists, so use those words.

We are simply Nazis. Not anything else.

Yup, because you're clearly not from around here yet still take it upon yourself to dictate to us how we should strategize. You TRS cucks are Johnnies Come Lately to this game and you seem to be totally blind to it. You are our useful idiots, popularizing our message and running interference for our extremism.

Friendly reminder that pushing fag or jew acceptance should be a bannable offense on Holla Forums too.


Let's keks will be done!

What a fucking faggot.

No, I don't mess with the religion threads because they're such a massive clusterfuck

We got ID's, you know?

The one true religion is kekism

for all you fucking shills fat on your thanksgiving dinner remember was at many cases if your a libtard rat was ppl WHITE PPL that allowed you you fine standard of living with your turkeys and sides you didn't hunt down and kill yourself so non whites know without us you would not have any life so exorbitant enter the soros reflexivity as deep down you know you shtskins are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING without whites then comes your hate because you were born a monkey shtskin yet never think that you were lucky we WHITES were here or you would all be wiping yer butts with sand and chucking spears trying to eat.

Kek is a force, not a deity lad.
Read the principia if you're going to get into chaos-magic

I wonder if I'm doing this wrong. I'm shitposting at the dinner table with my gf beside me. I looked up and someone asked me why I'm always on my phone. I just said praise kek and went back to it.
Feels weird.

Well you argue like TRS, so I can't help you with that. Holla Forums is a place for maximum extremism. It's worked for us in the past and it will work for us in the future.

why lad? today isn't even special for us here in slavland.
Good on you for killing injuns thou

Holy shit, yet another set of dubs.

yes, it's wrong as fuck, interact with your woman and your/her family instead of shitposting on a vietnamese cat-cooking pictureforum.
nice dubs as well.

save your power level user


I see a lot of comments in that thread about OP whining about "muh racist alt right" being "stop punching towards the right" though. At least the majority on The_Donald seems to be of the mind that civic nationalists should not be negative towards ethnic nationalists because both are "right wing".

I even shotpostes through my first date with this girl.
She didn't mind.

Fucking autocomplete
Praise kek

Or you know, just the right

holy hell this place is in double-digit IQ territory.

M-m-m-m-muh PR!
End yourself.

Been on Holla Forums since /n/ and I enjoy the fuck out of TRS.

Dude, autism.

break em in slow and never show your true power level …..that will come later ;)

I know it's nigger tech but it was always my dream since 04 to be able to shitpost on the internet from wherever I was.


Can't wait for your shitposts in a "white women are shit" thread when she dumps your retarded ass.

I know this is the intended effect but it does feel shitty that people leaning right or are now disillusioned with the left, especially after this fucking election, will now just jump into this controlled opposition and left talking points shit. I've seen enough "As a black male" identity politics and emotional appeal in (((alt-right))) spaces to know that it will never be real about race or nation. They'll call themselves right, act like the left and will back stab sooner or later.


She knows, but she just happens to be a a-political racist.

I thought everyone already knew this. PJW says Jews don't own the media and Cernovich is a conman.

This is why I mentioned that it is cringy to do it outside Holla Forums. I did not suggest changing Holla Forums. Don't want it to change.
Doing anything close to that I mentioned above can be considered acceptable if you manage to achieve hegemony and public support. Also:
Have you ever thought that gassing the kikes, race war now requires some fine.. persuasion?

Fine, I'll bite. Why is "muh PEE-ARR" bad?

If anything the Nazis were too light.

It drives posting quality down and makes you into a ZOGbot faggot that is constantly glued to his ZOGdroid or SPiPohne and getting his 8ch posts sold to LEAs.

see: gamergate

They're fairly consistent with their anti-homo shit, unless that's a dig at NPI and Spencer?

Women are shit, but if they leave you it's your own damn fault . She doesn't care because I always cum in her and never let her orgasm.

Bitch will be loyal till I get bored .


go fuck yourself.

That just makes you even more retarded

More like a dig at their userbase.
They have an entire subforum dedicated to "ironically" posting gay porn

sure is oldfag in here

Because extremism works. It gets media attention and it scares the holy hell out of liberals. Every time you call the left's bluff, they fold like pussies, because they have no spine, ideals, or integrity. They are doing more work to meme the Nazis back than we are. We just have to keep pushing their buttons.

Ah, I've never bothered to touch their forum, I just listen to the podcasts. Fair enough.

As evident itt right?

Leave and take your butt buddy with you

So, inclusiveness and tolerance. Did I suggest that? I am pretty sure I suggested something else.

Also, I noticed that you associate PR with the TRS, while fag-Spencer did the opposite of PR. You got an odd behaviour.

Who was w.t. snacks and what happened to him.
Answer if you can newfag

>Can't use Che Guevara

user they've already posted their out of context screencaps already, I don't know what they'll do now.

Did you know that 8ch houses pedos and faggots?
I think you'll like >>>/cuteboys/
Also now you're blatantly lying.

This. In my experience with redpilling people, taking the easy way out puts you in a weaker position and has you trying to appease to the other person's sensibility. I just start from a strong argument instead, stand my ground, and if the person starts acting agitated, I let them know of this to put them in a self-conscious state, making it easier for them to consider your proposition. They'll walk away but leave with knowing a little more.
Never lose your cool, be charismatic, and they'll admit you have a point even if not immediately. People will always choose the stronger horse over the weaker horse, which is why the cuckservatives will fail everytime when making a stand.

I mistook you with another poster


But into the
With you.

Next you'll just like their podcasts.


I always hit em hard. It helps if you are not ugly and overweight too.

Find me the gay porn subforum user.


Wrong guy, guy.

First link. Wew.

Well since your userbase is your websi

snax was a mod and cuckchan devel that would ban you for fucking anything he felt like, he eventually was fired for it and now hangs out with the SPF420 faggots.

Holla Forums doesn't house pedos and faggots though, and the wanderers that find their way here are quickly made to feel unwelcome.
same cannot be said about 504um.

The Oven, now gas yourself.

You are justifying genocide.

Surely, imma let an anime poster strategize a political plan for the future. Also, you failed to realize, which was the main point of OP's post, is that right wingers also do all their best to disassociate with us. So basically, you lost all the relevant support.

What nao? Back to shitposting?

They're not too bright though, it's amusing when they can't figure out how they outed themselves during their subversion.

8ch.net/r/the_donald just gives me a 404

then the most easy to convert if she is worth it the opposition to your views might be the biggest turn on for her Play it and win like a white man would.You have more than enough ammo ,if she is white she better be she needs to be trained by a strong white male as years of indoctrination won't disappear over night do the good work be subtle as is not war time if it was she would be raped and that is something all women need to know they really have now power other than the love men have for them because another women can't protect them as they aren't built to do it.

slow on the draw today.

Ok you are an old fag.
I have nothing more to say carry on.
He also had gay buttsex with jewt


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Continue the adventures anons, where is the gay porn?

Pls stop guys you're never going to accomplish anything with your shitposting!

Come the fuck on dude. What are you trying to accomplish here?

Does this look like a guy taking PR into consideration? As a matter of fact, what he is doing is the embodiment of what you want Holla Forums to do. Keep the internet lingo and memes inside Holla Forums (or at least withing your personal circle of friends) and you might have a chance on the political map.

I live in the south in a hillbilly town. My gf isn't very indoctrinated. The only thing that's bad is she likes to play videogames and work a job.
Oh and she wants to keep her right to vote.
And she is a little fat too.

Likely in the "mysterious feces" "I like my turkey like I like my women" and "blast from my degenerate past" threads.

You can read all that shit up in 5 minutes on ED

He was exposed months ago, along with all the others Holla Forums is acting surprised over.
The entire alt-right is a false flag run by state sponsored elements.
All you have to do to know who is a shill, if their words aren't enough, is to watch for other proven shills to promote them repeatedly.

No he isn't you retarded shill. He's not a National Socialist, he's a subversive shill pretending to be one and trying to corrupt National Socialism into tolerating homos and other enemies of our people.

I wrote the original offended page.

It looks like some blatant controlled-op kikery.
I like the imagery, hate the source.
Trump isn't fucking Hitler and doesn't deserve to be heil'd as Hitler was.

We have always agreed here that the alt-right is cancer and we are not associated with them at all, get the fuck out you cancerous newfag.

This combined with all my previous gets is more than I have ever got in one thread before.

Praise KEK the one true God.

Who the shit cares?

This. Spencer is 100% a shill for the Jew establishment. His goal is to create a worldwide notion that us real National Socialists are retarded faggots like he and his homo buddies who are heiling Trump.
Trump is good for white people but he isn't the next Führer, nor should he be heiled unless he goes full NatSoc.

As far as I can tell this is where shitposting/degeneracy threads get sent to die after their posters get banned.

I'm waiting for "being gay is more manly" any day now.


A lot of our friends here on Holla Forums really haven't grasped the concept of "poisoning the well."
Then again, many are shills from Renegade/TRS etc who simply want to protect their colleagues.

