After his endorsement of Trump and telling his fans that Google and Facebook "lied" to them. His trainer calls the cops, claiming that he was acting erratically. So the cops show up and strap him to a gurney.

West is an interesting character. He's prolly a genius. And nine times outta ten, he says stupid shit. But every now and again, he has a Charles Manson moment and you can tell he has latent autism.

Other urls found in this thread:

*prolly not

(((personal trainer)))

Kanye West is almost as autistic as CWC, it's not latent.


Did he receive the red suppository and his (((handlers))) shutting it down or is he just retarded?

Seriously OP, fuck off this this nigglerloving garbage.
"Social Media Lied to you"
t. Kayne
Wow, its not like this narrative isn't all over the MSM with their "Fake News" anti-new media war propaganda.

Go to cuckchan, I'm sure they have like 20 "Kanye for President" dicksucking threads up atm.
Make sure to use words like "Based" and "Woke", your thread will be a sure hit with all the 12 year old normalfags.

Another fucking slide thread

Don't forget "lit".

That's kinda the point, isn't it? West is considered mainstream. So if he was dropping red pills on his audience, (((they))) wouldn't like it. As such, him being committed wreaks of (((SHUT IT DOWN))).

I honestly don't know how you interpret that as praise for West.

He's being used to give Obama a heart transplant. That's what happens when you get into that much debt.

any nigger celebrity could be institutionalized any time their (((handlers))) choose.
Getting put in requires two things:
just try to find one famous dindu that doesn't meet those criteria 24/7.


Kanye was taken handcuffed against his will after his jew trainer called the cops on him for talking about trump. Article even said he was calm when police arrived but they still forced him to go.

Step out of line with any amount of fame and you will be dealt with.

Illiterate, rambling, paranoid, drama queen, sub-80 IQ nigger with a god complex does shit for attention… news at 11

What Redpills? Seriously
I listened to his inane nonsensical rant. He said nothing that isn't basic common knowledge or isn't being repeated 24/7 lately by MSM.
t. 4chan pleb

The only reason he likes Trump is because of his stance against being 'politically correct', which Kayne, in his rant, expressed he is tired of because his fans forced it on him after the incident with Taylor Swift, and he had to conform to them to make money.
He shouts "FUCK MTV" because of this. He just wants to be "Old controversial Kanye" because he has become boring, old and irrelevant now.
He's complaints with Google/Facebook has nothing to do with him being informed about how they're trying to censor wrong think, it's literally because Zuckerberg and all the other owners of big businesses wouldn't bail him out of dept when he begged them too.

All he has expressed are safe coshes views, that wont affect his brand. He's a fucking coward and a puppet.
Do you honestly think he would come out and support trump had he lost?
He would be towing the nwo status quo like the good jew leashed talky song and dance nigger pet like he is.

It does seem reminiscent of Soviet psychiatric abuse.

Yeah, no shit. Apparently in Commiefornia your kike boss can have the police lock you up if you do anything they don't approve of. I wonder how many other victims of this are out there.


Kike. An incredibly influential among normies (I know you won't admit that he is, i don't care) nigger rapper comes out and tells them Facebook, Google, and the mainstream media have been lying to them and that he supports trump. Those are all massive red pills for his audience.

I know you are a kike because all of what I just said is obvious and you know how important it is so you're trying to blow it off and call this a slide thread.

It won't work

I don't want to sound autistic, I'm in my early 20s and live a normal life… but how many people care about this retard? Like, I thought he was a joke, with maybe Justin Bieber -tier support? Which, I guess I figured amounted to 10 million teenagers… Is it much more than that?

Really though, if his audience is upwards of 80 million or something (again, I have no fucking clue, there are 40 million black people though), then I could see why maybe they'd want to dope him up with some zoloft or something. After all, he's probably not eating their poison, or drinking the fluoridated water.

I still think he's a retarded nigger, but I suppose that's irrelevant in this scenario.

PR managed character on a level where there's only a few other dozen. Everything in his life is managed by large PR firms to both keep him in the news, and support other PR campaigns. If he goes into rehab, or marries somebody or blah blah, it's all in support of something else.

This is how you sell narratives to normies.

How the fuck can they lock him up like that? Wtf, the only time the dindu really dindu nuffin wrong, they say he is crazy… Well, that makes sense, but how he fuck?

Can anyone find out where Kanye was committed, if at all possible? This is very difficult, especially given HIPAA which legally prohibits divulging information about another's medical condition, but this is something within 8ch/pol/'s power.

Here's the kicker: if you can find out within the next 48 hours, then perhaps someone… who I won't name… might be able to get themselves admitted in order to contact him somehow. Long shot, but worth trying.

This assuming they let Kanye stay somewhere in LA, but moving him anywhere else would be even more suspicious than this already is so.

Isn't that dude fucking nuts?

You type like a fucking liberal 20 year old. Get the fuck out, you aren't fooling anyone.


He's right about a lot of things, but the source of them are wrong. He always blames Satanists, the Illuminati and other tinfoil shit instead the real problem: Jews.

He's on the hook for millions if he just says "fuck it" - there's no "fuck it" insurance to pay out.

Just look at the crowds he brings for his awful live performances. Young niggers and retarded young white kids idolize him and think he is a fashion God. Literally millions of people in our country listen to and care about what he says. Half of them are probably paid Soros protesters having a brand aneurysm that he would say anything like this.

Kanye is incredibly influential as depressing as that is.

In Los Angeles there are only a few clinics where celebs go for "treatment" when necessary.

These are:

White Memorial Medical Hospital

Kaiser Permanente Mental Health Centre

Aurora Las Encinas

I know personally that celebrities have gone to these locations… don't ask me how. These are the leading candidates for locations Kanye was admitted to, assuming it was somewhere in LA. There are only a few other locations besides these that offer the degree of comfort someone like Kanye would expect/afford, most mental hospitals are downright shitty tbh so that helps us. That depends a lot on how extreme the "intervention" in question was and if they sought to get him committed somewhere else outside LA.

