Haaretz kikes release Aut-Right glossary

Haaretz kikes release Aut-Right glossary

A few of the highlights:

Alt-right (the alternative right): A term that defines individuals with extreme right-wing ideologies and ideas that have been disseminated in recent years on the internet, mainly in the United States, and which deviate from the ideology of the traditional conservative right. Until recently, the trend received only marginal media attention, but in recent months its proponents have received increasing exposure. They are for the most part white males who propagate ideas of male supremacy and white supremacy, which are considered taboo in the mainstream media. Alt-right activists often use code words to express racist sentiments: for example, “Skypes” is used when referring to Jews, and “Googles” is the preferred euphemism for black people.
Most alt-right activists write under assumed names, mainly on forums such as 4chan and websites such as dailystormer.com. However, the ideas they espouse are also found on the breitbart.com website, which has been described by its chief executive, Steve Bannon, as “the platform for the alt-right.” During the presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton linked Donald Trump to the movement. Recently, there have been complaints that the concept of alt-right is in itself misleading, and conceals a simple racist-fascist ideology.

Gamergate: A protest movement of misogynist gamers (that is, video-game players), which erupted in August 2014. It flourished on the forum site Holla Forums, and on Breitbart. The protest was directed against feminists who criticized male dominance in the gaming world. Was seen as a formative event of the new geek right, exemplifying a mix of geeky machoism and chauvinist violence.

Israel: A country in the Middle East that is described as “Judeo-democratic.” Many members of the alt-right support Israel because it is a frontline position in the war against Islam.

Pepe the Frog: A cartoon character that has become a popular meme, and in the past year has been identified with white ultranationalism and with Donald Trump. The Anti-Defamation League officially designated it a “hate symbol”; Clinton’s campaign also attacked the frog, provoking derision from Trump supporters. Pepe illustrates the clownish nature of the new far right. As Israeli intellectual and Trump supporter Elad Pressman, editor of the website conspil.com, explained, “If the discourse of Hillary’s campaign is as strict as the Church regarding purity of language and preaching Christian morality, Trump’s campaign is seen as more emotional, dynamic and amorphous, and in effect is lighter, laughs more and is not as heavy.”

Spencer, Richard: One of the prominent spokespeople of the alt-right, editor of the alternative-right.blogspot.com website. Promotes identity politics, white supremacy, and anti-bourgeois and anti-liberal “heroism.” He claims he is not interested in restoring slavery, but rather in establishing an “ethnic state” for whites only. He claims that women are attracted to alt-right men out of an evolutionary admiration for the genes of alpha males. Does not oppose the activity of Jews, or gays, on the periphery of the movement – as long as they identify with “white European culture.” However, he stresses that “Jews aren’t white.” He and his wife, who uses the pen-name Nina Byzantina, distribute English translations of the works of Alexander Dugin. With Trump’s victory, he sees the alt-right as the leaders of public opinion in the new America. At a convention of the movement this week he gave the Nazi salute and shouted “Hail Trump! Hail victory!”

Trolls: A common term for users of social networks, discussion groups and websites who deliberately provoke anger and arouse antagonism. Many members of the alt-right act as trolls – that is, their strategy is not to commit to being serious, and to present every provocative claim as though it was designed to arouse debate and embody freedom of expression.

Yiannopoulos, Milo: A British journalist and editor at Breitbart, one of the more eccentric spokesmen of the alt-right, identified with the right-wing gay movement Twinks 4 Trump. Describes himself as a violent homosexual and as a fundamentalist of freedom of expression; expresses anti-feminist and anti-Islamist views. Voices provocative ideas in lectures and speeches with deeply macabre and disturbing undertones. For example, he has hinted at a sexual attraction for Trump, whom he calls Daddy. Although he claims to be of partly Jewish descent, he also says that anti-Semitic caricatures are legitimate if used jokingly by free-spirited young people, which is meant to shock the adults, similar to “long hair and rock ‘n’ roll” in previous eras.


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Reminds me of the good o'l days - when JIDF used to constantly try and pretend Holla Forums hated muslims more than Jews.

Consensus cracking again. They are trying to redirect us into another asset.

