Media already literally apologizing for being anti-Trump

Other urls found in this thread:


wow what an honest name.

lel what happened, suddenly everyone is trying to save their skin before the election. Did they finally realize that they can't stump the Trump?

Why should they apologize? They have the right to free speech as anyone else.



This is playing out exactly the way it did in Russia. Though Putin did not reveal his true colors until he consolidated his power, as soon as he started killing and jailing oligarchs the rest started bending the knee at lightning speed.

But here with Trump it's going to be different. Because not a single traitor will be spared.

Feels good man, they realized they fucked up and all the shit they did made it even worse for them. They feel the noose tighten around their necks

Pretending to ban yourself is pretty pathetic.

Putin only went after carpet baggers



Right in front of them with a shot gun pointed at their faces. TOO LATE KIKES.

their apology isnt really an apology at all…

Even the Lügenpresse can't deny the signs anymore.


Honestly I doubt that Trump is going to holocaust all the criminals and traitors in government.

I'm almost 100% sure that his plan is to brutalize and humiliate the most powerful and the worst of them to get them to bend the knee and then institute term limits to flush out the rest of garbage over time.

There has probably been a negotiation on the terms of their surrender.

As the comments on that article point out, this is less "We're sorry we did it", and more "We're sorry we got caught".

Here's their groveling for mercy the OP's article is talking about.

The media, the election and bias

Its too late Daily Commercial, you and all the other shit bag media organizations are going to get the hell slapped out of them and then public execution

Pretending to get banned is a good way to actually get banned, you dumb cunt.

too little too late. into the oven they go

I've been watching the bbc do this in real time. Their promo reels and coverage suddenly went 3/4 neutral with far more trump on screen.

Too late, lugenpresse. You've made your bed; now burn in it.

Take it.
Take it hard.
Take it deep.
You take that fucking knee, and you like it, you cheap media whores.

Those digits

They've all been tipped off to Hillary getting fucking arrested this week. You know the media gets advance notice on all this shit.


I am almost sexually aroused by this

also checked

Can we get on with the finale? These filler episodes are worse than Dragon Ball Z at prolonging the inevitable.

All their readers should drop them like a rock. Trump needs to go after the media like he promised along with everybody else on the list.

Can't wait to print this out and read it to them at their hanging.

tehcnically speaking, if Trump were to respond to them in this manner with some form of "Dont worry about it, it your constitutional right" it would make every liberal catastrophically meltdown from their own cognitive dissonance

Soon user, soon.



So is this "bargaining" or "acceptance?"

Should thought about it earlier Schlomo. It's far too late for you now.

He's… just a… clown…

The cannibal has left his lair
Le Moniteur Universel, March 9, 1815.

The Corsican ogre has just landed at the Juan Gulf.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 10, 1815.

The tiger has arrived at Gap.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 11, 1815.

The monster slept at Grenoble.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 12, 1815.

The tyrant has crossed Lyons.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 13, 1815.

The usurper was seen sixty leagues from the capital.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 18, 1815.

Bonaparte has advanced with great strides, but he will never enter Paris.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 19, 1815.

Tomorrow, Napoleon will be under our ramparts.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 20, 1815.

The Emperor has arrived at Fontainbleau.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 21, 1815.

His Imperial and Royal Majesty entered his palace at the Tuileries last night in the midst of his faithful subjects.
Le Moniteur Universel, March 22, 1815.



Once he's in the white house it becomes easy for Trump to destroy any major media outlet.
All he has to do is instruct federal agencies, etc not to talk to the outlet in question. Then bar them from the white house press room.
In practical terms that means they're no longer a respectable media outlet and have to rely on others for anything political or relating to the federal government.

The knock on effects would destroy even the largest most powerful media group.

This is the beginning. We'll see more. Nobody wants to be the only one who doesn't make peace with Trump.
Smaller outlets will be feeling the heat first and be more inclined to say something sooner because they'll be seeing sales dips.

That gave me a warm feeling like a cup of hot Coco on a snowy day inside.

that was one of the saltier non-apologies i've ever read. i guess they wanted to get a couple more jabs in before they surrendered to having to actually do their jobs correctly


Those trips of truth confirm the Lord Emperor will take his throne on 1/20/17

Yeah 91% of all media coverage on Mr Trump have been negative.


Was just checking to see if this was posted. Kek.

Theyre doing a bit better job about that issue in DBS, but ya. I agree.

That whole Golden Freeza shit was 100% pointless.

is this the cool new CTR tactic?