Okay so maybe it wasn't "ironically" posting gay porn it was "ironically" posting furfaggotry and smeg "jokes" about "ironically" jacking off to all the degenerate shit that gets posted there.

That and confidence.
When they're less confident than you, it makes them unease about the confidence they have in their own position; it makes them ask themselves "Could I be in the wrong?"
Except it doesn't work with libtards. When they lose confidence they have the tendency to go overdrive to try an d compensate, always having a scene. In which case it's better to let them embarrass themselves in front of the group.

Jack Donovan already did that, homo alt right subversive agent, LARPs as a nationalist and pagan in order to discredit both with his flamboyant homo shit

absolutely unacceptable FAT=NO Video games ehhh not all that anyone realizes once ther head is out of them.I was all for women right to vote until I seen how they were all used by some disgusting skank hillary to try and squeeze out a win and fuck us all over just because she had a pussy and other pussies would vote for that despite ww3 so nah they shouldn't be allowed to vote imo they should be raising white children instead.


It did work wonders within a couple of years compared to MUH ARE PEE srs bzness cuckservatism of the last half century, did not it?

The way I see it, This election has fractured the Right into 4 factions:

/r/The_Donald Types that are mostly just progressives LARPing as edgy hardcore conservatives because they are for immigration reform and trickle down economics, call themselves the "New-Right" because for whatever reason the "Alt-Right is actually a diverse group of faggots, niggers, jews, and manlets" Narrative didn't take off, so they labeled anyone right of "Israel cocksucker" the "Alt-Right" indyrsf

The textbook cuckservative neo-con, nothing really needs to be explained here, Trump getting elected changes nothing about these people

The edgy normalfags that are mostly into Trump for the memes, not a very bright bunch but aren't restricted by the normal (((moral restrictions))) comedy seems to follow nowadays, easy to redpill too,

People like us that support white nationalism and identity without compromise or "Look at these BASED minorities that support Trump, I really want to fuck this mongrel girl because she has a MAGA hat", media calls us the "Alt-right" because it's safer to just generalize us as a boogeyman instead of outright calling us national socialists

It was, they just deleted it after we pointed it out

I don't know. I'm happy with her. She never shit-tests me and is generally apathetic. Not a real life player, she's mostly just a baby factory.

stay with this video by goyim goddess

at least they promote the idea that /pol doesn't do anything and is irrelevant/silly. Remember our camouflage is the fact we seem so irrelevant/silly/powerless.
That being said, we should still kick their teeth in for being kikes and cucking those who would otherwise learn the truth.

Holy shit, yet another get in this thread.
Praise kek

forgot video

Can't believe he was recommended reading in one of the books threads once.

You're literally pulling things out of your ass trying to discredit TRS in any way possible in every thread you come to, the question is why?

Is that cat supposed to be the Third Angel?

lol what faggots

Is this what subversion looks like? The good new is, we don't need these stupid fucks anymore. The election is over. It's time for us to move on and make the best of this new high ground by shifting the overton window further. Trump has thrown the liberal establishment into absolute chaos, and while they are running around like headless chickens, there's no one to stop us from rolling back years of political correctness.

This guy has no idea of the trap he is leading them into.

There's nothing stopping the "fringe community" from "wearing MAGA hats, creating memes and having fun". In fact, they already do. The liberals in their arrogance will not recognize the difference, and completely ignore this guy's plea of "we're the good trump supporters pls no bully". And what happens next? The large mass of naive normalfags who was just wearing a hat and not being racist realizes that no matter how much you kowtow to liberals, no matter how much you follow your kosher controlled opposition leaders, you still can't win and people judge you anyway. God be willing they might even notice certain patterns in (((who))) it is that judges them, or leads them.

And they will become redpilled.

And they will still wear the hats.

And we will win, and these idiots won't even realize, because all they can see is a sea of hats and they think everything is fine.

Excellent trips but it's not to discredit, homo acceptance isn't a bad thing to most. Being that way is meant to be a honeypot, to draw people that were leaning towards pro-white after the election to start accepting degenerate stuff along side it. Todays useful idiots become tomorrows shills.


Not even him, but we really don't need anyone. We are Holla Forums, the final distilled form of the internet hate machine.
We are the now undefeated final boss of the internet.

Confirmed for autistic newfag. The end goal is not nationalism, it's the extermination of every non-white on this planet.

Media wants to call us "Alt-right" exactly because they want us to accept the generalization you just did. Remember when Holla Forums wasn't one person. That is true power.

Oy vey, that image is so anti-semitic goyim, it's like anudder shoah!

None of the radical arguments actually passed acceptance, you only got moderate once (which are still considered radical by the left, but moderate to us) which are still good since they push the U.S. into the right direction. I want Holla Forums to remain radical, what I kept suggesting is that it should mask its motives until the ground is fertile for full fledged 14/88 (impose policies that rapidly increases the white american demographics, push for subtle anti-fag, pro-family/traditionalist values, basically reverse what has been going on for the past 70 years). By being smart, we might get stuff done, and I got my hopes up.

Well, of course it looks odd. He also mentioned "lugenpresse", "cuck" and "heil", basically opposite of "muh-PR", which is the reason why I am criticizing leaking Holla Forums autism irl (they don't appreciate it like I do~). Keep the statistics and redpills intact, push them forth so that they won't be able to ignore it, but careful with the imagery. If you do it with a swastika as your banner this early, they will ignore every points of argument you bring forth.


Who the fuck these kids think they're dealing with here?

We don't need them anymore they can implement foolish laws as they please

in 4 years we will simply annex their puny board if they don't cooperate with us

we are Holla Forums we can not be stopped by a few cucks playing with powers that are not only too complicated but also too important for them.

I mean just look at their understanding of histroy on in the last image, its pure cringe

Reddit are the footsoldiers, they will do as we please no matter if we make them do so by open ZOG-fighting or tricking them into.

It's the same shit that happened when the "muh ethics, muh PR, we can't stoop to the SJWs levels!" faggots co-opted gamergate, the difference is that while gamergate was relatively meaningless, it served as an entry level redpill to alot of people, yah the movement died but people came here and Holla Forums too, lots of crossposting between here and there in my experience and have been running on strong for a couple of years now

Imagine exodus level influx of new Holla Forumsacks, but on a national scale, I think we're going to be just fine for the next 8 years

I agree, we don't need them but I see no good reason to paint them as things they aren't or meme them into fag enablers.

shoah my white nuts on you mangled little face knowing I would never have a child with your disgusting line of incest you fucking little rat jewess

Pr is the vector the left uses.
They cannot into our type of hate without become us.
So no pr, only hate now.

You clearly fail to understand what "muh PR" refers to. It means our people should not hide their own political beliefs and should state them publicly loud and clear. However its not "muh PR" when we criticize Spencer, because HE ISN'T A REAL NATIONAL SOCIALIST YOU FUCK.
He is a proven subversive agent. He is pretending to be a nationalist yet is doing everything in his power to discredit the movement by acting as retarded and gay as he can. "Muh PR" only refers to people hiding their authentic beliefs, not fucking outsiders like Spencer intentionally trying to sabotage our movement.

You mean fact?


It's not an incorrect generalization though, I don't think there's any user on Holla Forums that doesn't completely support at least WN without compromises, the problem is the "The New Right" doesn't seem to understand that the Left will call them Nazis regardless of whether or not they go on Holla Forums, simply because they support Trump, they are trying to distinguish themselves from this imaginary movement they made up but they're being grouped into it by the left anyway, that's the real issue with it

pure speculation but think the way i'm thinking.

First, Donald trump wins, who else becomes the focal point now that he's president elect? Oh the people who is responsible for getting him in power; WHERE TO?
next Holla Forums suddenly gets flooded with paranoia threads about trump not being our guy, again, the whole wait for hitler is still in effect, forget about the whole hillary being a full blown liberal that wanted to give amnesty to millions of illegals and turn other states blue making it impossible for americans to vote, again, Trump is the greater opition.

Divide and conquer, because dividing a group powerful enough to meme a president in power is important right? So what happens here? more paranoia and concerned troll threads emerge about trump's bad decision for his team, etc. etc, dumbasses at the alt-right specifically richard spencer couldn't fucking wait until trump's second term which he could open gaps to his power level but no, this fucking faggot had to open up his mouth making more enemies then friends, he condemned his fucking group even further, but thats what idiots do when they don't understand how tools of persuasion works, anyways, moving on.

More of what Holla Forums sided with is slowly detaching as if each individual are hitting a brick wall, we already knew that these people wouldn't want to be around the EVUL NEHZIS, but we insist in deluding ourselves that they are, exceptions are ann coulter but thats another subject.

