Here's a scary thought

Even if Hillary wins,, the social-political forces that brought us the Donald will just get stronger.

"Fascism is aided and advanced by the apathy of those who are tired of being conned and lied to by a bankrupt liberal establishment, whose only reason to vote for a politician or support a political party is to elect the least worst. This, for many voters, is the best Clinton can offer. "

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When will this meme end?

Hopefully Hillary will agitate the SJWs to the point where the right and the "left" start a civil war.

This, we should start stockpiling chicken tendies and ammo immediately so that when the SJWs and Trumpfags eliminate each other we will emerge from our bunkers as the true masters of the world. Praise Hoxha!

it's true

I see your point.. I don't think Trump is "fascist" per se. He's not going to centralize political power or nationalize key industries… but I got tired of arguing with people that fascism is historical ideology and means more than "things I don't like" and just went with the flow.. Trump does not represent our better selves is the point here,, and those forces are growing.

Everyone wants to see the world burn. Why is that?

A more fun way to commit suicide than using a rope.


Boredom mostly. Not a whole lot to do when you've got the food and shelter thing down pat.

nah, but fascists are definitely supporting him.

O.P. here. Kind of disappointed in the responses so far. There used to be a more thought going on round here. Did anyone read the link? The Trumpening is the product of an alienated white working class who is slowly being crushed by capitalism while liberals ignore them and tell them they are muh privileged. They are desperate for change,, Hillary's shady nomination and the general elitist disdain for the white working class is going to cause them to lose all faith in the system.

That's some awful pseudo-historical nonsense in that article.

Somehow everybody was getting along great, singing kumbaya, until the slave owners invented racism in the 18th century. And everybody here includes people far removed from their influence by space, politics, and time.

Fair criticism…(and thanks for reading the link) But isn't the alienation of the white working class from the liberal elites a real thing, and they are definitely getting stomped economically. The working class middle aged white guy is large voting block and they are close to losing their goddamn minds.

But they don't see their problems as being caused by capitalism: they think it's the fault of college professors, black people, "globalists", literally everybody but capitalism itself. And the media they consume i.e. Fox, Breitbart, has just been feeding and reinforcing this narrative since the last years of the 00's.
They're lumpen. They're classcucks. They have zero revolutionary potential, and the sooner we put a bullet in each of their heads the sooner the pain caused by both capitalism and their pure ideology will cease

you can't blame them for not being revolutionary when the left has made absolutely no attempt to make them revolutionary


dont delete your posts faggot

It absolutely is a real thing, but if we're identifying motives and methods like the stir article, then I think writing it off as a plot by some southern slave owners is taking a weirdly myopic view that ignores even concurrent events to say nothing of history.

And the author did it in other places as well, presenting racism as a uniquely republican point of view when talking about mid 20th century American politics, a period of time that includes surely includes the dixiecrats.

This isn't about blame per se, but Trumpism is the result of a long historical process where any traces of leftism has been shunned from American political discourse. It's these structures that have created the Trump supporter, not some lack of outreach by the non-existent left in this country.

This is what "classcucked" means. They're getting fucked over and enjoy it because someone else has told them it's everyone else's fault.

I do agree that about half of them are beyond all hope and the best we could possibly do with them is gulag them and get some useful labor out of them for a while, but some of them are legit frustrated and just don't know where to direct their anger.

This article is similar to a lot of what I here from anti-colonialist and Maoist writings. Specifically in J. Sakai's book "Settlers…" and the concept of settlerism in general. That white workers in America have consistently gotten better treatment in comparison to non-whites and that this has given them a relatively muh privileged position. There cozier relationship with Trump and porky and general could be chalked up to this favoritism, thus throwing one big-ass wrench into the growth of any kind of solidarity across the masses. If this situation is true in any region of the US, it would bound to be the South.

If you're not getting rid of liberalism, then you're not a fascist.

Fascists don't have a monopoly on muh feels based political debate, and employing it doesn't make you a fascist. That part is just plain populism, what you do with it from there is what matters.


This guy gets it. If they are not allies they will be enemies to be truly feared. They're approaching a boiling point and someone will harness that energy, and judging from this thread it won't be Left.

Or anywhere that Porky brings in lots of immigrants as scabs to destroy unions.

Populism. I don't think that word means what you think it means or maybe the meaning has changed in the last century.. skim this.

political parties name themselves after things that don't have any specific relationship to what they do or what they're about