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Fuckin Liquid.
Yes of course we shall stand with Solid Trump.

Yes, now the jews will try to co-opt the Trump administration and the movement and try to oust the Nazis and white nationalist and "alt-right." We already knew this. It was always part of the master plan.

White nationalism is a good cause, but there's something just WRONG with Duke.

Fuck off.

Nah, actually, I stand with Duke.

Don Jr. fucks kikes and is kind of a yuppie scumbag tbh fam.

You might want to reread the post.


David Duke is just bad for the brand. Whether anyone here likes him or not this is the truth and Eric has a brand to protect. Gassing the kikes won't happen over night.


This is why hitler said the young movement must be a new one. Not built on republicans, racialists, or ancient larpers.

I hope duke is a plant, that he wins, and that people are triggered by it

what exactly did Duke do that made everyone hate him aside from being openly white

He names you, that's what's why it is wrong to you,Mordecai.

Brother, if you think Trump isn't going to turn around and do basically exactly what that user said, you don't understand anything at all, and you need to lurk moar.

Trump will turn on 'us' - he is not a white nationalist, he is not an ethnocentric.
And that's A-Okay, because when he turns on us, it will be just like when Obongo started buttfucking his own supporters - it doesn't hurt us, it helps us.

All Duke has done is try to sabotage this campaign. He's a shill.

An unfortunate comment.

Supporting Dr. Duke openly isn't a sword worth falling on.

Just assert your permission and don't let the kikes make their association

Duke => KKK => racist => badthink

Can anyone provide a recording?

Amazing, he knew he'd get in the headlines with that one. He's the overlooked but best heir.

He became too popular and was a white nationalist.

But talk about not understand your own following Eric Trump. Holy shit, sometimes it's better to shut up than fall into traps like this. Don't they understand that they can't stop the inevitable?

The kikes has wronged us too many times and pushed us too far, now even normal people are against the establishment.

Talk about getting enemies in a time where changes are abound to happen.



O' Keefe didn't release a vid of DNC higher-ups shitting on niggers for nothing. We have to divert the nigger vote from Hillary to Trump, just by pretending to be le epin civic nationalists for 5 days more. Then we continue doing what we were doing pre-election. If Don Jr. did this after Donald got elected, we could shit on him as much as we wanted (I sure would). But we need votes, and we need even more now that the voting machines are rigged.

Not that Duke is a William Pierce-tier person anyway. But shitting on antisemites is a very shabbos move.

Depends on what you mean by 'everyone'.

Normies hate him because he speaks about Jews, white identity and has association with the KKK in the past.

Holla Forumsacks hate him because he is soft on the Jew, pushes the faulty Khazzar theory, and is generally kind of a cuckold at times. They also think he's controlled op - which he may well be.

Sure he is…kike.

Get out you oven-dodger!

Yeah, if your brand in sympathetic to Zionism. Daily reminder that David Duke shits on Israel, explicitly defends the interests of White Americans, and exposes the fraudulent Holocaust religion that postwar American imperialism is founded on.

I prefer guys who go to Iran and take part in Holocaust truth conferences, rather than guys who shit talk Iran at every opportunity.

how can you hate the kikes and not see this is one of their most obvious of tricks?

Duke has tried to fuck with Trumps campaign every single chance he got.
He's controlled opposition, or maybe a shape shifting lizard person.

You might want to stop being such a massive cunt.

Eric did the right thing. Trump already has massive support from the alt right. He doesn't need to appeal to them anymore. He needs the lib/berniecucks vote. And throwing Duke under the bus is a great way to do it. It doesn't mean Trump's plans will change, it just means he's making the message: "If you're not covert enough and hide your power level, i'm going to publicly disavow you, since you're a liability".

First of all, you're not my brother. Maybe my tribe, if you share my culture. Trump was never 100% with "you all", he was and still is the closest you have. And white nationalists need to just get over it; you're not getting White-o-care. You're not becoming lazy fucks with the whole provision of black welfare siphoned to you instead. Because USA whites are already majorly lazy fat fucks. Get off your fucking ass and work for it. Trump will make it possible for those who want to do something about their life to improve it; whites, blacks, latinos. If you're willing to bleed and sweat to improve your race and your family, good for you. Let the true natural selection begin. If whites are truly superior, then prove it in a more equal grounds with four years of his presidency.

It's Khazar.





He's a shill. All your cingeworthy replies won't change facts.

Only someone so misinformed could consider Duke a plant.

Duke's since come around about the Khazar theory.

Wow, a continuation of the postwar Republican economic plantation. Sounds appetizing.

The fact he mispelled it just means he's talking off over his ass.

Normies hate the klan. Lose the normies vote, you lose a lot of support. Yes, you HAVE to do a little bit on "muh PR" when you're running for president, autismo.

Gosh I wonder what could be going on here?

Khazar theory is true, but the kikes who ruined Khazaria are the same kikes from history, they were just more successful than the other host countries they invaded.

Nigger it's not my brand it's their brand and David Duke doesn't bring value to their brand he is a detriment to it. I don't really care what their reasonings are I am just stating the fact. I personally don't mind Duke.


Kikes suck

It's a good D&C thread I'll give you that. Friendly reminder to anons: we are making our final maneuver in the battle of this election. Stay focused. Four more days left, and a lot of digging remains.

I draw the line at advocating murder. Fuck Eric Drumpfberg and his Jewess slut wife.

Absolutely not. The best thing to do with the black vote is suppress it. They overwhelmingly vote Democrat and, best case, they can be expected to vote for Trump and then every Democrat and every piece of gibs legislation on the ballot. Blacks are the definition of low-information voters.

Duke is his own man, as is Trump and in case you haven't notice you braindead fuck, Trump is already Literally Hitler and would have been without Duke saying he supports him. For fucks sake, Bush was called Hitler, you fucking child.

The point is that Trump's brand is a judaized cancer for the White race. He's a zionist fraud. Instead of whining vaguely about King Nigger's performance, look how a real anti-Zionist takes Obama down.

How any actual Stromfront come here and expect Holla Forums to be a white hugbox, really?

Yeah, who should we believe? A man who for decades has stood on the side of whites?


The son of a wall-street-guy that is married to a jew and wants said white nationalist dead because of his opinions.

Oy vey, you're trying to spin this like fuck. I don't care if Duke might be a shill, the fact of the matter is that Eric Trump wants him dead because of his opinions. The ones we fucking share, he calls us the bad people, the ones who basically is driving their whole campaign.

You don't even belong in an oven, please you kill yourself kike.

Caught you!

White Nationalism has always been a way to distract from the jew, simple as that.


How many of you half-breed shitskins will keep trying to slither in here like you do over at cuckchan?

Nope, Barron is the true heir of the Imperium Americana. Not only is he the actual issue of Regina Melania the Empress herself, he is coming of age during his fathers ascension and who he is as a man will be shaped through the mold of his experiences as a young man during the rise of true American supremacy on earth. Eric and Donald Jr. have their feet too firmly planted in the old paradigm and will always act and think contiguously with it. Barron however will be forward looking will see himself as the torchbearer of his father and the heir of his work. It is very unlikely that Melania will have another child by Trump but if she does and it suffers no complications by her advanced age than that child would be the real heir as it would be born in the purple, or in the Red White and Blue, as it were.

You suck at shilling


Only TRScucks and shills like "hate" Duke because they punch to the right, cucks that they are. The media hates him because he defends the right to white existence and pulls no stops calling out Jewish exploitation.

Do you also believe that Trump has been "inciting violence," or has that been joint DNC-MSM propaganda?

How is he a Zionist pawn when he wants to kill their means of owning our politicians, turned down their money, and claimed Israel is going to pay for our support not the shit tier deal we have now of our sons going off to die for them? Trump seems to like the Jews, but he seems to like America a whole lot more.

Duke and Trump are allies.
Tough talk is just for the media.
Ignore CTR threads.

And I draw the line when triggered stormfags get triggered from violence. You fuckers are no better than SJWs.

Trump can still get votes from those who hate Hilldog. Throwing the KKK/Duke under the bus gets more of these people in. Think of it as a small dose of water for the redpill.


"Wait, the guy just said he wanted a bullet for the guy, you're talking over your ass".

Yes, that conversation will happen. And its crucial when there's less than a week to vote. Never downplay the effect of the indecisive voters putting in their vote in the last second.

Looks like Donald Jr. is the better choice now.

Fuck off kike.



Saying a white American deserves a bullet without a trial is pretty troubling.

Saying it on the record when your father will be President because someone is using their first amendment rights?

I think we've got a problem.

If you seriously think Trump is going to become the next Hitler, you need a reality check burgers. He is not the new kike gasser and he is not the bringer of the Fouth Reich. Trump will give traction to your movement sure, but the white natioanlists will STILL be surpressed

I don't trust anyone the Jewish press uses, but AWM at least is "underground". But I'm as skeptical about him as anyone

Kike, shut the fuck.

We are talking about the survival of the white people around the world here. You're not even on the level of understanding that this is what it's all about and that we are under attack through various means of subvertion, IN ALL WHITE COUNTRIES i should add.

It's not a ((coincidence)) and your don't worry be happy approach to it is either fucking un-informed and dangerous garbage or some heavy shilling.

You don't even understand the fundamentals that is the competition over resources do you? That you tend to turn yourself to the ones of same blood and that all of those races you mentioned are heavily rascists to anyone else, due to heavy propaganda from the ((usual ones)).

So shut the fuck up kid.

No, no, no. He did NOT say that. He made sure to explicitly say Japan, Korea, Germany, etc. would pay. All he said about Israel is "uh.. yeah, I think they will pay" with a dumbfounded look on his face before his AIPAC grovel-fest written by his kike son-in-law.

Buzz the conductor then.

Says the KKK.

Says the lefties.

Yes, definately slide thread. Mods, close this shit.










Whether or not he's a jewish plant, the jews are using him for their own gain and it'd be stupid not to say what Eric said.

So? He still basing it on his opinions. Opinions we share and have to share to fucking survive as a people and avoid genocide.

Don't you get it?

No. It doesn't quite work like that here.

David Duke has been on several TRS shows, you fucking retard. They agree with him, except they want America to be white and he wants America to balkanize.

There's not really a defense for Eric's comment. I think the vast majority of us, even if we're not the biggest Duke fans, think it's absurd to say he deserves to be murdered because he fights for white interests and says politically incorrect things about jews.

Still, this is a common d&c shill tactic to find comb over every sentence uttered by each individual member of the Trump family and use it as a wedge issue against Trump's entire campaign. I'm voting for the Donald, not Eric, and I think Eric is genuinely trying to be diplomatic and appeal to nigger voters but he lacks his dad's political acumen and just comes across like an idiot.

tl;dr I'm voting for Trump and nothing can stop me

If you didn't know this was a Hill Shill D&C thread, you do now.

Also here's the cuckchan thread made by the OP too.


Neato sport.

I said its possible, not that I believe it - if you took two seconds, you'd see my views on Don Jr. vs Duke above.
He is soft on the Jews though, and IIRC, he does push the Khazar theory, unless I'm misremembering his interview with Sotomayor - could have sworn he brought that up.

Ah, so I was right.

The people who are still considering voting left at this point aren't going to come around and vote Trump just because someone puts down the kkk or some other bullshit organization. You're essentially buying into the dems r the real racists narrative in order to try to get votes. I'm calling you braindead because it has not worked and will not work. You are a hopeless PR faggot and need to go back to cuckchan

So he wants a war along ethnic lines in which hundreds of thousands die?
No thanks.