I haven't slept well today but I can tell you, with how bad i'm typing right now and I still see through this, it's a major psyops attempting to divide groups who belongs in the same or near spectrum so the next election is EASIER for trump to lose, or atleast anyone from the right, who made this psyops? george soros if you ask me, the division of faggots being shamed on Holla Forums simply because they are too blind to spot the jew is significantly high, soon we won't have useful morons to drag a country to the right.

what you need to know is that JEWS control both the right and left, we're seeing this shit right now on OPs image, wait until the right is NORMALIZED again with the crowd and use that VERY MOMENT to reclaim the truth and kick the fucking jews out.

Dickie "implicit homosexual" Spencer isn't TRS and doesn't make them all faggots.

This, diluting the dreams of white ethnostates will only hurt us in the long run.

The thing is, if you are them, it can NEVER become so that we have ANY influence. Fascism is natural.
And being natural its pretty easy to get going.
Holla Forums has influence.
They have already lost strategically.

Do you even know what fag enabler mean?

We do? I don't. We have to shame these fucks into being nazi jew-killing aryan dream teams.

Thing is, New Right, Alt Right, Nat Soc, they're gunna vote for Trump anyway, we might all try and distinguish ourselves from one another, but at the end of the day we all want Trump, D&C only works when you force groups into competing for success of their goals, and the only one we all think can accomplish our goals is DJT, that's not going to change

It's also not going to work because we are going to start deportations of their voting base.

Well then the fucking TRS retards ITT can go back to their cuckshed and stop their "propaganda efforts" on here

Actually lol'ed since I imagined you shouting like a guy with tourettes. Sorry.

Ok. Fine. How will you present these political views? In what package? Wrapper? Banner? Imagery? Lingo? Will you suddenly start dressing in leather, add and armband and throw roman salutes? Wear uniforms as if you're military, even though you're a civie? If you find what I just enumerated right now as cringy, then we're on the same page. I did not criticize the act of showing your politics (wanting a future for European people, traditional values, end of the globalistic/multicultural agenda etc.) I just criticized people going out and acting as if it's Germany in 1933.

im not shilling for trump for 4 years if he starts acting like a good goy his entire term. we'll see what happens after inauguration.

save your psy ops and disinfo we don't buy none of it MAGA and just might be great enough to bomb you fking jews so fuck your media spin Fuck your foreign relations matter of fact fuck you entirely quit circling like vultures trying to prove Israel support one way or another FUCK OFF!!!! the US is not Israel.

That's really how we won in the first place, there was no compromise the whole "Wahhhhh white nationalism is bad!" sentiment on /r/The_Donald, suspiciously only showed up AFTER Trump already won

Depending on the democrat during trumps second term or whoever the nominations are for after that I can say for certain that people like the_donald and TRS will go left if the controlled opposition worked well enough. They'll alter their talking points to be more subversive to get those votes.

No, that's because they are literally minions of our enemies.

He knows what he's doing, and he needs to be punished.

You'll be interested to know that TRS has been quite split with the roman salute, around half of them think that even though it was sourced from controlled op it provides more exposure to the resurgence of nationalism, the others think this is a tactic to discredit Trump akin to David Duke's endorsement.

This, remember that Trump was always a vehicle for normalizing our nationalistic beliefs but only in part. Nobody seriously expects him to go full 1488 in his first term in office and we should stay vigilant for any signs of cucking but this doesn't mean constantly concern shilling against him.

Like I said, they're gunna vote Trump too, so I don't really see the point, other than getting people to believe your ideology when they've clearly told you to fuck off, that's why I don't try and redpill people that have made it clear they don't want to hear it, they won't hear it and that's that, they've already made up their mind

Pretty sure the majority of Holla Forumsacks wear Hawaiian shirts and don't put the Swastika in their windows despite it being a symbol of peace and prosperity for European peoples since BCE 2300 at least. The problem you're worried about strikes me as being imaginary.

We are like a digital version of korrok from John dies at the end.
We see the pain and suffering of society, look down upon it with true knowing, and then call it fags for doing it wrong.

Meet the new right, same as the old right.

Bunch of cucks that are going to suck each other off. You know a Jew is behind it as it's classic divide and conquer.

Shit all over it if you want but I think it will die like daddy's part just did :D

Yes they did newfag, ever since leddit has been an invasive presence which only recently started leaking onto Holla Forums but has definitely been a plague for Holla Forums for years. They used to call it redditor formatting, idk how it turned into "redditor spacing"

The only thing that changed was Holla Forums started spamming it aggressively this last few months as a way to undermine the meme through overuse and cause general derailment. Nice job falling for it newfag.

Not an argument. Nice of you to admit you lost the argument then.

We are in the middle of a cultural shift. The Left will hold no power whatsoever when this process finishes. (((They))) want a culture they can control, this is the "new-right" complete with family friendly multiculturalism and faggotry.

On the other hand we, robbed of our way to redefine ourselves as Holla Forums has always done, have to fight a battle where the media will use all of our symbols/memes through the "new-right". The choice given to the public will be to either go with the safe, easy, comfortable, "new-right" or the evil, nazi, white nationalist "alt-right".

Nah, I still doubt it, you have to remember that it wasn't a bunch of autistic creditors or us that won the election for him, it was the white working class white vote that was fed up with the Democrats screwing them over, give them 4 years of Trump giving them money and jobs and 4 years of the Dems clamping down even harder on their "Fuck white people" rhetoric and I guarantee we have another 4 years, after that? Thats a different story, I don't think anyone will ever be able to truly replace Trump, I certainly hope Pence doesn't try.

seriously though… 8ch.net/r/the_donald just gives me a 404

They don't have guns, they don't have power, they have to listen to whoever the fuck decides to take charge. Their opinion is not important.


These people are scum, there is no other way to put it.

Faggots like PJW are afraid sites like DS and TRS will become serious competitors to their "globalist nazis" tinfoil hat retardation and decided to shut it all down, with the help of the very liberal media they claim to oppose and the fucking ADL.


Its about time. Now these people will have to chose if they want to be an eternal cuckold or not.

The normies got a taste of the right by riding on the Trump train, now all the cucky ones will be filtered out.

8ch.net/r/the_donald just keeps gives me a 404

I see executive action denying Israel all foreign aid you rats then what gonna happen you use nukes you stoled then russia and the us will turn your jew haven into a pile of multi colored glass blob

This. The only thing more cancerous than a newfag who refuses to lurk is a newfag PROUD to refuse to lurk.

8ch.net/r/the_donald must be a secret board or something i'm not doing it right, just keep getting 404

The way I see it at the end of the day we win regardless, the right will be used, for sure, but that just means Trump is gunna win again in 4 years, just like Obama won in 2012, the Left got played but they got their wish, the difference is we aren't as stupid as the college aged-Marxists

If 70s democrats denounced their communists like Republicans do with their white nationalists, then democrats wouldn't have the NAACP and the contemporary LGBT movement which were influenced by communist figures like Harry Hays and MLK.

Communists still don't have the ideals what they want, but they have gained most of their demands like affirmative action and gay marriage because they didn't cannibalize each other from the very start. PR doesn't work, period. The opposing side still believes that your disassociation is insincere, and it divides members of your movement.

I don't agree with WNs on most issues, but I won't throw them under the bus because I gain nothing from doing so. Leftists will still think that I am racist for my position on welfare and illegal immigration. You guys should do the same with civic nationalists too. Extremism, not sincerity, has always planted the seeds of a movement.

8ch.net/r/the_donald just 404 guise halp

I personally have nothing against that, and yes. What I kept talking about was imagery. It bloody fucking matters a lot, and you'd have to be dumb to deny it.

Your post makes no sense. You don't belong here.

Reported for spam. You're an odd one tho.

I'm not triggered or anything - but why?

gays i just wanna be a normalfag and fit in with you pls tell me how to get in 8ch.net/r/the_donald i just get 404

What have I pulled out of my ass? You retards sure have a fixation on fecal matter and the word "literally"
Because TRShills like yourself are a subversive element that must be ousted.

I think it's like /z/ or /fk/ was back on cuckchan. Maybe it's a hidden board :^)
Some genuine shill or retard posted " reddit spacing " in response to an OP that used linebreaks to divvy up a news story(doing so is not reddit spacing, see our stickies)
The large number of replies from anons calling him a faggot for derailing and genuine asshurt redditors defending their awful formatting practices and cadence ensured it became a meme.

I like this hawaiian shirts shit, make Tommy Bahama the new Hugo Boss and still keep wearing Boss when appropriate/if richfag

Suck my dick, I've got more of my VIP quality shitposts from my phone often literal shitposting from the shitter screencapped for reposting than you have ever.

