What if you asked the holodeck to run a simulated holodeck inside the holodeck? What would happen?

What if you asked the holodeck to run a simulated holodeck inside the holodeck? What would happen?

The computer would crash and you'd wake up free from the Matrix.

I don't see how it wouldn't be just a normal holodeck, except with the door leading back to the real holodeck.

As a programmer, I'd imagine it would work basically like a nested function. It would look exactly the same but maybe run laggy.

They actually had an episode where this happened.

You'd be the least imaginitive person to ever use the holodeck.

If a virgin fucks a holodeck character are they still a virgin afterwards?
Are the characters hard light holograms or chunks of replicated meat animated by the computer?

That happened, it was this TV show called Enterprise.

Didn't this actually happen in the show, when they were trying to outmaneuver the AI Moriarty hologram?

It was possible because everything in the holodeck is composed of holodeck matter. Meaning creating another holodeck is just asking the holodeck to render itself and objects inside it.

Afaik the only hard limit the holodeck has is matter cannot be removed from within the holodeck because it keeps it's shape and form due to emitters in the room.

I do not know why they can't just clone people from the transporter. When Dianna is going the the transporter just make a copy to work as the ship's comfort woman. Do the same for Kirk too. Hate Janeway? Clone that bitch and face fuck her for a good hour and then dematerialize her in the transporter when done. There is no moral issue either since we are dealing with space commies and murdering people is always ok.

Could the Enterprise's computer just pause the one of the simulations that is higher up and there would be no performance penalty? Why run code that is not needed?

The transporter doesn't work via cloning. A person doesn't ever lose consciousness while being transported.

The transporter works via a pattern buffer that reconstructs a person. There was an episode of TNG though where Riker was cloned specifically because the transport beam was split in half and the other one was reconstructed back at the original spot.

Cloning is actually a thing in the Star Trek universe and is reportedly easier to do than transporting (less dangerous too). The Dominion for instance had a guy named Weyoun cloned multiple times so when he died they'd just replace him with an identical version of himself. There's also Shinzon, Picard's clone in Star Trek Nemesis. The Federation treats clones as a separate autonomous individual legally under the law so murdering a clone is seen as murdering a person.

I saw the Riker episode and what you left out is that Riker's consciousness was also cloned.

The Holodeck is a bit more optimized than you give it credit for. It doesn't render things that aren't outside of the room it's in. Theoretically asking it to create another holodeck is like asking it to just render itself. Which would do nothing.

That's a trivial question.

What if you asked the holodeck to run two simulated holodecks with half the size of the original one side by side?

Then it would just run itself just with a wall dividing the two.

Something you have to understand is that the Holodeck doesn't concern itself with what it renders it really only cares about what people see. Hence why it can theoretically go on infinitely.

How does that actually work? Do the people inside turn into simulated matter when they walk outside the holodeck? Are they actually still most of the time, with superfriction and inertial dampening simulating movement when they walk in place? What if two people are in the holodeck at the same time and continiously walk towards and away each other at varying speeds randomly changing the difference of their real and simulated distance?

Or would it?

That happened in at least two episodes.

There's what amounts to treadmills in the floor. The holodeck space only matters if people are in close proximity, at which point less needs to be rendered as visible. If one person 'runs' away from the other then the treadmills kick in after a certain distance.

It would be extremely painful

It would act, appear, and behave just like the normal holodeck. It's a simulation, a very lifelike fabrication, but in the end it is just a series of tricks using holograms and the like.

Fucking took user two replies to figure this shit out. Think a little more next time, OP.

Treadmills? There are no treadmills on the holodeck. The whole thing is holograms and forcefields. An individual walks on a forcefield when the holodeck is activated.

This is correct. Since a holodeck can emulate pretty much anything. Emulating another holodeck with the same capabilities would be completely within its capabilities. It would be nothing special at all.

As much as people will try to wank an explanation for all this it's honestly fucking impossible

I was under the understanding that everyone was kind of isolated in personal forcefield-ish things and the holodeck just projected a personalized view of the fake world around that specific person, which is why people can be a few feet away from each other, but be able to view distances hundreds of feet apart.

All I want to know is can I bring my waifu to life with it.

I don't know Morty, check it out though i made a universe into a battery hahahaa redditors keep buying my shit motherfucker, yeah!


It'd be extremely painful.


The technology would probably be advanced enough, yes.