Trump Gunman's Name Appears in WikiLeaks Emails 7 Times

Okay, so this is a little strange. I did a search for "Austyn Crites", the alleged gunman who just caused a bunch of shit at Trump's rally in Reno, Nevada.

His name (Austyn Crites) comes up SEVEN TIMES on WikiLeaks as part of the "Global Intelligence Files" released in November 2013. crites

The emails titled "RE: Additional Order" contain an excel spreadsheet of hundreds of names of various people (for an unknown reason) and one of the names is Austyn Crites (line 55) with an address in —— you guessed it —— Reno, NV.

Pic related.

Now is not the time for pasta.

Why did you make a new thread

Kill yourself.

wtf I'm now a #HillaryArtillery

what are we sliding?


Did not mean to post this twice, sorry guys. Kept getting errors when posting and I guess it went through twice.


Everyone to

Because the site totally hasn't had a doubleposting glitch going on recently.

Neck yourself CTR.


kill yourself


Holy shit.


Late night in the CTR office? I guess you guys are all getting your resumes ready, you're out of a job next week.

don't feed them

So these are from the Stratfor dump it seems.

always the first post wtf. -_-

This is the one thing.

fucking end these kikes

Where do you think you are?

back in the days when no one made an emoticon besides ":)" and no one understood -_-

Try harder.


They want to (((shut it down))).

Nobody on the chans has ever used emoticons, fuck off.

Only Tumblrinas use emoticons, you're better than that.


Are the spreadsheets of the exact same names?
What is the intersection of the seven e-mails?
Who sent the seven e-mails?
What the fuck is "The Next Decade?"
Why is Stratfor linked to this guy?
When were the dates of the seven e-mails?

who gives a fuck?
