Hi everyone. This is the first time I'm here...

Hi everyone. This is the first time I'm here. I was hoping we could have a discussion about some serious topics that have been on my mind for a while

I'm paraphrasing an article Joseph Goebbels wrote a couple of month before the end of the war, 25 February 1945.

Goebbels was right about everything, but he underestimated how stupid the American proletariat really is. He thought that the Americans would have a revolution when their savings became worth less and less and the subsequent capital flights forced them to invest their savings in either capital gains or usury which devalued the currency even more and then their wages and living conditions were significantly reduced every year, but as it turns out the American proletariat didn't even notice it. They didn't even scratch their heads. Goebbels could never have predicted that because he thought that the Americans had it in them to resist their road to serfdom.

Now on to my questions. If America would've had their revolution there's a good chance that communism would've spread worldwide and if it did do you think it could've worked? There wouldn't be the same economical and military competition on the world stage as it is now and as it were during the cold war, so chances are that the leaders wouldn't treat us like animals like they did in the Soviet Union.

My other question is: Do you think niggers, spics and Arabs have to be genocided? They're obviously not fit to be considered our equals. They're way too stupid and prone to violence. Do they have to be genocided or is there a way to put them in an environment where they're pressured to evolve? That's called eugenics and it's basically genocide because it's state engineered natural selection where the weak dies and the strong survives, but it's definitely more ethical than extermination in labor camps, don't you think?

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I assume you've never been to South Africa or even studied it. It's basically your socialist utopia, except it's crawling with South African niggers. If you didn't already know, South African niggers are the stupidest and most violent niggers out of all nigger breeds in the entire world. They have an average IQ of 60. They literally genocided all the whites there. To this day they continue to storm into people's homes, brutally rape their wives and children and then slaughter them like animals EVERY SINGLE DAY. Over 15 of these cases on average every single day and the government basically have for 20 years now basically said that they support this genocide by continuing to praise black supremacist groups.

Do you want to live in this place? Do you want them to run your government or company? Do you want these people to knock on your door and tell you that you have to share your house with them because MUH equality?

You do realize that if you don't genocide the Muslims you're going to live under Islamic communism. Do you have any idea what that means?

Fuck off Holla Forums.

No, fuck YOU. I'm trying to have a serious discussion here. Don't pretend that race and religion doesn't exist or that worldwide communism isn't necessary for communism to work at all.

What… I… I don't even…


Everybody needs to be socially and environmentally pressured into being healthy following some kind of standard, otherwise you'll see ethnic cleansings going on all around you

How about you fuck off.

People like you make me have complete disregard for human life

Let's pretend that South Africa is your socialist utopia (which isn't possible because South Africans aren't capable of managing a civil society), but let's pretend that SA is your utopia.. Do you still want to live there? With all those people?

That's no argument. Communism in countries where the contrast between people is too great would be literal hell.

Did I seriously just read a few lines from an article that implies that IQ is determined by socio-economic status?

Remember to sage you stupid niggers.

Ban Islam and put some evolutionary pressure on all the subhumans and then let natural selection do its thing. What's wrong about this? Tell me. Why would you want the human race to decline into something worse than we already are, why don't you want to strive towards improvement?

Ban Islam and put some evolutionary pressure on all the subhumans and then let natural selection do its thing. What's wrong about this? Tell me. Why would you want the human race to decline into something even worse than we already are? Why don't you want to strive towards improvement? Why don't you care about humans?


I don't think you would live there. In fact, I don't think you've ever seen a real pack of feral niggers in your entire life.

Man Holla Forums has really got some nice arguments
To answer your question, yes I would like to live in a utopia

What I'm trying to get at is how the hell are you going to turn in to a functional society? In order to do that you need to improve the native population. My suggestion is to put some evolutionary pressure on them and then let natural selection do its thing so that they can evolve into human beans like all the other races have.

btw what do you think about Somalia? It's a libertarian utopia with a couple of communist colonies. Somalia is perfect for setting up a utopia without improving the native population first, because the native population is already perfect.

p r o o f s ?

Well I don't know what your utopia looks like or what you consider to be acceptable behavior or how smart you want the ruling class to be. But in order to turn African countries in to functional societies however, you need to first cut off UN aid and make them independent. Cutting off UN aid would bring back a demand for locally produced food and create tons of jobs and make their soil fertile again.

Right now if someone wants to open up a farm there no one is going to buy their produce because UN gives out free shit.


Jesus. You people are bad at arguing. There's always a ruling class in socialism.

Do you enjoy solving minor disputes with mob justice and lynchings? Would you like living like that under Sharia law?

