Is this accurate?

Is this accurate?

by that definition anarcho-primitivists are leftists

Guess what?
They are.

The seek to implement communism by returning to pre-civilized society.

nah id like to keep my vaccines and laptops

I'm not saying AnPrims are not stupid.
I'm just saying that they're leftists and communists.

theyre even more reactionary than ultra reactionaries. they literally want us to return to a pre-slavery society and expect things not to progress like it did.
theres literally nothing communistic about them. theyre quite the absolute polar opposite of communists

At what point does an prim want to stop technological development?

Or what stage they want to stop technology from developing any further on, if my orig post was worded badly.

If they're reactionaries for wanting to implement communism, then we're all reactionaries.
If that's the case, I'm fine with reaction.

theres a reason why we call them anarcho primitivists

kids and old people both should die tbh

Implementing a system with no commodity-market and private property is not communism?
Primmies are literally only doing it to kill children? I guess I learn something new every day.

everyone does. im all for /posadist-nihilist communism/, but that shit goes against the human nature and it only looks good on paper, comrade

thats not the point. the point is theyre willing to sacrifice all the achievements made by capitalism (technology, medicine, etc) that can be beneficial, to return to an undeveloped communist society. thats not how history progresses, if you return to a previous stage, you cant expect things to not repeat the exact same way it happened. what's to stop slavery, then feudalism, then capitalism to rise again?
tfw theres a literal anprim on this board

I'm not saying that Private property cannot develop in their society once again. It very well might. What I am saying is that it is their intention to implement communism that makes them communists.

of course, but its a shitty lifestylist ideology that expects the whole world to give up their comfort and convenience for some abstract concept of freedom and nature

Statism is an empty buzzword

t. statist

t. person who uses the empty buzzword

Who knew ancaps and primies had so much in common? TIL

Is this better then?

Yes, anarcho-feudalist here and i love being on the left.

What about social conservative anti capitalists?

So I'm missing a few leftist criteria?

Absolutist monarchist here, i vigourously oppose those darn Bourgeois contesting my God given birthright to rule over my serfs. I'll wIield the leftism banner with pride

k. So anti-hierarchy should be added?



Woops sorry meant to quote

Just replace anti-capitalism with anti-private property

This is just autism. Who the fuck cares? "Left" at best serves as a heuristic term, there's no way to objectively define it. Fetishizing such a mild term is better suited for reformists anyway, it's near-useless to communists.

ITT: "it's accurate but anything I don't like isn't leftism"


My gott people become more autistic around anarcho-primitivism than anarcho-feminism.


That's precisely what he was getting at comrade. It's communism for sure, just really fucking shitty communism that's undialectical as fuck.

Shouldn't the definite definition of leftism be "end the exploitation of man by man?"

There are other economic systems besides capitalism and leftism. For example: feudalism.

It's accurate for commies in the same way that "everything that isn't analcho-capitalism is left" is accurate for ayncraps.

The whole political compass meme basically gives anyone who isn't a centrist psychological meltdowns.

When will this fucking meme end

This. Just imagine world communism, but without kids and old people.

This is the society that we gotta fight for.

It's a pretty silly position tbh.

Well, they are.
Everything is socioeconomics.




Objectively yes, you anarkiddie.


t. ayncrap


Actually, no. Left is much more individualist. This is obvious, if you actually take a look at things closely (and don't pay much attention to capitalists or celebrities in general). Faceless conformity is the real face of Capitalism.

The problem is the industrial society. We need to cooperate to get anything done. Accepting this as a fact differentiates realists (Marxists) from utopian idealists (Anarchists).

leftist. I thought all this IDpol BS (social liberalsim) was right wing?