I may be crucified for this, but whatever. GRRM is George fucking Lucas all over again

I may be crucified for this, but whatever. GRRM is George fucking Lucas all over again.

I think they both had similar paths to the brief outline above. But they end up differently:

Lucas can keep a plot somewhat contained, but the dialogue gets shitty and he loses focus on what the viewers enjoyed (Hey aren't these space wizards cool? Here's 5 minutes of space-political dialogue.)

George keeps dialogue interesting and the books still are entertaining, but the plots have completely exploded due to him continually adding plots/sub-plots/and characters, and I see no way he finishes this story in a way that satisfies his fans due to how uncontrolled the narrative has gotten. (Hey aren't these plots in Westeros fucking awesome? Lol we're going to Mereen now tho.)

Other urls found in this thread:


you wish


OP you're seriously deluded. GRRM was always a cynical and jaded hack writer. His book series fit the bill for what is HBO criteria and that alone is why it even got adapted:
That's all it takes to get your show adapted for HBO when they're looking for a new series. GRRM as said is a cynical and jaded hack writer and he enjoys writing things along those parameters.

I think there's a pretty wide gap in creativity between the two. GRRM's work just recycles the same bits and pieces that fantasy writers have been aping off of Tolkien's work for the last five decades. He just tosses in some extra sex and violence.

Lucas, in spite of his autism (or perhaps even because of his autism), pretty much defined space fantasy as a genre that can exist in the contemporary world (i.e. not Flash Gordon). Lucas is to space fantasy as Tolkien is to traditional European fantasy.

No because Lucas and the prequels are good and GoT and GRRM have always been garbage.

didn't take long for the prequelcucks to arrive


Good idea.

Name ONE good thing about the prequels that isn't the soundtrack

Cinematography, story, world-building, the expansion of the universe, character designs, the use of practical & digital effects.

The prequels really expanded the galaxy and opened up the universe to new generations of fans, as well as old fans. The story was deeper, there were shades of grey instead of being mostly black & white, and we got a lot of great EU stuff.


rhaegar targaryen and elia martell

They turned a pulpy and reddity series into a Greek tier drama, rich with sophisticated themes and told through expert use of visual storytelling. They are some of the best looking science fiction films to this day. They are accessible to teens all over the world, are didactic and contain a positive message. The audio design is unrivalled and the practical and digital effects combine to give the viewer a look into an autistically detailed secondary world.

This guy gets it!

It's all so reddity

oh boy, this epic reddimeme again XD

Oh, boy, looks like RLMDF is back.

Go jerk off your surrogate friends on your dedicated subreddit faggot.

Can't believe all this reddit

Posting a smug anime girl is truly the best defence when you've been caught with your pants down as a redditor, even better is to accuse your opponents of the exact things you are guilty off.


could someone please translate these squeals into english please. I cant tell if she's shocked excited or unhappy about this. im leaning bewildered and dismayed by i cant be 100%
this is why im bad with women

That's shock and sadness. She wanted Anakin's lightsaber iykwim.

Is this the designated prequels appreciation thread?

All threads are prequel appreciation threads here.



They filmed the eruption of Mount Etna and used the actual footage of the volcanic eruption, as well as a load of practical effects for Mustafar, m8
Keep on drinking the RLM Kool-Aid


Completely fucking reddit.

Mustafar was about Anakin's descent into hell/the underworld and it was actually very kino. Impeccable aesthetics that enhanced the story with visual motifs.

Won't bother to respond to the rest of your points due to them being RLM tier.

Tatooine in AotC was pure kino, as was all of Naboo. Otoh Gunga was also magnificent in TPM.

I can't believe I forgot the sandnigger genocide. Thanks dubsman.

You can always tell when someone is a rlm retard when they talk about the prequels being only cgi and greenscreen.

The biggest telltale is when someone argues that George Lucas was a problem and that Star Wars (the thing he created and had full creative control over until he sold it) would have been great without him. After Jew Jew they're less prone to do that but it's the true mark of an RLM drone.

Lucas told a complete story in six films, and is a great optimistic man. You OP, are a faggot.

Star Wars Prequels: Behind The Scenes: imgur.com/gallery/VONZ3
Star Wars Prequels: Behind the Scenes Part II: imgur.com/a/YI07F
Star Wars Prequels: Behind The Scenes Part III: imgur.com/a/AJz0J

That quote annihilates the RLM """reviews""".


no, george never lost sight of that, he made the movies he wanted to make for the story's sake, not for you cancerous fanboys out there that just want explosions for two fucking hours.

you mean the one half-decent show and the other that pozzed the canon? kek, gtfo mike.

who considers this fat fuck a good writer in any capacity? virgin millenial fedoras who don't like lord of the rings because there isn't enough gore and sex, tumblr women from the age of 15-40, beta orbiters of those women, this guy writes shlock for the lowest common denominator, he's on the level of those slashfic tier novels for landwhales you see at the checkout
absolute fucking definition of plebshit


I remember reading the first 3 books after a friend told me I had to read them and that they were really well written. There was a page somewhere in book 2 dedicated to describing some guy smashing a two year olds face in with a mace. I thought I was reading some edgy kids shadow the hedgehog fanfic for a minute.

As much as star wars is schlock the worldbuilding, editing soud editing, effects and soudtracks were very good

Game of thrones is just trash all around not even good world

I read the sample novella and it was about a thirteen year old marrying a mongolian and how her nipples got hard. Apparently girls really identify with this character. 😫

It's a very different situation. GRRM's problem is he kept inserting hooks for several million words. Whenever he hit a roadblock in one place, he just went somewhere else and started creating new characters and integrating them in the story. Now he has all these storylines he needs to resolve in a satisfying way, and he doesn't know how to do it, so he starts doing other projects.

Lucas' problem is that Episode I didn't live up to the expectations of Stoklasa-type fans who wanted every scene to be the death star blowing up and Darth Vader telling Luke he was his father.

At the end of the day he's just lucky, or he wrote the story that just happened to be adaptable in a high budget but not too high budget way.

Basically, it hasn't been done before. You say say there was Tolkien and Lord of the Rings and that story is great, but it's not quite adult or edgy enough ?!?!

But there's literally 100s of stories that might might a better epic schi/fantasy epic out there. He just happened to luck out as the one that got adapted. It's criminal in a way because even after how many years now the amount of magic or 'other worldly' type shit that has been revealed is woefully low.

Think of something like Weis and Hickman's Deathgate cycle that could have introduced something really unique in regards to magic etc. Or Raymond E Fiest. The list goes on.

Martin got lucky. It's still really weird though how someone that could write that story could be such an epic cuck sellout in real life.

Revenge of the Sith is only the greatest work of art of the last 30 years. Allow BASED Camille Paglia, goddess of MGTOW and renowned art critic, to explain.

On a semi-related note, has anyone here watched The Prequels Strike Back docu?

his only deep passion is for food, he obviously doesn't give a shit about the series now that he managed to get a couple of idiots to finish it for him.


i actually thought this was Bruce Willis in a wig first time i saw it

Game of Thrones is basically glorified erotica. He was never as brilliant as the great George Lucas.
