Breaking: 7.4 earthquake just hit NZ

We need our own happening threads here because I refuse to even go near cuckchan for happening threads anymore..

That was enormous in Wellington. Must have been horrific in Christchurch #eqnz
6:14 AM - 13 Nov 2016
2 2 Retweets 5 5 likes
Eloise (Ellie) Whyte @kiwielle
Wow. That was quite a shake. Looks like a biggie down south. 7.5 44km deep by first reports near Cheviot. #quake #NZ #eqnz

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Just one or two sentences, if anyone has a twattter account, please post..

Wellingtonfag here

My TV flipped over onto the ground and a couple of transformers exploded outside my flat. Still have power and internet.

come on, one of you motherfuckers must have twaater. i need to work on my DNS, I was apparently range-banned for repeatedly calling south african politicians and media niggers "kaffirs" after they chimped out that one guy there dared to use the word.

can you post a pic without giving away your location if your shit isn't fucked up too badly? I hope Christchurch damage isn't bad, actually like kiwis as people (though your gvt is full of cuckolds).

Low energy, even their quakes. California needs a real chink shaker.

a 7.5 would fucking destroy oakland and san fagcisco, and hopefully a lot of niggers with it. The one in 1989 was not that strong.
you have nips trying to act like badasses about how strong their quakes are (actually usually cuckold weebs there teaching english who can't get laid).

That's some mighty nice infrastructure you have there. Up here if the wind blows too hard we may end up on the genny.

Stay safe man. Good to know we have a man on the inside.

Not good enough, will not rest until the whole fucking thing slides off into the sea.


Nothing damaged but there's a couple of average aftershocks happening as I'm typing. My parents just rang me and told me they have no power and only live about five minutes drive away.

Damn Jews and their Earthquake weapons.

You think I'm joking.

hope your shit is OK, guess it was a bit cold to ask for pictures.
Can another person not range-banned on twatter post a few pictures? No news on Sky bc "remembrance Sunday." Won't watch media in the ZOG (even though I know murdoch owns sky and fox).

I have an online penpal of sorts who lives in NZ. He said it shook like hell but nothing fell. is apparently a good site for tracking the quakes according to family.

Hang in there kiwi's.

Imagine an 8.0+ in the middle of a west coast US anti-Trump protest?


The things that could happen by chance

Perhaps kek will bless us with such an event, perhaps not.

On the street I live in, the government knocked over a lot of state housing (occupied by lots of niggers) that didn't meet earthquake safety regulations after the 2011 Christchurch earthquake. The flat I live in is privately owned and has pretty good earthquake resistance so I'm not too worried.

the ZOG has it at 7.4, 10kms deep which could be bretty bad. why don't these things ever hit shitskin areas and do away with a few hundred thousand of them?

Dubs and kek plunges Cali into the ocean

Can't shake off NZ. What a blessed land. Let's hope the whole damn ring shits itself outward soon.

they will if we meme it.

auckland here
wew my house shook

fug, I know someone who's working in NZ at wetaflix, he's from wellington, rip rip.

Oh fug, be safe South Islanders…


Wellington fag here, it was fun, not allowed back into work until buildings inspected. 6/10 but the rides not over heil kek

Is the bucket fountain kill?

Dunedin here. Didn't feel shit. Got a text from a mate in the capital saying he felt a bit of a shake. Probably going to get a photo later of his house fucking flattened.
Good to see the quakes are slowly moving north. Not long until one hits Auckland and sets off all the volcanoes.

Well obviously those transformers were superfluous to begin with.

Is this because the #NeverTrumpers in SV are going to migrate to NZ?

the GEoM powers are great and terrible…

Some houses are fully destroyed. Many roads fucked.
No confirmed deaths yet.

Also cunts and faggots are LITERALLY SHAKING: trump

Wasn't NZ the place where all the richfaggots were going to run off to if the U.S. poorfags started shooting at them?

we are pretty much an island resort

It's supposedly being upgraded to a 7.8, and civil services is saying that everyone should get to high ground immediately.


No, it's no joke. Looks like they'll be having themselves a delicious dinner.

fug am I supposed to care? Dunedin is in a pretty steep bay and has some islands and hills everywhere. Also pretty far south. If so how long until it arrives and do I have enough time to walk to the beach with some brews?



carson city here, I didn't feel a thing.


Shit lads, no shit Tsunami warning issued for NZ…

There's a tsunami warning everytime there's an earthquake around there after 2004 tsunami m8. There's since been only one after that which hit Japan in 2011.

yep, /SorosPol/ trying one of their "raids" because getting their teeth kicked in during the election wasn't enough of a beating..
reported for fggotry.