Okay, but is this nigger ape that influential that kikes would risk their cover by doping him? He does have twice as many followers as Donald Trump on twitter (30million) but most could be fake. Still, it's pretty risky to fuck around with that, and given his past history as being a retarded nigger, I sort of think this just goes along with that trend. It's not like he's ever been all that coherent anyway,

I should mention, the protocol most of these hospitals follow in order to contact committed individuals only requires that you know the number they were assigned at the time of commitment. Believe it or not, these locations still depend on a rubber stamp, so the number shouldn't diverge too much from… uh… a number that I might know. But that depends on the location, and if he's even in LA.

Fuck that nigger, let's have a thread about how fucked kike psychiatry is and how B.F. Skinner did nothing wrong.

Indded lad people need to get off this shitty house niggers knob. Its shameful to cuck for nogs.


One day he'll realize there's a connection between the three.

Because Reagen kike'd out and ended state hospitals, making the police social workers that throw anyone who expresses dissenting opinions in the nuthouse where they force bluepills on them.
MKULTRA Never ended.

reported for "ironic" niggerspeak.

The jews did this to Kanye to provide his fans with an excuse to disregard what Kanye said.

The jews did this to Kanye to provide his fans with an excuse to disregard what Kanye said.

The jews did this to Kanye to provide his fans with an excuse to disregard what Kanye said.

We need to counter-meme to Kanye fans that Kanye is sane and the jews are abusing him for political reasons.

nigga i juz counter reported yo bitch ass upo in dix bitch muhfugga eat a dick im behind 12 proxies from the neddahleands nigkka

Post from halfchan:
"UCLA medical center IS THE Same hospital as many celebs needing "rehab" after "meltdowns." These are highly control propaganda machines. Step out of line-They are labeled by the media as "crazy" or having mental conditions. What they have in common is disobeying orders. Remember when Brittany shaved her head? She was quoted as saying, "I don't want anyone touching me anymore." Many are child stars.

Kanye is there. google. com/amp/www.nbclosangeles. com/news/local/Rapper-Kanye-West-Hospitalized-After-Canceling-Saint-Pablo-Tour-402350286.html%3Famp%3Dy?client=safari

Amanda Bynes
google. com/amp/www.nydailynews. com/amp/entertainment/gossip/amanda-bynes-transfers-ucla-medical-center-continue-treatment-article-1.1429095%3F0p19G%3De?client=safari

Britney Spears was taken to the neuropsychiatric section of the UCLA Medical Center on Jan. 31, 2008.
npr. org/sections/health-shots/2015/12/10/458939656/celebrities-medical-records-tempt-hospital-workers-to-snoop

Michael Jackson
newsroom.ucla. edu/stories/media-reports-that-michael-jackson-94914

Mariah Carey

Lindsay Lohan
latimesblogs.latimes. com/lanow/2010/08/lindsay-lohan-released-rehab-ucla-dui-jail.html

Found the kike!

lol mental hospital workers don't give enough of a shit to even bluepill their patients. Merely getting to talk to an actual psychiatrist for a half hour means you're in a top-tier institution.

I suspect they got him committed just so when people bring up that Kanye brought this up they can go "yeah, and then he was committed the next day for being crazy." That's enough for them, but it also gives us an opening.


are you 8?

Kanye was there. It's routine for hospitals like UCLA to transfer their patients to a psych hospital after initial admission. I think it is very unlikely Kanye is still at UCLA. Most likely he has been transferred somewhere else for the mandatory 72 hours for a 5150.

I should add, one of the three hospitals I listed were the place that a number of these celebs spent most of their 5150 or rehab. I know with high confidence Lohan spent most of her rehab at a certain hospital in Pasadena.

I meant non-figurative blue pills. As in strapped down and injected with neuroleptic kike-pharma kabballah drugs.
You are massively bluepilled on kike mind control if you think they just want to convince you of things, not drug and rape you for months on end.

how to get permabanned: the post.

Guys I think it's not as inoccent as we think. Kim Kardashian was missing yesterday and she was involved in pizzagate.We are braking the conditioning.

Should we tell hood niggers to go in guns blazing to rescue Kanye from these evil people?

aka Handler

Whats up with all this talk about kanye mentioning pizzagate in his rant?
Anyone have a video???

It's likely they're doing to wipe the nigger's memory and torture him in there.
niggers deserve a semi-humane rope based death not this kike mindcontrol torture shit.

mayne daz a real ass nigga he bout dat lyfe

(literal) pills by themselves won't make themselves, but in combination with an environment that rewards bluepill thinking it is very possible. That said, the bluepilling for the most part isn't coming from mental health workers is what I'm saying.


You certainly aren't.

The guy is a known dope fiend as well as, BROKE. He's had one failure another and a double digit IQ black losing his shit in this day and age… not a surprise. It's only because he's a fucking celebrity that he's getting looked at medically.

I hope he dies like his bitch mother.


i remember when koonyay axed marcus zuckerburg for a billion gibs

What are you trying to say? That kike mind control drugs dindu nuffin? Psychiatry is the number two enemy of the white race next to kikes, something like fourty percent of Americans are on those drugs and 1 in 4 has a (((mental illness))) DSM is just disease by committee. Fuck right off.

cool "heh pill" you have there

I haven't researched into Hollywood's role in pizzagate as much since most of the dig threads are focused on DC, so I can't really offer any helpful insight.

Or it could be a psyop to make him a hero when the bubble of the pizzagate bursts.

This does nothing to make him look good in the eyes of a normalfag that bought into kike-pharma's narrative.
Only crazy people get taken to the nuthouse, after all.


says the lispy jew faggot, now prove me right by cucking for Kanye you slimey slug twat

reported for intl

Koonye wezt is the kike for selling plain white t-shirts at $150 a pop

counter reported for being a nigga dick ridin faggot



We should be focusing on Hollywood as well. If a link was found between Hollywood and DC, that would be even greater evidence of what we suspect. All of this connects.

