Migrants burn down center for not having enough nutella, gummi bears

You couldn't make this up if you actively tried to come up with a more enraging scenario.
€10 million centre burned to the ground because after sundown, for their post Ramadan meal, there was no nutella or gummi bears. And this info comes from the Red Cross, who hardly would want to make their pets look bad.

These were the "Desperate people escaping "assad's barrel bombs" (which, as we know, he filled himself with rusty metal and shiny children's toys, and also like to drop himself when possible).

these motherfuckers. Was listening to Le Pen say that the EU has become worse than the USSR ever was, and I think she's right. IF, as Germany claims, all these doctors and scientists will benefit the economy so much (save for occasionally burning down a €10 million refugee center), why wouldn't Germany want them all why the need to force other nations to take them? Ig germans vote for Merkel again, they deserve whatever they get:
A hall which was being used as a refugee centre was burned down because angry migrants were furious about the lack of Nutella and gummibears, it has been claimed.
The building was completely destroyed in the fire, which caused an estimated €10 million in damage.
Two men have been charged with setting fire to the centre in Düsseldorf on June 7, prompting an emergency which left 26 people injured. (NB- you can bet your ass they won't be deported over this. They even refuse to give their surnames in the press. But if you ever accidentally trip on knock off a "female tanned german's" face cover, your FULL name and photo would be all over the papers.



Other urls found in this thread:


Just how much of this shit will the Germans take before they've had enough of it?

The Chancellor of Germany is appointed, not elected.

Are their even semi decent odds of Getting the CDs out? But I think if they are out, the next in line would be the Jew Schultz, who has said publicly Germany only exists to serve Israel.

Like a choice between taking it in ass or the mouth.

This is just horrible.
I'm English. My background is Huguenot (French Protestant) and Irish. My ancestors came to this country because of genuine persecution (hundreds of years ago).
Most of the 'refugees' want to go to Germany or Sweden because the benefits are generous.
UK is a bit more difficult as we are not in the Schengen area; so no open borders. Illegal immigration is a problem mainly down south where the ports are. The Channel tunnel for example and London.

My country will leave the EU. It was put to a referendum. My prediction is that the Netherlands and Denmark will be next.
The EU is controlled by the 'big three' - Germany, France and UK. I hope France will be next, but it will take less powerful countries to start the domino effect. Maybe Bulgaria, Portugal, Czech Repubic, Ireland etc.



I'm sure Mama Merkel will keep them warm in a nice German family's house, with or without permission.

I was going to put them in same thread, but made different ones. There is a "Time" magazine cover story about an "observant Jew" lawyer in France trying to get the police to stop being so mean to to the poor dears and do things like raid homes of suspected ISIS cells. He is suing the French government for doing this.

Apparently the same Jew has no issue with this going on in Israel– nor with the torture, blowing up the houses of the families of freedom fighters (In Palestine, they are freedom fights, it's their land) etc…

I think the Jewish media bosses are beginning to get so far removed from normal people, they can't even imagine why a story like that would infuriate normal people. They obviously went out of their way to point him out as a Jew as a way of virtue signaling, but do they think the goy don't know how (((they))) threat them at home in their own sand land

here is link to jew thread (I know there is an easier way to link, I just cannot recall it at moment so fuck it, will give full addy to an 8 chan link)

I don't know which story enrages me more. I think the Jew one, since you expect animals to behave like animals.


How can some people still be blind to what is going on.


Let this sink in for a second:

They come here and they rape, have committed 142,000 crimes (that we know of), and the fucking German people…what would it take for them to REALLY start making them feel unwelcome?

That's some shit that some little kids would do… well, little kids who are insane and/or incredibly stupid.

Give them Nutella made with bacon.

what would hitler have done?

do these people deserve german citizenship?

you people are monsters for not providing the vibrancy with local delicacies. some hosts you volk are

Once Trump takes the throne and kicks these gibsmegrants out, all the other western countries will see they don't have to put up with it either and do the same. Fucking jews and their Hooten plan and Coudenhove Kalergi plan. You murderous kikes are going to regret this shit soon enough. Fuck you Angela Kasner you gommunist kike stasi sow.

Over fucking GUMMIE BEARS?

Whelp, there it is; the dumbest fucking reason for violence I've ever seen written into a sentence.

I'm done. If I gotta go to krautland myself and start killing these nutjob sandniggers, so be it.