Whites need to be put into the proof of evolution. If they are indeed the best race as you ask, you shouldn't be afraid of competition. If you want to be lazy fucks, then we all deserve to die off and give way to more evolved races. Now, niggers have been around since the beginning of humanity. I don't believe whites will die off because the most subhuman communities still live in the world somewhere. If it takes you losing your communities and countries to redpill an entire society, then so be it; reconquer it later on in a modern crusade.

CTR, i'll commend you, you're getting increasingly good over the weeks.

Almost missed that.


If we don't pursue conflict we die. You are advocating for Rhodesia and South Africa all over again. That's your plan.

No, I think he's more for localized segregation.

Who do you think made this thread?

So sage.

you realize the first Africans were white? why do you think nigger hands and feet look like pic related?

Pence principally distanced himself from Duke when the media wanted him to insult Duke. Eric had even better reason to not indulge in the kike fantasy of massacring nationalists.


Black support has been steadily rising for Trump though, I don't see why trying to raise it even more will prove bad for us.



You realize you’re spewing shit, right?

Yep, he could have just said "I'm not in favor of killing people for their beliefs, but I don't agree with him" or something.

This is how a kike posts. I am not making a statement in favor or not in favor of Duke. It is just a fact that Duke is not good for the Trump brand. Whether that Trump brand is Jewified garbage or not is irrelevant to that fact.


Oh, so you're not White then? Because all Whites are brothers by blood.
But you aren't my brother, so you don't share my blood, so you're not White.
Good to know.
Jew or some sort of mudfolk? Or are you some sort of mongrel?

Yeah, probably Jew.

Further acknowledgement that you are not one of us.
Again, good to know.

Seems legit chaim.

Pics related. You kikes are genuinely disgusting people, you know that, right?

Sure thing Schlomo.


Go home Jew.

Duke likes Jews now?

We don't need the black vote, all we need is for the niggers to not vote for Hillary.

What a lot of people, even on our side don't realize due to a lack of having even a wikipedia level of historical literacy is Hitler's introduction to the DAP was as an infiltrator to spy on and destabalize Drexler and his supporters on behalf of the Bavarian military's propaganda division. In the course of doing so he became convinced of the DAP message and the rest is history. Hitler wasn't a lone man he was literally supposed to be the leash-holder for controlled opposition, he went rogue.

We don't need to fear infiltration, if our message and our propaganda rest on truth we are unassailable, those who are inclined towards truth and virtue will side with us and those who do not would never have supported us to begin with, Getting a message out, any message, is good, even if we fail, as many movements prior to the DAP and NSDAP did, we can rest confidently in the fact that others will rise up and try their hand until the mandate of heaven passes to the true heroes of the next age and they seize with all masculine vigor the rights and crown of our race and people.

Nice strawman there, scholomo. I was talking about surviving, not working blue/white collar jobs. You want to live in the woods as a prepper, good for you. Most people don't. I'd rather try retaking western civilization from the kikes. You want to be a fucking coward that's your own business

Yes, like Adam and Eve, right?

I don't care, they could be magenta-colored in skincolor. What I meant is that if you want special status because of a born characteristic, you're no better than a social justice warrior. You want to classify people through things they didn't control as a factor for your idealistic masturbating nazi socialist fantasy.

You should all be handling this, it's not our fault goyim it's natural selection, now prove it and most importantly don't kill us or do anything to get rid of this situation and save yourself. No goyim, you should just let it happen, you should just let us turn your countries into shitholes where you might or might not become extint, just to prove yourself due to a natural selection-theory.

And remember goyim, it's your own fault for being weak, not the niggers, not the shitskins or leftards and certainly not ((our)) fault.

Come at me bro, you gotta try harder than this. You've got no clue who you're talking to you fucking faggot.

why are the first humans pushed as being black? Because they're from Africa. But does this little monkey have black skin?

Why not? What's wrong with having stupid niggers vote? Why should Trump risk having a chance of changing inner city electoral? If you get the niggers voting against the incoming spics and kebabs you get a better chance of winning.

Stupid shills.

Yeah, that's exactly what Don Jr. should have said.
That some media kike asks you to throw someone under the bus doesn't mean you have to go either direction - "I don't really have a vi view on that guy, as I don't know much about him" would suffice.

Don Jr. fucked up.


When you say the first Africans were white, you imply they were Caucasian. Race is more than skin color.

Agreed he does too much to hurt his own cause. I Think he is a controlled opposition. Notice how he endorsed trump right when trump started overtaking clinton in the summer. He know how much the public hates him. If he was smart he would have endorsed clinton publicly to make her deal with the fallout from it.

Are you saying we were white niggers before mixing with Neanderthals? Genuinely curios.

Fuck off kike.

You really don't belong here, do you?

Reported and filtered. You are so fucking obvious, simply because you're not sharing out interests in saving the white people.

Wouldn't be the first, and you do behave like a kike.

So what are you, if not a kike?
You clearly aren't White.

How do you convince the niggers to not go out and vote for Hillary, candidate of a party known for unlimited gibs? By giving them reason for believing Hillary and her party hate niggers. Following next, few niggers even know of Stein and Johnstein to begin with, so their only vote remaining is Trump. Simple as that.

Although you're correct that we'd be better off without the nigger vote (wouldn't have to tolerate niggers in any way shape or form in the GOP and its support), it's an imperative to steal it from the Dems because it's critical for them to win.

I expected no less from a rage traitor. I like Trump but his children should be hanged.

That's an ape, not a monkey you idiot!

He was with the KKK and isn't a Democrat. Just double standards by the media. He's also let the Jews push him off the deep end, and now he says shit like Stalin was a good guy just because he purged some Bolsheviks.


His name's DeQuan you racist piece of shit

Blacks are stupid and have high time preference. They're hard to get to vote. Their breeding is stagnant. They vote for gibs. Their voting numbers really aren't worth the trouble compared to whites and spics. What the Republicans need to do is go after the white vote while we still compose a majority of the country.

you faggots love pretending the trump family was ever not in bed with top jews. fuck kikes and fuck eric trump. your great savior loves israel more than you, face it, you've all been had.

Nigger turnout is already lower than 2012, while White turnout is higher. What we've failed to appreciate itt is that distancing from David Duke and talking about improving niggers is meant to appeal to the vaginal Jew of our own race.

No, niggers evolved south of the Sahara.


Holy shit, where do you think you are, you disgusting kike worm?
Go back to r_TheDonald and post some Gavin McCuckin videos or something, my sides can't handle this much disdainful laughter.

but they can text their vote now


It's amazing how white nationalists just assume everyone is a jew if you disagree with the notion of whites getting everything handed to them in a platter because of their born traits.

Yes, I call "you all" white nationalists. People who think that just because you're born white you deserve special treatment. No. Fuck you. Fight to earn it. Don't sit there and demand it.

I'm more pro-white than you are. I want whites to not sit in lukewarm bath. I want whites to not sit in sedentarism like the Goths did in Spain. I want the whites to be handed the same tools as blacks, latinos, asians. I'll do my fucking best to be the best racial example. I won't sit and cry because I'm white, and i'm being genocided by kikes. If the kike is doing better than me in the same equal grounds, then he deserves to have better treatment. I'm losing, he's winning.

So far you fuckers have done nothing to improve your own race. You're a disgrace. You're worse than fucking kikes, you're pushing laziness and "I'M NOT JOINING THE KIKE-CONTROLLED ECONOMY, I'M JUST GONNA SIT HERE SPAMMING MEME FROGS". No, fuck you, white trash. My race is better off without fuckers like you wasting it. Go be exiled somewhere, think about your fucking life, then come back when you want to fight for your life, instead of calling people kikes for simply disagreeing with how you deal with a problem, WHILE AGREEING THAT THERE IS A PROBLEM.

There's nothing wrong with text voting for Hillary.

Which they have, what part of the MSM calling Trump "Literally Hitler" don't you understand. You dumbasses get so triggered when trump tries to sway the minority, and actually does a good job to fuck up the Dem voting base?

Nobody is falling your capitalist nonsense here so you can save yourself the effort. We aren't servants to the "economy", kike.

Why can't we just have different countries?

Well yeah, memes aside Trump is pretty pro Jew and pro Israel.

I think you're even too cucked for cuckchan. r/The Donald is where you belong.

where do Asiatics come from? I've heard China teaches human evolution differently based on this

At the rally last night he reiterated that he wants to cut off foreign lobbying. No foreign lobbying = no AIPAC = very anti-kike. Take your dumb jew pictures elsewhere you fucking low-brow.

No, goy. You need to stew together on the plantation. It's for the economy, goy.

Go back to your Lodge you Judeo-Masonic imbecile and be there together with the rest of the Kikes on the "same level". Why the fuck should White people compete for their own existence with non-White people within their own Nations you god damn moron'




Get into the oven faggot you aren't fooling anyone.

Come on, do you think we are stupid?

The best way for whites to thrive is to not live with non-whites who poison their lands, vote against their interests and stiffen their intellectual pursuits with their mere presence.

"The Democrats have shafted you" is quite a bit better than "White nationalists should be shot in the head."

Hope so.

he wants all the votes he can get, but he's trying to get white people who are afraid of voting a racist. Getting less or the same amount of black voters with a higher percentage voting (R) is just a possible bonus.

This fucking idiot should have just kept his mouth shut.
Now he's bringing attention to the KKK shit again and days before the election.
He's also begging for some infighting.
Jesus fuck.

People assume you're a Jew when you act like one? Yeah, funny that.

So, what are you? You still haven't answered, far as I'm aware - you aren't white, and claim you aren't a Jew, but you spew Jew rhetoric, and acknowledge you aren't white.
So what the fuck are you, mystery meat?

Oh Christ you salty fucking nigger-tier mudperson.
"Don't you sit there and demand 'special treatment' in the lands your ancestors conquered and built!", says the mongrelized misbegotten fuckwit who only exists because Whites allow it.

Oh Jew.

Oh Jew.

Except, ya know, made enormous headway towards getting people in the mindset to discard your ilk, right?
Yeah, right.
Stings I bet. Especially with you being so salty.

Yep, you're a Jew.

A salty ass kike, or else some sorry mudperson.

You exist because we allow it, vermin.
And we're getting tired of the rats in the walls.
So scamper, little rat, and scamper fast - because the exterminators are coming, and we're coming for you.

Can't hear you over the "give me free shit because i was born white" BS.

Reported for degenerate faggot.

All non-nogs come mostly from central Eurasia.

Nobody has said anything of not voting for Trump you retard.

He hasn't explicitly stated this. We must ensure that he doesn't make an exception for Israel.

I'm pretty sure at least 70% of Holla Forums wasn't redpilled in 2004 m8

I gotta give you credit. I didn't think your posts could get anymore cucked. I'm impressed.

Who needs AIPAC when the president wants to invade Iran?
*can't embed someone else already did**

looks like Don Jr was the one to post the credit card.

I remember seeing this grade of shilling a long time ago.

get fucked faggot lmao

Not even /new/ existed back then you faggot.

Why are you lying? Duke's been on FTN twice.

Compelling but I'll pass.


What don't you get here?

Makes sense, but pushing Whites Came From Africa First And Niggers Are Just Tanned (WCFAFANAJT Theory) is probably more subversive

Kaminsky also compared Trump to Hitler last year. Eric Trump is a fucking retard. His entire statement is Paul Ryan tier garbage, except even Ryan wouldn't be stupid enough to publicly agree that someone deserves to be killed for having naughty opinions.