Lads it's a meme.

Oh man, I had an actual belly laugh at this one.

I had a friend from college actually tell me that cognitive dissonance wasn't affecting him as he supported Hillary and was also against fracking and private prisons at the same time.
Denial isn't just a place were we were kings.

you can always bet on the libtard to bring up free speech only to prove they have no idea what it means

jeez what a shit video you placed upon us.

it's still a (1)

CTR was shilling that Holla Forums bans people for disagreeing with norms here and that we don't actually like free speech. It's probably a Holla Forums fag that wandered out of their playpen.

(((someone))) is getting cold feet



For this crime they shall receive ironic semitism

lelelel failed false flag again leftypol?

newfag, this stale maymay goes all the way back to the first week we all came here during goymergayte

only on Holla Forums though, it's the first time I've seen it here

Feels fucking great. They can feel the rope squeezing their necks and now they're trying to cut a deal while they're on the gallows


Always happy to see this.

Not using the quintessentially Holla Forums

I cracked up


They will hang, jew heads will roll. The traitors deserve the first bullet, the rest will get their share later as sure as the sun rises.

That was awful.

Funny how they didn't have anything of the sort at the RNC, Wolf Blitzer getting wasted and dancing to sweet Caroline is hilarious though.

I hate that they do this "sensible Republicans will/ought to vote for the Dem candidate" thing. Mainly because Nixon did it first and they're ripping off his clever tactic.

It's going to be even funnier when Wolf Blitzer is put in the ground.

Fun times are a coming boys.

It's about Time

I am concerned. The polls and this could, and I say could be an attempt to rig the election and say

I bet that after the entire mainstream media apparatus collapses video games journalism will still be absolutely fucking awful and Holla Forums will be eternally cucked.



I wouldn't be surprised. The fake rape accounts and the fake server are just as stupid.

Do not let them get away with a simple sorry like the south park bp apology. Make them squirm for treason. And then when the have had enough, cut them and replace them.

I am ok with this.


This is it. Every indicator makes it seem like Trump is BTFOing the competition EXCEPT the polls.

If polls didn't exist, would it FEEL like he was losing?

Oh god, those trips.

Checked for the God Emperor.


that shit costs peanuts to maintain and is practically a positive feedback loop so really there's no stopping it outside of just not buying games but good luck getting the addicts to manage that.

We made it into November, season is almost over.

What a year.

They will never not be shit, however if the msm is purged, they lose headpats from their "betters" and "accademic recognition" thus making them benign. Besides, Holla Forums trys to shy away from american aaa and sticks to smaller titles/japanese games.


Those are some underrated dubs of truth.

kill Jews

Man that guy looks nervous. Liquid courage. They will need it. Heh.

You can see the slow gradual fall from "take that you shit" to "don't kill us your emperorness". He hopefully killed them anyways.

Early? It is too late. FAR too late.

This is a pleasant term of events.
What made them change their tune?


I think we need to create a list of youtubers, celebrities, chanels to always remember their names, never forget them.

I remember the hacked emails of sony on 2014 here on Holla Forums and nobody remember this anymore, we can't forget the people who tried to manipulate the election, supported hilllary clinton, get money of hillary clinton or media to support them, we never can forget them and create a website or any safe archive with them forever to remember that they are trash

And praise all the celebrities, groups, websites, people who were with Trump since the begins

Fear. They are on the begging stage early. I would say no deal and promptly replace them.

they know something big is going to happen to Hillary in the next week or so and they're trying to call shotgun on the new regime.

I'll gladly give them a shotgun. To the head.

So is Trump really gonna win?
Is their attempt at rigging a failure?

Trump in the saga Jeb Bush
Trump in the saga Ted Cruz Vegeta
Trump in few episodes with Rubio
Trump in few episodes with Romney
Trump in the saga Hillary Clinton

Trump against Hillary Clinton remember the last scene
of the movie Gladiator with Hillary Clinton using all the dirty tricks, media, lies, manipulation, establishment, everything to cover-up hillary clinton, demonize trump and try to make Hillary Clinton wins with cheating.


Ramses was an aryan hero kkkiller of jews

Ramses: Greatest Story Never Told when?

Ramses literally wasn't even around at the same time as Moses historically.

The timing here is disgusting. Now that they feel Hillary is toast and their shilling can't change that, NOW is when they kinda, soughta, not really apologize.

Holy shit! The been dicked pretty good.