This seems more serious coming from USGS and it's a WARNING rather than "watch.",172.9483951,3a,75y,359.22h,83.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1salU7BcYAYlwGY5l7HVsvrQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

There was an actual tsunami. Small, but it happened. Read the data at GeoNet.

anterburyTsunami threat following cheviot earthquake
Monday 14 Nov - 1:32 am
The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management (MCDEM) has issued a tsunami warning for Eastern coast of North and South Island including the Chatham Islands. It may arrive in the Eastern Coast of the North Island shortly. Move inland or to higher ground immediately. A tsunami is possible. The first wave activity may not be the most significant. Tsunami activity will continue for several hours and the threat must be regarded as real until this warning is cancelled. MCDEM is still assessing the threat and will provide more information within the next hour. Meanwhile, people in coastal areas should: 1. Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities) 2. Stay off beaches and shore areas 3. Do not go sightseeing 4. Share this information with family, neighbours and friends 5. Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates 6. Follow instructions of local civil defence authorities

Thing is that Tsunamis are bitches to predict /detect.
You mostly dont see them, only when they are about 1-10km out (depending on water depth) since thats when the water has no where else to spread than upwards.
In most cases it's 1small, 1big, 1small. There can however bee multiple cycles. "Super tsunamis" come when 2 big ones "combine" or are very close to one another

It's a happening thread where anons are supposed to panic. There's no definite subject so there's no derailing. Get with the program.


apparently, you haven't noticed the /sorospol/ posts in almost every other fucking thread here,

fuck, any periscope or local links?

what is the answer, lads, to the NZQ?

Here you can see how an earthquake on one part of the earth can create tsunamis waaaay somewhere else, it's the seismic waves travling trough the earth's crust/mantle/outer core.
You must imagine this in 3D ofcourse. so its circles all around the world where the next shit may go down. Most likely are however parts that are under water since the earths crust there is signifycantly less thick than on land (4-6km vs 30-60km). This is what connects tsunamis to earthquakes.
Earthquakes btw "are generated" either by fast volcanic eruptions (new forming volcanoes) where suddenly a lot of pressure that built up inside the mantle is released and lets the surrounding rock move to where the pressure chamber once was, or by tektonic plates sliding over one another and having built up so much pressure in between that is then released by a small landslinde and the pressure evading trough these to the top.
THe volcanic ones haven't been seen the past 100 years really. (It's what happened in pompeii etc)

The more you know.

Nice joke user, NZ internet is too shit for periscope…most people here don't even know what it is.


Better internet infrastructure would've probably been the one minsicule plus of TPP for you.

Kek punishing NZ for accepting kikes preparing to crash US economy.

Damn was that building just old or do they not build their shit to withstand quakes?

Disregard that. Video is from 2011.

just got a link to an aussie news live link..of course, doesn;t work. how us i that U get fucked into paying zog for TV, "business access" net, roku, good router, and STILL can't get a live stream?
CNN, Big Black Cock? nothing of course. Fucking news channels…time to cut the fucking cord. I don't even like game of goys anymore, West World sucks, why am I keeping cable cable again?
fuck it, and if Gf doesn't like she can either pay it herself or leave.

Nigger you sure are retarded.

Clickbait title. That footage is from the Christchurch earthquake we had years ago.

I doubt it, probably would only end up upgrading major cities like Welly and Aucks.
We'd have more luck getting tech upgraded if the pirate party was voted in.

It's a mix of both, you can see the wall breaking first where the support beams are, putting pressure on the underlaying brickwork, creating a small gap where the upper bricks got loosened and succumbed to gravity (the small "explosions" at ~22-23 sec)
Could've beenprevented by using pic related. It's an anchor fixing the beams to the outer wall. With these either your wall cracks but stays in place or the whole thing goes down (either case without would cause collaps).

Kim for prez when

Hopefully soon. Winston is just reactionary, and if pirate party means a chance of shittier internet becoming free, I'm keen for it. Make Quake 3 great again.

live ca from a NZ beach. allegedly, sea sucking out in a bunch of places. looks like habbening..

Is there something occult about November the 13th?

holy shit lads, fucking water is receding, and quickly, you can see it..this might be a big habbening. look a the link ad watch it for one minute and look at water going out..

compare this to how it was even 5 mins ago…

looks like it is coming back now

I better see some shit because entering this thread right now, it looks like water is at the shore like it would normally be.

Mods should ban fearmongerers if they are full of shit. Send them back to GLP

It has been twelve or so minutes since you posted that. Water is still at the shore, where it should be. Go back to GLP and post your Sorcha Faal shit

you have you been since your mother died?

A fuckinng storm comes in and we're fucked
Earthquake >still have Internet

Apparently, reddit might be more to your taste. Where people can be "banned" since everyone is not either on a VPN or Tor.
Here's an idea? you don't like the thread? FUCK OFF. People are reporting the coastal alerts from the NZ maritime bureau. It might be something good, or it could not.
you don't like it, go dick up your dead mother and sit on your sofa with a cup of tea in front of her…

That's just a warning from Kek you Aussie faggots – trying to dump shitskins on America!


You have been fucking warned!

