President-Elect Trump: Don't Listen To "Big Government Bannon"

Trump's much talked about advisor Steve Bannon was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter. Let's just say giving him the moniker "Big Government Bannon" would be an understatement. If Hillary Clinton were to say what Bannon said, her opponents would (rightly) have a conniption!

The problem in America is that we're all (besides the crony few) being crushed by a gargantuan federal state. At this stage in the game, to suggest that government expand in any way whatsoever means the "land of the free" has become the "land of the masochists."

We already know that Trump wants to "rebuilt" a military that needs absolutely no "rebuilding". That's a terrible move considering no nation is even remotely contemplating invading the United States. Trump should be bringing the troops home and putting the military empire out to pasture.

But he's not. So we're going to have to absorb that blow.

Now we have Trump's Advisor Steve Bannon saying to The Hollywood Reporter:
I’m the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan. With negative interest rates throughout the world, it’s the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Ship yards, iron works, get them all jacked up. We’re just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.
First of all, has the Federal Reserve's counterfeit dollar become so worthless that we're throwing the word "trillion" around with reckless abandon?

Since government has nothing, and must steal every cent that it has, are Americans so weak as to just accept politicians siphoning off a trillion dollars of our hard-earned money?

Next, interest rates are artificially manipulated by the central banks. Artificial rates lead people to make economic decisions that they'd never make were they dealing with market rates.

Artificial rates sow the seeds of economic disaster in the future. Have we forgotten how The Fed's artificially low rates created the Nasdaq stock bubble? Did we forget the economic pain that followed that illusion?

Did we forget the even bigger housing bubble that The Fed created with its artificially low-interest rates? How about the even greater economic pain that it produced when the jig was up?

Here comes Steve Bannon to say that government (!) should "rebuild everything". He wants everything "jacked up" and wants government to throw our hard-earned money "up against the wall and see if it sticks."

Does this not sound like the day-trader of 1999, who took out a loan to "throw it" at, or eToys?

Does it not sound like the home-flipper who took a loan to enter a lottery on Florida homes?

Are we now ready for the government to create the biggest bubble of them all? Are we ready to endure the astronomical economic pain that must follow?

"Big Government Bannon" has the ear of the incoming President.


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Looks like they need to change the wifi password in the care home again.


Agree with Ron Paul. Steve Bannon is anti part of the anti states rights big government tradition. This kike lover is no good


Fuck of shill.

Constitutional government is a feature of governments of white people. We pretty much gave constitutional government to the world. If you are too retarded to understand that the constitution is not the problem but rather the fact that we allow third world shitskins into the country to come and screw up constitutional government, then you go kill yourself.

Constitutional government protects white citizens to be treated like humans instead of subhumans with no rights. I prefer being a white man treated as such rather than cattle.>>8317553


Lolbergtarian acts like a massive retard, news at 11.

The national infrastructure is just fine where democrats aren't in control dumbfuck. Its mostly these democrat controlled inner cities where the problem is. Throwing money at the problem will not help.

You can send 5 trillion dollars for 'muh infrastructurer' into democrat controlled corrupt institutions and it won't change anything

I hope you don't wonder why people call you retarded, lolberg-kun

You need to greentext or quote your entire post next time you do this, OP. People will take this as "your word" and call you a shill.

Have you looked at our infrastructure lately?
It's being held together with DuckTape and magick, and we're running low on tape.

Wonder what Ron Paul's opinion is of the size of the government of 1930s Germany.

Yeah. I have looked at them. The infrastructure in Detroit, parts of New York and similar other inner cities suck. They will continue to suck.

Sending more money to Councillor LeShawn and Councillor Shaniggua won't fix anything

That is true but Steve Bannon is going to save the white race. So, shut up shill

On that I agree, but it's not just the cities.
The highways, railroads, pipelines, bridges, etc can all be repaired/upgraded without having to go through LeShawn and Shaniggua.