I repeat
and I might be able to contact him.

Well think it like this
and THEY have another choice when everyone else goes to jail



Again, normalfags won't see it as torture, they'll see it as him getting sent off because he's a crazy nog with a god-complex not because he held a dissenting opinion and got v& for it by the thought police this one time

If a scandal so big bursts,they will believe anything.


And I am not cucking for niggerman when I say how bad this is, he's a fucking delusional nigger that went broke trying to sell $1000 trackzoots and ripoff nikes, however I hate seeing Holla Forumsacks cuck for kike psychiatry.
Niggers deserve the rope, not chemical lobotomy and a life of sucking kike dicks in a (((medically-induced))) coma

You overestimate the average ZOGbot, user.


In all fairness it would not be surprising if they were trying to "shut him down", if he was saying things Molochs chosen did not like.

Same shit happened to Amanda Bynes when she broke her programming.

That's exactly what happened, and it happens to millions of whites nationwide every single fucking day.


discrediting your adversary is the best way of exacting rights-violations on them and getting the public to go along.
>t. Doctah Chaim Shekelgruber - believe me, I went to college

I think you are right.But we should have that in mind. It's a chess game after all,we should consider even the most peculiar move.

thats pretty fuckin funny though

is this some sort of joke or publicity stunt? is this real?


That's all there is to say.

touche and shadilay, user

Praise KEK; all Hail GodEmperor Trump!!!

Nice dubs. Shadilay!

Sage goes in all fields

Sage only goes in one field.

Oh no. He's going to get the Michael Jackson Treatment.

I'd say he deserves it after that last album. But does anyone really deserve it once they've seen the error of their ways.

Kanye has lewd 2d girls in his performances and watches anime. Clever guy. This is scary, but what exactly did his trainer say to get the police to agree to come over?

The guy is a total fucking sperg and a nigger.

There's a difference here, and that's that he's pro Trump. His narrative isn't about the fake news crap, it's about the fact that Twitter was censoring hashtags that could be harmful to Hillary etc.

You know, the stuff that actually happened,

Absolutely right, never compromise even in the face of armageddon.
Don't let the nigger gain any ground, don't give any legitimacy to kike psychiatry.

A lot of niggers watch "anime" meaning entry-level moeshit and dragon ball.
I am pro at DBZ:BT3 and used to attend tournaments some of the best at it are niggers(and even then they just employ retard-tier buttonmashing "tactics"), FGC is complete and utter garbage unless you're into street fighter alpha series and power stone
All anyone has to say is "X is a acting crazy, lock him up" and the police have to do it because of liability laws.

A nigger being right once does not absolve it of being a nigger, user.

Goyim listen to Kanye that's why this is important. this is like a rothschild going full redpill in public and being taken away for reprogramming

Randy Quaid comes to mind

Yes, that's why they don't list cuckoldry, homosexuality and transgenderism as diseases anymore.

Nice trips. If he was institutionalized against his will then we should probably pay attention to this.

This shit happens all the time and it just discredits whoever gets taken off. Amanda Bynes had the same shit happen when she tried to expose her dad and the freaks at Nickelodeon(she was on "the Amanda show") for kidfucking her.
Now everyone just thinks she's a conspiritard and other things like that.

Holy fucking shit, what is happening

Kanye was breaking the conditioning and they institutionalized him for his efforts?

And this was one of Kanye's most coherent speeches (that's not saying a lot, I know)
award. The only reason they locked him up was because he praised the God Emperor.

There are a lot of possibilities

See this

Kayne out of nowhere in the middle of a show starting trying to redpill the audience by saying the media was full of liars (he even named the Jew; called out Zuckerberg) and now he's been dragged off to the madhouse despite how there was reportedly nothing wrong with him when the paramedics got there.

It's very reminiscent of that, the current state of psychiatry exists to silence dissidents, current state of DSM where anything and everything can be a mental illness just enforces it.
Everyone should read "medicalization of dissent" and look up "sluggish schizophrenia" and "political schizophrenia"

No, it was because he brought up social media manipulation. The kikes don't want their electronic control-grid exposed and the nigger with a god-complex was "dangerously" close to doing to.

The only thing wrong was his thought-patterns, for which there is zero quantifiable science-based evidence to enforce.

Also look up major pharmaceutical companies, pfizer, teva, and turing are a good start.
Still think Martin shrekman is so BASED?

If so, then Kanye is hearing from all sides that he isn't even wrong, he's "just crazy."

We should make sure to send him a care package after he gets out with just "We don't think you're crazy. They're gaslighting you. YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT."


reminder the same people denying her are the ones that whine about 'rape culture'

We shouldn't do anything to help this nigger get anywhere near the white house. Holla Forums should take this as a lesson in jewish mind-control tactics and nothing more.
If anything we should use this attempt at discrediting fake nigger-jesus and turn it right back on the kikes by comparing it to soviet or Nazi zersetzung, but that might backfire medicalization of dissent.

Research major pharmaceutical companies and see (((who))) controls them, see (((who))) backs the DSM, see who is on their BoD, see who founded them. Look into what "teva" means hint: kikespeak for "the world" as in "the man-made godless world us chosen have complete reign over, now take your meds you fithy cattle-person"

Yep, liberalism is the real mental illness here.


Posts like these are always suspicious to me.

Any time someone starts to come over to our side, there's always someone in the crowd who calls their purity into question and spouts racial slurs like there's no tomorrow.

What would George Lincoln Rockwell think of your behavior?