This shit is getting pathetic.
Enjoy being in the other side of the gun, you could've had fought alongside the emperor.

Oh come on newfags. Users being tanned from the coast is as old as the internet

Was reading up on the Exodus and from what I can tell, Egyptians were salty because there were a large number of foreigners living in the northern part of the country as unskilled laborers. No Egyptian records make any mention of Hebrews, however they do include a word very similar to it that referred more generally to these foreigners.

These foreigners congregated in something similar to ghettos, where they mixed, intermarried, and exchanged cultures. Here we see the very beginnings of the Jews as a people- in the story, Moses goes and lives with some desert tribe, and that's when he meets Yahweh, no?

Egyptian records also detail that these foreigners began to exert inordinate influence upon the government, with some even rising to fairly high positions within the government (symbolically corresponding to, say, the crown prince, perhaps). Eventually, the Egyptians had enough, and they deported the whole lot of them, before- get this- building a wall on their Northeastern border and garrisoning this border with troops.

I'm too lazy to find my sources, I looked into all this some months ago, but a quick google search for "did exodus really happen" should pull up several fedora blogs and discussions on the matter.

History repeats, brothers. Like fucking clockwork. Would sage for off-topic but this is important.

Someone should make a documentary.

From what I heard, nubians state that jews were never slaves either.

(triple checked)

The Emperor Protects.

kek #TheList


The slavery part is literally Holohoax alpha test.

We've been running through this game for thousands of years, the Holocaust didn't happen but it sure as hell will this time, or else we'll be spinning our tires in the exact same mud in another thousand years

Yeah, Habiru/Apiru = Hebrew. Vowels weren't written in older Semitic stuff.

I just find it funny even nubians say that they are liars. And they welch on their employment contracts.

This almost rustled my jimmies, until i realized the news at the bottom was repeatedly talking about cancer.
Top kek

Thanks for the rare quote fam

It won't happen, it's impossible. The best we can do is to deal to deal enough damage to postpone their plan for a few hundred years.

Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, Persians and numerous other civilizations weren't dumb, but they fell to the jew anyway. Even when they tried to exterminate them, they only made the infestation worse in other parts of the world.




my sides.

It's a local newspaper in a town of 20k people. They would have "apologized" regardless of who won this election or how angry people got with the media. They still need to survive for the next few decades and the reality is their readership are middle-class whites and a massive number of white retirees.

Plan A was to "slant left and pander to dependent minorities because that's the readership we want to have in 20-30 years." That didn't work. Plan B is "survive long enough for statism and global socialism to kick-in so we get grants instead of relying on ad revenue so it wont matter who our audience is or if they buy our shitty paper." Trump is a looming threat to their fallback plan. Plan C is "never stop apologizing and hope our 'journalists' dont get lynched at the next local festival because it turns out that the people who ACTUALLY still buy our shitty paper in 2016 actually matter"

lol. I hope they get lynched regardless. I can't wait to see journalists swinging from lamp posts.

Uhh, dunno qbout the others, but disnt rome fall to its own "too big to fall" mentality? And not chasing after the jews (something they should always do, infiltrate and kill the fleeing jews.)




If you really want to know, Molyneux did an excellent piece on it. You'll see what I mean when I say that history repeats. Fair warning, it's two and a half hours long. Maybe watch it in segments or something.


It was meant to be just the song, it was used in the last Wrestlemania and I must have clicked the wrong link.

Carson is yamcha

In 2016, we have the technology to kill them all. It's no longer impossible.

Nah, Carson, whilst weak has a sense of Honour and decency, so he's Krillin, Jeb! Is Yamcha.

This, let it hang a moment longer.

Jeb is a double agent who dies fast. So hmm, ginyu I guess.

Also krillin is the strongest normal human.

Five more fucking days until we learn the fate of the world. What a crazy year its been.

It's been fun, Holla Forums.

What a crazy age it's been, lets see what's coming.

Depends on what your definition of "normal human" is?

Technically Uub is the strongest but nobody gives a shit about that shitskin, at least Japanese are honorary Aryans.

Who the fuck is Krillin? You need to get your shit together.

trump isn't goku, trump is naruto
all the hotshots in the village corrupted the government and told him he couldn't be the hokage


I'd say we're about here, lads. What say you?

Should be a lot further, but the lugenpresse are a remarkably stubborn lot.


fuck those cuck bitches. i'm not gonna forget how they f**ked us all over.


i'm used to being censored in other sites. forgot i was on 8ch

It's ok. We know your a faggot. Relax and shitpost. Good image…. cuckchan faggot.