Of course a VIP like yourself would be a phoneshitter

Fuck off. This ain't a shill/raid thread, so what's your purpose other than spamming/derailing?

i just wanna be a normie gay like you gaise halp me get in 8ch.net/r/the_donald i just gat 404 plox halp


The idea of creating a new aesthetic is something I've thought about on and off for a few months now, but I think ultimately, that's going to be a push that has to take place at a more official level. We do fine with our extremist imagery here. It keeps out the tards and polices the overall level of discourse. Future fash does have some merit, and a more mature 80s nostalgia seems like it has the potential to make a come-back, but I don't think in the end Holla Forums will be the ones to spearhead a new aesthetic in art; architecture; or music. We definitely need to get back to our European roots though. Compare "spirit cooking" to any historical European art movement, and the difference couldn't possibly be more stark.

wtf are you even talking about

Stickied post
Thread Rule #3

So this is another "right wing" movement that never names the jew. Smells like controlled opposition. Smells like bullshit.

Thanks for posting my favourite painting user

Autism has it's own language that's incomprehensible to non-autists.

had a convo going actually and was nat soc as a motherfucker but ok you jew fking rat Long for the day your ripped from power and your women rapped then killed as no one wants a fucking jew kid sperm worming into the world you disgusting fucking kike.

heroin is bad

I'll ask you again

never done it …try again kike

hotline miami fan-art is a good place to find nationalist shit that still invokes Americana vibes, the entire "return to antiquity" thing has been co-opted by /fa/ggots
I generally like FutureFasc because it's effective at co-opting the degeneracy that is vaporwave, I say the ultimate end-goal is to meld return to antiquity with FutureFasc and end up looking like badass fuckers who wear letterman jackets and capes akin to the Rollerboys from "Prayer of the Rollerboys"
jewtube because I can't be arsed to webbum


who you calling kike, kike?

I think the one group of people the new left ever threw under the bus was the pedophiles, so yeah, some amount of "PR" does work.

The problem here is that the "face" of the modern right does it all the time to everything to their right, before the election it was to everything to the right of Jeb Bush, now is to everything to the right of Trump.

I'm with a few closet Holla Forumslack creators and they are already doing so. I won't go into detail because of shills, but it's centered around pragmatism. They're working hard on technical skills instead of cheesing it out.

Don't be so harsh to him, I actually think that's frenkie


This is why I'm in favor of eugenics.

Hey he predicted the NZ quake kek

about to redpill a white man ehh then shitted up by shill fags

upvote shit calling them out


how about you die jew and tell all of your constituents to kill themselves MAKE THE WORLD GREAT AGAIN without you.

I've been there once and the design is absolutely retarded they can't even post pictures

Cybernazi isn't indicative of the genre as a whole, mac plus is a fucking tranny and most vaporwave edits are rife with drug-abuse references and nigger-culture.
you might be thinking of SeaPunk

I'm actually a big fan of Soviet realism. Bright colors, bold fonts, and the lionization of everyday people doing everyday work. I think there's definitely a lot we can learn from Soviet propaganda, especially when you consider how much work it's going to take to get our country back on track.

More like the new cuckservatives. These people disgust me more than Holla Forums types

I don't think so.

Don't you see how that works in our favor though? The left likes to pretend the Slippery Slope doesn't exist, but its true, and especially so for us, Trump has been instrumental in shifting the Overton Window to a very comfortable position for alot of us, and he has even been sworn in yet underbudget and ahead of schedule He's alreayd exceeded what Obama was able to do in 8 years Imagine what 4 years of Trump will do for the Overton Window, and then another 4, the point is that sooner or later Trump won't be enough and even farther right figure will be pushed and accepted by the general public.

cybernazi kiks new fag ass js

Its like you fucks have never even been in a raid before.

Pedophilia was actually one of their main goals from the very start. Common filth talked about a gay rights charter where they declared to remove AoC laws.

not on reddit at least

Most people are so retarded that they have no idea what "nazi" entails other than being literally hitler. It may as well be a meaningless curse word for them, they have no idea about the actual political positions of Germany in the 1930s.

Maybe I'm just looking in the right places but the vaporwave I'm listening to seems to promote this idealized version of the 80s, and a bit of the 90s as well as old-school vidya, point is that while it's not explicitly NS or WN, it's very much pro-time-when-there-were-less-people-fucking-with-us, intentional or not the aesthetic of mid 80s and early 90s idealism is a useful tool in redpilling

It was for about 4~6 years and then they dropped it because it was a massive PR drain.

and fuck cuck alex avoids talking about the real roach infestation that plagues the WHITE MAN …JEWS!!!! he bought and paid for so he can sell you water filters

I have, and trying to upboat posts that show the corruption of the kikes/admins/mods is a futile affair at this point. The blatant censorship has been exposed time and again, everyone who still uses that abortion of a site is either a cuck or joined it last summer, though I suppose those two aren't mutually exclusive.

A lot of soviet imagery has roots in modernism, look at the background of the first pic. pure art-deco kikery.
Plus they just copied NSDAP in every regard see: 1932 NSDAP propaganda. gommies can't come up with anything original.


Ok maybe a stupid question … but why, exactly, do we care what reddit does?

Precisely, look at how much they shill their little tokens. Its essentially the gamergate notyourshield shit all over again but bigger.

Because some of us like to follow developing political trends of the populous. If you don't care about that then its probably not a useful thread for you.

We care about manipulating the masses.

Hit the nail on the head, they still haven't learned their lesson that the left will call them ebul nazis regardless, ah well

Eh, makes sense. Just thought I'd ask.

You definitely are
I am audiofag and a the consensus among vaporwave-producers seems to be "NIGGERS ARE BASED, LEAN IS TIGHT, AND FUCK NAZIS LAMO" it's the next itteration of punkrock and will end just like punk did - "nazi punks fuck off" ring any bells?

we should care any time we called fake news then see blatant fuckery to change a users post as we are the Real news

It's bait you fucking retard

Holy fucking shit.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting and ironically making a community shit still makes it shit.

What a shame, I do genuinely enjoy well produced VW, but by the looks of it cheaply chopped up and slowed down samples made by lazy libs on bandcamp seem to be taking over the scene, Punk never seemed that great to me anyway though, left or right people will call you an angry, whiny commie/nazi, it accomplishes little and doesn't sound that good to boot

This is good, it can be useful for us, even though the obvious reason for this whole thing is to trick people into still accepting the very things that makes white people weak and slowly becoming extinct (faggotry, multiculturalism, "equality" etc). Fact of the matter is that we can use these movements into red-pilling the followers, because they obviously already are in an anti-establishment mode. All we have to do is to trigger these ((leaders)) that all are safe in the sense of the establishment because they don't really stand for anything different than what ((they)) want. So what we do is either shill really hard for nationalism, make it so it seems like the "alt-kike" and the "new-kike" both has nationalist movements. This will ultimately trigger the leaders of said movements, because they are faggots, they are liars and scoundrels and thus we can turn them against their own movements. Which in turn will antagonize the cuckish-rightists against these people. And then it is the time we step in, red-pilling those who are willing to listen.

The truth is, all we have to do is keep being ourselves, and keep doing what we've been doing. That's why everybody and their mother, right, left, and center keeps showing up to shill our board - because they instinctively know we're winning.

This, we must be doing something right if people keep coming here to concern troll even after Trump won

I am not a conspiracy person but when the mainstream (so called) comes out bashing the same time non of the fake news narrative cam out until until anons started digging into that pedo podesta shit when those photos match to a tee these fuckers need justice so whatever you can spin aint good enough to what we already found and they are tightening up now they know they on blast and have a ceo of reddit ban entire discussion because someone said fuck you … was gotten too jump the gun to take action with the money thrown and fucked up violated tos even for a top tier ceo mod as he just opened himself to a shit storm questioning every post ever made on that site

I am an esoteric Hitlerist, I will not have my faith set aside or belittled.

No, but it could help drive alt-cucks to places where they could get red-pilled.

This doesn't make sense any more. Those "alt-right fags" were seig heiling at NPI.

Yeah, no. Jews don't call themlseves jews before false flagging.

get it yet I want Justice the old way


Was just a few audience members and yes they were jews. Spencer himself did not seig heil despite it being misreported that he did.

Maybe I'm wrong but at this point I doubt there's much need. Most internet savvy people are aware of the chans after the election, when they get curious enough or fed up with the bullshit of their current home sites, they'll come here and get slowly addicted to the redpill.
It's an inevitable process at this point, we haven't done any cross site raids in ages and yet our poster count is rising dramatically as time goes by.

Not only they were Jews but they used that fact to extort $10000 from the restaurant that hosted the event

wow I thought you guys were just messing around and pretending to be nazis to trigger normalfags but you're genuinely a bunch of retards.

I'm off to Holla Forums


lefty pol are a bunch of child molesting hillary supporters

I'm not sure if you're serious user-kun.

Lol, no.

The logic between you 3 dumbasses is almost comical.

I don't think so and from looking at their board they don't have the first page plastered with fucktard stickies and they're not screaming DA JOOS in every single post and calling anyone who doesn't conform a kike. So at least I could potentially discuss shit there, which is impossible in this cesspool of a board.

Watch the Red Ice video, he did not seig heil, he raised his glass. Toasting someone is not a nazi gesture.

