No really, we shouldn't be supporting the Green Party

Jill Stein answering to a question about wi-fi:

What did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

better than CPUSA at least

she might be dumb, but atleast she is pro-worker.

Yikes that's bad.

Okay. Okay that's bad. Let's talk fellas, do we really want to back a socdem that's spooked in ways that even regular spooked people will be worried by?

this election: porkie vs porkie vs porkie's beta follower vs primitivist vs snek

absolutely posadism

you can say the same thing about nazbols, or nazis, or literally anyone who's not a liberal


To be fair, Nazis had the same trade union policy that the USSR did :^)))

my hatred for them is self explanatory at this point I think

I bet you're voting for Trump.

You illeterate fuck, I said "trade unions".


And no, I didn't misspell "illiterate" on purpose!

I'm unironically going to vote for her now

yeah the whole concept of a "green party" is retarded. we need a RED PARTY.

I get where she's coming from. Things like tv and computers helps to reinforce instant gratification seeking, worse memory, and worse attention span. Also, this is within the context of a school, not a home.

seconding this tbh


holy shit this is the best new meme

Doesn't wifi work on radio frequencies? I'm pretty sure we'd know if that shit was dangerous by now.

It's way below visible light. You'd be more likely to be harmed by the color blue than a wifi signal.

Well at least in the next election cycle we will be able to get the black vote.

is this new or are you a master memer

It's an old term for eco-socialists

Who knows how WiFi actually works? We need more studies.

I'd still rather vote for her, as sad as it is.

I'd be down for watermelons, get the liberals to vote for them by saying they are going to save their precious children from radio waves and mercury shots and then redistribute their wealth!

I doubt the Green Party's adherence to Socialism though,

Everyone who invented it and everyone who learned about EM radiation studying for an EE degree.

OP be like:

what else will the kids connect their phones to to browse reddit instead of studying

Like we knew about cigaretes back in the 50s.
Or Cocaine in 1800s.

Or, like we do know about cell phones, yet so what?

you are bathed in a soup of radiation at all times

We are all dying from cancer.
I know.

i'm dying of cancer browsing this imageboard so much if you catch my drift

Smoke, evolved plants, Cell Phones, wi-fi, pesticides, fast food, the sun, image boards…

Cancer will be our final salvation.

I'm voting Green because it's the closest thing to a protest vote I can do in the USA. At least it'll send some kind of a left-leaning message to the tone-deaf liberals in this country. It's not like I'm actually donating to/supporting them though.

All the actual socialist parties are too irrelevant and unknown to count. Spoiled/blank ballots aren't counted AFAIK. Write-in for Vermin Supreme might be a good alternative, though.