We won't be forgetting this. Lugenpresse will FOREVERMORE be the name of the fucking industry formerly known as "Journalism."

I'm going to look to all the fucking shabbas goy movie stars and pop stars and loyal juden who stridently declared they would be leaving the country if Trump gets elected to stay true to their promise.

1. Jon (((Leibowitz))) Stewart
2. Chelsea Handler
3. Neve Campbell
4. Barry Diller
5. Lena Dunham
6. Keegan-Michael Key
7. Chloë Sevigny
8. Al Sharpton
9. Natasha Lyonne
10. Eddie Griffin
11. Spike Lee
12. Amber Rose
13. Samuel L. Jackson
14. Cher
15. George Lopez

16. Barbra Streisand
17. Raven-Symoné
18. Whoopi Goldberg
19. Omari Hardwick
20. Miley Cyrus
21. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

22. Amy Schumer
23. Katie Hopkins

List goes on. You fucking talked the talk, now walk the walk and walk your ass out of here. Good fucking bye.

wasnt his daughter the actual badass, while he was just a washed up fake celebrity?



Or this is an attempt of deescalation. If they're still planning to rig it heavily, they still need to figure out a way to decrease the risk of a civil unrest. So now they're going to placate Trump supporters in a vain attempt avert an uprising. Though it's more likely they're hoping to turn anger back into apathy again, because they know they're going to get lynched regardless who wins.

He pulled two busses and ripped a stack of 3 phonebooks in half. That's way beyond the strongest IRL strongmen.

His daughter Vidal isn't even that strong, it's just that Gohan taught her how to fly… easily learned in this universe with a little knowledge about ki.

Here is what I have from the recent journo dox thread that had been stickied. Some kike went to the archive and shoahed it by archiving after it 404ed. The previous versions of the thread are also gone from I had capped it the other day, but turn out I fucked something up. The bottom half of the thread didn't get saved and there was another huge dump in that part. Hopefully another user got the whole thing. I was going to pastebin all the dox, but forgot and the thread was unstickied and 404ed or baleted while I was asleep. There is a post that said it had another 100 people in it and was in honor of Halloween that is missing.


The enemy is on the board and this list really chapped their asses.


The jews will be defeated by the information age. We have documented the fall of a civilization as never dreamed before, and there's no way to hide it due to the abundance of saved information.

Every bit of media from our time will be scrutinized from the perspective of a failed civilization. It'll only be nature for people to scour the information for what brought the downfall.

nm, I am a dumb nigger. the thread is still in the catalog. I searched for journalist dox today when I went looking for it.