Let me help you on your way out.
>>>Holla Forums

How about a raid.

Are you trying to imply I'm talking about Spencer?

I'm referring to the normal fags in the crowd who decided to go full Hitler.

Hail is English for Heil. Using random English not only makes you as gay as a weeaboo throwing in Japanese words whenever he speaks, but it comes with the Nazi stigmatism given the context.

You can be a nationalist socialist without trying to act and dress up like an FBI agent/natsoc circa 1930 Germany

You do realize she's a fucking Jewish coalburner, don't you? Get the fuck out of here. You should be ashamed for not only not knowing how to embed something properly but linking to her retarded bullshit.

I read a book long ago before most millenial have been born about the sickness in our power elite I thought it was bullshit and now having been what I am it actually makes sense now.When I take into account the mannerism and the push to draw me in..

Well, bye.

Sometimes you just can't resist the siren song of a poorly crafted bait.

What am I making up? The guys throwing up the arm with an asian pornstar were jewish, need I say more?

Well they were jews, not sure why you're even arguing they weren't when its a fact they were. Next you'll say Tila Tequila isn't Vietnamese.

That is why people here don't like e-celebs.
Holla Forums should take this opportunity to teach those normalfags on reddit about what just happened to their circlejerk as this is jewtactics 101.

Much like Jeb, reddit is a mess

They are ignoring this:

While spamming pages with cuck garbage and happy thanksgiving. The election process is being defrauded and they're all too busy stroking each other.

The half-Jews and the half-Cong did the roman salute in a restaurant, not during the Spencer speech.

I'm not referring to that photo. I'm referring to after Spencer's speech .

Although I doubt you'll produce any evidence that those guys are Jews. You're pretty much just making shit up.

Again, I don't care about that photo. I give a shit about after the speech when a few guys decide to throw their arms up.

Learn to link properly.

Was same guys actually.

Bucked with no the they follow you as they are drawn to the creative minds as they can never do without enticement to bad I was a WHITE MAN an seen through that bs .offered me alot too said no.

Go look at their thread on the elections, it's like the old Holla Forums without being completely drowned in Holla Forums-tier retardation and stormfaggotry.

afaik that photo was after his speech.
If you can prove otherwise then please do so, would clear a lot of shit up if it wasn't.

I am pretty sure it was more than two guys that did it, though the more skinny half-jew was among them.


Да, товарищ. I now see the error of my ways. Only Holla Forums is capable of having an intelligent, civilized conversation about the future of white people and hopes of securing white ethnostates in our ancestral homelands. How could I have been so foolish?

If the GamerGate PR shit didn't wake them up, nothing will. Holla Forums will ALWAYS remain Holla Forums without fear of namefaggotry or being forced to be ashamed of our aryan culture because we conquered humans and subhumans.

Let them have their identity politics.
Let them have their projection.
Let them have their disillusionment and confusion.
Let them have their misinformation and disinformation.

We know the truth and it destroys all of their worthless and baseless attacks. Like a crucible, those who cannot survive the fires of rampant shitposting and memes become like the dross that is removed from steel before it is forged into a mighty weapon that seeks the heart of its enemy.

I don't have to tolerate your autistic haterade for TRS faggot, filtered

Not an argument.

Why are you niggers so unclear on this? I like TRS content. I hate their mongoloid-filled forums staging raids on us and trying to make us to conform to their idea of what the right wing should be.

Not really, but it's good to have that view towards them so that progressives and degenerates won't set foot here. The community does have left-leaning (left doesn't mean proggresive to them) libertarians and socialists who are pro-Bernie, anti-MSM, and pro-Stein, but it does attract kool-aid drinking progressives who come from r/GamerGhazi and r/SRS. The type of progressives who kvetch at racial slurs like nigger and think that being against illegal immigration is racist. Some are good-natured degenerates who don't want to sacrifice it.

Even Salon admits it was kikes. archive.is/BbBxW
Also have a video. youtube.com/watch?v=Xc6fxLRUuZI

They splice footage and showed multiple angles to make it look like there was more than it was. Red Ice and Spencer talk about it in this video. youtube.com/watch?v=yFalXA-RNjI

Nobody is signalling against hitlerists, we're only signalling against NEETSOC that think that if you're not marching down the streets in steel boots, red laces, and shaved head you're controlled op while they sit in their moms basement LARPing. NPI and the like has Heimbach in their coalition and don't mind him because he actually has a good message and takes action.

This user gets it.


Bit weird that you're on Holla Forums then.

Seems like you don't understand this picture, my friend. We do.

This is a sound strategy. I like what user above said, never compromise our beliefs, but use Holla Forums version of taqiyya to subvert these neo-cuckservatives on reddit. Whatever their rules say, issues of "racism" are far from resolved in the minds of their users, I guarantee it, and that's a very useful fracture point.

They're not trying to make you do anything, they're just putting their message out here and shilling their podcast so you'll buy merch and make donations so that they have more money for events like NPI or TRStlemania. TRS doesn't counter signal Nazis they counter signal NEETs who LARP as Nazis from their computer instead of actually doing something. If you're affiliated with TRS you're free to do shit like Heimbach does and still attend NPI and TRS events.

Wow, really ?

I didn't notice at all.

TRS and Holla Forums are fundamentally different websites at how they function and how their userbase grows, communicates and redpill. The biggest difference is Holla Forums goes to other websites and posts factual redpills and TRS posts subversive bullshit here.


The closest thing to that happening is the NPI conference, you can discuss NatSoc politics at a fancy dinner party in a clean suit there, it just costs money.

Alt-Right does not exists, get over it. It's an invention by HRC and her shills.

This is the one thing that really pisses me the fuck off about them. If it wasn't for this I would have no issue with TRS.

You realize that alt-right was a term in use since 2010, right? Election cycle just got them a lot more coverage.

This, I sure wish I could see post on Holla Forums where someone from TRS was actually shilling for fag acceptance but I guess it's only real in a few posters' minds.

I get what you're saying, strategically, the average person will not be swayed by Hitler talk or ideas– probably the opposite will happen. What you forgot to mention though was it is the high strategic advantage of leftists posing as far rightist here on this very site to drive wedges. Meta spam and mod co-option is all they have since this is mostly an anonymous board and site. Unfortunately, not having a stickied meta thread on every board with suspensions increasing to bans for posters meta whining outside of them in other threads to derail or apply critical theory to has and will always be this site's Achilles heel in addition to namefagging.

Truth and facts redpill, and understanding that it takes time as well. Chastising anons is pointless, there is no firm identity or motive to place upon them. A fart in the wind but it stinks this place up. Anytime you see "we have been co-opted" etc, it is safe to assume it is metafagging for reasons, and mixed with team efforts but it is leftists none the less. Intelligence will always prevail, but being annoying is a strategy too and that should not be forgotten either.

Who are these imaginary NEETs running around Peoria flying the flag of the Wehrmacht and kicking in the heads of faggots with steel-toed boots? Because I sure don't see them anywhere.

I do somewhat share your concern about Americanizing all this. The American identity is in such tatters that it's easy to be instinctively drawn to the regalia of Nazism, because it's strong and patriotic while American patriotism has become watered-down and septic. We were discussing upthread how to create a new, patriotic American aesthetic, and I'm more than open to ideas if you'd like to offer some instead of just bitching about MUH NAZEES!

Allowing Jews to have a state is not counter to Hitlerist narratives and is actually beneficial to the alternative of kikes being everywhere and nowhere. The current geopolitical position that Israel is in is unacceptable I agree, but the idea of them not having a state at all is dangerous.

That would be easier if they all lived in the same place.

Heimbach was clearly not at a Tradyouth rally in that last picture.

Confederate flag in my area works, obviously that wouldn't be effective in different regions though.

You're never going to have ideal people in a large group. There's tolerable and less tolerable. I agree that white societies are safe and advanced to live in, the white working class needs to be protected, there is a collective elite antagonizing the white demographic, and minorities shouldn't held to a lower standard to absolve them of wrongdoing or issue.

I'm fully content with that as I find most progressives intolerable.

Who cares? Guy fraternizes with niggers.

Really, why does it fucking matter? They are still as guillible and as retarded as they have always been, just keep doing your thing and become the Jew - direct them like you did for years by baiting their stupid asses. If anything this is a net positive since I won't have to deal with all these fucking retards flooding Holla Forums and Holla Forums while also making Holla Forums easier to bait since you won't get a 12 year old making a new retarded thread again so he can fit in, practically inoculating them from stupid bullshit.

The second biggest problem is being invite only and having accounts, it can be very circle jerky.

The only thing that really bothers me about all this is how much that (((no anti-semitism))) rule will be enforced.

If they simply start banning anyone criticising the jews and pointing out some of theirs most obvious schemes they are complete garbage tier.

Yeah I can imagine, guess that's just not in my face because I'm not actually on there. Don't have much of an internet presence away from imageboards to get invited.