I highly doubt Kanye is "redpilled" and all the dick riding of that retarded narcissist shuck and jive nigger puppet ITT is goddamn shameful. That said, celebrities have ungodly amounts of influence considering how stupid they are, and his audience is the most normie of the normies, even something as comparatively weak as "don't trust Facebook, nigga #woke" "Fuck dat pussy cracka zuckaberg gnomesayin?" etc. is red alert for the kikes because if their puppets in Entertainment do not tow the narrative line 100 percent and deviate even fractionally it is disastrous for them. If Miley Cyrus was a 1488er instead of a degenerate whore the entire youth of this country would go full 1488 in a matter of months, that is the kind of disproportionate influence the kikes MKULTRA pedowood puppets wield. Kanye will now undergo reprogramming and forcible bluepilling and will either suicide (not very likely), have a Britney Spears-esque meltdown/drug bender which makes him irrelevant, or conveniently retract his statements, or a combination of the three. Instead of shamefully lavishing praise on this stupid nigger for being "redpilled" like a cuck, we need to exploit the situation to undermine Hollywood influence, which is enormous and if manipulated to our advantage will be a silver bullet against NWO. I suggest spreading #pizzagate, pedowood, monarch, etc. among his fans, now that everyone is abuzz with the institutionalization we should strike when the iron is hot and expose Hollywood as the den of vipers and pedokikes it really is.

What the fuck, never heard of this before. Microchip? Maybe Kanye is getting an implant right now.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a shill. MEME MAGIC DOESN'T CARE ABOUT RACE, but shills do. You don't need to deny the biological reality of race to accept that Kanye benefits our side. If not a shill, then still retarded enough to ban. Maintaining racial "purity" as a value above practical ideological and memetic strategy is like the bluest red pill possible.

We need a word for this kind of shillery.

I think what he was trying to say is:
((Pharmaceutical Companies))

Could Kanye be trained now to assassinate Trump?

This. If they are resorting to institutionalization it is because he struck a nerve and can actually damage (((them))), and we need to signal boost it and not let them cover it up. Time for a psyop to expose hollywood pedophilia and social media manipulation to normie Kanye fans.

D&C Kike checklist

-Hate on gays
-Hate on women
-Hate on christians/pagans
-Hate on blacks
-Hate on older/younger generations
-Hate on "not white" european ethnicities

-Do not hate on Jews, they are white and our greatest ally.
-The Rothschilds, Quaids and Schmidts have not been complicit in fomenting wars and revolutions for centuries
-jews are not responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of whites in Russia, the Ukraine, Germany and other European states.
-jews did not aid and abet the moorish invasion of Europe
-Jews did not have spies like Jonathan Pollard steal our nuclear secrets
-They do not have 80-200 warheads aimed at global cities for their "Samson Option"
-They did not strafe the USS liberty
-They have not plotted against the USA for over a hundred years
-They have not infiltrated the central banks, banking system and government with dual citizen israeli nationals
-They did not have art students plant thermite charges in the WTC then aid and abet the Saudi hijackers
-They do not traffic in black market organs stolen from kidnapped and murdered eastern europeans
-They do not participate in the white slave trade
-They have not attempted to propagandize and demoralize our country with Hollywood and the mass media
-They do not rape and cannibalize children to perpetuate Moloch worship
-They are not a major exporter of illegal drugs
-They are not a state sponsor of ISIS.
Israel is a nationalist state too, goyim!

Operations derailment.


We only need to get normies asking WHY.

What's this? An Exploit?
Am I safe?

Fucking hell you niggers are dense.

I swear like a fucking sailor, It's part of how I speak. Imageboards have likely damaged my vernacular somewhat.
You sound like a typical TRS poster and format like one as well, this nigger is trying to take the white-house we just got back from another ape. Who gives a shit if he's going to copy Trump's highly successful model?
GLR also existed in a time where the negro was suppressed on a societal level and was not always going on a "kill whitey" power-trip. He dealt with niggers like Cassius Clay and MLK who at least pretended to be civilized individuals.
He should come over to our side, I completely welcome him to do so under the pretense that he will not be given a single iota of power over us or the general American populace.

I doubt there's actually chipping going on, making you think you're chipped is part of the discrediting process.

I completely accept that he benefit us but I also stay vigilant and don't want us to do anything that benefits him by giving his run on the white house or degenerate lifestyle any amount of legitimacy
You already have one, TRS-kun. It's called "purity spiraling" and it's complete and utter bullshit. We should not compromise our integrity because a nigger who's spent his whole life making public anti-white spectacles aligned his beliefs with ours once


Your post would benefit from some formatting

When Kanye found out his buddy Jay-Z and Beyonce were slathering children in piss and sperm and blood with Abramovic he must have lost his mind.

they are subhumans

Yeah it seems a bit far-fetched, but i'll look into it more

and also, no one is going to meme Kanye into the white house, we simply understand that there is now an opportunity to dispense redpills to a new audience due to the situation.

And I am completely on board with that and encourage you to familiarize yourself with kike-psychiatry and kike-parma before or whilst doing so.

Drunk af mate, can't be arsed to format and some goonnigger would just bitch about muh reddit spacing anyway. Its legible so who gives a fuck.

Shill. Whether it matters to Holla Forums or not (and I believe they recognize the wisdom) I am a Taoist. "The best way of conquering an enemy is to win him over by not antagonizing him."

I want to
Fuck your PURITY it obviously doesn't work. Neo-nazi skinheads had their purity for 40 years, where did that get them? Meanwhile MEME MAGIC has only had a few years, and it has direct access to the White House.

ANYWAY this distracts from the point of this thread. The only thing Holla Forums should be focusing on is "How can this benefit us?"