Henry Laufer
Renaissance Technologies, executive
178 Old Field Rd
Setauket, NY 11733
Donated $500,000
Timothy Gill
OutBoard Snowboarding
919 University Blvd
Denver, CO 80209
Donated $250,000
Pat A Stryker
unemployed aka rich grandfather
262 East Mountain Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Donated $250,000
Chuck Close
20 Bond St
New York, NY 10012
Donated $150,000
Gary Barnett
Extell Development Company, president
11519 Mayfair Rd
Richmond Hill, New York 11418
Donated $100,000
Remzi Oten
Oten Inc, CEO
4831 E Copa De Oro Dr
Anaheim, CA 92807
Donated $100,000
Marcia L ((((((((Goldman))))))))
((((((((Goldman)))))))) Foundation
42 Serrano Dr
Atherton, CA 94027
Donated $100,000
James A Attwood, Sr
Carlyle Group
591 Bridge St
Dedham, MA 02026
Donated $100,000
James A Attwood, Jr
Carlyle Group
376 Harris Rd
Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Donated $100,000
Henry Howard
US Education Finance Group, executive
150 SE 25th Rd #14K
Miami, FL 33129
Donated $100,000
Deborah Kass
244 Wyckoff St
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Donated $96,000
Barrett Toan
Sigma-Aldrich Corp, chairman
463 Camino Manzano
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Donated $80,000
Michael Kempner
Stone Marketing LLC, president
378 E Madison Ave
Cresskill, NJ 07626
Donated $65,525
Rick Segal
Seavest Investment Group, founder
7 Puritan Rd Rye, NY 10580
Donated $51,075
Glen Fukushima
Center for American Progress
1111 23rd St NW #5A
Washington, DC 20037
Donated $50,000
Jeff Koons
601 W 29th St
New York, NY 10001
Donated $50,000
Joan Ganz Cooney
Sesame Street TV Producer, retired
810 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Donated $50,000
Richard Eskind
Wells Fargo Advisors
104 Lynnwood Blvd
Nashville, TN 37205
Donated $33,334
Sandra Wagenfield
Aviation Products, executive
2 Judy Point Ln
Westport, CT 06880
Donated $25,000
Donna ((((((((Dubinsky))))))))
Numenta, CEO
160 Cherokee Way
Portola Valley, CA 94028
Donated $25,000
Olan Mills Jr
Olan Mills Inc, owner
735 Broad St #218
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Donated $25,000
Martin Elling
McKinsey & Company, consultant
10 Park Ave #25K
New York, NY 10016
Donated $15,225
((((((((George Segal))))))))
holocaust artist
25 Central Park W #11W
New York, NY 10023
Donated $11,225
Elizabeth Robbins
Liz Robbins Associates, owner
155 E 76th st #2c
New York, NY 10165
Donated $10,150
Robert Reiner
Castle Rock Entertainment, producer
255 S Chadbourne Ave
Los Angeles CA 90049
Donated $10,000
Daniel Neidich
Dune Real Estate Partners, CEO
299 W 12th St #17G
New York, NY 10014
Donated $10,000
Tamara Robinson
Haramat Group, divorce lawyer
8 Eaton Ln
Willingboro NJ, 08046
Donated $10,000
Cynthia ((((((((Friedman))))))))
Union Real Estate Co, Co-Owner
300 Seminole Ave #2A
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Donated $10,000
Gregory Maguire
hack writer
63 Upland Rd
Concord, MA 01742
Donated $10,000
Nanette ((((((((Rosenberg))))))))
Brown Harris Stevens
904 Cobb Rd
Water Mill, NY 11976
Donated $6,150
Marc Winkelman
Calendar Club LLC, pres
304 Hillcrest Ct
West Lake Hills, TX 78746
Donated $5,075
Boaz K Vaadia
jew art dealer
1025 5th Ave #3BS
New York, NY 10028
Donated $5,075
Lori Sackler
Morgan Stanley, senior VP
238 Engle St
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Donated $5,075
Wendy ((((((((Abrams))))))))
rich ass environmental activist
405 Sheridan Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035
Donated $5,075
William Little
1107 5th Ave #3N
New York, NY 10128
Donated $5,075
Jihee Huh
PAFCO, Vice Chair
1 Crest Rd E
Rolling Hills, CA 90274
Donated $5,075
Graham D Gund
Gund Partnership, pres
5 Lowell St
Cambridge, MA 02138
Donated $5,075
Shanin Specter
Kline Specter, attorney
718 Merion Square Rd
Gladwyne, PA 19035
Donated $5,000
David M Ducker
Duckler Real Estate
340 Old Green Bay Rd
Glencoe, IL 60022
Donated $4,300
Michael Rakosi
1735 York Ave #38E
New York, NY 10128
Donated $2,150
Lisa Woolman
WFP Partners, owner
160 Casuarina Concourse
Coral Gables, FL 33143
Donated $2,150
Steven D'Amico
American Bridge, research dir
1301 N Troy St #805
Arlington, VA 22201
Donated $1,500