Technology is different now, it's not impossible to implement genetic tests en mass but again that's hardly necessary since you know there'll be jews in the (((media))) the (((banks))) and whatever (((globalist))) organization that shares funding sources and ideology with the above.

Start an inquisitorial department tasked with hunting jews, jew sympathizers and shabbos goyim, fill them with Holla Forumsacks and the problem will be fixed within a decade.

Being anonymous is the apotheosis of the internet. It's impossible to carry on the kind of eternal personality-driven politics that dominates namefag sites, so all that matters is the quality of your content. I honestly think the namefaggotry over at TRS has something to do with the amount of maximum assmad we seem to cause them. They want to establish a reputation, and it scorches their hide that we can be as influential as we are anonymously.

Nobody is bitching about Nazis they're bitching about Skinhead keyboard warriors. If you think you have an argument to make for your ideas NPI is a platform for civil discourse on far-right politics because it is effectively banned everywhere else. You could bring literal skinheads to NPI so long as they paid the fee and kept the dress-code and aren't FBI agents

There is no cohesive "American" culture, there is multiple that are held together by our constitution. That shit the Cucks talk about isn't a lie

If you live in the south fraternizing with niggers is a fact of life.

Thats happened 4 times in history and it never worked.

Not unless you're a cuck that's worried about being seen as racist.

it's still inexcusable nice >reddit spacing you fucking alt-kike cuck

Did they have our technology?

It existing as a rule is bad enough but there's even a slippy slope. Talk too much about Soros about maybe you'll get a ban. It's as subjective as the mods want.

Claiming to invent echoes and be the biggest helping force for the election is a big thing for them, it's easy to spot when they start claiming they invented echoes or claim Holla Forums has no effect on anything. "Treehouse" is used often.

I've lived in the South my entire life, and I never "fraternize" with niggers. I only interact with them when circumstances absolutely demand it.

It will work this time because we can now turn their own weapon of globalism against them. America's (((Hollywood))) controls the culture of the entire west and to some extent the whole world. With Trump in power, we have a real shot of subverting it to propagate our anti-kike message.

don't fret: none of us saw the massive shift in overton from the rapefug crisis or donaldj coming…and before that we were still regrouping after goyimgate/chanocalypse
we've gone from the shadows, straight to having won on a national level: we are in a position of greater opportunity than hoped or prepared.
we have won this already; meta-politcally. the next step is to actually into politics. we should have already been doing this on a LOCAL level, but then donald came down from the heavens and we saw a national victory out of nowhere…
so now, we get the same shit as always happens with memes: newfags causing cancer.

don't fret: its our destiny to guide plebs toward the truth. the truth conquers: so be of faith.
the next step for us is to transcend from meta-politik to real politics; AKA

my advice?
head down to ya


Alison Rapp thread nao?
sage for shitposting

Why should we allow the jews anything? History has clearly showed us, even banishing and kicking them out doesn't work, they still work against you and try and infiltrate your country and shit up your own people.

They need to die. That's the cold hard realisation most /polacks needs to make. The time for being nice ended with Soviet, Holodomor and Dresden.

gamergate was a success you retard.

Do you think they were plants from the beginning or are they simply not fully redpilled? Remember Jared Wyand seems to be on our side, so why aren't they?

Too bad I live in a town that's 2/3 spic and at least half of those probably fucking illegals, eh heh. Someone send a rescue squad to get Holla Forumsacks out of California then we can level it to the bedrock.

i was referencing more the schism/chanocalypse/cuckening; tbh, fam.

The gaming industry is still alive and pozzed to all fuck, watch dogs 2 exists.
It clearly wasn't, or maybe you weren't around when our goal was as follows:

Those fucks ARE the alt-right. What's next Right+?

my brother, there is still hope!
some of us may have to make a tactical retreat - before our reeconquista - but we must engage in White Fight, not flight!

That was never my goal, that was Holla Forums's goal. It was a failure for them sure, but it redpilled plenty of anons and drove them to Holla Forums, it also caused massive leftist infighting from reddit liberals that are still fighting "SJW"s. That's a huge fucking win.

No it wasn't you mongoloid and if you bring up the SPJ as an argument you should gas yourself tbh.

Okay, gamergate ultimately benefits us greatly but they did not achieve their ultimate goal of crashing the games industry with absolutely zero survivors.



don't sweat plebs;
lead them
AKA they are to sweat for us

Commies are the exact opposite of ancaps, their idpol stance makes them the cucks of the left. If they weren't so autistic or Mongolized they could have an audience among everyday republicans.


See retard.

Anyone who wasn't an autist obsessed with children's toys got involved in gamergate for the redpilling opportunity. I have no idea why you're assessing whether it was a victory for Holla Forums or not when we had an entirely different goal.

Shit, meant to link

It's hilarious with all the PR cucking plebbit is trying that made shit like Gamergate fail miserably. It's as if they never learn anything. In the eyes of the opposition, no matter what happens Trump and Trump supporters will always be branded racist/bigot/cis scum/more lies typical of MSM/etc same they've done for years with the Republicans despite it not being true (sadly) so it's useless to engage in any retarded PR cucking but instead stand your ground like a man. Except it's obvious (as always) that plebbit is full of spineless cucks and pedophiles and that Trump might himself turn out to be a spineless cuck like King Nigger is.

Even more astonishing is them forgetting why Trump even got the kind of support he did, something Trump himself acknowledged. It was the problem of political correctness. The years leading up to Trump's victory had it all, with shit like BLM pissing the fuck everyone off and the years of race baiting by the MSM and King Niggger, white people were incredibly ridiculously pissed off and they wanted to vote for a guy who would share their outrage. Trump would never have been memed by Holla Forums that people wanted to vote for winning the primary and rung with voters if he wasn't that guy who was saying what was on everyone's mind with no fucks given. He was a man and that was worthy of respect but he's being a bitch now with what his picks are showing.

Holla Forums has its own problems too. 4cucks is obviously pozzed with shit mods and 8/pol/ still has a problem with anything remotely criticising Trump resulting in a b& despite the election being over with his victory.

The neocons will die like they were meant to. Nobody in the new generation wants to be a neocuck and if they are, they get destroyed by their peers from both right and left for being a "cuckservative" faggot.

The fact of the matter is, if Trump continues to cuck out, he won't get a second term. White voters were the only reason he won and they will abandon him if he does nothing to solve their economic and social woes.

As for the in the next four years, if you want to win the white base and kill Donald Trump chances for his pussy cuck treason against his voters and supporters, all you need to do is run a guy who is a real WN for the GOP and a WN old style Dixiecrat for the DNC.

But let's see what the next four years Trump does before giving him das boot. Let's see how much he can get the love and admiration or complete hatred and outrage when he does good or bad things for white people who are almost entirely the only reason he won.

Please someone mail my post or any others like it to Trump. He's finished if he crosses his voters. FINISHED.

Happy Holidays.

Because you claimed it was a success and I assumed you were a gamergater saying
and now I am completely proved wrong.

/r/The_Donald Jew Right faggots are going to be faggots. They have not been completely redpilled yet. That is where we should be focusing our efforts. If you take /r/The_Donald, you take large portions of the normalfags.

That comes later.

Someone stole from me. Was we gone done thieved? This collective pocket ruffled through? Outrageous, I tell you.


Now, Jarman K.. own up, just a teeny tiny bit.. own up. Before the dying industry that is the MPAA gets involved.

No Mo Mary Sure around these parts, uh uhh.

tbh i tried to get that meme off the ground for the more petty cause of us principled autistes taking back normiechan by seizing the adminship or servers lol.

but yeah to continue to ruin the joke:
reminder that anti-normie is anti-white: we are for normie reform.

100% of my fucking wat

Because it was still a fucking failure you retard. If anything you can call it a phyrric victory for Holla Forums - and only for Holla Forums - as I agree it helped spark a lot of support for the ((Goy-Right)) that helped Trump in winning the election, but even then it lost in everything it set out to do and it only produced negative results with all the cucks if you are to not consider the election itself through all of this. Plus they are still fucking shitting up the front page on Holla Forums

Don't get me wrong, it was a boon for Holla Forums but all in all it was still a major fucking failure.

Anyone else ready to concede that the dollar supersedes democracy? Can't we all just.. get along as long as the middle man is cut out and we can quit with this purile facade that is this supposed democracy and get on with the business that is reality?


Well don't feel bad, we all know they do it for the black dick. No one can beat black dick.

You're a complete imbecile.

go spend some time with your family, user
invest in yourself, those around you, and your

The dark heart of Holla Forums is the only thing preventing this "movement" being coopted by concern trolls, PRfags, and other good goys. Just like what always fucking happens. Expect the plebbitors to go full goymergate, and lose all efficacy.

this is now a local thread


my advice?
stop with all the nonesene: don't mind the dafties or the dead-end roads, and;
head down to ya local.

ghek wills it
memes or street violence is only way
politics is for fools

I'm gonna cut off your ballsack and wear it as a toupe.