Oh boy, I can only guess how this will go…



This is clearly because of white privilege.
Whites have been enjoying sweets and other luxary goods for to long. They stole this from the working class. Crush the bourgeois, the proletariat will rise!


i'd say you are correct. For fuck's sake, they won't even give their full names or photos! Meanwhile, if I went to Saudi Arabia (who didn't take a single rapefugee,btw) and I entered Mecca, I would be killed.

Dr. Scheuer often writes about this, and from all we've seen he is completely right; all these people understand is vast amounts of force and violence delivered right on top of their heads. Middle Easterners don't have a Westerners sense of "conscience." I don't even necessarily mean that in an "Islamic deception" sense, just that they don't considered dishonesty, especially to infidels, to be a bad thing.

for fuck sake, look at the parade of 40 year old "child refugees" from The Jungle that was so embarrassing for May she had a curtain put up so people could not get photos of them And no dental exams, of course, that would been racist.

Europe needs the entire E-Jew to fall, and quickly. And I personally hope Trump literally does way

Here's an exclusive video of the protest.

Disappointed it wasn't first post in this thread tbh

Get with the times, faggot


You've apparently not yet learned that Germany (other Euro nations, but Germany is top offender) covers up the causes of these things, and papers only find out the truth later through a Red Cross report.

Also, do you know who got the FBI to reinvestigate Shillary and look into opening her emails again? Give you a hint. It wasn't the the NYT. IT wasn't the Washington Post. It wasn't even the Daily Mail Print Edition. It was "dailymail.com" who discovered the 14 year old girl he was sending photos and rape fantasies to and thus led to the FBI seizing Weiner's computer and thus to Comey's letter and reopening his case.

Lesson? don't be so quick to shit on the DM, we probably have them to thankful Trump's victory, at least in part, since they swing momentum violently back into Trump's direction.

this made me genuinely laugh user, good work.

You misunderstood my post. Look at the post that I was replying to. I wasn't shitting on DM.

my fault, meant to reply to him, I was replying to wrong post.

Gummi bears aren't halal.

It's okay, they aren't really muslim.

Or human.

But the gelatin it's made from isn't halal. What the fuck?

The parties decide who becomes which position. You can only vote the parties. And besides the AfD the choices are literally central-leftleaning to full blown GDR-communism.

Most people voted Merkels central-leftleaning chrisitan party (which used to be the central right under her predecessors) until she went insane and let all these shitskins into europe slowily klling the EU while continuing to use the corrupt other parties to make her chancellor no matter what happens.

The old people vote the corrupted parties because they've always done so and the young people vote the corrupted parties because they're all liberal bernie-supporter level.

Funny fact: The last leader that actually got democratically elected was Adolf Hitler.

But they know that even tough they'll always gonna secure their power no matter who gets the most votes (except a absolute majority situation for the AfD) the few thousand defiant Germans are impossible to deal with and they know that. Thats why the gouverment still puts people in jail up to several years for certain opinions. One actually got sentenced for liking a facebookimage with someone doing a roman salute by a judge in Dachau last year (yeah they're resistant to irony)

The state is scared shitless of these few defiant germans of which some (mostly the crazy 'souvereign citizen' ones) have started shooting up cops lately.

And they don't know how to handle the fact that more and more people are becoming such rebellious and they know that those few who already were rebellious are starting to go in full_civilwar mode.

there will be blood. no doubt about that anymore

Struggle and discomfort are good to wake up Germans, just like the great war and its treaty of versailles caused the rise of Hitler. It will happen again because the discontent and discomfort is hitting unbearable levels. It has already hurt Merkel far quicker than predicted and served as a wake up call for all German politics and Europe thanks to the likes of the UK. Only time will tell now what France will do. Will they bear to be outdone by the English once again?

Angela Merkel is a jew, her real family name is Kasner, she had planned this from the start thats why she was awarded the Charlemagne award for her work perpetuating the Coudenhove Kalergi plan. Remember she is a stasi jewess and this is no flight of fancy it is premeditated genocide.

Pic related

"LET IT SNOW" IN THIS THREAD and elsewhere, freeze the non hWhites

Nor do they have a sense of humor.

Merkel must hang.

Is she actually, known to be a blood Jewess to where there are records or could she be a Russian rape baby? I always thought she was odd with the hand gesture shit, but I saw a tape where some fucking muslim teenage twat was crying and she basically said "sorry, not enough room."

then, the photo of Syrian beach volleyball kid (actual child of a kurd people smuggler) came out, and the woman fucking went insane. They say some of what Trump does, as far as personal quicks, seem insane (and supposedly he has a 96% negative view in Germany).

