Jew York Times: Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now They’re on His Transition Team

If you don't think this is just trump picking the right people for the right job you are either a shill pretending to be retarded or retarded.

You don't have to defend Trump on everything. He clearly fucked up here at least. Look into their history Trump needs to not let this happen.

[citation needed]

I trust Trump to not fuck hiring his staff up, but at the same time, we have to be wary of compromises he makes to get things done. We need to be a vanguard, rather than yes-men.

I can't wait for Trump to sue the NYTimes, and make them cover the cost of his entire Presidential campaign.

I need to look into these people in more detail, but there is a difference between hiring someone who ACTS as a lobbyist, and someone who formerly worked as a lobbyist. If we were entirely puritan, we would disregard Trump since he has clearly, and admittedly used lobbyists to curry favor.

This is basically what Fascism is about:
Experts in their own fields (in this case business) advising and helping run the government.
Nor is this anything other than what he promised on the campaign trail.

What alternatives are there? Appointing some know-nothing paper pusher?
Besides, the way it works is: The team picks candidates for the various government departments (and his immediate staff). No one is appointed yet.

I don't trust him to not fuck up hiring for the administration, actually. It is impossible to be 100 percent sure of any job candidate and a lot of them turn out to be shit despite excellent credentials, as many business owners will attest to. Running an effective administration is more about firing people when they fuck up than hiring people, and if there is one thing Trump knows how to do it is how and when to fire people.


Transition team means these people are helping Trump and his current team build their future team in co-operation with the current Obongo team.

You can't drain the swamp if you can't find the plug.

I think trump was referring to bankster kikes not the food and phone people…


This. I am going to wait and see. If the reforms don't come or stop, then OP was right.

For now, this is not something I am going to get salty over.

Anyway this thread is shit, check em

Can you even find people for these positions that haven't been involved in lobbying? The most important thing is that Trump has the final word and he won't let these people affect him. Even if Trump hires the biggest lobbyists (which he wouldn't do), it's up to Trump if he takes that money.

Wtf I love kikes now!

Refusing to comment does make it look bad though. It's so simple to explain this in a positive way, like the first response already did.

First post, every time, a shill.

In October, declaring that “it’s time to drain the swamp in Washington,” he promised to institute a five-year ban in which all executive branch officials would be prevented from lobbying the government after they left. He has also promised to expand the definition of a lobbyist, so it includes corporate consultants who do not register as lobbyists but still often act like one. - ibid.

But no, it's totally comparable.