Can Richard Spencer sue the kikes now? Because he didn't do that (not that doing it would be wrong)

The US missile shield program always referred rather ambiguously to a "rogue state" in the middle-east..

Joke's on them! Holla Forums is a Muslim board. Holla Forums is the board of peace.

Remember when journalism wasn't complete garbage? I don't since it was way before my time

I'm an equal opportunity hater


Jews rock!



They used to be funny, a long time ago.



Evidently they haven't caught wind of the Tongan conspiracy.

Fucking kikes just can't help themselves. They MUST Jew you. They can't do otherwise.


This is evidence of the plan the kikes have with their blanket alt right term. Round us all up under one name and then control the narrative





they are losing control and they know it

There's enough venom written between those lines to kill an elephant. But if you need no other proof how controlled the autist-right opposition is with its views on Israel. Which should be wiped off the face of the map, have its Muslims deported, and handed over to its rightful rulers. The Christian Levantine peoples and Greeks who have true ownership of the eastern Mediterranean coast.

Did I click on leftypol again?

I need to pay more attention.

Into the filter the thread goes.




These faggots again?

The astroturfing is real.

Fucking hate Jews so god damn much

>reddit spacing
Also googles and skypes should be a bannable offense.

Kikes destroy everything.


Even when they're trying to meme, it fucking backfires.


the Skypes and Googles meme was somethingawful's last stand wasn't it? I'm pretty sure they're dead now

They love using the word "violence". Like words are some kind of fucking violence. These assholes have no idea what REAL violence is.

CIA nigger self-censorship psyops just like that "let's feed my algorithm our pepeboxes" thread

It's amazing how they play every angle all at once no matter how contradictory. Why are Jews such Jews?

I hit a CIAnigger with my car in 1993. Score one for the good guys.

I want to pluck my eyes out, why did i read all this?

I want my minutes back.



Anyone who willingly accepts the title of Alt-Right is even more jewish than my dreidel.



Some publications retain a smidgen of integrity that once in a blue moon unfetters its talent, though not because of integrity but of necessity. More often than not, it is random outliers that come out of fucking nowhere, that quickly fizzle out like so many starlight candles in the deep backwoods.

I honestly think that whatever business that commits to plowing this pristine land of ==UMMAN MANDA== , to scour the mountains in search of a primordial verbal Hun, will be the one that will bury the New York times with a few buck here and there and copious amounts of alcohol.

It is in their nature to be a manipulating parasite. Its a genetic trait

What don't they understand about gtkrwn? and who the fuck is the fag spencer? Just a fucking attention whore making clickbait for shekels from the looks of it. I'm betting controled opposition.

Did they make the israel link on purpose or are they that dumb?

Has the Great Fire of Judgement reached their office yet?

We need more emetics pepes

I'm not even mad being called an ultranationalist.

actually, somebody posted some article a few months ago that said the big main search engines were going to word filter/suppress results for "nigger", "kike", etc.
the idea to substitute these words with google or skype was an attempt to fuck up this plan to suppress certain words by associating the company names with le ebin hate speech.
seems to have been moderately successful if the kikes are still rustled about it.


>>>>>>>>>>>Holla Forums.net

alt-kike confirmed for making all the same mistakes goodgoygate did




What's wrong with Isreal?

Ultra is a strong word.

For damned sure it sounds a lot more intimidating than Uber, just tack that shit on whatever you got and the going is gonna be
Fuck, you can even chant that shit.

Oh come the fuck on. The phrase "doesn't support Zionism and Israel" is unable to come from the mouth of a kike in any context. Even their "ebil naghtzeee" boogeyman supposedly supports Israel, kek. They're fucking scared and they're crawling all over the "alt-right" trying to turn it into controlled opposition.

At this rate 5 years from now we're gonna be considered WHITE HYPER-GIGANATIONALISTS

Hey remember how in Call of Duty all the hip kids were brainwashed into fighting against "Ultranationalists" sponsored by Russia…

Yeah, don't underestimate the jews, they are not as oblivious as many here think. We will still win thou, just make sure to pay attention, anons.


>I'm about to get lucky (Germanic marriage wise)

Don't lie. This shit turns them on.

Don't lie. You are jewishnazifetishist




Nice dubs but get that shit outta my face

ok, i'd have to ask user, are you straight?

