Neocohen Mike "Let's Bomb Iran" Rogers Purged

Neocohen Mike "Let's Bomb Iran" Rogers Purged

Mike Rogers was Trump's intelligence adviser and former house intelligence committee chairman.
This guy suggested bombing Iran back in 2011.
Between this and Trump telling (((Elliot Cohen))) to fuck off it's clear the neocohens are already being purged.


Neo Cohens BTFO

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Holla Forums loses again

Now all that's left is for John Bolton to get BTFO'd and I'll be pretty happy

was Trump keeping his (enemies) close this entire time?

b-b-b-but DRUMFS cabinet is all jews! he married his daughter off to k-kikes! HILLARY WON THE POPULAR VOTE REEEEEEE

Trump is going to bend Bolton over and make him his bitch.

Why can't you scumbag OPs ever archive?

Jewliani and Jewt too.

By not giving him any spots I hope. Maybe he can get Ambassador to Sealand

You should worry more about Jewliani, given that the only source for the Bolton rumors was a twitter post.

Nah, Rudy can be quite useful. If there is one thing he does and does very well, it is striking some serious fear in the hearts of the groids. Let him get a position where he can go after BLM and we'll see some shit.

I guess if you're jewish and want to carry out a terror attack…

Rudy was played, just like the rest of America. Now Trump is in charge of him.

So can I assume that this means that NeoCohens are getting kicked out of the Republican party and Bolton has no chance of getting SoS?

He played no games with the niggers when he took over Jew York.
And then (((Bloomberg))) took over and started to make a mess again. Now DiBlasio is in charge and the niggers have the keys to the handcuffs.

Trump is like his big brother.
He'll do whatever he says anyway.

Yes, for hopefully the final time, this is what this undoubtedly means.

Rudy is awestruck by Trump's will to power. He'll do what he is told.

No, he helped them do it and should be tried for treason.

Just let him deal with the dindus first. Once he's contained our Kong problem, we can cut him loose.

dubs confirm
Rudy will be SoS
And he will be the hand of Trump across the world.

Now is an opening for Scheuer

Rudy got played by the jews, but now he dances to Trump's tune. Remember that he tried to run for president once, but failed badly. Trump has proven his alpha status. Trump has become a father figure to Rudy.

Rudy spent all his political capital on Trump. Since all the neocohens are getting purged by Trump, most of the smoke filled rooms he used to be a regular at are no longer open to him. His only future is the rooms Trump brings him to. This makes him beholden to Trump indirectly but powerfully. That's my .02 anyway. Yes he was mayor over 9/11, but I doubt he was involved in the attack even if he probably kept his mouth shut over the (((cohencidences))).

He can maybe get Ambassador to Seychelles if he brown nose enough.

We might need to be concerned about ded gruz shmoozing trump for a high seat in the cabinet.

What does Trump plan on doing to the other cucks he hasn't thrown into the trash?
Are we in for four years of Trump bullying cuckservatives like he did Jeb?

This is good analysis. By throwing in with Trump, Rudy has burned all his bridges. All except Trump. Rudy is all in, it's make or break for him.

To me it's the optics of it. He's not really qualified for such a high-level position and it sets the wrong tone about how the administration will be run. Trump is already walking a razors edge with his Iran rhetoric combined with peaceful overtures to Russia, and you simply cannot afford any room for confusion or interpretation on something like foreign affairs. It wouldn't be the end of the world but I would be decidedly less optimistic if it happens.

I'm down for Michael Sheuer for SoS man, I just don't think it'll fly with the lugenpresse and his own internal heeb circle.

I think Rudy will be Attorney General. He's more fitted for that role in the cabinet.

Never going to happen. He's political kryptonite. Trump would be an idiot to pick him as Secretary of State.

Like any of these hacks the past 16 years have been qualified to even run a Starbucks? Be honest, pieces of paper and bundling donations does not make one "qualified" for government.

not qualified for high level position. Read what you wrote again.

Stop. Friends and allies are rewarded, it's the way it has always been. Stick your (((tone))) up your ass faggot.

OK, where are you copypasting these talking points from? Bloomsberg? Economist?
What is wrong with peace with Iran and Russia? If it comes down to team arab or team persian - I'll go with team persian.

That's it. Fuck off kike.

Sure (((You))) would…

What other picks are there? Trump really has a problem that there aren't enough qualified people he can trust.

Sadly he doesn't appear to be really part of the inner circle. Same goes for Giuliani.

That leaves John Bolton as the prime candidate for SoS. The guy is utterly undiplomatic, it would be like a Republican version of Hillary Clinton.

he only wrote the playbook on all of this

Iran is an ally of Russia, therefore if you want peace with Russia, saber-rattling with Iran is probably not a good way to achieve that

Never doubted the God Emperor

It's a rumor, dumbass.
He's not going to pick Bolton.
You'd love it if he did though, wouldn't you, shill?

What's wrong with Rudy again? I thought he was all for stop and frisk.

You are all missing something staring you right in your faces.


At this point, is Yale as toxic NB4 Tumblr as it is appropriate use of term as the Frankfurt School?

Columbia appears to be a school of Poz as well.

Should we be looking at where, when and who they went to school with more?