Breaking paragraphs isn't ebin redditspacing. Here, let me format your post since you're too inebriated to give a shit.
I highly doubt Kanye is "redpilled" and all the dick riding of that retarded narcissist shuck and jive nigger puppet ITT is goddamn shameful. That said, celebrities have ungodly amounts of influence considering how stupid they are, and his audience is the most normie of the normies, even something as comparatively weak as "don't trust Facebook, nigga #woke" "Fuck dat pussy cracka zuckaberg gnomesayin?" etc. is red alert for the kikes because if their puppets in Entertainment do not tow the narrative line 100 percent and deviate even fractionally it is disastrous for them.

If Miley Cyrus was a 1488er instead of a degenerate whore the entire youth of this country would go full 1488 in a matter of months, that is the kind of disproportionate influence the kikes MKULTRA pedowood puppets wield. Kanye will now undergo reprogramming and forcible bluepilling and will either suicide (not very likely), have a Britney Spears-esque meltdown/drug bender which makes him irrelevant, or conveniently retract his statements, or a combination of the three. Instead of shamefully lavishing praise on this stupid nigger for being "redpilled" like a cuck, we need to exploit the situation to undermine Hollywood influence, which is enormous and if manipulated to our advantage will be a silver bullet against NWO.

I suggest spreading #pizzagate, pedowood, monarch, etc. among his fans, now that everyone is abuzz with the institutionalization we should strike when the iron is hot and expose Hollywood as the den of vipers and pedokikes it really is.

This is exactly what they used to do in the (((Soviet Union))).

And they never did list Pathological Authority Trust Personality disorder, Power Obsessive Disorder, Wealth Acquisition Disorder (WAD), Placid Compliance Disorder and there is no pathological opposite of paranoia.

Yeah, you can gas yourself anytime TRS faggot.
It can greatly benefit us by using it to expose the jewish psychiatric mind control that millions of Americans are exposed to every day and doing it via a vector that was previously used to exclusively spread degeneracy.
Kanye x Immortal Technique when?

Relevant Reminder:

we were warned

A thousand times fucking this.

Also you're fucking retarded and don't know any skins. They are some of the LEAST pure fucks around.
Across the board they listen to degenerate music and engage in shallow consumerism and drug-use all the while fraternizing with ex-cons and FBI "here son don't you want to bash that nigger's skull in, 14 words 88 rules my fellow nazi skinhead brudder" tier individuals.
Their logic is shit as well and goes along the lines of, "I hate niggers because they robbed me once" not "I hate niggers because there are major genetic differences between our peoples and they are easily ideologically subverted to promote international jewish interests"
Fuck skinheads, fuck TRS, and fuck YOU we're Nazis, not "alt-right" not whatever monicker the media wishes to thrust upon us and certainly not people who compromise.

I'll add those to the list of things to research

He means purity in terms of identity, not morality you dolt.

This whole "I don't want to be within 50 feet of a nigger" mentality.

I don't care who is helping me remove the fucking bankers. AS LONG AS WE'RE FINALLY REMOVING THE FUCKING BANKERS.

We should make that a fucking banner. Sometimes Holla Forumsacks become inflexible wrt their ideological values. "The hard and rigid belongs to the company of the dead, while the soft and supple belongs to the company of the living."

Kanye West is not going to take any house. He doesn't have the funds for it. Period. Go download his album off of Tidal. Lol.

At least give him the blacks.


Who the fuck is saying this? I certainly am not. I am saying we shouldn't do anything to inadvertently help this idiot gain political power.
I want to use this to benefit us not him, which in the end does help us remove merchant.
So far I am the only one proposing a vector for turning this against the kikes, got anything else to say or are you just going to cry shill more while acting like an obvious TRS fuck that bitches about purity spirals all day.
I say we start by familiarizing ourselves with their tactics and letting kanye know exactly (((who))) allowed this to happen to him.
I just read the "5150" law for instance and am currently looking for who was involved in passing said law and if they have ties to jewish pharmaceutical companies.

This is a good point.
Who should not be in our country in the first place? Sure, he can have them until we have enough power to send them back to Africa.

You fucking idiot, zersetzung was communist east germany's tactic.

We're on the same page then. Carry on.

I've always been a fan of Kanye (the man mostly, admittedly I also like some of his music) because he seemed to be a down to earth guy who was able too look at things around him in a different way and say something about it. In the past of course this has resulted in a lot of dumb shit and I was disappointed when I saw how deeply he got involved with JayZ and the like. I think he has finally seen the light, though. Maybe he will finally realize that nigs are being used as tools and that it's not the white folks or the Republicans holding down blacks. It's Jewish Marxists, same as it is for the rest of us goyim.

I know plenty of you here hate the guy and with good reason but I think he's a good person under all the show. That's coming out now. However, the fact that he's been committed… I can't imagine what they're going to do to him in there. Don't be surprised if he (((accidentally))) dies while in care, or if he comes out as a full-on Monarch slave. Before he was just corrupted by money, fame and power, which he ironically predicted in his own work.

Good luck Kanye.

>Caitlyn Jenner talking to Kim about supporting trump. 8/23/2016
>Kim getting "robbed" by Isis. 9/03/2016

Stoped reading right there

acting (((erratically)))

Shit you're 100% right.
I'd just picked the word up as "german psychological dissolution" and made some baseless assumptions.

honestly, I kind of like the guy because I read an interview with him where he spoke about how the technical side of things got him into music production and the same is true for me, I used to be an audio-engineer before I went full /biz/, and no I am not trying to say he's smart, audiofaggingespecially when using a DAW is some of the easiest shit around


If this nigger retard offs himself (or somebody else offs him and they make it look like suicide) they'll turn him into a martyr like those other two nigger retards Tupac and Biggie.

Holy shit, underrated post.

I don't think he's a genius but he could be a very useful figure in getting niggers to see how they're being used. Unfortunately, it looks like it's the gas chamber for him since he said too much too publicly. Just like Cosby and plenty of others I'm sure.

It is very fucking telling that you are simply not allowed to be a black celebrity with any right-leaning values. They don't just besmirch you. They put you in prison, or an institution. They brainwash you. I wouldn't be surprised if they have killed some who were risks.