It doesn't seem like any of you actually care about anyone but yourself and you don't actually want to solve any problems in the world, you just want to uphold the current world order.

What in the fuck. You talk about a socialist utopia then claim there's always going to be a ruling class, even though that's specifically against utopian socialism.

You're a retard and there's no reason to take anything else said seriously.

My arguments are solid. You're just acting like a subhuman non-binary trans racial transpronounian transgender antifa faggot.

Wow, that's some real subtle bait.

Why should I take anything you say seriously when you clearly don't even understand the words dribbling from your mouth?There is no subset of socialism that has a ruling class because socialism literally means that you have no class distinctions. Not the anarchists, not the marxists, not the pre-marxist utopian socialists, no variant of leftism claims to be aiming to craft a ruling class as an end goal. Really, go ask a stalinist and they'd say that the worker-bureaucrat state is not the final goal of building communism but rather a method of building towards it. If you are talking about living in a socialist utopia, ie, what the final outcome is supposed to be like, then there is no ruling class.

You should make a new thread if you want to discuss that.

You do realize that exactly the opposite happened, in that leaders in the US in the post-war era made more concessions to the working classes in order to make them comfortable and stave off the threat of a Communist revolution? Inequality was quite low in the postwar period, for example, though this probably has more to do with war destroying wealth.

I think eventually people would end up running some kind of market socialism. Stalinist economies tend to run into problems when attempting to transition to consumer economies.

Do you think the ruling class dosen't feel the same about you?

You're talking about the 50s and the early 60s. I described what happened to the economy after that in my OP post.

Consumer economies can't really fail for as long as they're backed by labor, and for that you need a constant supply of new technologies that creates new industries and in a centrally planned economy it's very hard to predict where the market is going to take you

So there should be no universally preferable behavior and no standards on anything? We shouldn't strive towards any ideals? If 4 billion people want to make 8 billion retarded incest babies that's perfectly okay? We shouldn't do anything about that? We should just let them convert eachother to Islam through Jihad and treat them in the same way as everybody else?

You're welcome to keep them out of your country if you want. The point is this: Let's take for granted that brown are genetically inferior, are welfare leeches, criminals, or whatever. In 20 years or so, the average person will probably be as useless to capital as brown people currently are, as jobs within the cognitive reach of lower-IQ people are automated away. Suppose you are a worker in such a society. You decide to try to convince the ruling class that brown people need to be genocided, for the good of the volk or whatever. They will, justifiably, ask: Why shouldn't we also genocide the white working class, too? Compared to us, you are a welfare leech, of lower intelligence, and genetically inferior, and they can back it up with the same types of statistics you use to justify genociding brown people.

The moral of this exercise is that class collaborationism, especially in justification of genocide, is fucking stupid, but you are a fascist, so what can you expect?

This is what scares me about some of you neo-liberals. It's almost like you want everybody to sink down to the same level just so that you can say that you are right about everybody being equal. We all know what the capitalist process is doing to us. Biology adapts to environment and the environment us to be low IQ, easily manipulated, docile, obedient, good goy cattle slaves. But the thing is that there are tons of ways to reverse this process but the only thing standing in our way right now are you race denying neo-liberals

You make some very good points but I'm still going to stick to my standards and universally preferable behavior. If there are identifiable races of people who don't have the potential to ever meet my standards or learn how to operate any of the advanced tasks in our society then I think that they should be placed in eugenics programs so that their children can be better than their parents.

Mankind would actually be improved if the ruling class did what you said. Imagine if they could carry out an operation like that in secret. We would be in other galaxies then.

Is there a better example of being spooked than this?

Nobody can beat white people on empathy. You can't refute that. I don't know if it's because we've had the power and the muh privilege to be more empathic than other races and still survive because of the wealth and security within our tribe or if it's something else, but we certainly care about others more than any other tribe on earth do. If this is a genetic trait or not I don't know, but many things proves that it is. I'm not going to get into that here though

Everybody wants to live with whites for a reason.
Jews are literal demons. They have absolutely no regard for human life and their intelligence is only significantly higher than the white average among certain isolated tribes of Ashkenazi Jews and even so they usually only have high verbal IQ which isn't even genetic in any way.
Asians are emotionless robots with absolutely no regard for human life.
The other races are obviously inferior so I'm not even going to mention them.

top fucking kek, mods what are you even doing?

Find a better quality discussion on this subreddit. You can't

check this 1

and this one
































Are you seriously sacrificing yourself in an attempt to summon a mod? I knew that leftypol were radical Islamists but I didn't know they were full Jihadists





Hello Leddit!!










































































































































Stormfaggots, everyone.

Not an argument