I agree that we should hammer him on foreign lobbying to make sure it includes israel, but hold out until after the election. Then we can start holding his feet to the fire. It's too early to do that now.

This thread is premier example of why the mods should have banned halfchan cuckfugees on sight. Now we don't just have to deal with shills, but a fucking MASSIVE tidal wave of autism.



How is the shilling going kike? Didn't work out for you this time either, did it?

What is being "shilled" in this thread?

Likes flies to shit.


just vote for hillary goy

"Free speech is an American value"
How hard is that?


He married a kike and you expected him to be based?

Return to halfchan and kill yourself.

There's literally nothing wrong with taking care of your brothers and sisters and cousins.

No I didn't, I just didn't expect him to be this shit. I am well aware that Trump's kids are garbage.

*Free speech is a conservative White value.

All any of us could really want is a white country as our ancestors intended. I know this triggers you heebs though, so i understand the hostility.

Holla Forums, while I'm glad we found out about this so we can give the right Trump son our full support, although we have yet to hear about how Barron feels about the jews.

I love white nationalism just as much as everybody else despite me being 25% Jap, 75% German. That said, I don't think Duke has the subtlety that's required to redpill normies. He's already gone too far with publicly revealing his power level.

What I love about Trump is that he's taking the slow approach, which is what you need to do with normies. Doing things like saying "Niggers are responsible for 60% of murders yet only comprise 13% of the population" is way too fast for most people. They'll just reject the facts as "racism" and try to publicly shame you. However, what Trump said a while back about blacks only comprising 13% of the population yet accounting for over 50% of deaths in the country is a great way to do it. It illustrates that blacks disproportionately commit crimes while at the same time makes him seem sympathetic to the negroes.
That's the approach we need to take to redpill these normies, Holla Forums. Slow and steady wins the race.

Don't worry, it'll be awhile before you get an answer, as he's busy kvetching over my long shitpost ridiculing him and his misbegotten tribe of degenerate Skaven.

pro-Israel =/= pro-Jew

He's making the exact same argument that Jorge Ramos does in this interview with Jared Taylor and that Taylor immediately calls out.

White countries must be imposed upon. Whites must be surrounded by non-Whites. The economy demands it. No, your Western countries are different. You must be surrounded and enriched.

Would you care to illuminate me on the differences?

Checked for reported for Jewry

We don't know wether he is either since all he's done is give kikes lip-service, but your statement is so overhelmingly retarded I amazed that you're able to type on a computer.

Holy fucking shit.

I feel genuinely bad for Duke with all the undeserved abuse he takes. Still, this shouldn't be a surprise coming from a race-traitor who married a jewess. Looks like the legitimacy of the Trump dynasty will fall to Barron to maintain.

WTF I love Jorge Ramos now






t. a shill

lol nice try including that, kike.

You're simply a lost cause, stormie. No point trying to argue over your stupidity. Trump is winning, and putting you in your place; wanna MAGA? Then roll up your sleeves and go do something. Don't sit your ass the whole day.

Myself, as much as you want me to be a kike, am a prime example of how a white male should be and behave; take the challenge head-on, face it and fuck the adversities. Tribalism exists in all cases, and in-racial preference is huge in kikes, so if Trump helps cutting those strings, that's already a victory for you. But then calling you lazy for not doing enough for your race is being a kike in your own words. So anyone but you is a kike. Kike.

Jews seek to dispossess white people in their own countries by opening the borders to mass immigration from the third-world. Trump absolutely does not support that.

No it isn't, you fucking retard. "Supporting Israel" (no matter how bad it might be) is not the same as wanting to dispossess white people in their own countries.

daily reminder that CTR always sages and doesn't understand Holla Forums culture
this thread is d&c however


Stop spamming redtext kampfy. Control your autism for a second.

Why would I want to bump a D&C thread, exactly?

You have to go back.

It may also be a case of the centrists and civics on cuckchan starting to spill over

This talk about a "Trump dynasty" needs to be shitcanned permanently. The only worthwhile positions Trump has is economic protectionism and removing beaners – and he's watered down his stance on beaners so much since this campaign started he's basically Obama.


Trump's said numerous times he will recognize Jerusalem as the 'eternal capital of Israel'.

That's not only zionist, that's religious zionist.

I agree with this, actually. White """""nationalism""""" is exclusively for people who lack any semblance of national identity and need to cling onto something as vague and wishy washy as 'the white race' to fill the void, as if I as an Ulsterman should for some reason consider Poles, Scandinavians, Russians or any other group of whites I'm not related to in any way my "brothers." It's cancerous larping at best and another form of globalism at worst.

I've never spoken to a white "nationalist" who didn't immediately start talking like a lefty, whinging about 'hate crimes against my white brothers,' when I tell them that I would prefer not to spread my country's legs wide open for Polish immigration simply because they're white, for example. Granted, it's not as if Northern Ireland is in desperate need of whites, considering less than 2% of the population here is non-white.

Sage since this thread went off the rails quite a few posts ago.

wew lad

It's pretty obvious that merely giving free shekels and weapons to the jew so they can bomb palestinian schools is the definition of a good goy. Holy shit I've met demented old men with more common sense. How can you even bear to live with your own retardation?

If Trump really wants a shot at making the "ultimate deal" between Zionists and Palestinians, he would renig on this promise. Didn't Mitt R-Money and McCain swear the same thing?

We'll have to see how Trump performs. Having right-wing figures that people can unify under that aren't cuckservatives or liberals is potentially very useful to us. "Shitcanning permanently" is naive.

Dr. Duke, Dr. Pierce, Jared Taylor and all those others tried the subtle or intelligent approach for years and it accomplished nothing. Funny how only after Holla Forums unleashed its full powerlevel on the world that things started actually being accomplished and happening. Stand by your conviction and if they call you racist, just go so what? At this point they literally and unironically think whites are racist no matter what especially if they vote something like Republican. Might as well embrace it to its fullest its extent. They reap what they sow.

time to kill yourself

Andrew go back to the X



Really? Oh wow, I'm literally a HillMissile now. Thanks, CTR!

Oh no, look, another kike subverting hwite nationalism!

I'm officially branding this (((white brothers))). No. I'm not your fucking brother. We have the same racial phenotype, and I'm not giving you special treatment because of it. If you're doing fine, that's perfect, we're in the same page. If you're doing stupid shit like calling everyone who disagrees and hurt your feelings a kike and sperg over you're a liability.



Daily reminder that the 'trump are kikes' fags have a safe haven on >>>/4chon/ . Just fuck off until after the election, we can argue after that.

They didn't.



It isn't naive. Trump is offering, in the clearest possible terms, more of the same postwar Republican multicult labor camp spiel we've been buried under for decades. He's just promising a bigger cut.

So you believe the Jewish god is real then?

Nice refutation, my huwhite brother.

Ulsterman as in 'a guy from Ulster,' not in the sense of 'marching in pro-Israel Orangeman parades on July 12th.'

I think you misread my post.

They still don't understand, the winners write history. Winning is the important part in that equation.

White and redpilled people do not defend circumcision. If they were mutilated, they defoo their parents for having traumatized them as infants and making them into cripplecocks.

I was being sarcastic with the autists being disagreed with because David fucking Duke cannot keep his dick in his pants and must furiously masturbate whenever he can to Trump and forgets to realize his name is tarnished, regardless of how right he is about the jews. And white nationalists being complete retards and wanting to become White Lives Matter.

Ah right, my bad. We're on the same page, then.

But Trump is totally gonna start the race war, goys!


White nationalism is all about national identity. It's about keeping white countries white (i.e. yours). If you had spent some time lurking here, you probably would have known that.

Vanessa Haydon and Lara Yunaska are both kikesses.

You two idiots are proving the point of my initial post by immediately sperging out over the mere mention of the word circumcision, which I neither defended nor denounced.

It is naive. Firstly, no one really knows what Trump will do when he gets into office. He might only deport a dozen people, or he might dismantle the Federal Reserve – we don't know. 2nd, Barron won't be the exact same person as his father. We're talking 4 decades in the future. He'll have a degree of automatic clout depending on how strong Trump's legacy is, while the left/right spectrum and demographics will be very different at that time. It's impossible to say how useful he will or won't be to us at that time.

Unfortunately the average American just can't seem to help it.

You claimed it was "stupid shit" that's only divisive, not something we should actively oppose.

Gas yourself.

http ://

I can see why Eric would be fucking pissed. If there is something the Trumps have shown is a disdain for stupidity or an inability to think ahead.

My fucking ass it's about national identity. I can't think of a single white "nationalist" group here in the UK that isn't majority non-British.

r/the_donald plebbits need to fuck off this board. Trump isn't the endgame

Even Pence doesn't know what Trump thinks about some occasions (they have different opinions on things), but in the end Trump calls the shots. When he said disbanding all foreign lobbies, that's a massive step in the right direction, even if it doesn't mean terminating the negro race overnight.

What are you even doing here Holla Forums wants the rise of White identity politics, such as exists in the South. Trump has spread it to the White working class nationally, and we must cultivate it rather than falling into capitalist memes. This includes pushing back against the narrative of improving niggers (in reality, they would be worse off without Democratic Party gibsmedatz). Nigger inferiority is the exact reason why Southern Whites - male AND female - vote as a Bloc.

Like mixing your bloodline with the seed of Satan and insuring that "Trump" will be a jewish surname a century from now?

why would you want to be in a d&c thread in the first place, chaim?

Not everyone here is for Pan Europeanism, dumbass. Many here believe in France for the French, Germany for the Germans, England for the English, etc. For us in America, things are different.


Fuck off Richard Spenser


Literally no one has ever said or implied that.

They probably didn't realize this or that person were jewish at the time. Either ways, Duke is not showing any tact in anything he is doing and it is done nothing but cause problems for him and others.

In case, have fun voting for Hillary.

That's fucking news to me.

They obviously knew they were kikes, Eric even had a jewish wedding.

I could use some free shit


Go run for office and scream gas the kikes race war now each chance you get and see how far that takes you. Trump would not have gotten as far as he did without using some actual tact.

What? We constantly shit on guys like Spencer who believe in that stupid shit. Fuck off

Spencer complains about punching moderates "on the right", not attacking people who are "to the right" (more extreme).

Stop projecting britbong problems onto other white countries. You guys are basically Sweden at this point.

Just because your white nationalist groups don't get it doesn't mean other European groups are the same.

lurk more, new friend.

So that's what /gg/ is calling it now.

If you really are (might be bs from some actor)… know that Trump hates Japan and japanese people or you didn't see how he reacted when King Nigger paid hedge to Japan on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Japan already pays half of the costs of US presence. Not to mention Japan buys a lot of gear from them. Yet Trump wants Japan to pay all.





Fuck, stop equating everything with jewness.

Biggest shit show of a pointless thread for a while Holla Forums. Good job.

Seeing as how Trump has used jews for this and that, they probably had that mind set then, assuming they knew when they stuck their dick in them and didn't find out later.

Again, go run for office screaming gas the kikes and race war now. While we're at it, let's drop anonymity since fuck PR in all instances and use our real names and faces too. You're an idiot if you don't realize that running for public office entails controlling yourself.


A lot of people looking for an excuse to vote for Hillary really.

No excuse for destroying your bloodline.

If Northern Ireland is 'basically Sweden,' I'd hate to be in mainland Europe right now.

You're right, Sons of Odin will be seen as a legitimate political movement in no time.