How much more insane can you get than inviting ~2 million military age male African and arabs to your European nation? Was she blackmailed, did she have some sort of mini-pstchix break where all her communist indocinatdon came back, or has she just been a vicious twat plotting something like this all along?

another option is that she literally has a Jewish overlord and just takes orders. I used to laugh at those sort of suggestions, but the entire South Korean PM cult thing has taught me differently.

They ought be forced on a strict chocolate and gummi bear diet from here on until their fucking toes start falling off..


What? Muslim are eating the haram food. I thought they are against the haram food. What a bunch of useless hypocritical inbred idiots.

Merkel always used to look at polls of the general mood in germany, acted on them by letting some subordinate take the work on it and if it backfired the guy was removed while she stayed clean of it.

Her sudden pullout of nuclear power after the fukishima desaster reflects that quiet well.
People were anti nuclear since a long time with greens being very popular and after that accident she acted on it and got a popularity boost.

If you think about the masses of german retards clapping and welcoming refugees at first in an infantile fit of misguided motherinstincts kicking it, it seems reasonable that she pulled through with the open borders shit as the general opinion of the people were in fact that it would be unjust to keep the borders closed.

Now that people face the consequences and the thematic has become so great that she is forced to adress it herself instead of putting some middleman between herself and the trouble she pulls through.

Economic advisers fuckign it up by screaming for immigration for economies sake and now realising that the people coming are often not even able to write in a latin script comes on top of it.

Decadence and actionism is a more probable cause of her acting this way then some extraordinary conspiracy.
She is however very proEU so it is expected that she sees germany more as an economic grid with an exchangable population that needs to be cared for then anything else.

top bantz m8. not really, they were rubbish

I'm more and more convinced that Merkel is actually a redpilled genius actively engaged in waking her nation up to racial consciousness. Merkel said that 'Multiculturalism has failed' in 2010. When asked why she was letting in so many migrants she said it was to fulfill her dream. You know the thing about how if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will jump straight out, but if you put it in luke warm water and boil it gradually it won't notice and burn to death? What if Merkel's 2 million migrants are the boiling water? Whilst countries like mine (UK) are currently slowing down immigration so as to acclimatise us to our death by diversity.

Burn the migrants, then.

Since when are Morocco and Algeria countries at war???
Are you dumb fuck so shitty at geography that you slap "Kebabdorf" from the Atlantic coast of Africa to China on your maps and call it a day like America does?

Capped for meme-ing

Maybe they're importing Kebaribo products from Turkey where they use beef gelatin or something. Or it's not Haribo and some other manufacturer. Or, much more likely, the refugees just don't give a shit and want gibs.

When the Jews complain about "fake news," do they ever think about blaming themselves for creating an Orwellian world? 3 years ago, had I seen this article I would have assumed it was an "Onion" article if it came from Germany and not Haiti or something.


True! Heck, the video "With Open Borders" would have sounded impossible to me two to three years ago.

Btw, about that video:
Oy Vey!


I've just tried to look for news about this in portuguese to share and found this article:

dailymail. co.uk/news/article-3632965/Refugee-camp-Dusseldorf-burned-migrants-furious-not-received-wake-Ramadan-breakfast.html

It's a reporting on the same fire, but from June, but it gives a different reason for the fire. What are this kikes playing at? Is this new information that just showed up or are they making stuff up? Not that I see why they would come up with something to make shitskins look even worse.

You can get halal haribo

But can we feed them sugar-free Haribo?

That amount of public shitting would be hilarious!

Good, need more of this shit to make sure the people are all redpilled as fuck and get Merkal out once and for all, the fucking disgusting traitor to her own people. She should be hung for the horror she has created to massage her own ego and try and win a Nobel peace prize. The only thing she deserves is a razorblades and dogshit pie.

Deus Vult, mein Bruder! For the Fourth Reich! *sips mountain dew*
t. 1/128th Deutsche-Amerikaner

when do we get to drown them in the rhein?

Know thy enemy. Also reminder, they act like retards because they literally ARE retards. Average IQ in the shitholes they come from is like 80, and that's AVERAGE. They aren't sending their best and brightest, folks. Now imagine a physically strong retard who was raised that non-muzzie wimminz are free whores to satisfy "sexual emergencies" and that christians aren't human and it's okay to steal from them, rape them, kill them, etc. And a society where (in general) the mothers are not allowed to discipline their sons and the fathers are gone all day, thus raising spoiled little asshole sons. And you've explained the problem.

