Why waste the resources on this? Why not build tons of Star Destroyers instead of one Super Star Destroyer

Why waste the resources on this? Why not build tons of Star Destroyers instead of one Super Star Destroyer

has anyone else noticed a rise of star wars threads in light of the new jj multikulti masturbation?

now we know what is going to be in the next movie ayy lmao

Better investment would have been in T/A and T/D production since fighters basically fucked every large toy the Empire had, clearly the lack of real interceptor craft is the problem (T/I is shieldless shit and doesn't count).

Not Empire Strikes Back is going to have a Nu-Super Star Destroyer isn't it?

Star Wars only makes sense if you believe George Lucas and his claim that the saga is just a story told by the unreliable narrator R2D2.

Yeah it does, was confirmed a while back.

It's Snoke's ship iirc.

A Star Destroyer is a carrier, troop transport, patrol ship, pursuit ship and battleship all in one.

Completely stupid but completely Star Wars.

Why not build tons of super star destroyers instead of one death star? Checkmate.

Next Star Wars trilogy will have a ship so big it can make its own black holes

An ISD can do all of that, but it's most effective as the centerpoint of a task force of smaller dedicated vessels. If you have a large field of overlapping cap-ship fire, you have to peel the onion of smaller ships first before you get to the main thing capable of completing the Op all by itself. The Rebs don't have those kinds of resources. Add in shielded interceptors and you'd see them collapse in a year or two, or at least get shoved into a containment zone where they can be safely ignored.

I could see an SSD maybe having a role, say, protecting a capitol world…but then you could just rotate around several task forces to do the same thing and probably have better sensor and fire coverage overall.

why not put the ring in a star destroyer then send it to mordor

That's an EU effort to try and make sense of it.

As portrayed in the movies the only ships the Empire had and used were their retarded mix of every type of ship called Star Destroyers.

Well, if we are going by strict canon…

When you go by film-only things look less positive for them. An ISD-only strategy makes sense for, say, a threat like the CIS. But against nimble navigators it's woefully inadequate.

Is it biggerer and betterer in Jew Jew fashion?

It's Little Goys overcoming Big Goys! Ov vey, it's a real David and Goliath story!

The japs should have invested in aircraft carriers but didn't due to smarru penisu.
So they blew three aircraft carrier worth of precious rice for two useless gigantic target practice dummies that did fuckall while the burgers just zerg rushed them with air superiority.

You are assuming that the Emperor and Vader wanted an efficient fleet.
The point of big battleships and big death stars and big whatever is to instill fear. And that's the only way the sith operated. It's the nature of the dark force.
The point of having a big orc army with big elephants and big fortresses and big orcs and big trolls is to instill fear. That's the only way Sauron and Morgoth operated. It's the nature of evil.

The point of these movies is that evil always destroys itself with it's own devices. As it did in the movies.
The Empire or Sauron would have never been defeated if it weren't for their pride and arrogance.

tl;dr People aren't as efficient as your sperg minds thinks they are.

I swear Abrams' Trek films just get dumber every time I learn some new tidbit about them.

That's not really all that big spaceship wise.

Porthos and Archer from Enterprise were mentioned to be still alive in it, which would put them well above 100 years old.

The Emperor was compensating for his lil pigskin micropecker.

Case closed!

Snoke will have his own brewery.


never stop