For those things all you need is a regular Republican administration with white politicians. They will get the job done with maybe a slight increase in the budget. You don't need to blow up trillion dollars of money we don't have.

Its a fucking myth that the regular allocations are insufficient to maintain our bridges and roads.

One good way to tell that this trillion dollar splurge is a big mistake is that all the democrat politicians are salivating and jumping over each other to cooperate with Trump in getting this done. This should tell you its a bad idea

Under normal conditions, sure, but the infrastructure is old as the fucking hills and in such a state of disrepair, it'll probably need an initial bump to get it back to a state where it's cheap to maintain.
As far as the actual cost, I leave that to the bean counters.

So does this mean he isn't joining?

Yet another reason the lolbergs will never be taken seriously. By being a citizen you consent to taxation. It is not theft.

The constitution allowed it to happen and did nothing to stop it. It's a piece of paper, it won't magically strike down anything you don't like.

As a former Libertarian, I'll say that those ideas are perfect for an all-White country, or at least a country where a White majority has been solidified - where the population and the economy grows within the confines of sustainability, where the traditional nuclear family is the rule and not the exception, where third-world muds aren't being imported by the boatload for no valid reason other than muhnationofimmigrants and it's our values…

That ship sailed in '65, and it's sailed way out of sight since then.

The infrastructure needs to be rebuilt for 2 reasons

First is to put money in the pockets of the working class after almost a decade of stagnant economic growth and illegals stealing their jobs

Second is because a modernized, 21st century infrastructure will be necessary to efficiently re-industrialize

Libertarianism isn't magic that can solve everything and mindlessly sticking to a particular economic system is why multiple wars occurred in the 20th century between retards who replaced religion with economic theory

I never cared for ron paul, but I heard him interviewed about a month ago. He is cuckier then ever.

I agree that our military doesn't need rebuilt so much as purged and remove the poz. However, when he is talking about the artificial interest rates I would normally agree, but Paul's ideas are too half-assed to ever fix that system, so by all means, let it shit itself.

And with decades, our government had gone beyond their power and been an example to the french who fucked up the entire continent.
"Fuck the constitution"
t. Lysander Spooner


Care to explain how that is not the case?

You cannot consent while being coerced.

Ron Paul is still butthurt that Trump called Rand an ugly manlet on national TV.

At any point you can stop the coercion by renouncing your citizenship. It's so easy that it is hard to say there is really coercion at all. That you don't is proof of your consent. Maybe not your support, but at least your consent.

Actually it's a good way to tell you don't know anything about what is necessary to re-industrialize

The Democrats wanting it is irrelevant


I'm pretty certain all of these infrastructure projects will be put out to private tender i.e. public-private investment partnerships. Granted PPI can get a bad rap, but it's viability all depends on the terms of the deals.

IMO Bannon is absolutely correct. Interest rates will never get lower. In a free-market capitalist system, now is the time to borrow and invest.

So-called austerity programs in Europe have been a fucking disaster for the continent - those and the mudslimes have pushed the EU to the very edge. You do austerity when it's too expensive to borrow…

There ain't nothing leftist about Trump's plan. It's capitalism at its finest. Why continue to support the leftist strategy that's been failing for decades?

must have taken a double-dose of Geritol


I was a devoted Ron Paul supporter in 2012, and I don't actually regret my support but it's amazing how my political views have changed as I've grown up yet his remain the same

"Big Government" is the only hope to save America from driving off a cliff. All of our major cities have become third-world warzones where nigger riots are becoming a weekly occurrence. Two parent households have become a non-existent institution, there is no sense of community or social responsibility. White people who made this country great are rapidly becoming a minority and the shitskins replacing us openly express how much they hate us.

But at least Ron Paul can have his lolberg free trade! Who cares if Jamal and Achmed are gang-raping your daughter when you can buy shitty iPhones dirt-cheap that are made in Vietnam.