Simply shoot them and let them turn into fertilizer. Good 'fer the crops. Thanks Soros!

Yes, they are that stupid. Anthropology and racial differences between populations is rayyyycissss. That's why you have lightbulb-head somalians and black as coal apefricans passing themselves off as syrian and no one can tell them no. As it turns out, liberals are once again more racist than anyone. They can't tell the difference between different ethnicities, they all just look brown to them. Some "education" amiright.

Not entirely true, the guys who have enough money to pay for the trip are the upper half of the "middle" class, if you can call it that in a mudslime country. The problem is that even those guys are nigh-retarded. Average says about half of them have an IQ above 80, but it doesn't mention how much higher.
Really, IQ should always be given as a bell curve or even a fucking pie chart, just a number is almost meaningless.

Somehow, I expected their Halal lineup to be just two or three of their biggest sellers.

Kebab doesn't deserve Tropifrutti.

they really do put the NIGGER in sandnigger

I assumed someone who would leave everything behind to make some stupid last-ditch-effort to go half a world away with only a backpack's worth of possessions, leaving behind his wives and kids, could only be some fuck-up has-nothing loser. I know mudshits don't care about their women, but at the very least they view them as items of convenience (servant, fuckslave, punchingbag) and would be wroth to leave them behind. I had presumed these were low-class young men who have nothing built back home and can't afford to buy a wife or ten, who just come to jihad because there is nothing else for them to do.

If a mudshit was a successful enough subhuman to have a home, job, and a couple wives to fuck, would he leave it behind to go maybe-drown on the boat over?

Also, at the same time, if we assume 50/50 birth for men and women, and rich mudshits have multiple wives, that by necessity means there are lots of poor men with no fuckbag around. It's like islam is designed to be a religion of war or something, like from it's basic design it could only conclude with an army-like legion of restless men with nothing to live for but killing and warring incessantly until they're exterminated. But it couldn't be that, no. It can't be that islam is a war cult. Despite everywhere they go devolving into war, turmoil, and islamic conquest over the natives. Can't be that, of course not, wouldn't be PC to say that.

Just use a standard bell curve centered on 80. Doesn't have to be exact for you to get the gist–that they're fucking literal retards.

I believe the problem is the coddling of the shitskins is being done by the government and citizen dissent (i.e posting on FB "Maybe we shouldn't let in so many refugees") is met with arrests.

The only hope Germany has is to completely replace the government, before the government replaces them.

Serve them ham/pork instead of gummi bears and nutella


10/10. somehow I hadn't seen that variant

Yeah, it might be worse than the fried chicken disputes of the US


I can't stand these vermin. I might and this is a big might, be able to accept a few of them here if they behaved. They don't. They are massively ignorant, rude little shits who are fully embracing white guilt and apathy. A fucking castle with all the luxuries isn't enough for them. We're being forced, sometimes literally at gunpoint, to let these shitskins in and take us for all we're worth.

We need to get a collage/compilation of selfish and entitled migrants going. Things like this, the castles, them wanting to leave right after they get here because they wanted even more, that fucking guy who talked about his balls. You can dismantle all the sympathy, manufacture or not, when they act like spoiled bitches.

Who says Germans aren't funny?

I really can't understand why they still want to vote for her.
Large parts of the EU destroyed, an unheard of amount of crimes, population being replaced with shitskins, government forcing citizens to house them… and not only have the people not started up a revolution, they're considering voting for her again?!

What the fuck has to happen to the people before they finally get fed up?
How fucking brainwashed does the populace have to be to embrace their own destruction?

thats because you dont understand how the election process works
the german people never voted for merkel
the political parties voted for merkel


Realistically speaking, how much longer until a full out Holocaust breaks out? This clearly isn't going to go on forever.

fucking disgusting

2-3 years

where else are we supposed to drown them? in the Bodensee?

lots of them drowned themselves in public swimming pools because they dont know how to swim

living in the desert all your life will do that

isn't the bodensee part of the rhine?

What's worse about this is the media just completely blacking out how bad things have gotten over there, even here in America you hear next to nothing about it.

A liberal friend of mine recently posted on Facebook about how he was seriously researching how to move to Germany after Trump got elected.

Naturally being a Bernout the Germab government has no use for him unless he was from Syria. But after pointing out all the shit going wrong over there he just said he wasn't buying into fearmongering.