Trump has tremendous respect for the honorary aryans. He wants to give the Japanese the same thing he claims to want to give to the US – a chance for self-determination. If he "hated" the Japanese people he wouldn't have suggested letting them own nuclear weapons.

I'm CTR for pointing a basic D&C thread?

Britain in general. I know Ulster and Scotland are doing better than England, but the maps I've seen show that both of those areas tend to vote left, correct?

They will when law and order starts to break down, which will happen in the not so distant future.

I stand with Barron

*pointing out a D&C thread

Eric Trump was clearly always the weak one, he married a jew for fucks sake.


Fuck off back to >>>/brit/, britkike cuck.

After everything the leaks revealed nobody can realistically vote for Hillary but that said, we'll probably make sure Trump is going to most likely be one term because he will pander to much to niggers like a limp-wrist faggot and be way too kosher of kikesucker on issues. The 2020 Republican primaries will be interesting. Make sure to get into the Dem party too. We're going to make it Dixie again. But you know, let's see what kind of faith we can have in Trump.

Pick one, CTR.

Maybe you should start using your real name, if you think your PR cucking will provide you with as much protection as you think it will.

Duke is a professional edgelord. He makes a killing over hype.

Like a certain developer running for president.

Duke was making the endorsement with running for the Senate in mind. His alignment with Trump was to signal to Louisianna voters that he will push for the kind of legislation Trump wants and then some. While that doesn't totally invalidate the possibility that he is controlled op, Duke's actions make sense in the context of his Senate campaign, even when they don't in the context of Trump's presidential campaign.

In the end, Eric is probably pissed at how Duke is hitching himself to Trump, despite the fact that Duke is not even friends with the family or anything of that nature and the whole thing is a distraction and bother to Trump. How does this help Trump? I don't mind Duke being out there but he would be better off as his own person.

No because I like to say gas the kikes race war now but also understand I am not a position to weather the storm that comes with that openly nor do I have the tact to manipulate the media to push my ideas. You're the one who thinks youy can say whatever without consequence and any mind paid to such things is PR cucking. Put your money where your mouth is and go public then. Fuck PR and put your name and face next to the message then. You won't because you are a fucking hypocrite.

This is cuckchan.
This place is cuckchan.
The levels of autism and the inability to contain spaghetti when some asshat baits you is astounding.

Your turn, CTR/JIDF.

Trump's plan was never to gas the kikes or remove spics and kebabs with citizenship. You realize that right? Trump is just the first step to the reincarnation of Hitler.

As much as we might dislike it, Trump still needs to actively campaign for the cuck vote. I would have much preferred Eric took Don's earlier approach and gave a vague disavowal, but it isn't worth getting worked up over this.


You need to stop the bleeding first before you apply the stitches.

When Trump started his campaign, he explicitly said there was a winnable case for removing citizenship retroactively from anchor babies. Since that's clearly not going to happen now, there is no "first step to Hitler". We will be completely consumed.

Everyone but Barron married kikes

I think we should keep in mind that Holla Forums is using Trump to further a strong society, not the other way around. Another thing, Jr isn't running for president, his dad is, so this is nothing.

David Duke was a member of the KKK. He's not now but political reality says we have to throw him under the bus (at least publicly) in order to have any traction at all

How is that clearly not going to happen? But you're right, if it doesn't happen, we will be turn into Brazil at best.

If there's a Sweden of the UK, it's most definitely Scotland. Only a single Scottish division of one of the UK's main parties is lead by a heterosexual (and it's still very left regardless), their government unironically champions civic nationalism, and not a single one of their counties voted Leave in the Brexit referendum. It's in a very sorry state, even without comparing it to here or to England.

Only Scotland does, really. I'll break this up into chunks:

We're the most conservative part of the UK by far, there isn't going to be an even slightly left-leaning government here for a considerable amount of time. The only region here that you can bet on as always voting left is West Belfast, which fortunately only accounts for a fraction of the population.

You might be wondering why NI voted majority Remain during Brexit in that case, but that was much more to do with the fact that if we leave the EU and the Republic is still part of it, there'll be a border wall erected between the north and south again, which very few people here want. I didn't really care about that, voted Leave anyway.
As I said above, it's in an awful state. Votes majority left in every region, every time.
A mixed bag. London in particular is to the left of the Stalin, but the rural areas, i.e. most of England, usually tend to vote Conservative. Bear in mind that that's not saying much; the Conservative party in the UK is similar to Fine Gael in Ireland in that it's ever so slightly centre-right at most. That said, I expect UKIP to make some gains in the near future, especially if parliament decides to veto Brexit, so there's that.
Haven't a clue.

That's a bit brief, but I hope that gives a bit of insight into how things are politically in the UK right now.

I feel for you fam.

we're being invaded.

Why do I need to reveal my name in order to express my opinion? Also, you said that Trump couldn't have gotten this far without PR shit when clearly the opposite is true. Trump got as far as he did by ignoring all of the idiots telling him it was bad PR to say that he was going to deport illegals and build a wall.

No, you see, obviously the jerking of LARP'ers and the furious masturbation of utopian societies in the lifetime of people who believe you can purge entire races out of the face of a country in 4 years is more important than electing Trump.

I'm literally voting for Hillary now. Hillary is the true pro-white candidate. I mean, she has never said anything bad to David Duke, right? At this point, she is clearly more pro-KKK than Trump. So it's obvious she gets my vote!

And you know what's the funniest thing? People will look at this post and the sarcasm will just fly over their heads due to the extreme levels of autism.

Barbaric Eric strikes again, the madman!

Trump came out in favor of touchback amnesty later on. The retroactive citizenship revoking was just bait. Now he openly states at his rallies that he's going to get rid of 2 million criminal illegal aliens. Well, fucking Obama already deport or lock up the felons when they catch them. He's a billionaire real estate developer with a kiked out family. Keeping the White race under pressure for housing and surrounded by racial enemies is in his and his family's interests.


Clinton called Klansman Robert Byrd her best friend, and the Democrats are the real racists, so wtf I hate Drumpf now.


Oh ok yeah. Well we'll see what happens. I suspect he was just saying whatever to tone down his message in order to get elected.

Didn't know we was hosting a CTR meeting in this thread.

The entire postwar history of the Republican party points towards the hard line messaging for the base as being the bullshit, not the other way around.

"Honorary aryans" my ass.

King Nigger going to nipland and paying hedge to Japan was a super kind act of him that saved nihon. It makes very very hard for a buffon like Trump to nuke Nippon.

You know, you could archive this thread and shove it in FBI's classified documents on Hillary and it would blend in so nicely no one would notice.

I'd even suggest a good title: "CTR POST-DAVID DUKE"

At a recent rally, Trump referenced "the numbers" and said "this is our last chance to MAGA." In all fairness he is redpilled and well aware of demographic realities.

We just need to keep memeing

Are you implying Trump is a traditional Republican? Because he's not.

Isn't this the exact mechanism by which kikes have subverted all white nations though? Kikes remain largely united across borders and cultures by always preferring one another over the goyim in all matters. Meanwhile, we D&C our own race so much it is no wonder the Jew has consistently been able to cuck us to the edge of extinction.

The Jew's greatest weapon is the White's desire to destroy their own people.

Trump is a disconnect from that history. Retroactive revocation of anchor babby citizenship must happen.

But if you're saying the GOP is going to oppose him at every front, you're right. I expect them to try to find a way to impeach him ASAP.

He shit all over Pat Buchanan for "anti-Semitism" and "racism" just like traditional Republicans are wont to do.

What is with David Duke? His entire head actually looks like a wax model that has been dipped in bleach.

Why would we want a guy like this anywhere near our movement? He must be self aware enough to know that his endorsement is actually highly detrimental to the cause he allegedly supports. He gets way too much media coverage to be anything but controlled opposition. Fuck David Duke, even if he is genuine, which I personally don't think he is.


What parallel universe did you escape from, torfaggot?




and yet you would probably call him a shill if he endorsed anyone besides Trump.

More like the Jewess cast a spell on them. That is why German soldiers weren't supposed to touch a Jew.


When Duke called Trump a "cuck" last year shills were claiming he was an "FBI plant".

Last year a lot of people were calling Trump a cuck. They were just being skeptical, like you're being right now.

You know, kike, whites can demand the same from you. When Nazi Germany kicked you out of the media and the banks and told you to fuck off, all of Judea declared war on Germany. It manipulated geopolitics and conspired to form an alliance to crush the rebellious goyim in Germany once and for all. And now you rig elections, put jews in power, and write laws that literally ship blacls and muslims en masse into Europe to eradicaye us. So you mean to say that the jews get to control all of the money and all of the media and amass great wealth, and then tell the GOYIM to fight fair?

Who cares about Eric Trump? The movement is about the people, Trump has said it himself. Look at how Holla Forums et al conquered Twitter and Youtube and poured salt on their ravaged kingdoms. Nationalism is on the rise globally, Trump will merely make it condusive to enact the change that the globalists categorally block through rigged laws.

Seriously, fuck you. All cultures have the right to exist without unwanted interference, unless they are an existential threat to that principle. So go back to Israel, you swindled the Germans and accepted the Balfour Declaration and then uniting in war against the Nazis.

Your levels of projection rival Hillary's capabilitiy of lying. Congratz, schlomo.


Plausible deniability. Duke looked like an absolute retard in that debate, I don't know why you all love Duke so much

Because he has been standing on our side for decades, having put up with everything under the sun and basically sacrificing his life for this cause?

You don't think we should treat a man like that with some damn respect?

You're not fooling anyone oven-dodger.


You can go your whole life not knowing who David Duke is and be better off for it. He's right, but he's a low class retard that can't argue for shit

Honestly when it comes to David Duke I can understand the Trump family hating the guy since he's done nothing but harm their campaign by bringing Trump up every other sentence.

Weak fucking response. As if you couldn't make it anymore clearer that you're a hook-nose kike.

I don't often get accused of being a Skype but I only said the truth. I think Duke is a shill and have thought this for a while, maybe you don't, hard to prove either way. But as I said, even if he is genuine, being endorsed by him is actually like a kiss of death. The media gives him a voice because he is so detrimental to everything he preaches.

As people have stated previously, if Trump paid lip service to anything remotely 'white nationalist' then he would never win. But once in he can do things like ban foreign lobby groups (aipac), protect the border and lower immigration and improve the economy so people can support traditional families. Lets be realistic, Duke is cancer. If he had any dignity or truly cared about the cause then he would retire from the public sphere entirely and help in some other way.




Nothing is wrong with him. He has been consistent for decades, is very well spoken and had the system try to squash him the entire time.


Detected the ironmarch D&C shill.


d&c thread

I still like Duke

Go back to whatever ukrainian hovel you crawled out of.

Worse than kikes.

Well, that settles it. I'm #MentallyHill now

David Duke fucking deserves it. He's controlled opposition.

TRSodomite pls.

No, the media does NOT give David Duke a voice. He shit all over Wolf Blitzer for being a Zionist agent of AIPAC and I don't know if he's ever been back on CNN after that. Alex Jonestein nuked an entire 2 hour interview with Duke from his YouTube channel after Duke red pilled Jones' entire audience on the exact nature of our Zionist problem. Duke actively goes to Iran to participate in Holocaust truth conferences in the company of other dedicated anti-Zionists.

Donald Trump gets a media voice. Anjem Choudary gets a media voice. Ben Carson and Sheriff David Clarke get a media voice.

