Well? Does Holla Forums still like her?


Well? Does Holla Forums still like her?

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Author sounds like a policy wonk fuckhead 2bh

Pretty poor hatchet job attempt tbh

Grassroots can easily stop any anti-Vaccine or evolved plant sentiment

Vollgeld Intiative offers a clear path out of fractional reserve banking

Forgiving student loans can be done easily

Author failed miserably.

Yes, not everyone we like will be 100% agreeable. Is that news to you?

we need to stick it to hillary to show the system that it can't make suckers of us. don't reward deception

Slate is what Vox was talking about when it said American liberals are smug pricks.

Why is it that all green parties are such idiotic mix of neo-liberals and socdems?

Who said leftypol liked her? Its obvious by her plan to ditch nuclear energy and get pure renewable by 2030 that she is batshit insanse.

I know right? Anti-war people make me 9_9

We bailed out wall street, thus we can bail out student debt. Who cares about the details? It's possible.

So regular liberals, then.

Jill Stein is not Anti Vax and has repeatedly pointed out why that's a misconception

Fractional Reserve Banking isn't the problem Capitalism is and Greens are now officially anti-capitalism

America is the richest country in terms of material wealth on the planet and yet countries much poorer than it are able to provide free college or nearly-free college with almost no student debt across the board

You're either a Shill or a not-so-subtle Holla Forums faggot

Slate is cancer

fuck you

>>>Holla Forums

Why is ditching nuclear bad? IIRC the US has built one nuclear power in the last 30 years and we barely rely on nuclear as it is.

It has a lot of down sides and breeder reactors resolve a lot of them but produce weapons grade plutonium so that's politically unviable


Still voting for Stein in Florida this November. Make sure that clothepin doesn't leave a mark on your nose.

Ditching nuclear is an absolutely horrible idea. Nuclear technology is improving all the time and its one of the cleaner forms of energy. But ditching both nuclear & fossil fuels and going to 100% renewable is batshit insanse.

When I visited ASUs solar energy lab they said a very interesting fact.

Solar was the only for of energy production that didn't rely on heating water.

That the most efficient you could make anything by burning it then heating water including nuclear was 33 percent.

And that most plants were about 30 percent efficient.

But solar had a potential to be 70 percent efficient but was only about 10 to 12 percent efficient at the time.

So it's doesn't seem so implausible. It's not like the power would be shut off if we didn't reach the goal sheesh

He's a policy wonk, those types get turned on by the sort of technical details that would bore normal people senseless.

They're usually status quo as fuck as well because "If a policy doesn't have 200 pages of mind-numbing detail, it's an unworkable fantasy. QED"

His whole argument is "her policies are unrealistic."

I'd rather vote for the person I want and not get her than vote for the person I hate and get her.

Americans accepting medocrity is what got us into this mess in the first place.

That's also Hillarys arguments. They have a lot in common.

The problem is that it is absurdly expensive just to set up and produce these solar power systems anyways. Then they are dependent upon sunlight from the environment to work which happens to be dependent upon numerous conditions like latitude and time of day. The problems here are considerable and you can't magically make solar power that much more efficient. The problem isn't just nuclear which admittedly does need to deal with the cooling issue you are also talking about eliminating fossil fuels as well and going 100% renewable and that is batshit insanse

These types of people should be locked in some room doing cum tributes over the latest policy directive not running a country. When did being a sperg become a quality of a good leader?

Slate is cancer
fuck you

luv u 2 bb

I dont like jill stein because she is pretty much left wing ron paul, not because i read a liberal think piece commissioned by the clinton foundation

Didn't practically every other nation in the world do exactly this when the Cold War ended?

Nuclear really isn't any cheaper than sustainables, even ignoring all its many and varied faults. Wind, tidal, and geothermal beat it by a mile, solar varies from competitive to clearly superior depending on technology, and storage is cheap enough where intermittent supply isn't an issue.

On top of that, the cheapest option of them all (conservation) could chop away a lot of consumption and growth, making the entire transition less demanding.

True in general practice, but (even excluding purely mechanical systems like wind and hydro) not in a broader sense.

On the one hand, the use of combined cycles and regeneration allow heat engines (including thermal solar) to exceed 60% efficiency, while integration of auxiliary applications (centralized heating, cooling, compression, and decompression) for cogeneration using otherwise wasted energy can exceed 90% efficiency.