Because its easier to kill your enemy when they have a form

I thought brit/pol/ uncucked itself.
Time for another purge?


Good job ya' monkey, the fucking commies and anarchs were already at each others fucking throat and the majority of lefties on Holla Forums and the GG boards - not to mention the majority of people on Reddit - were and still are fucking delusional to this date. The thing that set off the leftie infighting was Bernie getting robbed.

Are you having a fucking giggle m8? During the early months of GG a shitload of Holla Forums browsed Holla Forums and the majority of those still are. You didn't fucking get Holla Forums, you got cucks from Reddit and those who migrated over to GGHQ | GGR to come here, shitpost, then go back and spam every slightly political thread with "I want Holla Forums to die" and other such variations. You didn't fucking gain shit, everybody on Holla Forums that wasn't already browsing Holla Forums went for the ((Goy-Right))

GG is a fucking failure you mong, it failed all of its bloody objectives and this is why I said it is a Pyrrhic victory at most simply because it benefited Holla Forums in some manner. It's like saying the Fourth Crusade was a fucking rousing success.

i'm afraid they made a whole new continent
eternal anglo-kins, and all

oy vey


Fuckin' saxon-nigger.


oi oi oi g'day!

Ghek has confirmed it!

That's a lot of literature on communism.

Your basic bitch lefty was not full against SJWs before gamergate. Gamergate caused quite a few of them to be.
Patently bullshit, every gamergate thread there ever is there's people talking about how gamergate redpilled them
Good, maybe you'll make something out of your life instead of wasting all your time on them you autist.

Who is ghek? Is that the bizarro-retard version of kek?

my advice?
head down to ya Local.

Someone needs to meme this. It' hilariously sad and true.

Resistance is futile.

What the fuck just happened to this thread.

pseudo-british guy is trying to derail

''That which remains Local;
still yet resists the Global"
-Local, anonymous man.

TRS did invent echoes you fucking mongoloid lmao

trying to counter-signal concern for normiecancer
by de-railing to

its the final frontier of the pollack: and now is the time we must all consider it; in our own Local ways

I wish I still had all those screens saved of people doubling down on their delusion for fucking years on end regarding SJW and lefties. You know what happened a bit after they were met with reality? They fucking ignored it, maintained their delusions and refusal to face reality, moved to KiA, then spammed worthless emails that got auto-deleted.

Good job you fucking retard, that's literally nothing more than blatant /r9k/ shit this past year, all of the cucks moved back to KiA after the split between Revolt and HQ - not to mention the end of their attention span - and all you have left are the people I mentioned before, the ones who already browsed Holla Forums. You didn't convert shit and only managed to make people already sympathetic to your cause more sympathetic. If you need any more fucking proof just go to KiA and try to count how many of them are going to jump on the New Right bandwaggon and how many of them are still going to be lefties. Hint, you ain't gonna fucking find more than a handful of people on your side.

Whatever helps ya' sleep at night m8.

What the fuck are you cock-gobbling about, m8?
This is the end. This is the end of the human species. Why the fuck you'd want to partake in this grotesque ritual is beyond me, but how this fucking flies over your fucking head is exasperating. In easy to transmit by the meagerest term military communiques are capable of:

Basically you want me to bump the thread for you? Okay, got it.

Paul Joseph Watson is an obvious crypto-jew, likely MI5 operative and associate of Big Bubba Jones, the quintessential zionist shill.

You guys boarded the train with a bunch of softcock, kosher civic-nationalists and now you're surprised to find they don't want you anymore?

Consider this: if vidya wasn't yidya it would be the most potent vector for redpills.
Interactive media such as video games have maximum brainwashing capacity because it imposes the morality of the player character upon the player and expects them to act as such.
If Final Fantasy VII was about a group of nationalists trying to dismantle a globalist society instead of a bunch of terrorists trying to kill a Jesus allegory and fighting ebul whitey for mining shit the people who played it would already have the seeds of the redpill planted. Instead we got a bunch of crypto-commie environmentalists.
Clearly the best option is to opt-out of media entirely, but your average raised by his SNES and talmudvision normalfag simply won't accept that Teddy K was right all along.

stop pretending to be british, they don't even talk like that

not trying to, daftie

The amount of people i have to filter around here just to read a thread is getting off the charts.

Yes you are, you don't get to decide these things faggot.

may as well shill for the australian trs website lol seems relevant enough itt


come check it out ^_^
they publish a podcast "The Convict Report" as well as articles on our Local politics.

For anyone who has any doubts about this guy being a kike fucker, watch this

Ironic they spell it the sjw way or is it

Now you're trying to LARP as an aussie, mein gott.

Poe's law or just shitposting?

fuck up your mouth cunt

We win
We win.

All this changes is the manner in which our memes spread. Changes it back to the familiar, back to early in in the election when we were destroying Jeb. We helped create Trump then and we'll continue being a powerhouse now.

I prefer this dynamic tbh fam. I tried doing the Reddit nightmare for the god emperor's sake, but I couldn't do it. What kind of sick mind enjoys being there for more than a couple minutes a week? Even less pozzed places like the_donald, it's awful.

We lose nothing. They lose an avenue to dilute Nd subvert us. Still not tired of winning.

Like I would ever be afraid of a jew.


We're reaching shitposting levels that shouldn't even be possible.

So basically they're just cuckservatives

I really have no idea why you have so much difficulty accepting that we had a huge success, its like you're in denial about Holla Forums's victories.
They also are still fighting leftists, so again a positive for us. Those were leftists to begin with, they will always be leftists, the more time they spend fighting other leftists the better for us.
Holy shit you really are an autist, I was halfway shitposting before but if you actually pay attention to that disaster area I obviously hit the nail on the head. I was pretty obviously talking about the gamergate threads that pop up on Holla Forums from time to time.

huzzah! i have caught you out, chaim~!
you hath been thwarted by my principled might!
huzzah for kekington!

Stop slaughtering my language you fucking yid.

If you expect me to care about /r/The_Donald or anything they do I'm afraid I'll have to call you a faggot, OP.

you're probably not even anglo, loser


alright i'm done ya fucks
enjoy ya choinese maymehms

You wouldn't be able to tell, you don't have our special nordic pheromones that identify ethnicity.


and stop sweating over plebs:
just be based
fucking galahs

shut up jew

Eh, they're a good vector for spreading our memes. And for some reason they actually like us, which I find pretty funny considering how strong the civic nationalism is over there; they view us as their autists, and it doesn't bother me as long as they can be made useful idiots for pushing the redpill.

yeah righto turkey

That's a perfectly valid reason to make video games to spread a message, it is not a good reason to play them all the time.

pull ya finger out

So that's what you are? A roach?

nice dubs

The Eternal Anglo is ruining this thread just like he ruined Germany.

There is no valid reason to play them at all
unless you're playing SP2 and you only play for long enough to glass the kikes

Get the fuck out of here.

Anglos don't do that shit.

I am breeding age made a 6'5 green eyed blonde hair monster 5 years ago you little lefty twats cowered like your nigger buddies and I choose a white queen and have fire arms to ensure my ppl and fking kill you shitstain niggers we just getting started rats expect fall out and we KILLING FIRST!!

alroiht fuark
i'm garn

But aren't we the ones who willingly spread the memes and OC form our board acros the entire web?
What's the point of creating antikike memes and propaganda if all that content is just gonna stagnate in here forgotten and burried beneath kike propaganda?

Is this a picture of you?

Everyone has their vices. Some people drink, some people watch talmudvision, I like playing poker. As long as someone doesn't spend more than a few hours a week on them I'm not going to be a complete no fun allowed fag, I'll just make fun of you a bit.

I can't wait for slavery to be reinstated you male version of a tart

If it's infested with the same type of retardation I see around the one on Holla Forums you have my sincere condolences m8

Literally no such statement from Trump but okay.

Do you spend more time on Holla Forums than Holla Forums or something?

you fuckers want race war ??????? please so we can wipe you nasty crack head niggers out making way for good ppl that are not shit stain degenerates that poop in the streets like heathens.

Goebbels had something to say about your lot.

Fuck you immigrants!!!!!!!

More or less. The only difference is that I browse the first page on Holla Forums and never really go into any threads and I only check the threads that appear in the feed with Holla Forums. I mostly stick to Holla Forums and /loomis/ nowadays honestly, good discussion is pretty much dead

Tastes sweet and savory?

But they did. Are you gonna sit there and tell us that Jimmy Carter publically defended Joseph Stalin?

I am about Americans FIRST not you shit stain bullshit trying to flood in fuck you!!! your ass is going back.

but how much time did he spend attacking CPUSA?


It's something else when an infantry combat veteran looks you dead in the eye and says "I'm not British anymore."

Why are you spreading jewish lies, kike?

Drop the Alfred Rosenberg pill on these cucks.