David Duke, Michael Scheuer, E. Michael Jones, Mahmoud Ahmadinijead, they don't get a media voice. Duke qualified for this debate under Louisiana law because he met the threshold for support, built up entirely from his YouTube videos, books, and past activism. When Duke ran for governor back in '91, the entire Republican, kiked out establishment united against him.

Best post

Probably the fact that he's controlled opposition / FBI.

Operation Google was a joint operation and borderline genius. I never really understood the 'self censorship' opposition to it. Like there isn't room for a multitude of derogatory words for all of our diverse friends. We had a clear objective in fucking with their search algorithms and with the people who want to censor us entirely. I have never seen an articulate reason for opposing what we were doing. Just stale Jew memes as if that proves the credentials of the people that were against it from the outset. That to me is shill like behaviour.

Yeah, Duke's controlled opposition. Donald Trump, the guy who wants to appoint kike Steven Mnuchin – former Goldman Sachs and Soros Fund Management employee – as Secretary of the Treasury is definitely not.

What about what happened to America after being forced into a multicultural experiment by the Supreme Court? It's a fuckin disaster. I can't wait to move to a country that has as its top stories news about how they fucked over shitified America.



Duke himself claimed to be pushing for more (((moderation))) in the Klan movement faggot

You're a fucking idiot. This was a major new story and I shared it because it wasn't on the catalog. I didn't even give any real qualifications besides a joke about don jr being the favored son.
You're the type of primitive goon that Hitler would have murdered on the night of the long knives.

Honestly when it comes to David Duke and the older band of white nationalists I have to assume that they're controlled opposition just like the GOPe because the majority of the time they are. George Lincoln Rockwell was the last effective white nationalist leader in the United States and he was killed for it. Not to mention that everyone knows that there's more federal agents in the KKK than actual members.

I would trust David Duke if he just used the 2016 campaign to promote white identity and Jew awareness but why does he have to bring up Trump every other sentence and knowingly consent to going on fucking CNN to do what everyone knows is a hit piece on Trump?

Not to mention whenever the MSM wants to talk about evil racists and the KKK they bring up Duke, every single fucking time and it only increases his profile. I have no goddamn idea why the Jews would want to openly promote someone to prominence who's not a controlled opposition boogeyman. If he was an actual threat i'm sure the media wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.

fashy lolberg pls go.

Wait, they based their fighters off stolen F-35 plans?


Fuck off, Rob.


Yeah, idiots like you love being divided and conquered. It was clear to me during Holla Forums harbour that the intention was to divide the user base into two places. I still visit both, now they're both equally shit really. This place was better for years as threads stayed up longer and there were better discussions and less shills, this has changed in the last 6 months though.

As if you would have any pride in which shit hole site you 'belong' to. You are either a Holla Forumsack or you are not.

I don't think Duke is a shill, since that would require that he'd been only pretending all these years. I do think he's a bit of an idiot that has no sense politically, and the Jews know this and know he's not an actual threat as a result.

Don Jr isn't really informed on Duke so I don't give a shit. He knows his dad is stealing a lot of the nigger vote from killary so he's simply pandering to niggers with this. It's like when Trump tried be an anti vaxxer; it was AB testing the comment and it didn't amount to anything.

Hal Turner's shtick was inciting violence, then telling people to contact him so he could give them advice, or even take care of their families after the fact. That's nothing at all like what Dr. Duke does. He actually proposed the "New Orleans Protocol" which includes "zero tolerance for violence."

Now fuck off back to reddit, infowars, trs, or whatever den of autism you crawled out of.



This thread is a distraction.

This thread is a distraction.

This thread is a distraction.

Wikileaks just released part 28 of the Podesta e-mails and they called it the DoJ/FBI/Huma special.

Wikileaks just released part 28 of the Podesta e-mails and they called it the DoJ/FBI/Huma special.

Wikileaks just released part 28 of the Podesta e-mails and they called it the DoJ/FBI/Huma special.

Dig dig dig.

Also on another note what worries me about Eric's statement is that he said
Here he's shitting on members of a Movement rather than just calling Duke a cunt for fucking with his Dad's campaign. But then again most KKK/Neo-Nazi members are federal agents/infiltrators so he could just be referring to corrupt Feds trying to fuck with the campaign. I honestly don't know what to think.

I mean any halfway intelligent/honest KKK organization fucking knows that endorsing Trump in their newspaper will not in any way help him win, so I can only assume that they're completely retarded or malicious.


Have to say I somewhat agree with this.

I remember raiding Hal too back in the day.

The irony was that finding out he was a fed just made me and others go straight WN because you begin to question too many things. It always has the unintended effects. Or maybe they intended it because god knows J. Edgar Hoover HATED niggers.

Majority of cuckchan are retarded newfag shitposters that only weaken post quality, this isn't a divide and conquer you nigger.

I pretty much agree with this. Every country seems to have their own specially tailored brand of cringe nationalism. Full of people that seem to be trying really hard to make nationalism as unpalatable as possible to the general public. And of course, it is always the cringiest ones that receive all the media coverage and are invited to do interviews on television and radio.

Bullshit. Duke sticking so close to Trump is great, now we need 1000 politicians running with that mindset.
Duke is out there fighting for the Emperor and you pussies are in here bitching that he's not PC

Diamond Donald

Dubs confirm illegal cuckchan refugee. You have to go back cuckchanese.

You aren't very good at this.

Junior confirmed for best son.

Shit, well now it makes sense. The whole thing was an anti-espionage operation. Chinks being only equipped to copy and steal have just unwittingly fucked themselves over. Nice play DoD.

The J20 is just a MiG. Like all of China's planes, it was designed by Russia and built by Russia. The only thing Chinese about it are the shitty engines.

Barron is the only one of Trump's children who hasn't committed racial treason.

What makes me suspect Duke is that he the MSM won't shut the fuck up about him and he won't shut the fuck up about Trump. Can you honestly tell me that that's not suspicious?

Ron Paul was an actual honest threat in 2012 and they destroyed him by instituting a media blackout. The Media does not raise the profile of people who are real threats. Trump bypassed this by forcing the media to cover him because Shekels and in the beginning taking advantage of the fact that they didn't take him seriously.


What is that supposed to show?


I cant find any info on his wife.


Checked for sure thing mystery meat. ;^)

Because you got BTFO? That's right.

I voted for Trump sweetpea - helped give him PA.
Where are you from? ;^)

Acting like a Jew? Yeah, don't think so fam.

Which you aren't doing, you're crying about muh white privilege and decrying white nationalists.
You're a Jew shill, its okay, we all know it.

The rest of this is just whiney kikelite kvetching.

You have nothing - you exist because we allow it, and it eats at you, every day.
Its practically visible in your rhetoric, in your massive salt flows.

So stay salty, faggot, and know that - as an ACTUAL White person - I am laughing at you. In fact, I screencapped your post and added as an icon to my desktop, just so I can remember to laugh at you, desperately shilling against the White race, each and every day.
I'm sure I'll get a good kick out of it come next Tuesday.
Stay salty schlomo ;^)

Honestly it's a pretty funny move

An over-priced F-22 flown by niggers scares no one.

It's still undeniable that the F-22 is a superior air superiority fighter than the F-35

Well, this thread got me googling, and now I feel like shit. Someone debunk all this please:

lol, Ron Paul was always as irrelevant as fuck. Only delusional socially left faggots felt otherwise.

b-but muh delegate strategy

David Duke is a scam artist who has "ran" for office like 12 times and likes to gamble campaign donations away.

Still he does name the jew so good for him. I can see how the Trump organization is not keen on having a drifter repeatedly go out of his way to associate himself with them though.

I'm sure shitskins will figure out how to lose in them and still get medals of honor for failing like MSG ese.

Trump is a scam artist using WN to make his way to power. His kids are married to JEWS gods Holla Forums is slow. If anything this election is a Jewish civil war more than anything else.


You're a cuck

Freech is really reving it up.

Not to mention /inth/ (a board on

Look at this and realize that these cucks are just fucking around. Disregard, filter and report accordingly.

“David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” wrote Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, a biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”

Duke has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers-people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself, including liposuction to his buttocks. From his formative years as a supposed National Socialist right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.

Duke Ernest Duke has one paramount skill which he has exhibited throughout his whole life: an incredible ability to re-invent himself. He does it every few years. From National Socialist, to Klansman, to suit-and-tie-racist, to state legislator and political wheeler-dealer, to quasi-intellectual author, to globe-trotting celebrity collecting meaningless honorary degrees from Eastern European universities no one ever heard of, to “prison martyr” to “elder statesman of the Movement,” Duke has packed a dozen lifetimes of bushwah into one.


I heard it was written by that NWF guy. Covington.

Is he a jew too?

No, but he has a problem with in-fighting, and it's based on Frank Cohen's "Deguello Report".

Calm your shit people, Trump disavowed Duke a long time ago because he needs to win right now. Eric can't be expected to be as good as his father, and probably just said this to shut the media up about it since its supposed to have been irrelevant by now. He's obviously not the best at handling such PR since he's, well, straight up being retarded, but even if he *is* a cuck, he can easily be uncucked by his family.
Anyways this is literally unimportant to everyone, use your fucking head you idiots. If he endorsed Duke, he'd have been fucked, if he deflected, he'd have been harangued, the media is looking for any and all angles to fuck Trump up, and his family is a lot less strong than he is.

Are you retarded?

They were kvetching on The Daily Shoah because he talks about what Israel's doing to the Palestinians, instead of basing his whole strategy on autistic facebook debates like they do.

.. no one here ever claimed otherwise.

the kike god is moloch, god of money and war

Who is the stop gap between them until Baron becomes old enough?

Oh look more buttblasted IronMarch kiddies


there is always one bell end like you in a thread. go fuck yourself

This would make Barron Solidus?

lol get gassed faggot

America will not just slide straight from ZOG into White Nationalism. It's impossible without a military coup, martial law, and mass deportations coupled with industrialized extermination of undesirables.
For WN to emerge, regular Nationalism has to come first. It's very possible to slide from ZOG/Globalism into Nationalism, as we're seeing happen before our eyes. It's a natural reaction - invasion and loss of sovereignty lead to protectionism and conservatism, both economic and cultural.
Whites are still a majority in America. We need to keep it that way for ten to twenty years which, based on everything I've read (which may or may not be demoralizing propaganda), will be an enormous challenge in and of itself.
As long as Huwhytes can maintain a solid majority, White Nationalism will emerge as a natural extension of Trump's generic Nationalism (Americanism?). It will take at least one, but probably two solid decades for Whites to start seeing themselves as one, big, happy family again.
Until that day, it makes sense that ET would disavow DD. Right now, Joe & Jane Eighteenpack are the product of several generations of kike brainwashing:
Joe & Jane Eighteenpack aren't ready for WN. Joe & Jane Eighteenpack aren't ready to see poor little Jamal and D'ontavious and Lucretia and Airwrecka get stacked on a boat and shipped to Liberia. Joe & Jane Eighteenpack aren't ready to fire up the ovens.
The problem is this:
We need Joe & Jane Eighteenpack to win this motherfucker right now!
It's that simple. If we lose here, if we lose now, we lose, period. The only option if HRC wins is to go full insurrection, RWDS, and civil war.
IMO, "Americanism" is a perfectly fine stepping stone to WN, and eventually full NS. Don't you guys find it a welcome relief of the last several decades of beaner invasion, pushing '1' for English, and watching daily news reports of our elected officials selling us up the river and not being able to do a damn thing about it?
Bitching about this when there's emails and wikileaks to dig is a waste of time.

there are a bunch of austistic little shits from IronMarch who hang around on 8pol constantly posting lies about TRS. It's actually downright sad at this point.

etc etc

We're at a pivotal point in history and that's where these faggots put all their energies, into trying to cause infighting.

