Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

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Trying to work with bourgeois politics.

Who is that?

Nothing 'went wrong'

If you believed that he was going to be elected, you were wrong and an idiot.

If you believed that he would enact socialism, you were even more of an idiot.

He served his purpose and that was agitating for class consciousness.

The end.

A) Hillary was meant to be nominated. Like XCOM2 was meant to sell. The propaganda had begun years ago.
B) B████ is too old to just give up the political career.

pls tell me who it is on the picture

Someone that never existed.

Who is B████ ?

I've never seen that man in my life.

Terrible media + Niggers + Rigged rules + Barely any debates + Super delegates

Who is this? Never seen this guy before.
Looks like a filthy traitor though.

B████ ██████ was never supposed to be elected. His fall was meant to illustrate how democracy and justice can never exist within capitalism, to show that radical leftism is the only way.

i don't know who that man is, but a birdie tells me that nothing wrong happened, he served his purpose of showing the new generation that bourgeois democracy is a sham.

He got cucked by BLM.

It was a sign that he's a cuck.

Now he cucks to Hillary Clinton.

holy shit Holla Forums

thats what you get, Holla Forums

He got cucked.

Clinton's big ass clit tells him to vote her.

Fuck off tbh

kek i bet youre one of those "leftists" who thought OWS was going to bring about a revolution


Rolled 1 (1d6)how do i use the dice

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Nah im one of those leftists who thinks that a right wing us-backed terror group who were actively killing communists were themselves not communists.

slow day

I don't anything "went wrong". It all went according to plan.

are you describing rojava?

the khmer rouge did what they had to to do to survive, US bombing of the country left it completely barren of food, they needed farmers, and theres no actual documents proving they killed that many people. the khmer rouge was one of the few true communists in the 20th century

t. Chomsky

Here is the big issue I have with most of down the rabbit hole leftist: The point is to have happy working class who can lives properly and so on or "having my special snowflake revolution" ?

Remember kids, don't respond to bait.

I am disappointed in my fellow comrades for voting for Barney Rubble because they should FUCKING KNOW BETTER.

Have you spoken to any normies recently? Thanks to B████ they think Sweden is socialist. There's a handful looking at third parties but most are backing Hillary because they need to stop literal Hitler. Now they think the center right is revolitionary, bring up anything actually radical and they'll shun you for not having goodthink.

I have never seen this man, nor am I aware who he is.

what in the actual fuck

what didn't go wrong?

u sure? few months ago this place was filled with anarkiddie apologists claiming B████ will help bring attention to far left politics, and any ML who opposed him was shunned.
now he completely made a joke out of leftism and you fags are acting like you dont know him

Pretty much this.

According to those /r/SandersForPresident comments, they're voting for Hillary now.


That's an objective approach. We can shame and blame Hillary to get what we want, but Trump isn't beholden to us at all.

Still, I don't think Hillary has much of chance. Voter disenfranchisement has poisoned the Democrats, which is what REALLY went wrong with the S█████ campaign.

It's one thing to lose to an election. It's a completely separate matter to find out that the party was conspiring against you.


The “socialism” of B████ ██████ is no different than the social democracy and labor parties of Europe. It represents an attempt to save capitalism from itself in the imperialist core. It represents an attempt to save capitalism by insulating the populations of the First World from the worst excesses of capitalism. B████ ██████ speaks to income inequality within the United States, but only in the United States. He says nothing to challenge the imperialist system that has created the American way of life. B████ ██████ wants to “restore the American middle class,” to increase the American standard of living, a way of life bought at the expense of the exploited peoples of the Third World. His “socialism” is that of the pirate captain who advocates an equal distribution of treasure to his crew even though the treasure is stolen from others. Like both the social democrats and fascists of Europe, B████ ██████ is concerned with the problems of his imperialist constituency. He is concerned only with the problems of Americans. He wants to make Americans richer even though the current standard of living in the United States is only made possible by imperialism. His “socialism” is one that only looks at the world through nationalist lenses. As it happens, B████ ██████ is better on some issues than other American politicians. For example, he supported the Sandinista government when Reagan was terrorizing the Nicaraguan population. And he is better on migration than Donald Trump, who has fanned the flames of racism and even pledged to build a wall on the southern border to keep out Latinos. Even so, B████ ██████ is an imperialist. Like virtually all American politicians, B████ ██████ supports Israel’s occupation of Palestine. B████ ██████ supported the war against Afghanistan and he continues to support the occupation of Afghanistan by the United States. B████ ██████ supported the war against Yugoslavia. B████ ██████ has said that Saudi Arabia should send troops into Syria. His is a “socialism” that supports war if it benefits Americans. He supports war on those he perceives to threaten the global order of Empire.