Shill (your other sock) came here and implied that because water was at the shore, where it should be, that its receding fast, and will be coming in fast. This is GLP-tier retardery.

Fucking kill yourself you kike

fucking despise cunts like you. People aren't pulling the info out of the air, it's fro the NZ authorities. People are here ON THE CHANCE the local authorities are correct. If you don't post it and there's carnage, then you miss it and the jews censor it and it's gone.
Motherfucker. Who is holding the gun to your head and MAKING you follow the thread? Drop fucking dead. and take your mother's bloated yellow corpse with you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

I'm not a cunt is a cunt. Nobody here was watching it, they are implying there is a change. There's no change, warnings notwithstanding, water is at the fucking shore where it should be. That cunt is IMPLYING as you are

filtered fuckface, don't bother replying. Go back to reddit and try to get people whose" journalistic standards" (that you are getting for free as you sit on your fat fuck fucking ass playing COD) and try to get them banned. MODS CAN BAN ME 208 TIMES, CAN JUST CHANGE PROXIES. AFTER THT? Tor.

Go fuck yourself you miserable, unless, morbidly obsess cocksucker. back to reddit. filtered, drop dead.

I hope it's real and you drown, but you want to know what, it aint shit and instead we have fearmongering shills (because this place is no different than GLP when it comes to this) playing games and asking people to observe the difference in the shoreline when nobody here could have observed a difference and it's where it should be anyway. It could have been left at a local advisory for possible tsunami but you're not happy unless people are freaking out around the world. Because you're a shill

especially for the scumbag telling me I was making up info and pulling it out my ass..her you go. Or maybe I'm running the NZ emergency weather bureau and LARPing for fun…

Marlborough reporting . No major damage, however the westpac chopper has made several runs to the sounds, and the Air Force base is active. No word on the waihopai spy base, but I'm guessing no major damage. I'll take a peek on my way to work in the morning


I know that feel

t. Chile

Nonetheless, cars keep driving along the coastline the entire time on the livestream and (most importantly to my point), although it was implied heavily that the water was drawing back (to come forward again) its where it would normally be. And the cars keep going right by the coast. The point isn't even that people ignored the warnings, it's that how it was posted implied very directly that water was pulling out and was going to come back in. But it never changed.


It was the Kiwi's though. Would it mean that Kek missed or that they're irrelevant?


Just so you know dumbass, they've had civil sirens going for the past half an hour, and started evacuating coastal subburbs. It is happening

T. guy that actually lives here, not some armchair geologists

I have no problem with people reporting on a happening (would be nice if people talked about real damage instead of always implying more damage and ignoring what has happened). I have a problem with posts like which are implying something (that can't be verified here because nobody was watching previously, to see the IMPLIED difference) and are not backed up by any evidence.

That's GLP-tier bullshit, it pulls traffic

is this man Australian by any chance?

This, I just kept having a late-night wank. We really do need threads on Holla Forums when this sort of shit crops up, I'd never have known otherwise.

Japan and Commiefornia are next.

This is going to be a big one. There are two wavefronts racing up the faultlines right now.

West coast has been bubbling for 12 hours now.

Shame about Japan but pretty nice if a sizable Commiefornia population gets holocausted by this earthquake and tsunami

Chat is now full of shitlords, normies are getting pissed.

So, any news?

That's why you tether your TV to the wall or cabinet.

Perhaps so, brother!

hopefully this deters the leftards who crashed the NZ immigration website after the election.
They need to stay where they are and suffer the indignity of watching good people maga.
Best wishes NZfags.

don't worry kiwis, we'll annex you under hanson as our PM

i don't think kiwis have multistory buildings so it should be okay. they'll be protected in the little dirt mounds they live in


I'm guessing red is the "why the fuck are you on the docs at 2am" zone, orange is "nothing is going to happen but if it does we fucking told you so", and yellow is "she'll be right"

Trump curse confirmed for real

That means you finally got uncucked.

Nice trips.


its our crypto-kike pm using all his political capitol with kerry to get offshore refugees settled in usa. He is acting like he has the deal settled, but trump will block it and the refugees will be settled in cambodia and malcolm kikebull will bust his nut over losing some deals he mad with jews and lefties.

What's that, kiwis?

Link to that site?

I am literally shaking right now


This is not a fucking happening, like two people died and some shit got knocked over. I live in Christchurch and slept straight through the whole thing.

Christchurch quake will pale in comparison pretty much the whole population lives on hillsides and tops. The place will be fucking rubble.

Maybe they shouldn't have made waves.

you really are a major league asshole. the point of a "happening" is to be able to see it live before the Jews have a chance to edit all the interesting stuff out.
The entire fucking point of a happening is seeing it live without the Jews pulling it (like Ukraine, Paris, Brussels, Nice). You want to see shit that "has already been (((confirmed))) happened?" Watch the fucking 6 o'clock news dumb fuck.