George Yedinak
Aging Media, owner
1550 N Lake Shore Dr #17B
Chicago, IL 60610
Donated $1,075
Karen White
Archbright, HR
4971 13th Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108
Donated $1,075
Sharon Zweigbaum
ArtVantage service
10038 Cove Dr
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Donated $1,075
Mark Biderman
Biderman Associates LLC
47 E 88th St #7B
New York, NY 10128
Donated $1,075
Brian McCarthy
Brian J McCarthy Inc
171 W 57th St #12A
New York, NY 10019
Donated $1,075
Sergio Bessa
Bronx Museum, Dir
402 W 153rd St #5E
New York, NY 10031
Donated $1,075
Stephen Gruse
Chicago LP
317 W 54th St #3D
New York, NY 10019
Donated $1,075
Julia Ann Ahlers
Crown Equip Corp, secretary
1920 Cheshire Dr
New Bremen, OH 45869
Donated $1,075
Bryan Guarnieri
612 Red Fox Trl
Hillsborough, NC 27278
Donated $1,075
Peter Pierce
Hamptons Salt Company, CEO
325 N End Ave #20B
New York, NY 10282
Donated $1,075
Wendy ((((((((Goldberg))))))))
iHeartMedia Inc, ExeVP
252 7th Ave Ph
New York, NY 10001
Donated $1,075
Samantha Choppa
LeMise art
34 N 7th St Ph 1F
Brooklyn, NY 11249
Donated $1,075
Michael G Bronfein
healthcare investor
11300 John Carroll Rd
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Donated $1,075
Joel Portugal
Marketing & Advertising
30 E 72nd St #12A
New York, NY 10021Donated $1,075
Raymond J Kurdziel
art dealer
280 W End Ave #2A
New York, NY 10023
Donated $1,075
Barbara Delano
Quickbird Creative
3 The Grotto Lake
Oswego, OR 97035
Donated $1,075
Fred Gomez
10 Wild Oaks Rd #122
Goldens Bridge, NY 10526
Donated $1,075
Linda Mandle
Weinman Schnee Morais, retired
22 E 88th St #9F
New York, NY 10128
Donated $1,075
Nancy ((((((((Cohn))))))))
Nancy ((((((((Cohn)))))))) Photography, owner
38 Lower Tamarack Rd
Stowe, VT 05672
Donated $1,075
Korbin Coskey
Revolver Gallery, dir
7244 Hillside Ave #207
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Donated $1,075
((((((((Richard Bernstein))))))))
((((((((Richard Bernstein)))))))) Advisors LLC, CEO
6 Charnwood Dr
Suffern, NY 10901
Donated $1,075
Mark ((((((((Rothschild))))))))
Right At School, CEO
221 Woodbine Ave
Wilmette, IL 60091
Donated $1,075
Alysia Reiner
2 W 128th St
New York, NY 10027
Donated $1,075
Susan Seelig
unemployed aka has a rich husband
85 Belvedere Dr
Syosset, NY 11791
Donated $1,075
Walton Ford
50 Charles St Apt1
New York, NY 10014
Donated $1,075
Barbara Kass
135 Eastern Pkwy #9F
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Donated $1,075
Patricia Shea
Shea Art Advisory
33 Riverside Dr #9G
New York, NY 10023
Donated $1,075
Alex Benrimon
Signed and Numbered LLC, owner
303 E 57th St #19C
New York, NY 10022
Donated $1,075
Sara M Vance Waddell
SMV Media, pres
8465 Fox Cub Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Donated $1,075
((((((((Michael Kimmel))))))))
SUNY, prof
487 13th St
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Donated $1,075
Richard Lane
Olnick Organization Inc, chairman
2 E 67th St
New York, NY 10065
Donated $1,075
Alan Solomont
Dean of Tufts University
60 Beaver Rd
Weston, MA 02493
Donated $1,075
Cody Corliss
UN International Criminal Tribunal
542 Chiselfinger Ridge Rd
New Martinsville, WV 26155
Donated $1,075
Bret Kropp
Vista Realty Enterprises Corp
41 E 65th St
New York, NY 10065
Donated $1,075
Bonnie Chajet
((((((((Warburg)))))))) Realty Partnership Ltd, VP
15 W 81st St #6D
New York, NY 10024
Donated $1,075
Joel Wachs
Warhol Foundation, pres board of directors
800 5th Ave #30G
New York, NY 10065
Donated $1,075
Robert Storr
Yale University, prof
262 Union St
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Donated $1,075
David Johnstone
Yves Durif, color director
784 Lake St
Newark, NJ 07104
Donated $1,075
James B Nutter
mortgage banker
1201 W 66th St
Kansas City, MO 64113
Donated $1,000
Shelly Porges
Reservoir Q Global LLC
1617 35th St NW
Washington, DC 20007
Donated $1,000
James ((((((((Kaplan))))))))
Quarles & Brady LLP, attorney
2821 N Pine Grove Ave
Chicago, IL 60657
Donated $500
Ann Lewis
Former White House Director of Communications for Bill Clinton
4550 N Park Ave #708
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Donated $250

Bob Creamer

HuffPo, mass voter fraud organizer #Veritas

1101 Ridge Avenue

Evanston, Illinois 60202


DC Apt (For when congress is in session)

110 D St SE

Washington, DC 20003-1821


Janice D Schakowsky (Bob Creamer's wife)

US Congress, Illinois, District 09, Democratic

1101 Ridge Avenue

Evanston, Illinois 60202

DC Apt (For when congress is in session)

110 D St SE

Washington, DC 20003-1821


((((((((Marvin D. Nathan))))))))