What scared me the most though was when one of his friends basically said that the main problem over there was food and housing shortages the German people are having to deal with due to accommodating for the "refugees." And all these brainwashed liberals praised Germany for being such a giving country.

These people are so brainwashed they see nothing wrong with making your own countrymen suffer for foreigners. And that's here in America.

They only want sweets? Good thing they don't know about grape-drank and watermelon.


Happy Thanksgiving gentlemen

They are not making it up user. As we know from past with Sweden, some countries have "censors" that take out more…offensive/ridiculous aspects of rapefugee insanities.

Anyone have the webm of the user from Sweden, where his own screen shows like 2 lines of the story about rapefugees (rest was cut out), then he switches his VPN to the US and goes to same DM story and the entire thing is there?

i just love coming to Holla Forums to remind myself how utterly retarded both sides are, i mean the left, i dont need a reminder, they're retarded in a daily, public basis.

Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

unfortunately it will be on white people

your friend:

do you know who broke the story of Weiner fucking around with the underae girl and got the FBI to look into him, resulting in finding the emails and Comey's letter? NY times? Washington Post? the Guardian?

It was THE DAILY MAIL. And not DAILY MAIL PRINT EDITION, but dailymail.com. They were the journalists who probably won the election for Trump. It's also, unironically, the best newspaper on the net and one of the fastest (has gotten a bit worse since they had to cut US costs over Brexit).

You sit there so fucking smug, not even realizing THE DAILY MAIL took down your fucking candidate, you wretched little prick. How does it make you feel?


Fuckers like you make me laugh. You think you are ahead in the race, when in fact you are so far behind you've already been lapped twice.

the daily mail is like The Sun, its a sensationalist piece of media. it writes stupid shit to keep idiots like you entertained.

so hol' up, you're claiming to be some sort of third position or alternative when you're fighting in a 1vs1 "race" of some sort? make up your mind

What is your position then faggot?

"In one particularly lewd message, he told the teen: 'I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.'"



What, what's that you say? "He must be exaggerating?" well, certainly a hipster like you would trust "The New York Times," AKA "The Jew Snake Crimes," correct? Well, let's go to theM:
"The girl, who is not identified in the Daily Mail report, said the online relationship began back in January, months before Weiner’s latest sexting scandal was exposed and prior to his separation from Huma Abedin.":




man, and I thought white people were spoiled…

thanks I actually have more respect for my fellow human being (read not shitskin)

you have it all figured out Jamal. Just look at all this White Privilege (poorest county in the nation):



(oh wait, I think you meant it sarcastically, my mistake. I just came off arguing with a genuine tumblrina type, so I assumed you were serious)

sorry by white people, I have to include those fucking private college students whose daddies pamper them and pay for everything.

(you could do the same for niggers in South Africa who are part of the ANC and living like kings off the taxes of the White workers…because there are some White spoiled liberals doesn't change the fact that poor Whites in Appalachia and in squatter camps in South Africa know a sort of poverty niggers will never know, because no government or NGO gives a shit about them since they are White. See for yourself, look up "White squatter camps of SA." Since they are White, they are discriminated against getting work and aren't entitled to ANY government handouts (despite 95% of the tax base in SA coming from whites).

You know what will fucking happen?

They won't have anywhere to stay during the winter, where it's cold. You can't have homeless people – refugees – in the snow, it's inhumane. So any public place will be opened up for shelter, and they'll probably even give incentives to families to open their doors.

to be fair, nutella is pretty awesome

I've lived in places where big chunks of the county were like that most of my life, it ain't that bad. As long as the welfare and drug usage is at a low enough rate.

Wow that really takes me back.

Incentives? In all likelyhood they'll be kicked out or forced to take them in by the police. It's happened already in both germany and italy.

Perhaps nutella and gummi bears was exactly how the dictators of the middle east used to keep the shitskins under control.

if people were still allowed to make genuinely funny movies or TV shows, that would be a good starting point…ZOG sents a top CIA team to figure out how gaddafi kept the 200 different tibes from killing one another, and it turns out it was gummy bears and nutella. But it was a special recipe nutella and ZOG's agents have to hunt down a lost copy of the recipe before it's too late and the shitskins explode a nuclear device in the mediterranean.

I'd burn shit to the ground too if someone promised me nutella and then didn't deliver.

Nutella isn't even that good. That Biscoff cookie spread is infinitely superior


DAMN fuckin right, user! Sieg Biscoff!