Its Dangerous out there. Take this

Its Dangerous out there. Take this.

More Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters, voted Trump than any other election. Pic related. Spread it.

Other urls found in this thread:

We have to defund sanctuary cities, or else there won't be a next time for Trump. We were saved by kek's grace, and we need to make sure that we can do it again without a kek miracle.

Actually if he holds the Northern Alliance we really don't need Nevada or Colorado.


I'm really worried about Texas. It was bluer this year than any other I can remember.

How am I supposed to read this?

Apologies in advance (I'm a dumbass).

That's if the Republicans become more friendly to unions. Labor is ripe for the picking right now. The last time this opportunity arose, the Democrats controlled Congress for a half century.

We need every state, especially our western states.
I remember in 2004 when I visited a bud in Aurora, CO and a mexican family just moved into his neighborhood. Denver was BLINDINGLY WHITE. I actually considered moving out there.
I went to a ski town that week and saw 4 niggers. They were a family of some French speaking rare rich niggers from not America.

Nevada keeps getting browner and blacker, and I don't like it.

AZ bro here, it's getting fucking ugly man. I am seeing more and more subhuman indigenous central/south American mystery meats every year.

The last job fair I went to the Customs/Border rep could barely speak English and was brown as fuck.

You cuck faggot. If they become the majority, they will never vote in a Republican. You won't get them higher than 29%.

You think it was an accident they turned Austin into a fucking micro cali, encouraged the tech sector there when Cali's economy was falling apart?

You can only turn so much of the river blue, and up to SA with metzicans… to flip the cities, soak up some of the overflow from the sinking ship of socal, and go ahead and start fucking TX economy too, to fund shenanigans.


Red are those who voted for trump, blue are those who voted for Clinton.

This is why we need to continue redpilling whites and pulling people to our side while also deporting people who are here illegally. If we don't, then we lose our country permanently. After the deportations, we can secure the rest of the hispanic demographic by getting those who are 90%+ European to identify themselves as white. Perhaps even getting other hispanics to cast them out for being too white. The hispanics that we do not want are the ones who are only 20%-60% European. These people are unlikely to support our interests.

Calling for memories from the oldest anons here: When did America or any part thereof become or start to become non-white?

Trump better follow through with the mass deportations, or I don't know what the fuck we're going to do. I'm not even sure that will be enough. Centralized urban areas need to die. Maybe our all Republican government could give tax breaks to corporations who encourage telecommuting?

When they let the jews import slave labour.

I remember when San Antonio was basically segregated by whites and browns, and there were actually GOOD browns.
White cops for white neighborhoods and brown cops for brown neighborhoods.

Is the Riverwalk even safe any more?

One of my best friends just moved to Houston, couldn't refuse the position and cash. He is underwhelmed to say the least and his dad started packing 24/7 (he lives with him - old and sick).

My white associates still in Dallas keep complaining about how "things used to be better" but refuse to acknowledge the influx of niggers and beaners in the millions.

Those dubs deserve an answer. I'm not an expert, but superpower status quickened the pace. Lone superpower status mad the pace even more extreme.

Texas here. I'm not worried. they tried to run a liberal against a typical conservative. he blew her the fuck out, 59% to 39%. she barely won the Hispanic vote, and lost badly amongst Hispanic men. and after he got in office, revealed his true power level.

Texas is very religious, conservative, and a mixture of Southern and Southwestern culture. pro-trade and pro-immigration.

an anti-trade, anti-immigration, secular moderate from the northeast, wasn't the best candidate for here.

I think I know only one Texan that actually voted for Trump because he actually liked Trump. the rest either want to see Mike Pence in office, or want to see Hillary executed for treason.

forgot to mention the first paragraph was about the 2014 governor's race. all hail King No-Legs.

Lost of the "Hispanics" in Texas are 300 year old families, so they don't really count as straight from Mexico Hispanics.

SoCal here it's prolly even worse than Az whites are gonna be a minority within just a few years unless Trump does something about it. Fuck just walking to a street fair, mall, or the fucking beach and it's practically an invasion of spics. Fuck at least the niggers keep to themselves in LA and Compton and shit OC to my knowledge doesn't have much of a nigger problem but a Mexican problem. Fucking hell last time I went down to fucking Santa Ana I saw maybe like a few whites and that's because there's a performance arts school there all the rest were Mexicans. Also the fact that there's a huge homeless problem and they set up camp right at the courthouse and the city does very little to help them especially when they have such shitty neighborhoods which they set brick walls to shield them from ppl looking at them. This is slowly infecting OC that it's not the same 20 years ago. Hell fucking all the big cities in SoCal are either full of Mexicans or homeless people. Long beach, San Diego, la, San fagcisco all are going to shit. I sometimes wish that Cali would secede so that we get what's coming to us but at the same time I know this state is practically used up and is just best to move somewhere where it's more nice.

