For any of you that doubted that Paranatural's author has been sipping the kool-aid...

For any of you that doubted that Paranatural's author has been sipping the kool-aid, insignificant side character gets an entire page about how bullshit tumblr gender identity politics are totally punk rock and awesome.

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PAranatural was already going to shit already. And since the author eliminated the comentary section, it isnt the same. Perhaps I should stop reading this, the story is going really slow and mediocre.

He's maintaining a steady update schedule, but it's really going at a glacial pace. He's lost all sense of storytelling and pacing. Kind of like Poppy, there's a dozen loose plot threads and the shit that passes at character development is more or less blurted out in a couple panels.

It was shit since just after the train when they introduced two token tumblr characters at once (disabled fat black woman, then obligatory sandnigger. BTW they're in lesbians with each other, too!)
After all, the best character had just been punted off the train so why bother?

Another good comic that started sipping kool-aid and went to shit for it.

RIP in pieces 8fold.

And its replacement its a pavement ape rapper turtle, whose power looks like its flipping things. Can be usefull, but a massive downgrade from 8Fold.

And his readers are collectively throwing their panties on stage at him in glee over this page.

This is like parody come to life.

A rock concert seems like the last place to learn about gender pronoun bullshit. This page actually makes it look like a childish fad by pairing it with metal rock.

Is there ANY webcomic that hasn't fallen to the fucking progressive plague by now? Any at all?

There really is no connection here that makes any amount of sense for them to suddenly have this new "lifestyle".

Out of regularly-released webcomics, Whomp. It's intentionally and strictly non-political.

Quite a few actually.

Of course, a people so sick like trannies always are deseperate to found any media that gives them social points, to not to kill themselves. What a surprise!

Which ones?

Well there's, uh… there's… you know. That one thing?

My apologies for not listing any.
Stand Still Stay Silent
Daughter of the Lilies
The Boy Who Fell
Girl Genius
Awkward Zombie
I Don't Want This Kind Of Hero
Tower of God
Knight Run

They are still under the delusion that being a hyper-progressive lefty is the counter-culture in the west and actively refuse to acknowledge that the continuing escalation of identity politics has happened because what they really want is to be rebellious and different, not be accepted.

Think about it. First gays got the marriage rights, which were really their only thing.. So they moved onto trannies, and now most states are letting trannies do whatever they want. If you head around to bend, which is where tumblr and college social justice courses sit, you'll see they are already bored with trannies because trannies require the medical side of thing. They tried removing the medical component, but it didn't stick.. So now it's just all social constructs and their grand idea is that no one is anything and everyone is some madeup special snowflake gender because gender isn't real, but gender identity is super important.

Now I only read 3 chapters but isn't the redheaded boy a bully? Why does he care if someone uses the correct pronoun for a tranny, shouldn't he be all for it?

The whole thing is "muh colonialism" "muh native cultures"

Making fun of someone for calling themselves Xhe is going too far apparently.

Admittedly, I havent read vattu in quite some time, I admit I'm a bit hazy on the story.

honestly I'm surprised anybody could like it as it is now, compared to what it was before.
I mean just look at the backgrounds, most of the time it's just some colour gradient, I honestly think the man has lost all passion for making this.

This is what happens when you try to appeal to Tumblr.


Jesus christ…Well Paranatural was fun for a while, at least.

i dropped it ages ago
what did he changed

Sounds like it's time for the Ben Garrison treatment. Zach will be an inspiration to us all

Remember when he "acknowledged" Holla Forums shortly beforehand because we'd cracked his fun codes repeatedly?

keep in mind that was two and a half years ago
so if you kept reading you should have been able to see how bad it got


Should we make a separate thread for edits?

I love what Holla Forums has done for Sarah Andershit. Make it happen.

why not just do it here?

When will T9 shorthand styling die? It hasn't been necessary for over a decade and it's obnoxious to look at.

Is it true that a few pages of this were wasted on a muslim woman dating a fat black woman?

Is it just me or is this guys art quality going down?

Naw I'm also and hadn't really looked into anything outside of the comic itself beforehand. I hadn't realized how infested the artist was with those parasites.

You know I wanted to make a webcomic about a new kid in town who's sensitive to supernatrual shit who joins some classmates who are also sensitive to the unknown until I found out about Paranatrual. Looking at this makes me want to actually try creating it again. I know I'll be told I'm ripping this off because of the concept alone but fuck it.

Most of the shit in Paranatural is hardly original anyways.

Just be better than Paranatural and you'll be fine.

Now that you mention it, it looks like it's heading down the "grinning potato" road.

I don't know that it's going in the "grinning lima bean" direction, but it's definitely changed compared to what I've seen of the comic in the past. The lines seem to have less weight behind them, and the colors have gotten lighter and less saturated.

Also, what the hell is going on with that kid's skin? Is he supposed to be black? His skin is like a medium gray.

ya know I don't particularly have a problem with writer putting whatever dumb tmblr gender bullshit into their comics, but why do they have to throw all good writing out the window when they do it. This is just a crash exposition dump to explain a side characters gender completely ruining the flow of the story for DIVERSITY POINTS. Up til and for the most part through the hit-ball arc zacks proven to be a better writer than this, there's been good foreshadowing and characters have had their personalities come through naturally.