You can tell he's blatantly trying to copy Trump's style of writing at the end of his article but has no clue why it resonates with Trump's supporters. Ron Paul should focus more on why Trump's platform was so immensely popular and not how he can channel Trump's twitter persona.


Ron's on Alex Jones' male vitality formula

Completely disagree. Libertarianism is degenerate. The individualism of the ideology is probably the root cause of all further degeneration.


You have to pay something like $1500 to renounce US citizenship.

Why do Libertarians think they can get into power, have open borders and remain a Libertarian country?

Are they just pure dude weed lmao/taxes?

They're race deniers.

That's a funny way to spell "The Jew".

Give 'me hell, Crash-and-Burn Bannon. Destroy the FRN with the zeal of a drunken spree. We get new infrastucture; they get to pack up their butthurt and irredeemable IOUs.


Those are just euphemisms for minority populated areas. How do you think we can ever reach equality if we don't Make America Great Again for the minorities as well. They would stop being so criminal if they just had proper schooling and infrastructure.

So a lolbertardian autist had an autism fit and sperged out? Ok.
What western civilization needs is big governments that are National Socialist or in other way authoritarian nationalist states.

That is an exceptionally jewish outlook on the situation.

What the fuck is that post? Are you lost, leftist? Why don't you go meet the niggers in Detroit and tell us all about the experience. If you survive, that is.

Nobody here is a lolberg

Most of the autists who think Bannon is secretly a jew-wise WN are "fashy lolbergs".

So are you a sovereign citizen proponent, or are you actually suggesting there is somewhere to go live not under state control?

And how would anyone who isn't a citizen get there? Do they allow human beings that don't have IDs and passports to get on planes or international cruises? Or should people build their own boats and be attacked under piracy laws for being in a vessel without the flag of a parent nation displayed?

The idea that taxation is consensual can only be valid in a world where an alternative ACTUALLY exists. If the US was cut in two, and half of it was under the rule of government, and the other half was not, then you could perhaps rightfully tell somebody "Go live over in anarchyland if you don't like taxation." That just isn't reality.

You are forced via coercion to taxation. Now I may not be an ancap anymore, and have come back to minarchism, and hence I can understand how some services can't realistically be supplied by a free market, but that doesn't make the government a good thing. It is a necessary evil. It accomplishes it's goals via theft, coercion, and force. Unfortunately, the ends justify the means. That doesn't make the means good things.

Ron Paul is a senile old faggot who refused to endorse the only man with a chance to make some of Ron's own ideas finally happen. Fuck that old faggot.

Wasn't it Richard Spencer or someone from those circles who like basically argued against the constitution. These people are close communists and we have one of their shills here.

"Don't rebuild America! Ayn Rand would not approve and the Globalists can't built a U.N. Army on our corpse!"

Ron really turned out to a disappointing fanatic. If you can't adjust to the situation at hand, your meme will die. At least Christcucks can make up whatever they want out of that convoluted bible. That's how the meme survives from Emperor Constantine's betrayal or Rome to now. That's how Communism has survived from Moses Hess to Marx to the 3rd position/Cultural Marxism.

Kill yourself, dipshit. Libertarians are leftists.

they can make it difficult to leave,
they can seize your assets
that's assuming they don't tell wherever you are leaving to that you are on watch lists
and they can tax you for up to 10 years, which means they can tax you as long as they feel like.

It's like consenting to be fucked up the ass even though you are being blackmailed by someone who also has guns and your bank account because you were born in their town.

dubs of truth

some are, some aren't. Libertarians were mostly right wingers until a shift around before ron pauls shit in 2008, huge influx of lefties, and lots of globalist kochbux

Did it ever cross your mind that Dr. Paul doesn't believe your assumptions are accurate?

By definition they are. Read a fucking book.

I know it's cool to be a Donald Trump echo chamber, but if you think we need to spend more money on the military you are seriously fucked in the head

What book? Something by Rothbard? Hoppe? It's only in the last decade that more then a handful of libertarians cucked out. And now there is a yawning gap between right and left just like everywhere that has seen the poz of cultural marxism.