Mannchild pls go.

He didn't just disavow, he called for his death.

I'll just leave this here.

Not a fashy lolberg, sorry.

Kek, nice jew impression, worthy of Moraiku I'd say

I think it may be faster, the more something is pushed the more extreme the reaction, and right now, the message broadcasted to whites is they come last, but for any one red pilled is you should die, and after Trump gets elected it will be pushed harder, and ina generation this could change, especially if the mass deportations do happen

Yeah, but in my opinion he will probably backpedal if Trump gets elected, apologize and say he was ignorant about it (I hope)

This is a dangerous, fatal even, level of delusion. We do not have 10 to 20 years. We don't have it.

Sure, that's pretty harsh, I admit. But everybody's calling for everybody's death this election. Everybody needs to be shot. Everybody needs to get droned. RWDS/RAHOWA. Jihad. Crusade. BLM burning down bitches. It's a sign of the times. And, like I said, Joe & Jane 18pack are brainwashed against racism. To appeal to J&J18P, they have to denounce racists.
Maybe they (the Trumps) even hate racists, too. Who knows?
This election isn't about race. It's about America, and stopping (and reversing) the hostile takeover it's undergone for the last hundred years.

What did I do to displease you Kek?
>>8067011 (checked)
>>8067022 (checked)

Were you the faggot on /polmeta/ whining about how fullchan Holla Forums doesn't love to suck jew dick like they do over at TRS with their buds richard spencer and milo???


63 posts lol

seventhson seems really keen on fundraising on getting those donations (for???????) so it doesn't surprise me that his ego can't handle the normal level of bantz that are inherent on a chan.

Since when did we start using ebonics on this board, "fam"?

Don't forget that we have already won with this election. We have forged a path that will lead us to power. Once the election concludes, then we can focus on the next steps.

Shitposting and shilling for the next nationalist siren while accomplishing nothing irl?

Idk how to feel about Spencer. On one hand he seems like a good guy, on the other hand he's kinda faggy and never calls out the jew.

Have you been paying attention to all the crazy stuff happening this Current Year?

Sure, probably. A body in motion, and all that. I was just trying to be realistic while not being overly optimistic.
Mass deportations of Mexicans and Jihadis is one thing, and I honestly do see that happening in the next eight years. I don't see us being able to ditch these Blacks any time soon, though. Best we can do is make it extremely uncomfortable for them so they leave on their own.

I'm already excited for the future, see >>8067190

In my country, the far right and nationalist party isn't just the fastest growing party, it's the only growing party. All my friends even started helping and connecting at rallies or volunteering for parties. It's very fun.

Spencer has an initiative called Phalanx where you pay him money for (?????/).

Gold Members pay $10,000 (think silver was $1,000). But it's okay because you can sell memberships to other people and get a percentage of the proceeds. Just a good old pyramid scheme that the "alt-right" really needs right now.

Spencer would rather have jews associated with the movement than the dailystormer so take from that what you will.

since like a year ago faggot.

I agree with you.

David Duke is a ConOp shill who turns up around every election to "endorse" the candidate his Jew masters don't want to win.

Stall is all we can do for now, they control the judges, the police and the military still. First comes control then pushing our agenda. Please don't sperg out now and lower our numbers when we're needed the most to change hearts and minds.


It's pretty ridiculous. Literally there are more Hispanics, Blacks, Natives, Asians, even fucking Amish (who barely vote at all but when they do) voting for Trump than there are Jews. Fucking Hispanics! 97%+ of Jews voting against Trump last I checked. Holla Forums and its like has done more to meme Trump to the primary, candidacy, and presidency than any fucking Jew yet he'll still shill for them more than anyone else. It just proves the whole Jewish Question is completely true. In fact, I have zero doubt Trump himself is aware because he got close to Jews in the most literal sense possible that is passed on in his fucking children but he has chosen to join them. Disgusting. No matter who we elect in the US, it'll always be cucked in that matter. But it won't be forever and I see the demographic trends and polls. If the kikes think their pet shitskins will care about Israel, they're doomed. The youth utterly despise kikes as well, whether left or right. It's going to be over for them and Israel itself can barely survive its own demographic and political challenges. It projects a very toxic image to all future generations. But everyone has to see what Trump does during his first term. That will tell all. If he bitches out like a limpwrist cuck, he won't ever make it past four years and we'll meme someone else and by then Holla Forumsacks will involve themselves very personally in politics everywhere.

Everyone here needs to read Rules for Radicals and apply it. If a bunch of commie marxist traitor fucks can overtake and subvert society and the country they way they did, then it can be mended.

As for now, vote for Trump. After reading through the leaks, Hillary will pretty much destroy the world through WWIII with the Russians.

Duke is a retarded status-seeking FAGGOT.

Jared HuWhite Taylor is a much better representative of what we're about.

FUCK DAVID DUKE. He just gives our enemies ammo, decreases our chances of success, and doesn't give a fuck cause HE LIKES THE ATTENTION.


Maybe what you're about, kike, but not what we're about.


I said this and people here went nuts.

How much more clear can it be? I don't think he's a shill per se.. he's a self-shill extraordinaire and he doesn't care if the takes the ship down with him as long as he gets closer to potentially becoming the captain.

Yeah, I'm gay because I won't allow my language to be cucked by black culture.

Of course he is, kike


There's a video of him talking about how he downplays the Jewish Question because it would ruin the movement in its infancy. He was giving a speech in England.

Guess what? HE'S RIGHT! He's playing it smart. If you want to be a Stormfront retard embodying the "uneducated white male" stereotype then go do it over there and let us make the real-world steps to reverse demographic decline.

Good god! You kikes don't even try do you?

Either this or he's just a self-seeking retard. Either way he's a cancer who needs to kill himself if he cares about helping this cause.

See I hate this fucking choice.

David Duke is without a doubt a grifter. BUT I have no doubt he believes in the shit he says and he is willing to name the jew. If he didn't believe in that shit he could have gotten himself well taken care of as some shitty politician somewhere. Whatever else you can say about him that guy knows how to grift.

Jared Taylor not only won't name the jew but sees them as not a threat. This is disastrous because all the evidence out there really does suggests that either by intentional or by nature the jews seek out to ruin whatever society they infiltrate.

Honestly I'm not a fan of the prior generation and their efforts at WN. They've really just shit the bed for us and they (and society in general) left us unprepared for the world we inherited.

Oh no nigger. You don't get to be a mod until we mod your anti-white brain you fucking jewbag

Your breath smells like David Duke's groin. Go brush your teeth and read a book.

He's constantly shilling for the jews, and is married to a kikess whose interviews with David Duke were used to sabotage his campaign. And even if he were sincere, 30 years of AmRen hasn't gotten us anywhere. Kosher nationalism always fails.

And speaking of damaging campaigns, I'm sure his robocalls did a lot more harm to Trump than anything Duke did.

You kikes need re-training.

Spic detected ill bet you thought we seriously wanted a civic nationalist cuck fest like what you described huh?

What's being slid guys?

Fuck of mullato nigger the board was never about normie politics or civic nationalism

Yeah, everybody should be afraid, very afraid of the jews. Fuck off, Duke was instrumental in redpilling me on the jews. Why? He fucking talked straight, and instead of confronting his claims or points, he is simply labeled as 'an enemy'/'an antisemite'/'an evil person'.

You are a retard, and may want to join the local satanist club instead. You get to play your siikrit club there. And you get to laugh at the 'ignorant others'.

Oy Vey!

No, you're a moron if you think Trump is going to do that. Trump is going to try and help whites as much as he can without ever bringing up race or Jews or anything like that. He basically wants to be remembered as a hero that saved America.

He knows just as much as we do that the guy after him will be more Nationalist.

You're going through tremendous anxiety over the thought that Donald Trump is Jewish user, and that is very telling. Well for one reason to relax user is this. If Trump gets elected and caters to Jews and niggers and spics like the last administrations then we simply knock the fucking grid down with small arms and shoot everybody, military, cops, you name it. But let's wait and see what happens after the election because the nation is willing to give leadership one last chance not to spit in your eyes user.

are you retarded or just delusional?

Eric trump looks like a cave man and is about as half as smart.

Looks like Barron Trump with have to carry on his father's mantle.

Does Eric drink a lot? What's going on besides the obvious catering strat? I am going to assume the dead rabbits are allowed to hop around but I dunno about these fucking heebs user

Are you? Because what I said is the truth. Trump does care about his race and wants to save it, he does know about the Jews, for fucks sake he literally talks about the "globalist international bankers" all the time, only thing he doesn't is name the Jew, but he doesn't even have to. Everyone can tell he knows. That is the point.

This has to be done differently than NSDAP, because back then you could get away with saying a whole lot more.

You're fucking retarded if you think Trump is a puppet or will become one. He's not the kind of guy who is content with going down in history as "the guy who made big promises and then didn't deliver". He wants to be remembered for a long time, so he will do a lot to fight the Jewry.

And a lot can be done without even naming them.

Eric shouldn't have said it but it's politics. Duke's debate was very sensible.

We don't have any more time to stall. We're out of time. Wake the fuck up and walk outside.

I remember a time when the average IQ of this board wasn't in the double digits.



Duke is not now and has never been a "plant". Real nationalists attack Israel and they attack Zionism. They don't make fucking excuses at every turn for a guy surrounded by kikes. They don't support Israel "100%".

What's actually going on here is that Trump's paid Palmer Luckey shills are finding out that no, this board is not cool with zionism. We aren't going to "come around" and now they want to shit all over a guy who has been explicitly detailing zionist terrorism and methods of zionist control for decades.

You can fuck right off, kike.

Son, you personally bring the board down to double digits with posts like that. Duke is no shill, like user above said, he may be a grifter and a shameless self-promoter, but his pro-white track-record goes back far too long to not be genuine.

This used to be fucking obvious before the cuckchan invasion.

That's one hell of a plant, you fucking kike

Does anyone have the pic of this faggot going arround his campus dressed like a nazi? I'm in the mood for some cringe

he's had far too much plastic surgery, and he should have known his endorsement of Trump would give the media ammo to burn. And what did Duke gain by going public for Trump? Nothing, everyone following Duke was going to vote for Trump anyway, and unfortunately Duke doesn't have weight to throw around in politics, so what good does it do for Trump's campaign?

Then a faggot Trumptard spins it like this:


Is this the same Trump whose children are married to kikes, who has surrounded himself and his political campaign with kikes, who complained that Palm Beach country clubs were excluding kikes and niggers and sent every member on the town council copies of "Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner" and "A Gentleman’s Agreement", the same trump who never really said or done anything to indicate that he's an ethnic nationalist of any kind?

Alex Jones has been talking about "globalist international bankers" for decades now. Is he secretly naming the jew as well? Is Alex Jones, with his jew kids, playing le 4d chess?

This is the same logic that was used to claim Glenn "Die for Israel" Beck is a ebul anti-semitic Nazi.

Hitler and NSDAP faced genuine persecution from the state. They faced red violence on a daily basis. The National Socialist risked life and limb for their cause. When Hitler joined the German Workers' Party they were a irrelevant fringe party with only 55 members.

