What Do We Have To Offer?

What problems face the average member of the proletariat in the first world right now that we can use to push class consciousness?

I find a lot of our arguments, while completely valid, are either situated in far away areas that people simply dont care about, or are things that are not making a difference to people right now.

Zizek says that the best thing a movement can offer is something in the NOW. What is socialism's in the now for the first world worker?

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This is literally the exact opposite of what Zizek says

I cant find the exact talk but, he has literally said this word for word.

Fear inducing media

Lack of purpose in lifeā€¦

Then shut the fuck up about shit you don't know about.

He says "we see V and so on, they all talk about "oh, revolution, people on the streets, occupy wall street" but what about the day after? Ok, the parliament is down, you got into a fight with the authorities, even won, mourned the dead and so on.. Now what?"

pretty much this. voting good candidates who will offer welfare into office is suicide, people need to be in shit conditions to revolt, theres no other way around it. how can you expect a healthy and happy swedish liberal with a stable job with good income and a bright future to revolt?

We can only offer the right questions and critiques, really.

Because politics is now organized in such a way that it's impossible for a left-wing movements to succeed, and if we succeed we're "punished" by the banks, by finance, by capital flight, by international trade, by other countries, etc.


You're a moron. Of course that if we could turn the world socialistic tomorrow most people who understand socialism would agree to do it, but in real life the many painful steps we have to take in that direction all require a constant degree of mobilization, of mass energy, of political activism, of organization, etc. OP is asking how can we feed the flame of class consciousness until we have enough mobilization to take at least a few of those steps, and offering a few things for the near future is a good way of doing it.

I'd say start with stuff that [redacted] talked about. Look how far it got him. Tie those issues back to class and capital. Use feudalism to illustrate the dynamic there.

Do you feel in charge?

Imo the best thing we can do is stress the political aspect of socialism, and try to make people understand Marx's ideas surrounding how economics dictate political structures. Covincing people to see economic equality as common sense isn't practical as this point, but people already see equality of rights and political equality as natural, just, and as common sense. What we have to do is make people see that you can't really have that without economic equality and more equally distributed control of the means of production.

Another important thing to emphasize would be ideas like Hegels relationship between property and freedom, and that equality of freedom only comes with either equality of property, or the removal of property's exclusionary nature.

Sexism, homophobia, and racism are all pretty common in working areas. not sure if we want them in our movement

How are you going to bring about worker's rule without including the working class?


That's it. We can't offer a revolution today, but we can offer a strong position on solutions to:

We just have to offer it.

I'd also add that we have to face the reality of what liberalism has created, and I would like to see a leftwing movement offer an analysis and solutions to the immigration situation; how it was caused and why, and who benefits.

You mean being a nomadic bipedal carbon-based organism?

Stop disrupting the conversation.

I'm asking leftypol to do me a favour and ignore this post and not reply to it.

This is why la gauche can't gain traction.

People fro worse off countries want to go to better off countries.
Back in the days of fat cows and prosperity it was A-OK. More labour power meant more consumer power, more prosperity and so on.
But then the thin cows ate the fat cows and now immigrands are savages that want to take our limited jobs and rape our women and children.

So, in the end, it's not a problem of "Cultures" or "immigration" or "Refugees". It's a problem of Capitalism not working!


A life better than they have now, I guess?

Not good enough. If you can't remember your sources, write them down. You're probably referring to this:

a qt gf provided by the state

Nothing, the revolution happened and is still happening in the third world.