That wont last. California is your future. You have tried peaceful coexistence and it has failed.

No, you're full of bullshit.

Austin has been a tech city for a long time because of the barometic pressure (not relevant anymore, but it was back in the day)


San Antonio is still pretty safe. the main problem with Houston is Katrina. a bunch of terrible black people from Louisiana came, and never left.

Dallas is okay. the Mexicans here are pushing the black people out.


that's in his 100 day plan

I grew up in SoCal in the 80s and youd rarely see a mexican. You could go to the beach or the lakes and it was all white people. By 1989 there were one or two of them in my classes. By 1994 it was 4 to 6 in every class. This is when I stated to see trash everywhere. One of the local watering holes I would hang out to cool off in the summer was overrun by spics, dirty diapers and beer bottles thrown everywhere. When I graduated high school in 1999 half of the school population was brown, it was the first year in the schools history that it wasnt majority white. I went and checked the demos of the school today and it 89% hispanic.


I am going to go with the immigration act of 1968.

But in my honest opinion, it happened with the breakdown of American society/religion in the 60s.

Whites used to be much more tribal. You would hear, "Well, some waps moved in down the street but at least they aren't niggers."

White tribalism was by regional ethnicity and connected and strengthened by local churches and fairs.

My hometown's last community fair/block party with the church/police/local business was in 1983. The Police stopped making cops coach sports with the PAL in order to get promoted by 1990.

In the 80s we were flooded with Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans by the hundreds of thousands.

Manufacturing was dead and millions of niggers were everywhere, no work, just welfare and free time.

The 80s is when you saw all family units have moms and dads working, and working at different shifts. All my uncles, aunts and grandparents were still working, so my siblings and me raised ourselves.

The breakdown of shared traditions (including religion even if you didn't believe), breakdown in the family unit, and both parents forced into the workplace with grandparents working later to get better SSI and pensions kept whites blind to how bad things got.

The Post Office, military and manufacturing jobs used to be WORKFARE.

Whites also used to run and teach nigger/spic schools and keep them in line. When that changed, it accelerated the decay.

Hispanics in Texas are definitely more conservative than other parts of the USA, but the old Tejano families don't really make up that large percentage of the population. there's been a huge immigrant surge here recently.

but it's not. Texas is doing great. I really don't know what the fuck is wrong with people in California. the whites and Asians are liberal dipshits and the blacks and Mexicans are violent fuckheads.

if things got really bad here, Texas would either secede and suspend liberal democracy, or go back to back to being a one-party state where the conservatives dominate the Democratic primary.

come to Texas. people here don't mind Mexicans being here. everyone knows who the illegal aliens are. nobody cares. other than being more Democratic than Republican, they don't cause any problems. but you could say the same about Northern and Californian immigrants as well.

the Texas Revolution was about sovereignty. there's always been Mexicans here. they just didn't vote/weren't a large enough percentage of the population to have political control, so it's never been a problem until recently.

Started after 1980, picked up in Cali in 1990, accelerated in 2003, by 2006 it was getting bad. Now we are almost un recoverable.

Will defunding them be enough? Will they fold?

Live in OC, did you see that it voted for Hillary? I looked at past elections, this is the first time OC went Democrat.

The demographic change is complete. All of SoCal is gone. Whites are like 25% of the population, it's done.

But still 60 percent of the LEGAL POPULATION. There's still time, but we need two Trump terms And he needs to follow through and then another 2 terms from Don Jr.

nothing can be done unless

1. white people start having kids above replacement level again
2. Jus Soli is repealed

#1 is probably necessary for #2 to happen, at this point.

You people are too pessimistic, yes we are ALMOST fucked, but Trump puts us on the right footing.

Much bigger issues will be the Robot revolution in the next 10-15 years, and 3d Printed houses, self driving cars ect.

in 15 years 50% of jobs will be gone, in 30 years 80% of jobs gone.

Good news is, there will be no reason for spics niggers and such to physically be in the US if no jobs, we can strike a nationalist deal with them.

We give them gibs in exchange for our land and country back. We have to sell the idea the Multi Culti does not work.

Just got back from Hacksaw Ridge.

A new WW3 with only nonwhites fucking each other up would help too. Have Pakistan and India destroy each other. North and South Korea kill each other, then Japan and China gloves off finish it. Throw in a Saudi Arabia vs Iran vs Israel for good measure.