It positively baffles me that when a writer decides to tackle something they deem important like this they completely shit the bed. It's just like when WoTC coast made Alesha their token tranny character. Praise cuz "diversity" but if you actually read the story, It has nothing to do with any actually transgender-ism, just cross dressing.

Wasn't that character pitch black before because his face was obscured by the hoodie? There was also all that ambiguity about him being a boy or a girl.
What a weird choice to make him grey and to resolve that ambiguity with nonbinary bullshit.

Gotta get those progressive brownie points

That wouldn't be a hard thing to do.

Eh, crossdressing for politcal/moral bullshit is still pretty irksome.
I want to go back to the universe where people prioritized quality alongside profit.

I tried to read Paranatural once, and was enjoying it for a while, but I noticed the story grind to a halt and every 'punchline' to the humor just being someone's wacky face. Unsurprising it went to the dogs too.

I stopped reading when nothing fucking happened over 20 pages and several months.

This shit cut deep. Seriously, for once I thought i had found something good, and it's been rendered to shit.

Why don't one of you make something cool that will be devoid of such cancer. We can't ALL be creatively bankrupt.

Because even if some of us weren't bankrupt, it still requires talent. It's rare to see one with both talent and a story to tell. If several user got together they'd fill in the gaps nicely, I'd wager.

I like how the comic literally admits that these special snowflake faggots only pick sexuality based on how cool or ~punk rock~ it is
Fortunately I never gave a fuck about this comic so I'm not too broken up about the creator going down in flames
Faggots gonna fag I guess


Once upon a time, I actually dreamed of being a web cartoonist. Now I realize they're are corrupt, degenerate pieces of shit who deserve a slow, painful death. It makes me sad.

Someone tweet the author about how offended you are with his "editorial choice to put the character in blackface."

welcome to the real world

I mind. It's a completely insane ideology that isn't rooted in reality or biology. It's completely make believe bullshit and they've managed to hi-jack enough of academia and the media to push this shit as if it were undeniable truth.

The people who push identity politics and feminism as a factual, indisputable ideology are like the Flat-Earthers. This shit represents a level of intellectual and social decay that shouldn't just be shrugged off or tolerated. It's a massive failing for humanity to entertain these moronic notions founded entirely on the grounds that "normal" things needs to be challenged and deconstructed by post-modernist thought for the sake of ending imaginary oppression.

It's hard to believe this a growing community. Anyway it's a shame what happened to this comic, and this all happened just because the creator found out that his comic was well-liked on 4chan.

so why can't you make your own comic and not become like that?

It's been shit from the start. The guy is just making a western webcomic version of the basic shonen setup. It's even more western now that he's added extra pozz loads. I hope he chokes to death.

It's because SJWs have fucking zero tact or desire to actually tell a story. They're propaganda machines, to them story, characters, and everything in between are all just tools to use to espouse your political beliefs. A mask you put on to keep from straight up calling your work political propaganda.

You can have characters of various sexual orientations and shit without it being fucking cancer. I've written them before, it isn't hard. My boy who dressed and acted like a girl was never a point of political posturing, he was just there, mixed in with the adventure.

It's not a terribly original plot. The Persona video games are essentially nothing but that.

I guess you could do worse as far as fetishes go

I wonder why her comics always have self doubt. She looks pretty good. Like a female Joseph Gordon Levitt.

you mean

The biggest problem is that I can't into OPSEC and antidox. I'd be a sitting duck for any pack of faggots who decided I was too problematic to live.

user, I know you think that sentence is an example of how based you are, but I'm afraid it actually screams how debased you are.


Because it's trendy.

It's been doing that for a while(1-2 years). Less "realistic" cartoony and more "caricature/simplistic" "style". To me it just seems really sloppy and lazy. It looked best around the train arc, imo.

I really miss the comments section, that's half(/a quarter) the reason it was good. There was one particular comment chain that I should have saved.

I've noticed a few webcomics have gone from trying to tell a story, to trying to find an excuse to draw really wacky faces. Paranatural is especially guilty of this.

Originally he wore his hood on 24/7 and it was a joke whether or not he was a boy or girl because of his obscured face. Now they ruined it by turning him into a grinning potato and is now nonbinary whatever the fuck that means.

When did the comic go to shit? Personally I think everything went downhill right after the train part.

I just fucking started this, this is what I get to look forward to? When do I stop reading?

That's pretty much the core concept of of any kind of fiction that mixes the real world and supernatural/fantasy stuff. You'll be fine.

I'm pretty sure Paranatural stopped being entertaining after the first chapter. Introducing the school, the students, the teachers, and the world was great. Everything else was not.

good thing I never got around to reading it

I have ascended beyond hate and reached disappointment

star by watching this

once you have watched the video completely at least once follow this simple guide to creating an internet identity

The train arc.

Thank you.


Yeah, didn't the owner get subpoena'd for info a while back? Not reliable in my books.