lol /r/sanders is literally just nothing but correct the record shills talking to no one now

Didn't push to shine light on election corruption. Didn't abandon the counter-revolutionary party to continue his revolution.

The election rigging didn't look enough like blatant enough illegal cheating to land someone in jail

He was always going to endorse Clinton, he said so from the start. He will immediately go back to criticizing her once Clinton is elected. He doesn't think it's productive or in the material interests of workers that Trump is president. It's debatable but not a crazy position.

Bernie has still done a lot for the left, we should shut up and continue educating, agitating, and organizing.

He will be turning his grassroots network to leftist causes with his "Our Revolution" campaign and electing socdems to congress and local positions.

4% of the US population voted for a socialist, it's a good time to be a leftist, and we really should only be looking forward now.


Who is that guy? His hair looks funny

He never stood a chance not because outside forces but that he was too beta to ever stand up to hillary and blow her the fuck out in debates and attack ads, he choose to be "the bigger person" instead and let hillary and everyone else walk all over him.

People are going to remember his honesty when Clinton's approval rating drops to below 15% while on the verge of war with Russia.

This, the fact that a self proclaimed socialist could even enter the presidential primary and actually influence policy and garner a decent chunk of the vote is a massive step forward for us. People point to thins like the failure of the occupy movement, the loss of B*rnie, etc as failures when in reality they are going a long way to raising class consciousness and undermining faith in neoliberalism and capitalism in general.

Gibs me dats.

Artificial fun: the philosophical argument

How are you guys any different from Holla Forumsirgins again?

Christ, at least he got Appalachia. Maybe most PoCs who went with Hillary were older, but then they would remember what the Clintons did to welfare, I don't know.

I just want to see one fucking iota of class consciousness in America for once in my life.

Well, I'm guessing most of the working class in the south lean more towards republican anyway, and Clinton spent most of her campaign pandering to racial minorities.

And hell, he almost got half the country while openly campaigning as a socialist. He may have lost, but it's certainly a start.

Nothing went wrong.

This was the best possible outcome. Reformist tries to get elected, is sabotaged through shady, illegitimate means. If the people lose faith in the traditional "democratic" institutions, they'll eventually turn to revolutionary politics.

Even if S█████ was just a sheepdog for the Democrats, he's inadvertently awoken a sleeping giant.

Yeah, but now B████ has come out and endorsed neo-liberal numero uno and told his supporters it's their job to vote for her.

A significant faction of the S█████ supporters aren't doing that though, and the rest are almost certainly disillusioned with the DNC.

And other neolib shills say they're racists because that's technically a vote for Trump and that means you don't care about Muslims/Mexicans or women's reproductive rights etc. etc. and you're actually being a muh muh privileged FUCKING WHITE MALE if you think we should vote for a real left-winger and not vote for Hillary out of fear.

"though cowards flinch and traitors sneer…"

wrong with what? sage for offtopic OP, this should really be in /leftyb/

it doesn't work because everyone knows he's just being forced to. And half his campaign surrogates (Nina Turner, Mike Brown, Cornell West, etc) are all endorsing Greens.

I think you mean Cuckton's big cuck cuck cucks him to cuck her. you godless cuck.

These are old tricks. It's nothing new.

People are slowly becoming disillusioned with it all.


You must be supremely naive if you think that was ever going to happen. It was already amazing to get as far as he did. At least he showed there was a hunger for more left policies