Wow then I guess I'm following this kike into battle because you have absolutely fuck all of any alternative or plan that doesn't result in South Africa.

I would throw Duke under the bus too. He's too spergy for the subtlety needed to uproot 70 years of Jews successfully fooling people into believing they dindu nuffin.

Jewish women can have a really mesmerizing quality about them. I've known a couple of Jewesses who seemed very appealing both physically and personally. The cynical part of me tells me that a Jewish girl won't be romantic with a gentile unless she has an ulterior motive. They'll analyze you and tell you what you want to hear. Very dangerous.

If there was ever any doubt that shills lurk among us, they have just been dispelled

Considering Duke approves of Sinead McCarthy, he does seem rather questionable these days.

Next I'm going to learn that the Succubus is based on a Jewess, aren't I?

I keep hearing this but I've never been given proof that Don Jr. married a jew. Is there any? Not going to dispute that Eric and Ivanka did as that's well known.

Holy shit this thread is a mess! I'm so fucking lost.


Lurk moar?

Man, what the fuck? What a terrible thing for Eric to say.
Duke is a nice guy. Out of all anti-Judaism spokesmen I've ever heard, Duke is the most sensible and tolerant one. Maybe people could get a clue or two if they actually made an effort to watch some of Duke's own videos instead of blindly believing every boogeyman hitpiece the (((media))) feed them.
That said, this is probably a slide thread.

It's even more than that. Holla Forums is actually twice as extreme as Hitler–Holla Forums literally wants to kill all jews and eradicate all non-whites from white countries.

We need to go even further.

It's all part of Barron's end game.

So many fucking retarded shills with literally the logic of "if you're critical of trump you support hillary." If you legit think trump is going to be the savior then fuck off. Trump is important for our cause but he is still a stepping stone. The whole point of getting behind trump is so that the overton window keeps going right and guys like duke can start getting into the government.

This is how a newfag posts. Just because you're quoted doesn't mean you're the one being addressed. The message is intended for the lurking newfags a group you know very well you belong to, counter-signaling the obvious shills trying to act like Duke is somehow hated on Holla Forums.

Same poster though my IP probably changed. I couldn't care less about what the fuck TRS gets up to. Go shill your cancer on cuckchan.

Learn what punching to the right means. Spencer cries out about punching to the right at the same time he strikes to the right, just the same as the daily shoah.

Fucking this


It's relevant because Duke is wearing the Trump badge as a key part of his bid for LN senate. He was the only one to make clear an unequivocal support with Trump in the C-SPAN debate. This undermines him and was very likely the exact goal of the reporter: in any other circumstances, they would've had the spin downplay Eric's rejection of white nationalism - if they bothered to report it at all - not misquote him to make it absolute.

It's also Eric sidestepping his father and cucking out where Don refused to comment, which looks bad for the Trump campaign, not good. Pence is supposed to give in to the media's ploys, not the Trumps.

He looks like he's already running things.

Lurk 2 years you dumb motherfucker.

Some voters are already losing hope in Trump after the announcement and he lost points. Hillary and Trump now back at 45% and lots of angry messages of how the retard doesn't understand the situation whites are facing, why they're angry, while he goes on from his fucking helicopter.

Eric should have kept his mouth shut.

A shill using TOR? What's going on? This entire thread is extremely suspicious but I can't figure out the angle. Is it damage control/prepping a hitpiece related to the LN debate? Or are we just getting a lot of redditors and CTR because of the wealth of leaks these last few days?

If you think Trump is going to save us you are a Trump campaign shill

Ohoh. Is "fam" jigaboo speak? I didn't know this. Can anyone else confirm?

I hate newfags so much

it's niggerspeak.

He was on a live radio show, what did you expect him to do, repeat 1488 a few times than toss a few GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOWs out there?

When a neocon like Pence has a better response to kike bait than you know you fucked up. Granted, Eric isn't Trump but he is still Trump's son. I personally like Jr. better.

Based James Edwards.

are you that same guy who keeps saying jews are not the same as isarelis

I don't know if David Duke is just a shill, but pretty much anything he says is going to be seen as "hateful", especially if he supports Trump. in this way, David is doing a disservice to Trump's campaign. If he supported Hillary, she would get the backing of a few nazi militants, but the rest of us redpilled people would still vote Trump. I personally hope Hillary wins for the sake of quickening western destruction so the west can learn a lesson. Trump is going to make things better; in that way, we're not learning a lesson if we get Trump elected. We need an Angela Merkel in the US, and I think Hillary proves that she's probably worse.

You will all learn EVENTUALLY. At least SOME of you are beginning to think for yourselves. Despite being "redpilled", many of our people just cannot seem to let go of their Trump and (((democracy))). I don't hate them for it but it gets pretty aggravating knowing that the majority of "pro-whites" care so much about the (s)elections.

I'll keep this as short as possible.

I've been racially awake and jew wise for about 7 years now. I didn't buy the Trump shit since day one. Sure I speculated that he might be jew wise and all the other things but quickly realized that he's not. If anything, he's "jew wise" in the case of not hating them but aspiring to be like them throughout his whole life and you can see that with 4/5 of his children and how much they LOVE jews.

Eric (JEW WIFE) Trump saying this is not shocking nor makes a difference to me since I'm NOT voting and had no plans from the beginning to do so. I've proudly never voted in the past either.

I'm from the perspective that he's a pressure valve. I can already see it with pro-whites and how comfortable they'll be if he becomes POTUS. It's disgusting and the (((perfect plan))) to kill the momentum of building WHITE ANGER.

I do however give Trump credit for riling whites up but I know that the outcome of him winning will destroy it overnight when they become comfortable again.

The truth is, whites haven't suffered enough. 8 years of Obama was the best thing to happen for White Nationalism. Good luck trying to wake up whites if he's POTUS and they're happy about it. Hell, you might be one of them.

Like I said, not voting but I would actually prefer a Clinton presidency much more than a Trump one. She'll continue to piss off whites and that's what we need. Putin himself said that there's no certainty she'll start WW3 or Trump wont. So forget about muh WW3 and think domestically for a moment. It'll basically be a continuation of Obama (see above). Millions of Trump supporters will come to our side if he loses.

Ask yourself, do you want a quick fix or REAL REVOLUTIONARY RACIAL SURVIVAL?

I don't really give a flying fuck of 99% of you hate me for saying these things but we'll see who's right in the end.

It's 4:30AM and there's much more I can say but there it is.

I've been around before Trump and will be around long after him regardless. This last year and half has been a fucking joke. The "awakened" whites are not fully AWAKENED.


No he was the only one who seemed genuine, well that one cuck seemed genuine too but he can't have his say without coming out swinging

David Duke = Based

Trump = Pretty Good

Rest = White Genocide


Dukes latest Chances for Presidency: 0,004%

Trumps latest Chances for Presidency: 43%



Anybody who associates with Richard Spencer is either absorbed by self-interest, an idiot, or intentionally subversive. Take your pick.

He was involved in mail fraud and tax fraud, had plastic surgery (you can see it on his face), his position on the "African-American community" is not different from the stated Eric Trump one.
Too much into civic nationalism and deliberately harming the Trump campaign.

Likely that he is a shill.

Eric's always been the omega of the family. Hell, fucking Ivanka bullied him. In fact, she did the same thing her father did to his omega brother. She got jealous of Eric for receiving a Lego set, so she went in his room, locked him out and build a miniature Trump tower.

Also, this pretty much seals it, Eric is not the Trump Holla Forumsack.

Obviously we shouldn´t but it isn´t about us, now is it?
Normies have all these notions that the holocaust was one of the worst things ever, that all human life has inherent value and so on.
if they are going to break the conditionning, it is going to be thanks to Milo or Richard Spencer, those who are somewhat redpilled but still cucks or compromised, because many normies will see their own cuckery and listen. Hovewer, they can be made to move past the alt-right, the alt-right is just phase 1.

Both has done more in breaking the conditionning than you have, they fulfill a purpose.
The effort should not be to complain about that but to fulfill our own purpose, to subvert their audience even further, into the Ben Garrison path.

TRS can try to subvert us but we can subvert them just the same.

Every time. TRS needs to go in the fucking oven.

You have to understand things don't work that way. You must first get into power, and then slowly take out the jews, not openly scream like a retard about them.

dubs confirms but this is a wrongthink opinion here

david duke is an attention whore and has no hope of ever achieving anything.

He's a shame to the white race and deserves the bullet.

Duke shilled Trump non-stop.



If I had that kind of media attention, I'd keep my mouth shut. Instead the fucker runs for office and everyone uses it against Trump. He was better at youtube vids.

Tbh I wouldn't be that surprised if one of the Trumps betrayed us after He ascends to the throne. Us specifically I mean not the people, It may seem inevitable to him that we'll cause issues or problems he'd rather not deal with no matter how loyal or devoted we are.

It'd be like the thunder warriors in 40k great warriors and fighters, but they did very poorly in peacetime. Just a thought I've been having

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, ironic niggers are still niggers.


The point is that none of this changes the fact that he is above and beyond our best hope.

Nothing said at this point in the election matters.

Let us not forget that Duke hurt Trump's campaign by publicly endorsing him.

If Eric Trump is saying this shit AFTER the election, I might care.


The KKK was supposed to be
secret. What happened to that?

Eric = Solidus
Donald Jr = Liquid
Barron = Solid

Barron is the real deal. He is the child of light all religions fantasize about.

Hail Kek

lel, isn't it sad when you have to go with the one who haven't done or said anything, because the rest of the brood are so busy marrying kikes and calling for holocaust revisionists to be killed.

This is nu/pol/ nao

gas the holocaust deniers, kike war now

what are you on about, stupid ctr sager?

I'm on about waking up today in some sort of strange parallel berenstein dimension, where Holla Forums shits on david duke and supports someone who says people like Holla Forums should be shot.

Trump still has to win.

USA is never going to be an ethnostate, user. But we can defeat globalism using Trump, and with that stop the flood of mudshit to Europe. And maybe then, a new country will be born.

I do support Trump and were I burger I'd vote for him too. I just think that with all we have learned about him over the last year, it's time to prepare toning down the messiah stuff as soon as the election is done.


Can confirm. Dated one in my bluepilled days. She tried to tell me she was pregnant from a blowjob, which I called bullshit on, so she started cutting at me emotionally and knew just where to place the knife every time. Glad that's in the past, but they really do get inside your heads, far more than normal women.

It's like subverting movements 101.

It's ratherMyDaughterMarryABasedChristianNigger.jpg

This shit is straight out of bizarro dimension.

By openly talking about Jewish influence on america he openly questions the status quo. What's worse for the Jews is he cannot be silenced in the media if he gets into the Senate. Decades of hard work on diversity propaganda would go to waste if this man could speek freely to the masses.
The problem is though it can hurt Trump in the race. Trump tries to court black voters. Bringing back jobs and deporting illegals who drive down wages woulf benefit negroes and working class whites. This is where Duke comes in. Every time he is in the media he is labelled as a white supremacist (he isn't), and an ex-KKK leader (which he is, but he quit long time ago). The media tries to blackpill niggers or urge them to vote Democrat, which hurts Republicans and the Trump campaign. What's worse that Trump disawoved Duke but he still latches on to the campaign.


