
I liked it.

Fuck you

Holla Forums in a nutshell

My hands are a little dirty.

Refn needs to put Charls Carroll in the sequel.

For you.

Watched it with my mom and we dropped it, it's pure autism.


She wanted to drop it (aka she thought it was really gay since we rarely drop things) and I agreed and shut it off.

The first 15 minutes was cool as fuck. Then there was the 85 minutes of letdown that came after it.

she would know it having you as a son

Fuck you

It's my favorite movie other than Revolver.

Fuck you.

So am I.

no kid, fuck YOU

It was alright, I had false expectations about it though because I saw the crazy, Jewish conspiracy online first that the main character was actually a white supremacist, so I went in expecting him to be blatantly racist, but he wasn't.

remove hotline miami from culture and it flops even harder

Bruh, Hotline Miami came out AFTER Drive.

It's not a movie for women your mom's age. It's meant for men our age.

the Guy Ritchie one?

Refn cant direct for shit

Explain what's autistic about it.

The writing and directing of Ryan Gosling in particular and therefore the entire film. Refn is actually autistic I believe.

Yes. Driver is an avatar for the straight white man in an increasingly degenerate society, and works like a guide on how to ideally navigate yourself through profligacy.

Though now when I rewatch, I mostly just watch the intro and skip to the one other chase scene. Top tier though, worth actually owning, and I haven't bought blu-ray in like 5 years.

For you.

He's basically riding the tiger, until chance encounters bring purpose to his existence, but even those encounters are fleeting, as we see Irene has left him, but he still must go through with the inevitable showdown with Bernie, as the meaning he finds in his choices call out to him for closure.

This guy gets it.

Refn lost his touch, he shouldnt be anywhere near a sequel

real human beeeing
and a real herooo

Yep, that's the one.

wtf I love antisemitism now

I need to read that.


/r/ing the video of the rabbi claiming it's antisemitic.