Could anarchism ever into space ?

could anarchism ever into space ?

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space anarchism when

yep that's totally gonna work

Sure. No reason to assume science would stop, capitalism is in theory the least likely system to explore space.

Because exploring space is fucking useless.

Even if that were true, so fucking what?

Before we reach post-scarcity we have more important things to take care of.

Anarchism couldn't survive even with the USSR's support, there's no way it could ever go into space.

It's stupid shit like this that makes me sometimes think Anarchism is just a meme.


Somebody would get triggered about pronouns long before they even start drafting the logo for their decentralized space federation

Also good luck getting a bunch of lit majors to understand astrophysics


There is no hierarchy or authority in space, think about that for a second.

There is no air and protection from radiation either.

Year 2100: "to become an Anarchist" is an euphemism for finding yourself on the wrong side of an airlock without spacesuit.

pure cancer

it could if enough people funding to build a rocket

pretty unrealistic given the astronomical (lol) cost of space travel

Anarchy is already in space.

yes, no heirarchies in space

(although i there needs to be some kind escape pod)
keep the soceity voluntary

in a few centurie maybe

but its cool

oh the shields and airlock don't work with out authority nooooooo.


Life is fucking useless.


Yes. I can already see them protesting Black Dark Matter.

But anarchism is even worse. You would need to get enough people to pour a lot of money into a project (voluntarily) and then make them promise to follow the orders of engineers and administrators (voluntarily). And since most people are more interested in watching the latest football match and receiving their pensions, it's unlikely they would sign up for this.

I don't think an anarchical system is even possible on a planet, let alone capable of creating a space program.

However there are good news - Frontiers create anarchy.

So at some point AFTER we've gone into space, we're guaranteed eternal anarchy as long as people keep heading out into the dark.

Because no government can possibly keep up with the distances involved, even communication time lag is a permanent issue.

Actually I think this is why all governments put the brakes on any kind of space colonization program.

Why couldn't anarchism into spess?


In an anarchist society with primary needs taken care off, individuals would be free to invest their time and energy in projects which interested them personally. The large amount of sci-fi media, interest in NASA´s activities and astronauts show that people really really like Space. In the aforementioned anarchist utopia situation, I would say space projects would be more common. Their success (or most likely failure) would rest purely on the organisation and resources available to the particular space-hopefulls rather than any commodity value produced.
But before we hoorah and applaud the space-anarchy, think about who these successful anarchonauts are likely to be. What large group of people can you think of that: love space, are able to organise quickly around mad-cap plans, and are nearly all STEMfags? That´s right, it´s fucking reddit. The next person on the moon wouldn´t be an anarchist quoting Kropotkin, it´d be a ledditor quoting le black science man upon the ISS Narwhal. Be careful what you wish for.


one can dream…

It requires organization on a scale that can't happen voluntarily. In other words a state.

The only way it could happen is to first fix the basic human flaw of being incapable of cooperating in groups larger than Dunbar's number.

But that would require genetic engineering and a willingness to play god.

Tosh. Voluntary, decentralised and non-hierarchical projects are only impossible if you buy into shitty Christian Memes.
Take the monuments in Olympia and the statue of Zeus, that was built out of gold and ivory by a decentralised network of city-states that chose to participate, often because they democratically had elected to.

But nice memes anyways.

Decentralization is a Christian meme. That's why the principle of subsidiarity is a thing.

Oh no.
The Christian power-institution made concessions to anarchism because they found out that this was a way more efficient way to organise, just as capitalists have done today and the military did with the prussian army model.
I guess this fundementally throws away the Christian idea that Man is inherently evil in nature and cannot lead itself according to its own will.

I don't think this is 100% right. The Catholic Church was more concerned with Marxism. But I see your point. It is a recent idea.


>built out of gold and ivory by a decentralised network of city-states
Kind of missing the point.

You seem to have a hate boner for Christianity that completely eclipses your information on the subject.

This is the exact opposite of what Christianity preaches.

It wouldn't require genetic engineering. It would require many autonomous, decentralized cells meeting the limits of Dunbar's number working together along a platform. Are you familiar with how platformist anarchism works?

*I say autonomous, decentralized cells meeting the limits of Dunbar's number working together because I'm also factoring in the potential for networking together these small cells similarly to how a living organism works. You use computers and networks to collaborate on larger projects like this where it's impossible to manage everything on a large scale without creating a bureaucratic nightmare, something like Cybersyn perhaps.

I've heard the term before but I'm not familiar with it.

Isn't this just the techie version of the biofag solution?

which form of "tru anarchism" would it be tho?

see flag

Damn that ass is thick