Why don't you read a fucking book





Thanks for playing; fuck off somewhere that your leftist diatribe is entertained.

Founding Fathers were White Nationalists

Death to Globalism and your kike Oligarchs Ron Paul!

Fixing the budget should be top priority. I'm sympathetic to investments that may increase revenue but not if they're so absurdly expensive. Infrastructure spending should be limited to areas with the most dire needs until the budget gets rectified.

Your kike money isn't real

It was never real

It is enforced by American military might.

Grow up Liberlolibaby


The only thing keeping us afloat as the hegemon is our military strength.

The us dollar is at a 14 year high. It will probably continue to appreciate till Trump takes office. I know you don't believe in debt but when your currency is stronger than it was before the great recession then it is the best time in fucking decades to do massive infrastructure projects.

Also Trump is not going to be able to fix the us budget in 4 years. If he doesn't do infastrcture spending then whites won't get jobs. He won't be reelected. A democrat will win. Demographics wise we will never get another nationalist candidate in the white house. White america will die. So basically you and other libertarians think it's better for us to focus on your philosophy than white lives. I hate you faggots so much.

America the hegemon is what's killing the White race.

Your concern about demographics is going to happen with or without massive infrastructure spending if non-Whites aren't actively removed by the tens of millions. There is no other way to fix it and just the illegals isn't enough.

All I'm hearing is the same bald assertion

Founders involves more people, but the constitution-founding fathers were a bunch of lawyers who got together under false pretenses, out of the 74 delegates picked, some didn't show up, some left, some wouldn't even sign it. Only 39 did.

It does show what can be done to rewrite history that you can tack on whatever ideology you want to them and hold them up as heroes.


Trump has talked about paid maternity leave. This helps whites most since white women are relatively higher % employed than the minorities. Also welfare "reform" will help massively if it's done as it should be. I mean maybe the day of the rope will happen organically but with 100+ million minorities to deal with you gotta target them with national policies.

Maybe if 2018/2020 is a massive republican win from Trump winning so hard he will be able to undo the birthright citizenship and deport 2nd gen who were born from illegals. Also if the economy does turn around and blue collar jobs come back then birthrates should start to reduce amongst blacks/spics though I don't think it will be that huge.

that's a man

Wasn't the constitution unable to prevent Jew subversion and third world invasion?

Ron Paul was relevant when the government was used to exploit us, because getting rid of government was preferable to having our resources stolen from us and given to Israel, black affirmative action hires and Mexican welfare queens.

Trump one-upped him by proposing to use the government to actually do useful stuff for us.

You're not listening. You're just theorizing. Without active and massive removal, the demographics will not shift in time. There is no peaceful way to avoid niggerization. We have absolutely obscene, potentially civilization ending levels of miscegenation already occurring in this country. There is absolutely no way to avoid this with "tweaking" or "reform".

Come to think of it: it is curious how lolbergs always prattle on about how a gun is simply a tool and everything depends on the person who wields it, yet consistently fail to realize that the same is true for the machinations of government.

It's not an assumption and if he genuinely didn't believe it that just confirms he is the senile old faggot in thought he was. He basically campaigned for Hillary by talking bad about Trump. I never heard him even mention Hillary by name.

It absolutely is an assumption. When you really look at policy, I'm not seeing much, if any, overlap between Trump and Dr. Paul. You let me know when Donald Trump gives an interview to PressTV explicitly calling for the end of US military and financial support for Israel in any and all fashions.

Bannon isn't going to do shit for the white race. Breitbart's whole existence has been a 'safe place' for conservatives pissed off about their country going to shit but refusing to acknowledge the real problem.

Kikebart is an enemy the same way Milo and the Alt-Right is. Controlled Opposition to filter away people from taking the full redpill

Logicwise the day of the rope should have already happened since right now has never been so bad demographic wise for whites. Yet this never happened. Unless you think the faggot alt-right is going to be able to redpill the majority of whites into going into RaHoWa in the next 4 years then national policies are the only weapon we have.