Anti-Defamation League National Chair

5137 Tangle Lane

Houston, TX 77056

Morris Dees

((((((((SPLC)))))))) Founder, Chief Trial Attorney

2465 E Cloverdale Park

Montgomery, Alabama 36106-1903

(334) 263-5576

Naomi Tsu

((((((((SPLC)))))))) Deputy Legal Director, Immigrant Justice Project

302 Murray Hill Ave NE,

Atlanta, GA, 30317

((((((((Richard Cohen)))))))) (aka Jack ((((((((Richard Cohen)))))))))

((((((((SPLC)))))))) President

702 Cloverdale Road

Montgomery, Alabama 36106-1808

(334) 265-2656

((((((((Gloria Steinem))))))))

Radical Feminist Political Campaigner

118 East 73rd Street #2,

New York, NY 10021

Joshua Micah Marshall

Talking Points Memo Founder and Editor-in-Chief

148 West 23rd Street, 9A,

New York, NY 10011

Jonah Jacob ((((((((Goldberg))))))))

National Review, Senior Editor

5141 Palisade Ln NW

Washington, DC 20016-5337

(202) 237-6011

Bernard Richard ((((((((Goldberg))))))))

CBS News/Fox News Analyst & Commentator

3421 N Moorings Way,

Miami, FL 33133

Barbara ((((((((Ehrenreich))))))))

Democratic Socialist Activist/Political Commentator

1250 S Washington St Unit 502

Alexandria, VA 22314-4431

(571) 312-3786

John Oliver

Host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight

76 W 69th St Apt 4N

New York, NY 10023-5241

((((((((Carl Bernstein))))))))

Political Commentator (WaPo Watergate Scandal Reporter)

9 Salt Meadow Ln,

Stony Brook, NY 11790

212 744 5822

Geraldo Michael Rivera

Fox News Pundit

45 E 89th St, Unit 40E

New York, NY 10128

NJ Vacation Home

15 Shore Rd,

Edgewater, NJ 07020

((((((((Amy Goodman))))))))

Democracy Now Reporter

148 W 23rd St, Apt 11F,

New York, NY 10011

Dan ((((((((Abrams))))))))

Founder of Mediaite & The Mary Sue/Chief Legal Analyst for ABC News

150 Waverly Place, #A,

New York, NY 10014

Jeff Jarvis

Buzzmachine Founder/Editor

2 Davison Rd,

Mooers Forks, NY 12959

(518) 236-5434

((((((((Kurt Eichenwald))))))))

Newsweek Senior Writer/Editor for Vanity Fair

6431 Lupton Drive,

Dallas, TX 75225

Robert Allbritton

Politico Founder & CEO

2430 Wyoming Ave,

Washington, DC 20008

(202) 789-2130

John F. Harris

Politico Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

2810 Farm Rd,

Alexandria, VA 22302

Peter S Canellos

Politico Executive Editor

2142 O St NW Apt 8

Washington, DC 20037-1013

Matt Gertz

Media Matters Research Director

1954 Columbia Rd NW Apt 601

Washington, DC 20009

Eric M Boehlert

Media Matters Researcher/Former Senior Writer at Salon

158 Montclair Ave,

Montclair, NJ 07042

(973) 509-2775

Laurie Penny

The Guardian/New Statesman Contributor, Feminist

79 Barrett's Grove, Stoke Newington,

London N16 8AP, UK

Don R Lemon

CNN Anchor

2280 Frederick Douglass Blvd Apt 11B

New York, NY 10027-5329


Rick Wilson

Republican Political Strategist/Media Consultant

210 Mill Branch Rd Tallahassee, FL 32312

((((((((Jon Stewart))))))))

Former Host of The Daily Show

20 Alston Ct

Red Bank NJ 07701-2343

Jesse O Benn

HuffPo Writer

2929 Ross Dr #S79

Fort Collins Co 80526

Darren S Samuelsohn

POLITICO senior reporter

6916 6th St NW

Washington, DC 20012-1914

(202) 291-3679

(202) 277-5399

Tamara Nora Holder

FOX News, HuffPo #NeverTrump

136 Franklin Ave


NY, Mount Vernon

(718) 994-8160

Bryan Albert Behar

TV Writer, HuffPo

4308 Laurelgrove Ave

Studio City, CA 91604-1625

(818) 766-0992

((((((((Ezra Klein))))))))

