Can I be a conservative communist?

I was discussing politics with a liberal friend of mine, and she accused me at one point about being "conservative". But I'm also a leftist. Can you be both?



So from each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution?
Why exactly?
What do you mean by "family"? Nuclear family or something else?
So left-wing nationalism/patriotism? Yeah, it's okay I guess, but the line is really thin here
So what's your proposed solution to those problems?

Nothing wrong with any of these, IF, its simply a matter of living your own life in accordance with these principles and not trying to impose them on others in any way. Think od it like religion.

What's conservative communism, then?

If a society is superficially casual, the leadership and general population are less likely to comprehend the gravity of politics.

I think the Trump phenomenon is enabled by the de-formalization of culture promoted by the capitalist media. Somebody as tactless as he could not have arisen twenty years ago.

Just in time to refill my Stirner folder

Sure, you can still be a communist so long as you believe in a communally-owned and operated economy. But such an arrangement will inevitably do away with your useless "traditional" values as much as capitalism will.

You already know the answer to this question. No.

Under communism we will have traditional values once again. Capitalism promotes the destruction of modesty, it makes degeneracy profitable and monetizes the family unit. In a society where the means of production are shared by all people will naturally regroup to there likings. This means a restoration of the nuclear family, most people will live in communities with their own ethnicity, culture, religion. Women will not need to sell their body and return to their rightful place in the home with their children.


why should I care about stirner



he does philosophy real good, satan.

No. We don't have Communism going for you to be conservative about it.

The socially conservative, nationalist Communist is the un-memeable man. None can stand against the rightness and power of his ideology.

You can be socially conservative without being nationalist

He trolls Holla Forums to tears of rage and is good to have in the back of the mind to keep you tethered to reality.

Why the fuck do you care about such things? Will they impact your life in significant way?

If we're talking full automated luxury communism, then such concept as "share" makes no sense.

Bullshit. Communism and traditional family don't go together.
All humanity is your family, faggot. Children will be common property, so to speak.
Monogamy, on the other hand, will be dominant form of relationship between opposite sexes.
Because polygamy is gross.
Oh, and no faggots allowed.

You should join your Local Trotskyist Group OP.

I don't understand why people need to shove their lifestyle down everyone's throats, you can be christian, atheist, vegan, straight edge, hedonist, nihilist or whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't get in the way of socialism and the people.

Live a conservative life if you want, but don't force it on me.