Then stop ALL aid to Africa.

Problem mostly solved.

I remember saying the same thing in 1993. I think it's in my Global Supply Chain Management thesis on the global economy and China as a growing power. Was right about EBAY but wrong about Lehman Bros though.

They are so bold that they get scholarships and federal funding to attend college now. It's not going to be an easy road.

You're not seeing the big picture.

My state of State of California was very republican, elected Nixon and Reagan as governors. San Francisco and Hollywood were liberal, but the rest of the state was right-wing.
Once the spics and gooks began taking over the cities outside of SF and LA, that was the end of California.

Texas is done if you don't reverse trends the rest of the state will start looking and voting like the San Antonia region. Expect Austin to continue to grow and become your liberal San Francisco. Expect Dallas and Houston to continue it's demographic replacemnt with non-whites like Los Angeles and San Diego. Mass Deportations and SB1070 laws are your only hope.

Otherwise, Texas will be voting Democrat in 25 years, just like California went from voting Nixon/Reagan in the 70s to nothing but democrats by the 90s.

I agree, but blacks and browns can't resist free gibs and it will BTFO of liberals because that is all they got on them is much vagina and much fee stuff.

The "alt right" whatever that is needs to capatalize on this future fash idea of robots doing your labor for you, and how great it is to live in a country with your own culture and people.

So you're saying if we just give welfare to all the spics (who if current demographics predict correctly, will become >40% of the US population by your time frame of 2030), they will just go back to their own countries without any fuss? Just how fucking dumb are you?

We also need to impose voter ID to vote immediately can someone suggest that to the

In addition, we also need to destroy the Silicon Valley elites, they are actively undermining the American people with their calexit campaign. I am almost sure that Soros and the Rothschilds have their greasy hands in it, hopefully Peter Thiel will squish them.

Their physical location will not matter if everything is free. Does some mexican want to live in Wisconsin with free gibs when he could be on a mexican beach???

I agree. This is probably are best solution.

Non-whites were brought in for cheap labor that is no longer needed because of automation and robotics. They're now just coming for the Gibs so we need to reverse incentives.

Instead of incentivizing spics to come here for gibs, we should give gibs only to those spics that leave

The Jews know this and as they lose their Jobs they were turn them Communists and agitate till we collapse. We have to head this off at the pass.

I'm not pessimistic. I'm in Texas.

no, no it wouldn't. look at what happened to Libya, Syria, Iraq. everyone there fled to Europe.

California Republicans were more liberal than Texass Democrats. that's part of the problem.

Austin is a problem because it's fucking filled with Californians. California immigration is a problem. and there's only one way to stop that.

what I'm mostly worried about is the United States. the people that own and run Texas aren't just going to let it go. if it gets to that point.

look at what Governor No-Legs is doing. the countries that he's been visiting. they're preparing for that day.

please don't try to kill us all when it comes to that. don't let Trump become Lincoln 2.0

NO. please let California go. it's a gigantic tumor.

Disgusting yellow kikes


There are other reasons they wouldn't want to leave, such as they would rather be here because it's 100x better than Mexico.

Yes but would they fight a race war over it?

Yes I noticed that and I was shocked beyond belief and I thought that OC was still somewhat conservative despite it being in commiefornia however I wouldn't doubt in my fucking mind they let illegals vote since we got a ton of them

They're fighting the demographic war right now, which whites are losing. You don't seem to know a lot about mexicans, my dude.

Right but I mean bullets, they didn't fight for a better country in Mexico with guns, why would they here?

Yup mexicans sure don't know how to get their hands on some guns


Just goes to show Trump should throw the niggers to the back of the bus to Liberia.

But fucking spics, holy shit. The illegals still need to go back though.

The drug cartels are pussies, some farmers with single shot home made shotguns took them out in the south of mexico.

They are nothing in face of resistance.

these percentages are because the cunton minority vote stayed home
i doubt trump convinced muds to vote for him more than romney, just that they didn't have king nig to vote for

If that's true, then all those vigilante bands would have wiped the cartels out by now.

I remember the areas I grew up in Irving and Grand Prairie being very white and I was the minority. 5 years later of living with my grandma in pic land and I come back to alot of spics coming out of nowhere. by the time I went to College and went back to Irving, there was nothing but pahjeets in one of the parks I used to go to as a kid. not a single white person in site. it was fucking disgusting.