I'm not going to spank her parents, if you catch my drift

women love to be physically disciplined and I'm more than happy to oblige, I would never soil my hands with Jewess ass though

Jewish women are renowned for their bosoms, not their behinds.

The alt-kike fucking wishes they were as cool as Nazis.



liar liar dick on fire.

I know you're into guys. Sorr fam, but picture related is the only thing I have which comes close to your taste.

Back then when gaymergate started some librul said something in an interview that sounded like this. It was even about h8chan.

That's breddy greadiv. Yours?

It really is chronic.

Not very good at hiding it either.


Great high quality post, user.

I aim to please.



The alt-right does support Israel. The alt-right are faggots.


Some are neutral and just don't give a crap what happens to the jews. Others support it because they want to incentivize jews to go there rather than fuck around in America and Europe.

Fuck'em. Let them deal with radicalized Arab armies. Why would Israel in any way interface constructively with my country? I can take it as granted that dealing with a Jew, we have absolutely nothing in common. To the Jew, I am Nordic. Sweden is Nordic. Ergo I am Sweden.

Logically, more gripen fighter jets.

top kike

These goofballs are still scanning NRx and manosphere stuff on reddit for some reason. So much for that Ashkenazi "intelligence."


There's really no punishment too harsh for these goblins.

I really don't have a problem with Richard Spencer doing his own thing and the Milo, PJW, and Cernovich fags can fuck off 10 times harder, but jesus christ he, NPI, and AMREN are fucking things up badly by creating this multicultural conference media invited circle jerk.


I have being woke for over a decade watching the recently awakened people repeat history again and again thinking they can do it better than the last attempted generation.

It creates this sense of permanent doom that we're fucked watching this happen time and time again because every woke person thinks they're a special goddamn snowflake.

still think /namibia/ was a bad idea?

What part of controlled opposition do you have trouble understanding? This is exactly how we predicted it would go the moment the media all magically coalesced on the convenient 'alt right' label.

I need to lay off the /tg/ shitposting

Not familiar with it tbh

I get it now. My flaw is giving people the benefit of the doubt just like I tried doing with ramzpaul (youtube.com/watch?v=n8HBLX_khwQ) treating him fairly as 'working on the edges' until he showed he's an even worse edgier Spencer. Everyone called it out last year and I didn't listen. I guess when you have that contrarian attitude like me you just need to shut up and stop resisting because as always:

Holla Forums is right again


Whats this nonsense!
Holla Forums is a board of peace.

Or my kosher underwear.

It's completely the opposite.
We probably want it destroyed the most.
like a certain character in the bible..


They are our greatest ally.
Take my shekels!

Nothing at all Abravanel.




Im starting to think the government is not involved. That's why they cracked down on the internet connections to chans. Because it was individuals seperate from the government.

Anyone else notice that? Everyone is trying to find out how this guy is controlled opposition, that Dugin guy is supposed to be the mouthpiece of Putin.

We gotta step it up though, Krautchan is now at level nationally-national national-nationalists.



Or rather, he writes what Putin says/thinks.. so the other way around.

Richard Spencer is either a controlled opposition federal agent or too autistic to tell everyone else around him is.

I've long proposed we enslave the inferior women as concubines after conquering, after the tubes have been tied of course. I enjoy a wide pallet of things.

So you like fat chicks, huh? Each to his own, I guess.


I'm done for the night.


I meant moral support, not financial or military support. Surely some of them realize that they're niggerizing themselves by relying so heavily on white people.

That reminds me of a picture I have (can't post it bc I'm on Tor) which shows a Jewess's tramp stamp. It says "Arbeit Macht Frei"


No one cares what the fuck you do with your night you narcissistic tripfag.

Interesting that they try this subversion tactic again

Extremely transparent to us, but it's smart of (((them))) to point out the support of Israel among the so called alt-right. Listeners of Alex Jones and Kikebart readers will immediately identify with the Israeli support on those two networks.

This world is a joke.

It can't be real.

When will this meme die

There is no such thing as 'alt-right' there is only zionism and anti-zionism

Well said.
Sage because I'm not contributing anything to the discussion and mostly wanted to check your Führer dubs