Black folks waking up and turning against the Marxist narrative is simply not allowed, it would absolutely destroy (((them))) which means it's time to MEME IT

Pretty sure he was positioning himself to win the 2020 election, but maybe there is infighting among handers, some who think him becoming the Dem Nominee is good and some who think it is bad

Thinking back to this incident got me wondering about something. Is Kanye illiterate?

Obviously, they need to read off a teleprompter. Meyers goes first. Kanye looks pained. Why? Ok, there's bad shit going down, but Kanye is really in the moment. Maybe he realizes he can't read that teleprompter as well as Meyers?

Extrapolate. Kanye barely understands what's going on in this election. Most of the anti-Trump hate is written. He watches Trump speak and thinks Trump is great. Kanye doesn't realize everyone in Hollywood thinks Trump is literally Hitler. He's not reading all the shit on social media and in the press.

Kanye, being illiterate, lives in a world where everything is way over his head and he can barely figure it out. He might even be keeping it a secret from everyone, increasing the stress.


nice user

It's so blatant.

It's a tremendous opportunity to redpill a shitton of people. How can you not see it?

Kanye West is just like so many of these actors, an like the Donald himself: he comes from the system, and he realized it was a world of lies.

War never changes. That's why the taoists lost.

Go for it user.

The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

Shkreli is based af tho. Look at how he trolls niggers and the MSM jews. The reddit cucks HATE him.

He owns the drug, he knows insurance companies are the ones paying, what's the problem with raising the price?

Exactly right. Shkreli did what everyone else in the industry has been doing. The only difference is that he is a publicity hound troll, so he brought negative public attention to the practice, and gets crucified by the media (paid mostly by pharma ads…) as punishment.

Considering who it is, I have no problem with this.

He's gonna end up like MJ soon enough.

That doesn't make him any less Jewish.

This shit is just made up right?

ajskdhfakjshgiuwehgasndvjaksdhvzkxchviulawhegfjkasndfjkashdfluiawehfkljasncv,zhndgjklahseluigfhawkejfmnasdjkfhawefuieahwekfjnaskjdfh,amsdnvculaweifghaksjldfnkjasdnkjasdhfuahwiehfaskjldfhasefuihawlfkjhashdfjhauiwehfljkasdhfkasjdfhajkewfhuaiwfhakjlsdghkasdb nvxzm,cbn;reiogjfaoiweufndv,zdmfhbn;irguarejbkdsmnsdflkghjauweoifjbdnv,sdjjgklgajs


Looks like yet another kanye slide thread


Do you just call people you don't like jews to discredit them? He isn't jewish…

"Son of Albanian and Croatian immigrants who worked as janitors"

maybe he is breaking his ego

it will make a man go insane.

It doesn't matter what your wiki article says, and it doesn't even matter if he knows he is a Jew himself. If you can't look him in the face, and tell he is clearly a kike, you need to work on your jewdar. That being said, yes, people here often call who they do not like a kike, but this guy is clearly a kike.

Messaged the wrong person, fug.

Maybe there is. Comment from tmz:

3 day hold and 30 million profit plus the free time for "rest"

Looks like the kikes are terrified that their mind control is failing, even on the simple minded niggers.

Still not tired of winning yet.

Also cucks kvetching about "niggerloving" or some shit

This is not about being okay with niggers you fucking retarded monkeys.

This is about using one of the most influential niggers in the world as an avenue to dispense redpills to normies.

If we can get Kangye West and the rest of the DK Crew to start dropping redpills about the kikes and shit, we can rob the disgusting heebs of yet another of their favorite tools to subvert White society, by making their degenerate nigger jungle beats non-kosher.


All this shit is fake sensationalism

I highly doubt there are actual chips being used; if that kind of technology was possible, you could be damn sure that (((they))) would be trying to mass-market it as some kind of modern convenience to get people voluntarily chipping themselves. The idea of a chip in your head is more powerful than an actual chip could ever be, and instead of being a physical object that others can accidentally find (e.g. during an x-ray), trying to tell people about it instantly discredits you in the public eye.

Look at it this way: as part of the conditioning, they make a cut on the back of your head, then stitch it up again, and tell you they implanted a chip in your brain that can monitor and control your thoughts. If they can make you believe that they already control you completely, how can you resist when they brainwash you for real? Then they send you back out into the world, and the conditioning is self-correcting. If you believe that it's impossible to have dissenting thoughts, you'll have those thoughts much less often, and if you believe that it's impossible to have those thoughts privately, you'll actively suppress those thoughts on your own, for fear of punishment. If your first (((treatment))) was unpleasant enough, you'll do anything to avoid getting dragged back in for a second go.

Like that's any better.

It was another stroke of genius from this man

>There was barely a moment between Myers' final words and the moment the man in the White House would later call the low point of his presidency. It was a moment that would lead to songs and skits, academic debates and calls to change the way Americans think and talk about race.

A decade later it's still being talked about. It's more memorable and left a larger impact on society than that "we are the world" bullshit.


You might be right, but at the same time I might also be right that Kanye merely adlibbed something to cover his illiteracy. has the name of hospital. That should be the first place you look for shit like this.


If Hitler 2.0 was a nigger you shills would insist we lynch him before he could gas the kikes for us

Every nigger will hang when day of the rope arrives.

Kayne West is a broke narccistic piece of shit. The retard declared war against piratebay while downloading his torrents from there.

He is a nignorant niggerfaggot.

No individuals will be judged by their actions you ignoramus.
But yes, a lot of black people will be tarnished by their misbehavior.

He's an unlikable cunt of a nigger but there's definitely something going on here. Say what you want about him but the fact is he commands a lot of influence among normalfags even after all of the other controversies he's been through, so him getting taken out like this the second he starts trying to redpill his audience even this mildly should be ringing alarm bells even among normalfags.