On the other hand, while they're usually too expensive for grid-scale applications, highly efficient solid-state conversion to electricity is possible for pretty much any chemical using fuel cells, and heat with devices like thermocouples and photovoltaics. Even in the case of nuclear, there are piezoelectronics and semiconductors similar to solar cells that directly convert atomic radiation into electricity.


Starts with good criticisms, then segues into opposing debt forgiveness because professionals will benefit.

Students who graduated into unemployment or minimum wage jobs will also benefit, but fuck them, that's not "progressive" to the writer - making monthly payments to big banks is. As is suggesting real unemployment is higher than official figures (which exclude discouraged workers) is a "Trumpian" claim - it's true whoever says it.

I agree honestly that Stein's a bit of a lightweight, a newcomer to socialism, and a blatant panderer; that's among the reasons I'm voting Jerry White this year.

But I certainly don't agree with the writer on much of anything else; they sound like a correcttherecord shill.

I agree with her on many issues, but I still don't understand why this is a good thing. Universities are porky indoctrination centers, and I don't know why anybody here supports the working class subsidizing wealthy suburban kids going to get degrees in "writing" and "gender studies." Far more wealthy children will be accepted into these universities regardless of whether or not it's free, and many of the poor, due to material realities, have no interest in such far off intellectual pursuits, they're more interested in starting a landscaping business with their high school buddies because they want money.

This seems like one of the ideas most of us had in our younger liberal days that many on Holla Forums haven't thought through clearly or haven't let go of yet. This doesn't benefit the working class in any real way, it just more streamlines the process reallocating their resources back to the bourgeoisie.

The indoctrination phenomenon happens expressly because colleges are for-profit: it's very profitable to give morons an echo chamber, because they will pour money into your pocket to give them superfluous accommodations that cost almost nothing on your part. It gets spoiled kids to waste tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars on degrees with bare minimum resource costs.

Plus, most colleges that try to compete on this basis aren't politically neutral, they're a hundred times worse, usually with religious-right leanings–and without any accreditation. The latter is a serious problem in general for MUH FREE MARKET because businesses want school names they can recognize, not another sketchy diploma mill.

If education was state run, there is obviously a possibility of neoliberal bias, but college would not be expensive to subsidize because the prices are inflated to begin with. The actual cost of running a uni, aside from research that's separately funded, is extremely lower than the price of tuition and textbooks.

are u a saudi?

Most American colleges are nonprofits. For-profit universities in the US are generally (maybe exclusively? Not sure) diploma mills.



Krauts are going down that road right now, they basically fucked themselves with this pseudo-greenie shit their industry will not have the juice it needs along with everyone else

the sheer irony of the greens being anti-nukey demonstrates that anyone that supports them is a tard, and needs to do their fucking homework


Yes. Better to put the protest votes behind one candidate. She won't win but she will get enough votes to make Hillary an embarrassment.

Glass-Steagall is 30 pages, it has the capability to make most budget problems dissapear if it is implemented correctly

she supports it but she isnt going to win, so why in the fuck would anyone vote for her, might as well write "lizard people" on your ballot

you know who else has glass-steagall on his program, and actually has the chutzpah to get it through? Orange Pepe Man

yay, thats fucking great, global equality achieved, kumbayah nigger

To increase her chances of winning obviously, dummy.

Nothing wrong with allowing alternate therapy. Do you know chiropracty is alternative medicine? Acupuncture has decent support for it working. Heck even seeing a nutritionist is considered alternative to some people. Homeopathy is bullshit though of course but show me where she actually said homeopathy specifically and was not confusing it with herbal medicine.

Name one fucking thing wrong with this as policy Mr 'Anarchist'

This whole OP,

Sounds like something controlled opposition would say.

Oh this whole article has triggered me hard. I thought Slate was a left leaning, 'anti-fascist' (in the left/pol/ sense of fascism) millennial edgefest. No. They're neo-liberal shills.

Also, his 'debunking' links to a Vox article that says no such thing.

Urge to terrorism intensifies

Not exactly sticking needles in appears to do something do not underestimate the placebo effect

But where exactly the needles go is, unlike how acupuncture is supposed to work, is irrelevant

Anti-depressants have been shown to be a placebo but they are still allowed. Psychology is only a soft science but it's still covered