Is it true? Are we all just cosplaying Nazis? Nah. Fuck this guy

Is it true? Are we all just cosplaying Nazis? Nah. Fuck this guy.

wait… we're serious? I thought this was just a joke… maybe a troll. fuck, well, I guess I can come out about occasionally fapping to pics of Hitler, then…

why do I care what a commie thinks?

Funny, it says "Holla Forums - Politically Incorrect" up there not something like "progressive hub of the alternative right."


I hope you're a shill, user. Because if you're actually one of us, you're a piece of shit for ruining this board with your twitter obsession

You made a thread for THIS? Because some random nobody on Twitter?

Man, shills are trying really hard to push this narrative.

It would be terribly effective.
pure shill thread.

he was paid to, lad.

There's no way he's not

sure, it's just cos play. Of course nobody here ACTUALLY believes what they say :^)

The cosplay part is important because it is accurate. Make no mistake, there are very few actual National Socialists here. The jewish mission creep since election season gives off the fetid stink of British colonialism.


Another idiot who doesn't realize that Holla Forums is satire.

Nobody is actually doing that except for the stormie generation.

Wait so white people are actually evil racists and Hitler wasn't the "savior of Europe" from the commies

Feels good to be bad.

Thanks for identifying yourself.


Who the hell is this taco?

I don't even have a costume…

he makes it sound fun

Nice thread OP

You know, I've sort of reached a point where when I read these kinds of comments from the "Nazis Watch Out" types, I just scoff at them and call them fucking faggots. All this virtue signaling gives me a headache. We want to liberate the world from Jewish world domination, and these people actively deride us for doing so. I'd truly hate the world if I didn't know there was still so much worth saving.

If we are cosplaying nazis, then BLM and SJWs are cosplaying stalinists.


It makes them feel good to think that, but he goofed by saying it in public. Because now, he can't virtue signal about the evil Nazis as it's all just kids having Halloween type fun.

Not bad, but if you want to rustle his jimmies, write his name on a piece of paper in front of a rifle. These types are easy to mess with. He looks like one of those beary homosexual so you should probably also inquire as to his being a top or bottom.

Am I in the wrong place?