This forced kanye meme is dumb as hell, m8

Memes and Bantz alone didn't make Trump president. He is actually highly competent and intelligent to begin with.

If you wanted to discuss the recent event surrounding him, then you could have used an opening post that's not down-syndrome like. Also, perhaps include an article or two.

All in all, this is a shit thread

Good riddance.

I'd heard of people putting magnets in their fingertips before, but this is news to me; I'm not surprised in the least bit, though. It's pretty much guaranteed that as soon as the whole thing can be simplified so "it just werks™", it'll become the next big thing. Anything that reduces the number of steps between having some inane thought and tweeting it to the world is going to be a sure-fire success. An RFID tag implanted in the finger is pretty harmless, or at least, as harmless as having a RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION TAG implanted in your body can be, How long until every chip needs to have a unique identifier? You know, for (((security purposes))). Authenticate your account now, goy. but normalising having an implanted microchip is the first step down a very dark road.

I still think we're a long, long way off from genuine brain-chips, but when they finally get invented, nobody's going to bat an eyelid. Hell, they'll be queueing up for miles outside the apple store, hoping to be one of the first to get chipped. Open-source gets a lot of flak here, not all of it undeserved, but it really is humanity's only hope when it comes to technologies that directly interact with the mind or body. Only a damned fool would take the manufacturer's word for it that a piece of hardware or software actually does what they say it does (and more importantly, doesn't do anything extra that they didn't bother to tell you about), even more so when it can directly affect your body. Unfortunately, that describes about 99% of the population.

You do have a point.
He might of been spreading awareness though.

KANYE WEST Oath is broken

If he's genuine about it, one little stint in the psych ward won't stop him.

It's there to bypass the "this file has already been posted" detection.

does anyone else non-ironically enjoy Kanye's music?

low IQ and spurg behavior aside, I feel West is a musical genius and there is something special about his. always felt this way and his semi red-pilled rant was no surprise to me. easily most based "pop/pop-rap" star IMO

he sold his soul to the kikes for money and fame
he promotes degeneracy
he promotes race mixing and white genocide
the nigger goes to the oven togehter with cohen

This is what happens when a nigger learns the truth.

fuck yeah, i dont know if i would call him a genius but i love his artistic decisions and his music always felt real and honest.


you're right genius is a little much
glad to hear i'm not the only fan tho


Listen bro, I don't like niggers and I would kill them all if I could but this is a great opportinty on spreading our message to normies who otherwise would never listen to us

They also did it to Amanda Bynes when she came forward about pedowood and being molested.



who shills for this retarded nigger here and why?
this is Holla Forums not worldstar

Holy shit they made him disapear for that? Shit is going to get very wild

5150's are boring as shit (for common folk - not denying possible MKULTRA kikery for celebs)

the options field

Strange thing, I only find shit that he is in the crazy house but not why. They don't mention what he said about Trump and why people need to calm the fuck down. What he said was reasonable after all.
I think they will pull a Michael Jackson on him soon, Jackson also knew what the kikes where doing and warned people about it. Hell he got so much shit on him with the original version of They Don't Care About Us, a song that has a BPM of 88 too.


Newfags are incapable of seeing that we can n should use everyfucking opportunity to spreadte pill

Its not newfags, its shills. They're out in full force, virtue-signalling as hard as they fucking can.

Is that why he managed to waste all his money even though he has no major fixed costs that could drag him down?
Still, (((they))) must be scared to do something this public.


Kanye is what happens when a lolcow gets rich.

Because he partakes in kike pharma at all for personal gain, he's a capitalist, and complacent to jewry at best.

Off by just one, so you're close. You forgot to add that his illiteracy is intrinsically related to his being a nigger.

We're past the point at which we need /r/The_Donald-tier "Based Black Man" shit.

Although I'm sure they have some really strong security measures there

I hate cuckchan.

(checked) Kanye was abducted by the white devil. They don wanna let him run against Trump. So dey lock him up.


He mentioned pizzagate, which is what got him.

Damn, that's gonna suck being noguns for the rest of his life. He can obviously buy illegally but still

Did he? The madman. I'll give him some respect for that, pizzagate needs to explode and everyone needs a gassing.

Kanye was only initially admitted to Reagan, that doesn't mean he's staying there. Transferring to another location after initial admission at another facility is routine for psychiatric holds. Further, he would not have been accessible that first 12 hours - he could have been placed in a "lockdown" unit, e.g. where they tranquilize the violent crazies and keep them separated if at all possible. It's entirely possible Kanye is straitjacketed and handcuffed to a hospital bed in a private lockdown facility somewhere and that's where he'll be for the next 72 hours.

Laws like HIPAA mean they have really good "justification" to not report about where he really is right now.

That said, it is probably useful to promote the narrative of asking about the conditions of Kanye's admission on places like WorldStar.

He has made a few amazing instrumental tracks but he is such a fucking retard that I can't see how anybody can like this guy enough to see him in concert and still respect themselves. Especially when all he seems to do is rant and walk off stage early.

I honestly think he had a moment of clarity. He realized how stupid he and his fans really are and tried to tell them the truth with his limited vocabulary.


Who gives a fuck, he belongs in Africa.

He probably threatened the bill collector. Not a smart thing to do when you owe tens of millions. Niggers always lose when they attack somebody other than young or elderly women.

You're wrong. Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen shilled for Hillary. Who are their biggest fan-bases? Middle-aged white people.

Who still voted for Trump? Middle-aged white people.

Celebrities in current year+1 is about as much influental as the media is. They have no trust, they have no reliability and people don't listen to them when it comes to politics anymore.

That's because you're a shill or retarded. It doesn't matter what you personally think about Kanye. This is a massive red pill for normies and the fact that you want to ignore it makes me know that you are a kike shill scared shitless.