The autodefensas were pretty cool but didn't they get cucked buy their government?

because the government side with the cartels for moeny

As far as I understand, they were doing their job of removing cartels better than the government so now they're a regulated militia force. Which of course means they can't do shit because the mexican government doesn't want them being bad goys anymore.

Well, I mean we can excise it, but we could also pacify it by force, meming the RWDS into existence.

OP I am not sure about your stats but this is what I got.

Note that I am only including the green arrows if Trump got a higher % than Rommey and not if Hillary did worse. Also some highschool and no highschool I did the avg between the two so thats why Trump got a green arrow.

Also election turnout was HIGHER. wew

wow I am a fucking retard.

Cali is beyond saving. It's like a hand that's been bitten by a zombie, it's only going to infect the rest of you more unless you chop it off and stop the infection from spreading. Just let us go and use Cali as an example of what a hive of leftist scum and villainy really is.

Wouldn't that create a cascading effect? If that happens, what will happen to New York? There must be a way to preserve the union.

Shafting states rights was a mistake in the first place.

we wait for san andreas to fall OR we take all the niggers and dump them into Silicon Valley or wherever the coddled liberals live

Why the fuck is Michigan still not called

Too much embarrassment to the rigging attempts from the unions? I'm wondering same as you

Apparently it's been called. Kind of landslidey now because he had several paths even if things changed one way or the other in different states


How many of those where from Fast and Furious I wonder. Just another reminder of what happens when you put niggers in charge of anything.

(part 1/3)

you really shouldn't think that way. a snapshot of history brought to present does not follow any notion of 'start' or 'stop':

1492: spain, bribed by a smidgen of it's own wealth, returned to it from the very juden who stole it via money lending. in return, the jews were expelled with the lions share of –wealth– (most wealth already destroyed, parasitism end stage with parasites flourishing, contrasted to france where jews were instead of burned at the stake).

the jews went to amsterdam, the spanish netherlands, then the 'low lands', now the modern day state of belgium, home of brussels and the euro union and euro central bank. they took over the port of amsterdam via the same money lending lies, which creating false signal economic booms, which led to false out-builds, which collapsed on top of the revelations of all signal originally being debt, which led to mega busts, and then buying out all the real wealth of businesses – buy outs disguised as relief of debt no less – every single business, factory, market, and competitor, as a matter of fact. all this was well under way, hence columbus being funded by stolen wealth of spain (aka jewish lending, aka spanish wealth lent back to spain for yet more fee). from here, the low lands went the same way spain did, but not before letting the jews (under the subverted dutch flag) take over the gateways to the new world. the dutch tried, the dutch east india company was built on the might of the dutch, but it could not escape. winter was needed.

and eventually the dutch collapsed so badly they got erased from history. all of new england was founded by dutch, and all that remains is in an epic library collecting dust – all history forgotten except street names like wall street and main street. the jews continued to do what they always do: be jews, be communists, be marxists, be mercurial, be all manner insert-the-new-linguistic-cover-name.

(part 2/3)

in the states, the jewish involvement re-surged with england falling prey to money lending traps between it and france, now into the 1700s. the english crown got all it's wealth stolen, lent back to it for a fee of future, and was manipulated to extract it from it's colonies across the world. the following states' revolution was started by lesser-jew-new-englanders against their greater-jew-banking-brussels cousins, but unimaginably succeeded against the all the odds forecast because of the whites in the colonies. and so again, a period of departure from jewish subversive lying liar banking arose from the collapsed ashes of jewish money manipulation.

to be more precise, this next period didn't really start or end, it just appeared to go internal. lots of usa-states-only booms and busts, kept small by lack of high seas or roads, but still each next-one more damaging than the-last-one. however, again, all this wasn't a change. the jew was immensely stunted internationally by the 100yr war the english, portuguese, and (autistic) spanish crowns waged against global slave trade at sea. again, linguistic machinations – slave trade was always jewish. the jews are the arabs, they are the blacks, they are the 'juden', they are the afro-muslim-judeo-mongol-asiatic collectivist hive. and they were kept at bay by whites outside of any money lending.

