Trump Looks Like a Liberal Compared to Muslims

Hello, Holla Forumslock here.
I began to frequently visit Holla Forums since the European migration crisis began.
I still see myself as a "socialist" of sorts, and voted S█████ in my state primary.
But the fact that so many self-proclaimed "Leftist" politicians say the "refugees" are good, makes my blood boil.
The corporate elite wanted to destabilize the MENA region so they would have no competition, and they could then bring in the people of those lands into the West for cheap labour.
But the fact that Antifa welcomes them is downright retarded.
These Muslims are basically fascists.
Just like Germany they were victims of the West, so they turn to fascist leaders.
They see themselves cut from the same cloth as Adolf Hitler, and some probably think he was a Muslim too.
They march in the street chanting: : "Adolf Hitler", "Heil Hitler", "Gas the Sodomites(Gays)", "Gas the Jews", and "Islam Shall Triumph."
They attack Jews, Secularists, pet dogs, non-conservative women, and gays.
I would sooner vote for Trump because I don't want more religious nutcases in this country.
Trump and his die hard supporters look like liberals compared to these "moderate" Muslim "refugees."
I hate everyone…

Other urls found in this thread:

We hate nazi's

Why do you blame the totally insignificant immigrants as opposed to the elites which you accept caused the problem in the first place

Trump is a liberal, so yea he would be "liberal" compared to Safalists who are straight up reactionary.

Adolf Hitler fucked up, went insane, and made Nationalism a taboo subject to even try to talk about.
Even more so than Stalin did to socialism.


They act like Nazis, they treat women like breeding stock so their population grows, and they intimidate people with violence.

The elites are still the problem, S█████, Stein, and even Trump are the best bet to fuck up the elite.
But Trump would make things worse with Muslims, ensuring a 3rd world war cause by the elites' decisions after WW1.

Okay, why is B████ ██████ name being censored?




What's that?

Barney scandals

who's b ?

isn't he the guy that hangs out with the hacker known as 4chan ?


The issue isn't "Islam" it's Salafi ideology. And ideology is not something which exists outside history - it's created by material factors.

We need socialist revolutions across the Muslim world which leave Salafi ideology in the dust, not to build a wall and pretend it's enough to make us safe as the world outside our borders goes to hell.

literally who cares

OP really seems to like Colonel S█████!

I'm not a Nazi


Then we need another world war, the Salafi ideology won't go down without a fight.
It gained momentum from the aftermath of WW1, just like Nazism.
If we are win, we need to fight Salafi governments the same way defeated the Nazi government.



We're coming for you first tovarish.

But the infected throughout the world riot, these people are perhaps more dangerous than Nazis in America were.
They will kill anyone anywhere, and retards would defend it by saying we are persecuting them.
Thank goodness Nazi Germany didn't draw itself out, or they would worldwide support.

"World war 1 is where we got salafiism, which is why we need another world war!"

Comrade, what's up with the swastika flag?

I'm a Holla Forumslock B E R N I E supporter

That makes no sense. Why would a socdem go on Holla Forums?

Yea but you are not a nazi, right?

No war but the class war - you let Imperialists do it and they'll just back one Salafi faction (or an equally Islamist and reactionary non-Salafi) to fight another one.

Look at the Afghan government the US installed which criminalized apostasy while looking the other way on boy-raping, or Maliki Islamizing Iraq even more than Saddam.

We need to do the hard work (though to be fair, easier than the west - plenty of them are already there) of REDpilling Muslims on their rulers - state and religion alike.

Did you even read the post?
We defeated the Nazis by killing them, controlling their country for decades, and constantly shaming them for decades.
Salafism wasn't created after WW1, but it gained power for the first time afterwards.


rily nigga?

Nazis and Salafist Muslims are basically the same thing, I hate them both.

so why do post on Holla Forums?

I'm not going to go through my entire collection of deliberately misnamed reaction images just to fix the names for a board where that's not the style, sorry

Soooo…why do you have a swastika flag on?

Yeah but how sure could we be that the conflict wouldn't just be inspiring the rise of the next international boogeyman.

So can i call you an anarchap ? that's what i call people who contradict themselves

Usually for memes making fun of countries, and the beginning of the Euro immigration crisis.
And occasionally triggering stormfags with the fact Hitler loved Islam, and might have converted according to Albert Speer.

Since many people on here believe that nearly everyone who goes to Holla Forums is a Nazi.

might be because everyone from Holla Forums who post over here advocates nazism.

We don't, life seems like an eternal struggle between people and their cultures.
The Nazis and Salafists have some reasonable arguments of being oppressed by the West.
We must do the German approach and control & shame them, but help them without backing out.
We can't let anti-occupation retards make us leave for creating stability.
Remember people in Germany attack Allied soldiers long after the war was won.

Don't worry, the muslims will be gulag'd when the revolution comes around.

At least the people who tell you they go there. I still go to /4/pol, but I don't feel a need to let everyone know in every post.

I like posting on a large, anonymous board for political discussion between a variety of ideologies where the mods won't ban you unless you spam cuck porn or they're having a bad day. (Heard 8/pol/ is much more of a nazi torture chamber though, and I'm not sure which Holla Forums you mean.) I don't like that the two biggest represented there are nazis and lolberts.

But. they won't.
This isn't Soviet Union Turkmenistan.
This is Europe, filled with people who believe if something offends Muslims it needs to be banned.

Religion will be banned. Anybody who says otherwise will get gulaged. It is as simple as that.

Despite the OP suffering from massive cognitive dissonance he does have a point.

I remember reading Hitler's memoir where he said that the disciplined people of the east will take over the West and that the Latins and the Anglos were a lost case. Hitler also hated Christianity as a "Jewish religion" and thought admirably of Islam and even said that Islamic Cordoba was greater than Christian Spain.

The refugee migration into europe is probably Hitlers wet dream whereby the Jews, Gays and christian racial traitors will get genocided. It just goes on to show you how Holla Forumstards are more "liberal" and in favor of enlightenment values than Hitler ever was.

If you want to stop refugees from coming in en-masse, you should first look at what is making these refugees possible. Namely, the wests foreign policy. It's pointless to hate on refugees since they're a result not a cause.

Trump is still a capitalist buisnessman tho so he's just as bad.

Religion is stupid
Islam is a terrible religion
Militant islamists are a disgrace to normal Muslims and are a tumour on society.

Yet they are still just parts of a global capitalist system that uses them to detract from its own nature.

Protip: Trump is a liberal.

Literally the embodiment of being a useful idiot

