We have memed the true God Emperor, and he already protects us all

Right now, the left is collectively losing its mind, because it is only now starting to see reality without the infection of delusions. Trump is taking those away. Indeed, their worldviews are being destroyed.

Trump is already psychically Making America Great Again.

Dindus? Khorne matches well to that insane violence from them, and others. Jews? Tzeentch! Hypersexualized queers? Slaanesh. Self-genociding whites and all who revel in a perceived downfall and rotting from within of white culture and white nations? Nurgle.

It's all there. Their frustration and angst is from seeing the world as it truly is and realizing how foolish and manipulated they've all been.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did Trump become God-Emperor with the help of a Chaos God?

No a tactical genius.

Looks like it.

But you can't compare Kek to any of those chaos demons.

Nevertheless, it's an eerie metaphor.

posted in other bread

They are still delisioned imo. I just looked at some of the videos in the "trending" section aka "look at these videos goy" and it included tons of salt at Trump's victory. The left sees these videos and they believe the messages in them without questioning anything about it. As long as people keep consuming Jewish media they will still be I'm the dark of what Trump actually stands for.

Yes, Trump's triumph has shaken their view of reality since they were told how Hillary was going to win in a landslide, among other things. But now they are just being told more lies to keep them from understanding how the globalists plans are failing and why



The process has begun, but no, it's not over. They are not saved yet. They might all not be.

But it has certainly bugun.

That depends on your perspective.
To chaos, law and order is chaos.

Kek appears chaotic because the world has become chaotic.

Kek is a god of order, enlightenment, justice, the reward of diligence but without getting "perched in" (you can serve Kek in numerous ways, as long as it opposes the status quo, which, again, is highly chaotic and insane).

Kek is law and order. Why else did he bring Trump into office?
Why else are all the crooks being shone upon?
Why else does Kek only ruin the degenerates?

Et cetera.


Trump needs to get into office and legalize machine guns ASAP, get some Holla Forumsacks with MG42s and Moonman masks standing around and those rioters will fuck off damn quick.

Whoops, wrong thread.

LOL that'd be fucking glorious


Glorious Leader is already protecting America. Like Duterte's drug crackdown which began when he wasn't in office yet, Trump is already making would be border jumpers give up.

He does not need to. Those fools are making a circular firing squad while they feel the pains of the outside world shining a light into the darkness of their minds for the first time.

Have some faith.

The time for letting the left eat itself is past, the time to push back is here.

Good point of view.

Chaos is Order in this era of degeneracy.

Trenchant analysis. Of course they'll need a de-adjustment phase. It will be a stomach churning ride for them lurching from station to station of the 12 step pogrom. Acceptance is some way off yet. Meanwhile, we need to be there for them, at the sidelines jeering them on. Sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind.





There used to be a fifth chaos god in 40k know as Malal who represented chaos self destructive nature. A god of chaos who fought the other gods of chaos.

Is the imperium the most based empire in 40K Holla Forums?

Or are there other contenders ?

i've always liked the Tau but aren't they basically medieval china with a caste system

Imperium when the Emperor was alive is best Imperium.

I appreciate the idea, but the British Empire's biggest and most terrible mistake was its mercy, its attempts to "uplift" natives. And I say this as a bong.

You're a heretic.



In the WH40K universe the God Emperor gets meme'd into existence using magic. A group of wizards sacrificed them selves to create the God Emperor, if I remember correctly.

The God Emperor didn't just fall out of the sky one day you igits.

Daily reminder this symbol showed up at a Trump rally.

Megatron did not create the Decepticons. The Decepticons created Megatron.


We tried that already and look where it brought us… At the brink of extinction.



this time chaos IS the imperium

i like that

Kek is the god of the ending of chaos and the coming of order. He's only really a Chaos God on a surface level.

No he fulfilled the stand alone complex like a good boy.

careful, user, one comes in equal proportion to the other

Study some damn polarity anons. Read the kybalion.


the more you read about it, the more knowledge leaves your head

We really are tethered to each other. And satan really is male. It's not the male's who are the seducers after all.. wtf?
That proves Christianity is instrumentality. Women are not going to like this..

The more you live, the closer you are to death.
But it sounds like the universe was created by fucking death (kek)

Which one trumps children will betray him?


Even on 60 minutes tonight she was talking about how "wage equality" is hugely important to her.

We must purge this demon before she mortally wounds the god emperor.
We have the 40k lore, we know what NOT to do.

Trump is already President, the whole world is listening to his every world.
Osama is like this little finger puppet right now. i bet he's stuttering like a mo-fo. he's gonna stutter through the whole inauguration.

Melania is gonna drive a ditch witch through Michelle's garden.