Jews play 6000000-dimensional chess; Israel is only an Early Warning System for International Jewry. As long as bigwigs like Martin Schjewulz say shit like "Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people", all is well.
As long as we are petty and vain and only care about living "the good life", the merchant class will always speciate and jewvolve and start establishing central banks all over again. Jews simply exploit and amplify preexisting vulnerabilities; –it is us who need to change.
The God Emperor must establish the Imperium of Man, and make us Space Marines. Otherwise we're headed towards FEMA camp Alex Jones-style police states. Do not think for a moment that "society" will collapse; the (((globalists))) are in possession of extremely high technology that can control masses like intensive animal farming. For example, psychotronic weapons are not conspiratard bullshit, they're real:
Space travel must become our life's purpose. Who knows what we may find out (probably some Space Jew Cabal).

He was never with "us".

Eric Trump deserves to be sent to a concentration camp, he is a filthy plutocrat, duke has served well to our cause.
We are not trumpists we are white nationalists.

We all know where the Donald really stands.
Duke is stupid and needs to keep his big mouth shut.

Eric played it right.
The mantle of respectability must be worn til absoulte power is attained


David duke is an attention whore riding the alt-kike movement anyway with his forced memes. This borderlines eceleb bullshit.

Real Talk - Why would anyone even want another Hitler? Sure, he had a love for his people never seen since him. But he lost World War II and didn't make a dent in international Jewry. I would rather have someone who loves his people and can win at the same time. We love winners, folks. Don't we?

Apes are monkeys the same way birds are dinosaurs, you idiot!

It's Trump's son, though. It's not as if Trump himself said this.

Please go shill somewhere else.

Right, a DNC "dark money" paid, false flag shill. Just like the Crusader paper endorsement of Trump, the (((white nationalist))) bogey men support Trump. Noooo these are our brethren, bullshit DNC before, DNC now, DNC forever.

Who gives a shit about Trump's dumb kids anyway.

This thread is fucking D&C cancer.

Raid confirmed, not a very effective one though

You know what, Brit?

I agree with you

White Nationalism is entirely for Americans and offers nothing but self-genocide for Europeans who still have their original subraces.

Poles are different from Danes, Danes are different from Italians, Italians are different from Greeks, saying they're all "white" is needless categorizing, what makes the Greek white, but not a Turk, for example?

Keep "white nationalism" in America.

Yep were being raided. Same D&C threads like we saw it the late stages in the primaries.

Same shills acting like they've been on Holla Forums for years calling Trump a kike to kill morale, bumping shit threads at the bottom of the catalog.

It's an old tactic when the niggerdick spam didn't work.

It entertains me too see how JIDF will spin this one out.

Why did he do this Holla Forums?
Why now of all the time?

The same way they always do: Muh D&C, le 4d chess, CTR shill, m…muh god-emperor, etc.

It feels as though a lot of the more rabid pro-Trumper are legitimately paid shills; It's the only way to explain how retarded and delusional a lot of them are.

No Barron is Leto


When can we become a post racial America and admit that black people are fucking ugly as fuck.

It is d/c but why?

Newfag only got into politics last year and he's already backstabbing the duke.Serves him right he trusted a normie.

Then I stand with no one again.

Except the Chinks copied them and made them not shit. They did war simulations, China's copies rekt the American F-35s.

Duke probably cost Trump 1000s, if not 10s of 1000s of votes.

For that reason alone Eric is right. Eric is probably talking about that fact, more than the fact that he's a corny KKK style souther-fried white nationalist.

Ron Paul was the only non-globalist choice in 2012 you dumb newfag cunt, he refused to bow down to the globalist jew world order.


He was so effective that jews who were born centuries after he died, has so much fear for him and the european people that they have to take drugs and talk to therapists about it.

Be advised. Either Trump is wholly compromised or he is a man with true Vision.

Duke doesn't push the khazar theory. If you watched his debate with Alex Jonestein, he outright refutes the theory.


The fact that they don't cluster together genetically. Turks are distinctly more middle-eastern.

Cucked, shitskin-loving civic "nationalism" is not
regular nationalism", kike. It's a bastardised fake nationalism that rejects the very foundations of nationhood.

Trump is a shill (controlled opposition)
Duke is a shill (according to an user)
Ron Paul is a shill (gave donations to the Republican party when he submitted to the FED)

There is no salvation to be found from a single leader, a single movement.

good post.

I predict Eric Trump will one day apologize to David Duke, because the Jews are totally going to go after Eric and every Trump and everyone they're connected to for what they're doing.

Why do you think A Chad like Trump appointed Pence as his VP? We all knew that Newt Gingrich wasn't going to cut it, and it wasn't much of a surprise to me that Newt stabbed Teflon Don in the back, only to defend him again months later when he [Newt] was interviewed by Megan Kelly.

Duke as well as Don Black had pissed off Dr. WLP so much when they both decided to sell their member list to a third party to pay their gambling debts. Duke may or may not believe what he says, but that doesn't mean you should trust the guy. Like any politicians, unless he's willing to give up a lot of his salary, not take bribes/lobbying handouts/special interest group money then he's the same as the other politicians. We truly don't know what a Trump presidency is going to be like, but we do know how horrible a H presidency would likely turn out.

Already have, and I can't extoll the virtue of this more than ever. Think about it, how did/does the Modern/Post-Modern Left operate? Via blackmail, how? Through social pressure and social isolation, ex: "did you here was 'X' did? He said that he's against welfare recievers and single-motherhood… He's sooo racist and sexist, how dare he be against helping out black people who've been hurt by societal racism and strong women who've taken it upon themselves to raise their children. Let's try and get him fired and ruin his life in other ways." (I know full well the irony of Leftists trying to treat black people as children, which is why I'm happy to've included this example). This bullshit occurred in the early nineties with the major push for PC etiquette, but it was never as successful as it is today. I can't describe to you the proud feeling I get when we've managed to successfully push back, and possibly completely discredit, post-modern Leftism with Neoconservatism. I've always been a Paleocon at heart, and now that we actually have a foothold, we can go forth and possibly ruin the careers of the neocons and cucks in the Republican party, not necessarily because we're spiteful, but we know that they're traitors and will stab us in the back if given the chance. Did any one see the Bill Kristol interview at MSNBC? He was on the verge of crying and even called Trump "a bad man" Keep in mind, this is the piece of shit that argued for that disastrous war in Iraq 03-11. Nevertheless, The Left tends to devour it's own more so than the Right for some reason. What we must continue doing is using their own logic against them, and let the other leftists cannibalize their own. This could lead to a few routes of action for the devoured the could:
1. Apologize and cuck even harder and become even more sycophantic.
2. 'Turn' as in, change their allegiance to a different political strata, a win for us anyway as it ultimately weakens the Left anyways.
3. kill themselves.
Number 1 is an excellent source for red-pilling material as it is, because it shows white kids that have even a moderate political leaning how pathetic post-modern Leftism really is and it's destructive effects on a person's personality. Just imagine how many Trump supporters sky-rocketed when Carl the Cuck and AIDS-Skrillex made their appearance when they confronted a /fit/ Trumpstaffel.

In your talk about Russia, didn't you read one of Michael Scheuer's blog entries? In case you hadn't, Scheuer theorizes that Putin would only benefit from a H win, because (according to the panama papers) someone connected to Tim Kaine set up businesses and profited from the main Russian bank that was connected to the "White Nationalist Putin" and that both somehow profited off of it. He also mentions how Putin's FSB most likely has a copy of all of the emails and would use them as a sort of collateral to lead her to do things via Putin's blackmailgo tonon-intervention.comto get it squared away not just for his blog entry I cited but also because he's insightful on so many things.

Except for the Idiots, the Agents and the lamestain media including their useful idiots, there's never been a reason for actual violence, especially since we're the ones who're winning. Don't forget that anyone who's inciting violence is most likely going to be an Agent of the Federal Government and is likely not only trying to get you in trouble and a nice promotion for himself but also discredit the movement. Don't sell us out last two pics are related to this

Fuck off, Redditor.

also this post.

He does it so that he can somehow promote himself and receive donations via his website or wherever else while the candidate he officially endorses is ruined. It's a miracle Trump dodged all the pitfalls that were set up for him, and the cake's even sweeter that H was involved is so much illegal and now it is revealed, bizarre bullshit.

you better start believing in ctr threads, because you're posting in one.

Duke has a big following, if anything he got Trump more votes from a demographic that might have otherwise sat out of the election.

Reminder that that was done by our greatest allies from TRS. One of them made a thread about it here.

Eric Trump is not the enemy

He is fucking brilliant. Have you guys seen him when he debated those CNN cuck reporters? He demolished them. He could dismantle most in a debate.

I would gladly trust Eric Trump with the keys to the kingdom. David Duke isn't going to be a champion to the people, and will never have the option to be. Don, Eric, Ivanka…the trump family is fucking brilliant.

Eric Trump just openly outed himself as anti-white, which should have been obvious already considering he married a kike. Take your cocksucking back to cuckchan or /r/thedonald. I'd take a jew-naming, race-aware David Duke over a anti-white piece of shit married to a Jew any day.

what do you expect? republicans and the trump movement is pretty civic nationalist, and like Alex Jones said, he wouldn't mind America turning brown as long as they are constitutionalists.



Trump's kids should be retconned out of existence, just like the Sensei.

Baron is okay and Ivanka is such a qt3.14 that might still be redeemable, if her current family is purged, because jewishness is matrilinear plus muh dik Eric might be a fellow Holla Forumsurker that did the ultimate sacrifice for the cause, but he's now unclean and can never truly be one of us ever again.

It was a little surprising hearing him use Trump's name in the debate despite knowing how it helps zog news. But whatever. As long as he helps kill niggers after the coronation, I don't care.

It was a pretty rash statement. Eric should know better than to commit that hard to a position on MSM. And knowing David Duke he's kind of a whiny faggot, let's be honest he will never forget this till his dying breath, and will probably whine about it incessantly.

This, he is obviously controlled op who has done nothing except hurt the movement by association. Some other KKK group endorsed clinton and that's how you know they are actually legit and not paid off. He always conveniently pops his head up when the media needs a "racist" link to something then fucks off until he's needed again. I've literally never heard of him before this election, he only exists to smear bad goyim. But DIDF here will scream about how you are a jew for seeing the obvious truth yet never present any arguments. They are clearly the lower IQ posters who think he's on our side because he used to belong to an FBI honeypot.

be at peace.
the ride never ends.

He's one of the guys from /politics/ who are obsessed with distance from any WN symbol or person, despite being functionally WN themselves.

Even if you agree that it matters, it only matters in public, not on some cambodian basket weaving site.


Donald Trump said that Duke is a problem in the early 90s I think as well. Only burgers are so delusional that even on Holla Forums they believe in democracy or that they actually can save their country by voting someone who not once even mentioned Europeans as a group or their interests.
ZOG is staying right where it is and with Trump the kikes got their pressure relief valve to calm down Europeans there while they become a minority. I personally find it funny that hwhite burgers will become a minority after electing this supposed Nationalist who is obviously in bed with kikes.

Will burgers learn from this mistake in the future? Considering their history of the 20th century, I think not.

Then stop pretending you know what you're talking about and fuck off back to reddit or Holla Forums.

His face was crushed by the windshield in a car accident in the late 90's or early 2000's, I remember reading it in his book. I can't recall the exact year and place, but what I remember is he drove a t-bird.


No, they love bumping shitty threads.

Duke is a controlled op, a con-man, a shill and a liar.
He is personally responsible for promoting some of the most vicious anti-Trump elements seen this year, Sinead "Trump is a pedo" Mccarthy and "don't bother voting" Evalion, both subversive shills with a mission to dox you.

Too late, faggot.