Bolton went to Yale.
Rudy went to New York University School of Law in Manhattan

I think this more important than we know.

Good lad, I knew Trump wouldn't let us down.

Rudy should be given a key position for law enforcement. He cleared out much of the crime in Newyork apparently.

Oy vey.

Understand when they went, the schools weren't always this way.

I don't know man, Yale, Harvard and especially Columbia are yuuuuge red flags for me now.
It's happening at Stanford now, and more of the Cali schools are getting infected and spreading the disease.

When, OK - pre-1950 at this point? The past 20-30 years?

All in good time, my impatient anonymous friend. First, let him sweat blood in a bruiser-tier niggerbashing job. Former mayor "Jailiani" will make an excellent cat's paw as Trump does what needs to be done breaking BLM and the other nigger terrorists.

Then, when the blood has been shed and niggers don't dare nig anywhere, Trump will have the option of bringing Rudy up on federal Civil Rights charges to allay charges of muh racism! immediately before the 2020 campaign.

Trust the Leader, my friends. His ways are higher than ours.

What's the reason for this? Aren't Russians against Islam/Arabs?

Yep, most definitely has a real world track record of cracking nigger skulls in NYC.

It's been floating around since an interview he had in August. Theorizing is not the same as an endorsement.

Good pick. Sadly he's already 78.

Another reason why he needs to stay well away from the new administration.

Yale produced Bush Jr and John Kerry. It's been going downhill since the 60s.

Russians oppose the Wahhabi/Salafist cancer represented by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and all the terrorist groups they've supporter around the world.

This is a "Putin is WN" maymay.

Russians aren't cucks per se, but they aren't against Islam/Arabs. A few are, the hardcore WN crowd, but they're a minority. Most of Russia is civic-nationalist. They have large nonwhite, often muslim minority population and insist that they must be catered to.

Has Trump even give a single hint of ever considering this guy for any position? This all just seems like neocon wishful thinking.

As much as liberals claim he endorsed the Iraq war.
He said Bolton was a "Good guy" in an August interview. Besides that? No.

i don't know about this guy, but Holla Forums has to realize that every Hawk is not a neocon. Neocons are specifically jewish "former" trotskyist democrats who moved to the republican party in the 70s, not just "anyone who wants war" or "anyone who 'supports' Israel". you really need to get your terminology right

Maybe so, but Bolton is a hard-core, Jew-worshipping, ultra-faggot neocon from the bad old days. He deserves a rope, and not even a particularly good rope.

Wanting to bomb a country for something they haven't done (Build nuclear weapons) seems pretty neocon to me.

A huge portion of Russia is Islamic and arabs

For a slant-eye sub-human ape she's not bad looking.

They're not from 'round these parts.

(((John Wayne))) (((Duke)))

I'd like to see John Bolton as ambassador to Iran.

I like where your head is at

Get a Puerto Rican to be ambassador to Mexico, just for kicks. I hear Meheecans and Ricans can't stand each other.

pretty sure that qt was a bernie tard

One of my best friends is rican (I know) and his dad was mega triggered at my trump support. He kept asking me why and was trying to get me to mention illegals but I gave him a ton of trade arguments just to avoid giving him any satisfaction. Shit was hilarious though. I tell my friend in private that I'll deport his ass if he looks at me cross though.

Based Pat. I'm so glad he's still alive to see this.
if he was dead he'd be in comfy Catholic heaven seeing it anyway

John Wayne's a hero to Americans, at least he was at a time, bud.

oh, well, again, this is not a commentary on their merits, but a clarification of the terminology. Terminology is useless if we don't have some sort of broad, agreed upon definitions.

That's because you're a halfwit and don't understand what "neocon" means. There are plenty of "Realists" in the Political Science subfield of "International Relations" who want to bomb the shit out of countries, and they'll make any excuse to get it done they can. These individuals are called "Offensive Realists"

One way to tell the difference between realists and neocons is to ignore their rhetoric and look at the facts: to wit, is the bombing objectively in the best interests of the US or not. If not, is it simply in the best interests of Israel. Or, perhaps look at their motivations; that is, whose interests are they looking out for. Realists will be looking out for the US (even if they are objectively wrong) and Neocons will (more often than not) be looking out for Israel.

Distinctions are important. Let's not muddy the waters.

Your point? (((John Wayne))) was a Jewish puppet who glorified the zog machine and got white men killed. (((John Wayne))) is a sub-human! Get the fuck off Holla Forums if you like him, you sub-human faggot piece of garbage! GTFO!

you've got to be joking. the lugenpresse is whining about Trump but at this point what difference does it make? Trump wasn't running against Hillary, he was running against the media. And they lost. Let them kvetch and moan they've utterly beclowned themselves.

If you believe that 9/11 was an inside job, then the fact that he was mayor when it happened makes him suspect.

To the surprise of none

The first violation that the Jew carried out was crowding the children of the WASPs out of the elite universities their grandparents built.
universities themselves are an extension of Christian monasteries and clerical scholasticismand even earlier Greek traditions
This made the take over by Jews even more defiling.

Remember Anons, leftists are peaces of shit who threaten assassination, but Neocons are fucking murderers.

Expect an airplane to crash into Trump Tower.