Why exactly do you refuse to buy into idealism...

Why exactly do you refuse to buy into idealism? Why do you refuse to recognize that some races and cultures are better than others?

When you say that all races are equal no matter what you're encouraging the worst qualities in the worst people to come out and then you make excuses for them and say that everything is due to socioeconomic status and blablabla so they don't have to be held accountable for their actions. And when you're called out on this you're forced to say that no behavior is better than any other, there's no such thing as right or wrong, there's no such thing as good or bad, it's all subjective.

The welfare state, by the way, is a state sponsored eugenics program aimed at devolving us into low IQ, docile, obedient slaves who are better suited to operate the machinery of what the future of our industrial society holds.

How can you possibly think that something good can ever come out of this?

Why don't you encourage people to always improve themselves? Why do you allow billions and billions of people to literally devolve into something that's barely even human anymore?
Why do you support capitalism so much? You useful idiots are the last bulwark protecting the current world order.

You do realize that you don't have to buy into any of this weaponized cultural marxist indoctrination that the mainstream media and academia has programmed into you to turn you into a weapon against your own interests? You don't have to buy into any of that crap in order to be a socialist, in fact in order to be a socialist you're REQUIRED to pick the best ideology and to always work on improving it or else bad things happens.

When will you realize that Hitler and his party was right about everything? When will you realize that he represented your views better than any other philosopher who has ever lived?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you support Islam and Judaism? War and terror. Poverty and degeneracy. Drugs and thievery.

Democrats are responsible for the war industry and every other damaging industry

I don't see any proof of any of what you're saying.

I can prove everything I said except for the comment about you being the last bulwark for the world order. I just threw that one out without thinking much



Not going to respond to this crap, but what's this about cultural marxism? Seriously though, who do you think they are? Who are they and what books did they write? What's so awful about them, have you actually read them?

It's not self-defined at all. The economical system is what decides who's better and who's worse. In capitalism it's those with the least regard for human life who excel. In communism it's the lowest scum on the planet. What I'm suggesting is that we change up the environment a little and put some evolutionary pressure on all the subhumans and then we let natural selection do its thing so that the subhumans can evolve into actual human beings like all the other already races have.

This niqqa didn't even lurk for 5 seconds

Forced breeding is not natural selection. If shitskins outpopulate you they are, by definition, more biologically fit than you.

Cultural Marxism is basically the libertarian philosophies of "Let everybody do their own thing", "Don't tread on me", "There's no such thing as right or wrong", Cultural Marxism are those theories applied to a keynesian or marxist system. Only bad things come out of that.

Yes, in the environment that we currently live in, in the system that we've created, that is true. Again, what I'm saying is that we need to change the environment so that those who aren't capable of surviving without neetbux need to die.

It's not supposed to be like this. Can't you see that we're devolving in this environment? White people have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to become masters of their cold and harsh environment. Do you want to throw all of that away?

w e w

Didn't know Marxist is wanted people to do whatever they wanted. Can you tell me witch authors say that?

""Cultural"" Marxists. That is exactly what they want.

And who are they and what books have the written?

I want to train a speech bot solely to make Holla Forums posts like this, I doubt it would be hard.


Read any libertarian book. ""Cultural"" Marxists are the ones who apply those theories to their own centrally planned system, a system that can't hold it.

If you understand this and the capitalist process that is destroying our races and cultures, then you'll understand exactly where all the insanity in the modern world comes from.

If anything they are socially conservative, complaining about the degeneceracy of consumer culture as opposed to "true"culture. How about you actually look into what they are saying before anything else.

Also didn't know Marxist where inspired by libertarians. Again who are these people and what have they written because they certainly weren't the Frankfurt school.

This is why we accept Islam and trannies and pedros too. Because there's no such thing as right or wrong, it's all subject. We call these people liberals and not Cultural Marxists, though.

These are some examples of liberals applying libertarian theories to a Marxist system



Our role is not to punish. The punishment is the prison sentence: they have been deprived of their freedom. The punishment is that they are with us,” says Nils Öberg, director-general of Sweden’s prison and probation service.


Jews are economical and spiritual libertarians by nature, but they still want a big totalitarian government to enforce certain laws and they also want a treasury to plunder from.

Liberalism (Cultural Marxism) is a fuse of those two things

The meek shall NOT inherit the Earth, the best of us should. Gas the niggers and kikes

Wew lad, can we slow down here a little?

This isn't what idealism is. I'm confused now.

Did know Milton was so popular among Marxist. But really your posting a video about him arguing for capitalism over socialism.

And this is about economics not muh morals. Again who are these cultural Marxists? Can you name a single one and point me to thier works.


Yes it is. Read the paragraph under it. I tell you that you're essentially denying the fact that there's a universally preferable behavior and you rather want everybody to sink down to their worst state of being

I meant to say that Friedman was a Jew and everybody in the Frankfurt school were Jews too and they all think in the same way and want the same things. I forgot to tell you that

Cultural Marxism is not about economics, it's about philosophy.

All arguments refuted.

I haven't heard "idealism" being used like this ever. plato.stanford.edu/entries/idealism/

Are you sure it's the word you're looking for?

So who are the big bad cultural Marxists? Is it Friedman? Well no because he is making arguments about economics and is definitely not a Marxist.

Is it the Frankfurt school? No, because if you read their work, it's not about all that "destroying western values" and as I said before is quite socially conservative.

oh fugg. pls delete this

It's the entire MSM media, academia and the law makers. All liberals are cultural and philosophical libertarians, but economical leftists. That's literally what the word liberal means now a days. If you want to talk about real liberals then you have to use the word "classical liberal".

I don't get anything in this thread


So now Marxists control the media, the schools, and the courts? Damn we sure made a lot of process, where can contact these people?

Also liberals aren't leftist in economics by any means.They just want a bigger welfare state, not workers control of the means of production. Mainstream liberals and conservatives are two sides of the same coin and don't have any major policy difference. And hell America has shifted so far to the right in economics that most liberals are center right by mainstream economics. If Obama was British he would be the MP of the conservative party

That's why we use the word neo-conservative. Nobody uses the word neo-liberal yet though

Also I'm still looking for just one cultural Marxist with works that I can actually read and match up to what you claim it is.

what the FUCK even IS "weaponized" cultural marxism??

pic related?

Weaponized useful idiots that are created by indoctrinating the youth through media and academia

Black lives matter
The democratic party

Implying your claim is true, this got fuck all to do with Marxism and/or the Franfkurt School.