If every socialist society ever tried on a national level has devolved into what is known as state capitalism...

If every socialist society ever tried on a national level has devolved into what is known as state capitalism, what's the point in making the distinction? What's to stop the upcoming global state from suffering the same fate?

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Death of every single capitalist, their culture and way of life.

Camps will reform entire psychic buildup of the people and as we burn down the history to build new one there will be nothing for reactionaries to go back to.

almost every socialist country has had a command economy from its inception.

Those previous "revolutions" were false starts.Previous changes in the mode of production had similar false starts. As our productive capabilities increase, socialism becomes more and more likely to take hold, while capitalism becomes more and more unstable.

pure ideology. Capitalism is a social relationship that doesn't magically disappear when you kill individual capitalists.

A command economy doesn't imply a socialist one.

By destroying them, the following generations will not have anything to come back to. We just have to take hold for few generations and history will be ours to make.

just fucking stop with this retarded ass meme already. the workers control the means of production through the state, its fucking socialism


calling it "state capitalism" signifies that the state is one grand monarchic bourgeois owning and controlling all the means of production. it isnt like that. people under most socialist countries had democracy and control over the parties.

Legit question, I'm still learning. Wikipedia mentions election fraud and candidates getting something like 99 percent of the vote (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_democracy#Elections_in_the_Soviet_Union)
Is that true or a lie, were the elections corrupt?

Because countries don't exist in a bubble.

The socialist countries of the 20th Century, if they weren't direct satalites of the USSR, at least emulated the Soviet system to greater and lesser degrees. It wasn't out of some course of inevitability.

the part that says that in the page you linked didnt cite any souces, so i went to here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_the_Soviet_Union
and that information wasnt mentioned.

cite something better than wikipedia

not to mention the fact that just by looking at the american elections, we can see just how "fair" it is compared to the soviet elections. even if election fraud did exist (which i seriously doubt) its only so because its so rampant in all countries back then. even right now election frauds happen all the fucking time in so called western "democracies"

Name one leader from the USSR or other M-L state that was voted out of office.

I googled 'soviet election fraud' and came to this as one of the only related results. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_legislative_election,_1947#cite_note-wprost2-5). "The results were falsified on a massive scale" section links to 2 dead sites and one doesn't link to anything outside the page ( I may be just retarded tho). The election fraud thing just seems like a myth.

name one western democratic leader that was voted out of office?
(congress impeachment doesnt count)

George H. W. Bush

Also, the West having only a facade of democracy doesn't make the USSR democratic.

kek are you saying people held an election and asked "should we vote this piece of shit out of office" and people voted "yes"?

kek this is some inhuman level on non-argument

unitedchans.org/socialism-has-never-worked/ Edumacate yourself bitch. I'm really glad I bookmarked this.

some one PLEASE make an alunya eroge

Most decent theorists laugh at the concept of "state capitalism". Its as meaningless a term as shit like "cultural Marxism", really.

stalin is right, anarkokiddies, educate yourself.

It's a polyarchy, not a democracy.
Every first year political science major knows that.

Bush the First ran for reelection and lost to Clinton. He was, in effect, voted out of office.

And I shudder to think of how much contrarianism you must be on to think that saying that the USSR was undemocratic means you must believe the West is true democracy or vice versa.