this changed around the mid 1800s. france was out, england was out, the spanish were out, russia got duped into money-lending petersburg-make-russia-great, all more of the same, and the prussians were invading the germanics. this left the seas open, and with it the unchecked mercurial elements of 'globalist' (again, another word for jewish parasitism). so in this set of collapses of locales, an opening of the international was re-enabled. it was around this time that the states began to get subverted by external fund investing, trade-degredation, and chink and black overruns – all imported by jewish interests looking to scab and cheat so as to compete against whites. not like the jew ever had/has any other choice. anyway, the states by this time were already inundated by refugees from all over europa, who bitterly refused to integrate into the high-jew-statesman-banks capturing the northern industrialists nor the lesser-jew-market-traders controlling the southern plantations. in the background, usa-states civil war was bred and eventually erupted, ending in a horrific house of horrors: the jewish carpet bagging networks of the south exploded, the jewish bank manipulation of industries in the north consolidated, and by the 1900s, the boom-bust of lies had consolidated regional control into centralized areas, each with an unopposed money lending center (bank) and internal network (trade and gateway) controlled exclusively by jews. the highest reminder of this is the federal reserve bank topology perfectly still in place to this day.

after this period, you see again a rise in scab, knockoff, and money manipluation entering the states. just like each period of the world before it: when jewish parasitism is unopposed, it will lie successfully. it never stops lying – it has to lie, in order to steal, in order to eat, in order to live – but it grows when it is not opposed. the growth period – always marked by increased traids of shit-scabs + shit-goods + shit-money – is what can be described as a 'start to become non-white'. but only if you're in some demoralized cuck stupor (or a juden, by definition not capable of memory – why would they need it? they don't have to remember jack shit, just keep eating whites, etc).

(part 3/3)

while this is abridged, the point is to demonstrate the never ending rising tide, with only periods of white resistance collapsing the jew, which the jewish medias are always all too happy to use as a 'resetting' of memory. thus it appears, when juden attain currency+trade+migration traid subversion again, a 'start' of non-white is 'witnessed'.

from the states' point of view, focusing only on nonwhite bodies: the early period saw a spike in nigs, which was stopped. the 1860 era saw a spike in chinks and spics, which was stopped. the early 1900s saw a massive spike in chinks and spics, which only slowed with world wars. the second half of the 1900s kicked it (and internal juden) back up with via welfare program debt booms, ramped up externals (mostly from mexio/south america and india), and then switched almost entirely to externals right on schedule with the collapse of the soviet jewish bloc. without the resistance in russia, the bodies of muslim juden could now join in on the parasitic party. this was visible to the layman roughly by 1994. further wars in the baltics and arabics caused largely silence massive turk imports, each time without resistance. further bubble finance originating in the savings and loan shit continued to erode actual remaining wealth resistance until 1998/9 – where it succeeded. the 2000s period was unopposed in all triad components, as the greater kikes were off globe raping with impunity, dumping their lesser kike cousin farms into the west, pickup speed even faster as the lessers themselves realized the gates were down. there was an even greater uptick in the rate of islamics, spic, and indian imports following the 2006/8 period (at the insistence of bank/fed need for willing blank/ninja account holders to shovel new debt into – white neet capitulation to student loans was enough to make new fed-level bond support, but migrants and drug trade kept the currency moving/spending/lending for inter-bank and commerce support). it was this last great juden boom (still ongoing) which set all the reveals to happen: the banking jews had to turn to celebrating the zero-debt-holders – the newly imported fresh account sinks – to keep up their operations.

i suppose you can pick any 'start' you like. i claim it's just not healthy to think in those terms. it enables stupidity by actively choosing a frame that encourages forgetfulness seeking.

what unions? at the turn of the century almost half of all non-farm labor was unionized. what is it now, 7%? and most of that is police, fire and teachers (ie. goverment)?

yeah duh trump t feature in other elections so how could they vote him

Reagan's allowing amnesty supercharged the push to border jump. It gave the rest of the fuckers the idea that we will do it again.
Prior to this Cali was white (75 percent)or better.

you know where you need to return to

Record Corrected
The US isn't an ethnostate, so civic nationalism is perfect for us

Texshits disgust me to no end.

Thiel is a silicon valley elite you dumb fuck

Yes, that is the problem. Tons of people don't see the damage. Fortunately, enough do, which is why Trump won.


You telling me black people voted 1% for McCain ?

Why the GOP even bother going after these people ?

Might be somewhat good for propaganda. The real reason the numbers are skewed are because of voter fraud, however.

That first one along with marbles guy is pretty good for easing normies into our side of the immigration debate

You ask me, it's very simple.

If they want to secede, let them. They will be forced to pay for their portion of the border wall, and any US companies that do business in California will be forced to relocate inside the US or face massive trade tariffs in order to do business with the rest of the union. Considering how large Commiefornia is into the tech industry, quite a few Bay Area bigwig faggots will probably change their tune right quick.


Californian here, I don't understand this "based mexibro" meme that nearly every single Texan I've ever encountered online just loves to spout. "They don't even cause a problem, they're hardworking brotier people." etc etc. That's not the point.