This thing is pretty nuts. I just watched his recent ramblings.
Pretty centrist. And averybody know rappers loved Trump before this. Every NYC rapper that used a word that ended in "ump" followed it up with "a pimp, like Donald Trump."

And the dude gets committed for mental issues, and also a "spiritual crisis" that his friends and handlers found alarming?
This is pretty nuts.
MK-ULTRA level indeed.
Watching with great anticipation.


Fuckin' gay ass nigger kike.

Very much so.
This "he's gone crazy" thing will only last as long as he's out of the picture.
I can't wait until they release him. Hope he isn't a zombie by then.
This could be a Network level breakdown.
Fun to watch.

Oh moshe

Someone agreeing with you means neither that they are a genius nor that they stopped being black.


You fail to see the significance of the situation. Kayne is that first primate brave enough to touch the obelisk.

This is going to be something to witness.

Not everything is real, there are people with legit psychosis in the show biz as well… actually even more then in the average population.

monolith, that is
I just have dicks on the brain
No you can't see my tits

It's a requirement

It's pure cohencidence that Amanda Bynes was totally fine until she tried to expose people who diddled her and she's suddenly (((mentally ill))) now
Being a fucking psychopath doesn't get you locked up until you speak out against the ZOG, I wonder why.

Read the damn book and stop pretending to be a girl on the internet if you're not going to provide timestamped tits.

Kanye can go on stage and make thirty minute rants about how he's the next incarnation of Christ, display most of the symptoms of schizophrenia in public, punch paparazzi, make spectacles at award shows, and doesn't get thrown in the loony bin until he says good things about Trump
(((I wonder why)))

You blind?

Fuck off. Leave Holla Forums and never come back. Go to reddit or watch some more Filter Man. Just leave and never ever come back

You're a strange shill.

Did he actually mention pizzagate?

I looked at the feed of hers when she had her break down and it seemd pretty legit for me. Don't underestimate imagination. While, if you truthfully want to find the conspiracy she made up in a porbably drug induced psychosis, go ahead. I don't judge people beeing always vigilant. While anybody who has worked with mentals, can just see her insanity puring into the internet at that time…

Funny enough yes. The study I got that info from, was pointing that out. Some Doctress looking into influcenal singers, actors, writers. So many of them displayed unsusal behavoir…


And who are the bankers? And is it only bankers that is the problem?

So why are you trying to change the tone about how we talk about this dumb nigger on here then?

The audience of 8/pol is most likely already initiated, you don't have to police posters into some PR-narrative around here to make it seem like we are something else. Go do that on twitter, facebook or reddit or something.

Daily reminder that the monarch/illuminati/deeply satanic symbolism/MK-ultra in music business was a shill-tactic by people ((inside the music-industry)) trying to generate revenue and interest in mainsstream-artists from red-pilled people

Stop bumping the thread. This third-worlder is no "artist".

You don't get it, Trump winning despite the media and all the heavily celebrity shilling going on clearly shows you, people don't think celebrities and the media is credible.

At what percentage is the media at in credability amongst polls nowadays? Around 3% think they are credible was the last time i heard, below used-cars-salesmen.

This may be true, but we should consider the frequency with which these types sell the very rope used to hang them. Even if this were just a PR stunt to boost Kanye's image, we can still seize upon the prevailing circumstances to lead people to accepting certain truths. This will motivate the average person to do some quick internet research about this sort of phenomena, and they may discover things about Hollywood they can't turn away from.

I know right lol

Bump because what you said is irrelevant.

They weren't the only one who was "off by one".


In your opinion, your topic is relevant. But you're alone spamming the thread.

Are you a nigger? The word is "probably" you illiterate cunt.

Normalfags have fucking hero complexes over rich niggers that talk in rhyme over 5 second midi loops and 10 second sections stolen from other songs. It's sadly more influence than should ever exist.

Secondly, kill yourself for even having plebbit image macros saved on your hard drive and spamming them.

I think Kayne started to read into the pizza gate shit and probably knew previously that Jay and Beyonce were up to some weird shit and the Pizza gate shit made him realize what the fuck is going on, he might of started putting the pieces of the puzzle together, this man was really close to Jay Z and we know that Jay is involved in this shit from the spirit cooking bullshit.


2 problems with your bullshit. 1 it's not my thread and two Im not Spamming. Kill yourself kike.

As if I would buy their shit, I might talk about it, but as if I have any reach, otherwise everyone in my city would be redpilled.

Low energy.

Reading comprehension would help you.



Funny how all of the Kardashian niggers slaves have ended up going into mental health treatment, isn't it? Remember what happened with Odom? His drug overdose conveniently happened after he started giving his political views and threatened their family. If Kanye goes the same way, you can guarantee the Kardashians are using their goons to cut off the truth about their family before it leaks.


Surely you can't mean Kyle Odom

Zzzz… Yawn. What were you saying?


Say farewell to this monkey, Holla Forums, for he shall return as the DNC's saving throw. Obama 2.0.


>reddit spacing

This seems like it should be an even much bigger story. A hugely influencial blue pilled audience leader starts speaking out against the media, pizzagate, and defending Trump. He is immediately institutionalized. This is some red china shit. It's pretty fucking huge.



No way to be sure about that. Wouldn't hope it goes that way, of course. Stop bumping the thread, user.


The last Celebrity I expected to support Trump (Bruce probably had a good conversation with him about that) and utter the Truth about the Elites to their followers was Kanye.
Newfound respect for him now. Hope he doesn't get lobotomised/killed for this.
I'd like him to be africa's top entertainer after all the Deportations.

America and Americans were the worst fucking mistake of all time, bar none.

You have a point. Underrated post.

You need to link a source you lying piece of shit.


Normies who've experienced abuse will recognise it as gaslighting. He didn't go crazy or meltdown, it was thought out and delivered in a style his audience expected. Yet he's been carted off to some institution or some shit, and the (((media))) is going to town with how he's a mental case.