I fucking hate you larpers. The only response you ever have is LOL WE NEED TO KILL ALL THE NIGGERS NOW. Okay guess you just want to wait till the next weekend to do the race war since you have some niggerball to watch on sunday.

Nigger, my ideology (which I never stated) justifies me to kill easily half of the US population. I am not a dude-weed and polyamory libertarian and they will get killed or removed like other SJWs and kikes.

And you were the one with no proof. Way to resort to calling on daddy when you can't make an argument.

Who can tell, cosplayers are gay, I just picked a thumbnail

Thanks for a new Spooner paraphrase

And we gave the biggest guy who hasn't fucked us over before the the most dakka.

no one cares

I'm telling you what reality is, not the likelihood of a day of the rope scenario or who will carry it out. Your suggestions won't do anything. They won't save anything, except maybe the Republican party – but no one who is actually from this board organically cares about the Republican party.

you're one of those wait and see types huh? fair enough


Liberia has the same constitution as the US

Bannon doesn't have to be your audience. Bannon is over.

I love that alt-right is now it's own power word. Trump did the same thing when he called something racist AND alt-right

He supposedly said he was a Leninist once.

And Peter Hitchens was a socialist punk who once reveled in the destruction of his country too.

They are anticipating something Obama style where they can use the dollars to build "diversity infrastructure' and "safety net infrastructure". Trump at his core is a genuine builder. You really think he'll let them use infrastructure dollars for their agenda?

Germany has Autobahns, high speed rail and wide spread electrified commuter rail. They also spend about 1% of GDP on defense.

The US has low speed poor quality interstate highways, Amtrak and commuter railroads that haven't seen significant updates since the 30s. We spend near 10% of GDP on defense and less than 1% of GDP on infrastructure. Where's the myth?


Nonwhites, Jews, and cucks controlling said hegemon is killing the white race.

This motherfucker met with that kike, Mark Cuban yesterday in New York at the Regis hotel for drinks. Cuban who said this fat fuck was smarter than Trump and did nothing but talk shit about Trump for over a year. Very fishy.

Perfect analogy user. Screen capping this post.

Interent people need this thread to be slid

Yeah great analogy. Almost. Imagine if the operation of your gun was subject to a vote which could be defrauded, and control of the weapon was shared between groups of people who could elect to have the gun fired right against your eyesocket. Trying to defend yourself from this would be a crime. Every couple of years a new mechanism is placed on the gun that makes it harder for you to use, but easier for everyone else. Oh, and you cannot relinquish ownership of the gun or trade it in for a different one, and if you publicly suggest doing such a thing you would face consequences, like your use of the gun being further restricted or the gun eventually being used on you.

Guns are individually owned and controlled. Having gun that is collectively owned and controlled would be a living nightmare.


From the same author as 'Bannon is a socialist who wants to shoot you for his autobahn' we have a broad selection of writings!
Banning muslim savages? Very troubling!
American manufacturing must be sacrificed on the altar of free trade!
Using the word I? Doubleplusungood and anti-liberty!
Billionaire Donald Trump needs to learn him some economics! Also we don't like the word we either!
Yes of course leftist media, Trump is a Fascist! But you know who else was? FDR!

I haven't had a chance to read through the thread yet, but I've had the impression that Trump's policies will require an even greater debt ceiling, even more printing, and ultimately this entails an unprecedented amount of risk.

There is the oil deposit found in Texas, and the possibility that when we "knock the hell" out of eye-sis there will be some resources to sieze. Add in a little waste, fraud, and abuse. The rest, come what may, is the important realization lost on the current faggot potus, that a nation's wealth is not in dormant resources but in the production, or productive potential, of its people. Why we've been figuratively unemployed as a country for the last 8 years is, for me, far more pertinent a question than why wealth inequality has intensified.