Bait aside, this is what the reddit cucks actually believe. They think it's all "ironic larping" because PJW said it, and they point to Ramzpaul as proof.

So Gamergate WAS a tremendous failure as they failed to accomplish even a single one of their goals.
What you're saying was a success is what we called "The Shekelshoah".

Yeah isn't funny how it took all of Europe, United States, and Communist Russia to stop one man behind Germany? Or how many pathetic assassination attempts, it took before ever Kike and cucked Briton, Sicked the entire world on Germany only to get the short end of the stick years later, years present. Fucking people like Franklin D. Roosevelt, General Eisenhower make me sick, some of the biggest fucking cucks in American history. Its always the larger than life good people who wind of getting killed. Powerful Alpha males like General Patton and Hitler. Sorry for my tism.

Go fuck yourself

Shekelshoah was mostly just against Gawker though, less about redpilling them in general. Though discussion about that would just be an argument of semantics, point is that as far as Holla Forums's interests go the events were a win for us.


Oh great, revenge of the pop libertarians. I wondered where they all went. So here we have it: New right, a funneling of the most kosher ideas from the alt right, which itself was a splinter of cuckservatism that was co-opted to look hip, edgy and a little dangerous. It's basically just soft libertarianism, which as we all know is kosher as matzos.

However, it pays to remember just how far the overton window has been pulled left. Notice how they actively stoke dissent within rightward politics? "We're not the nazis, we're not THAT far right, we're not etc etc." It's not worth attacking these normies or even retaliating to theirs, simply because there are higher priority targets that we both intend to strike that will result in public opinion shifting rightward.

Ignore their existence as much as possible. Use this presumptive peace, while we both focus on destroying leftists, to learn about their movement, leaders, etc., and only strike once they are the movement which is furthest to the left in the overton window.

I thought we had a man on the inside on the /r/the_donald mod team?

Pretty sure he's referring to the dozens of GoFundMe's and other stupid shit they threw so much money at that it made Bernie jealous.

42 countries vs 3 bro.

Seig Heil

the_donald had a mod shakeup several months back that cucked the subreddit.

He's not.

I don't think anyone's suggesting that it's a good idea to openly denounce National Socialism. Just that it's not a good idea to openly embrace it. Trump is demonstrating the perfect amount of PRfaggotry in my opinion. He's not openly praising White nationalism, but he's never denounced us, and he pushes our viewpoints without using our keywords. Trump doesn't go out of his way to appear like a NatSoc, but when people call him literally Hitler he doesn't scramble to disprove the claims like these cuck-rightists do. This is also exactly what the 70s leftists did to promote communism. They never defended the Soviet Union, but they never said anything against communism as an ideology and they pushed a communist ideology without using communist keywords. And above all, when they were accused of being communists, they simply laughed it off and called their detractors idiots and avoided confirming or denying it, which is exactly what Trump has been doing when people call him a nazi, and it obviously works really fucking well.

I remember earlier in the election cycle, some screeching leftist predicted that an American NatSoc regime wouldn't have swastikas hanging, but stars and stripes. This is what makes the most sense to me. American White nationalism should use symbols of White America, not of any other nation. Imagine if Hitler's NSDAP had used a Napoleanic bee instead of a German reichsadler. Napoleon was a good guy who opposed the same (((people))) HItler did, but France was percieved by the German people as an enemy of Germany and such a thing wouldn't have been palatable to the masses. Despite this, Hitler never showed anything approaching disrespect for the man.

So total PRfaggotry, scrambling like a panicked rat to avoid being called le ebil nazi, is obviously destructive and retarded, and we have decades of Republican history to prove it. But recent events are showing that people like David Duke who openly embrace White nationalism are still being rejected without consideration, because people aren't ready for that yet. But honestly, I think most of us understand this already despite the muh pr memes. I'm guessing that when you guys discuss politics with your friends and family, you explain racial differences in terms of IQ stats and crime stats, not in terms of filthy subhumans, unless you know beyond a doubt that your audience is okay with that sort of language.

not in your wildest dreams bitch I am a green eyed blonde hair even rare in your blue eyed blonde bunch you fag GREEN EYES!! and blonde hair ….ask yourself are you a god fucker like me?

People aren't talking about Trump though, they're talking about how this "New Right" are acting exactly like the cuckservatives.

Seems legit.

back off rat I am Aryan

And it's hosted by two AnCaps.

Which is why they're going to lose. I'm just talking about what I think a public figure should do about the question of PRfaggotry.

I don't get it, it's the same mods and same rules. The only difference is they're looser in what you can post, and presumably won't ban as easily. It should be easier to subvert than before.

Only thing to complain about is their name.

Biggest complaints about TRS are that they are accepting of faggots and that they raid us and try to force their alt-right label onto Holla Forums. Also

Wow, that makes no fucking sense.


It does when you realize hes a faggot who splices clips out of context like a fucking kike


Frankly the only thing I care about is them raiding our boards. I don't go over there and dictate to them who they need to accept or how they ought to behave, they could afford us the same goddamn courtesy, especially considering we could destroy them whenever we choose.


Are you lost?

No, go hand out your money to liberal arts students in cash if you like giving them money so much.

You're delusional if you think all whites are created equal, we're more equal than niggers and spics of course, but you and I are not equal or interchangeable cogs in a machine. Fuck out of my wallet.

Warms my heart to know Trump isn't the end all be all and that he can only slow down the inevitable. Knowing these cucks are going to be BTFO'd and come crawling back to us is the only thing that allows me to keep my sanity when dealing with this intentionally ignorant people.

Free markets and nationalism are not compatible, welcome to the 21st century bud.

If it was the same mods that the_Donald had around five months ago(my timing might be off) it would be fine. Issue is that mods now are cracking down hard on shit. This would not have resulted in a ban back then for instance.


Fuck out of my nation-state.

ankikes will hang with the rest

The USA wasn't nationalist from 1870 until 1913?

Apartheid South Africa didn't have a free market, or were they not nationalist? Rhodesia?

What's your position on tariffs?

Nation-states are nationalist by the fact of the perpetuation as nation-states. You're being willfully retarded.

Go back to >>>Holla Forums you fucking commie. Free Markets are perfectly compatible with nationalism, given there are reasonable restrictions to prevent degeneracy from setting in.

Just because you have a free market domestically doesn't mean you have to have one internationally. Plymouth Rock wasn't the story of how we got help from muh advanced natives its a story of how we got here and

You can read this in the journal of the man who organized the settlement

Fuck you crypto-commie fags

My fucking shekels go to my kids and my kin not you faggot. Welfare states are universal failures unless they have extremely high resources in relation to their population and population growth like Singapore. This is why Pinochet threw you faggots out of helicopters.


I'm not going to argue with you if you create my argument for me


You're an open-borders corporate whore kike. Corporations are brought to heel under national socialism.

Has anyone noticed since TRS started raiding us that there's a significant increase in psychotic redtext posting?

Not on >>Holla Forums, which is where you seem to think you are. A free market was allowed in Germany in case you didn't know, you stupid mouth-breathing retard. Your screenshot is irrelevant because no one here is arguing for "unbridled capitalism". I clearly said "given there are reasonable restrictions to prevent degeneracy from setting in".

Hop in a fucking oven.


Our race is our kin you atomic faggot.
Hitler was better.

So…the left?

Then why was someone defending ancaps?

I will fucking smash a communist whites head into dust same as a nigger, fuck you.

That's exactly what the fuck it sounds like.

I don't know? It definitely wasn't me, though. Ancaps deserve the rope.

Fuck off neokike.

and he also failed, sad!

So did Pinochet.

So did the confederacy, doesn't mean they were wrong.

Okay and you live in the failed world which your ancestors ushered in for you while he doesn't have to suffer any of this or your arrogant stupidity. Tell me now if he actually failed and it wasn't you who was born into a failure of a world?

Pinochet retired peacefully in the 80s, please.


I'm pretty sure Pinochet was considered a success overall by his jewish masters.

The confederacy were the good goys who died for rich Jewish slaveowners. They were funded directly by the kike-owned bank of England.


Kikes played both sides, Union was worse than confederacy and why we now have to contend with niggers having equal rights.
He gave that idea up before the war even ended.

Yes, and Lincoln who waged a war for niggers and was responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of white people is the good guy? Fuck off with your libcuck revisionism.

Kek kek kek another welfare state failed lmao

HAHA have you been to Argentina lately? #1 GDP in South America and also %97 white.


how about alt-reich?

You are retarded.

All I care about is ethnic homogeneity, economic growth is directly correlated to the congruity of a culture anyhow.

Fuck all the alt-crap, just be forthcoming, it's the fourth fucking reich.


Mannchild? Is that you?

We don't support alternative lifestyles.


And that's a good thing?


So they were reddit cucks who were spouting that shit here? Back in 2014 or even in 2015 we regularly had NatSoc threads on Holla Forums. Well, I hope the fags stay away now in their antirayciss hugbox.