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Washington, DC 20009-2037

Matthew G Yglesias

Writer Vox/Atlantic/Slate

1309 Q St NW

Washington, DC 20009

(202) 360-4991

(202) 525-3172

[email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */

Sarah Kliff

Vox Senior Editor

1806 LAMONT ST NW 4, 20010

[email protected]/* */

David Haynes Roberts

Vox/Grist Writer

520 N 141st St

Seattle, WA 98133-6823

(206) 781-0481

[email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */

Dylan Robert "Ban All Guns" Matthews

Vox/Salon Writer

1828 RIGGS PL NW 22

Washinton Dc 20009

[email protected]/* */

Sean Derick Illing

Vox/Salon writer

2222 Cedar Way


[email protected]/* */

Eliza Dillion Barclay


1633 Newton St NW Apt4

Washington, DC 20010



Emily Crockett

Vox writer

1400 IRVING ST NW 602


[email protected]/* */

Julia Belluz

Vox Writer

1868 Columbia Rd NW Apt 207

Washington, DC 20009-5114

Elizabeth "Libby" A Nelson

Vox Reporter

1740 18TH ST NW 101

Washington, DC 20009

Brian G Resnick

Vox Reporter

1010 19th St S

Arlington, Virginia 22202


Lee Jared Drutman

Vox Writer

134 Seaton Pl NW

Washington, DC 20001-1623

(202) 232-3982

(914) 232-8262

German Rogelio Lopez

Vox Writer


Washington DC 20005

[email protected]/* */

Timothy B Lee

Senior correspondent Vox


Washington, DC 20010

[email protected]/* */

Sarah Elin Frostenson

Vox Writer


Washington, DC 20011

[email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */

Bradford T Plumer

Vox Senior Editor


Washington DC 20001

[email protected]/* */

[email protected]/* */

Alvin Chang

Vox Graphics/Reporter

260 Pacific St Apt 14

Brooklyn, NY 11201-5726

[email protected]/* */

Andrew Waldemar Prokop

Vox Writer

437 New York Ave NW Apt 1006

Washington, DC 20001-4760

(973) 301-0678

Zachary James Cartwright

US Uncut Contributor

2113 Bromley Ct

Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5022


[email protected]/* */

>NY, Southampton


Paige Lea Lavender

Senior Politics Editor, The Huffington Post

21 132nd St

Charleston, WV 25315-1405

(304) 949-1671

Not worthy of a new thread so I'll leave this here as it's as good a place as any. The yids at "the New Yorker are pointing and laughing at neocon cuck-supreme George Will's complete failure to derail the Emperor's investiture. Full of the usual Trump supporters are rayciss'' but a funny read nonetheless.

How Donald Trump Outsmarted George Will

jeebus, fucked that formatting up backwards and forwards.

Capped. See you next week.

Is watching or necessary for graphs and the like or can I just listen to it as a podcast?


Uub is reincarnation shenanigans. Stupid reincarnation shenanigans.

Whoops, my bad. Anyways,
Is set to be the new jewreusulem. I can garuntee it is the last bastion for the jew.

Nice list, we will not forget them.

He looks so lonely in the back like that. Not mingling with the girls, or socializing in any way, and has to force a smile. I'm starting to feel sorry for him =(. This must be how the Jews get their hooks into you.

I hope not. Uncucking video games is the reason why I started taking red pills in the first place. And it sounds like it is the reason for many other anons who got their first exposure to concrete corruption because of Gamer Gate. Fuck the Jews, and every single one of their lies. I just wanted to play video games!

Id have more respect if they stood by what they did. Trying to jump ship now makes no difference, they should get the noose too.


This is it folks, the culmination of years of meme magic. Trump is winning, Hillary is going to jail, and you were alive in time to witness the rising of a new age.




We're here forever.

Carson's Niggalo ya fucking fags

Someone needs to make a video that juxtaposes this footage with the Trump victory salt from CNN. It will be so satisfying.

All those years spent brainwashing snarky college liberals and sucking Bobama's dick, only to get eternally BTFO after retirement. His tears will fuel me for years.


Do you think the 8 get will come before he's inaugurated?

No PPH stats as far as I can figure.

Required PPH is about 500. Seems doable.

8s on november 8th)

Hey, it's Nigger Faggot. I thought he died of poz aids. Glad to see he's still kicking. He's gotta make it to the day of the rope.

I guess this means Trump is winning for sure.

The cucks needs to be held accountable for their faggotry though. I hope Trump sues them for their last shekel so they can never poison the goy's minds with their lugenpresse machine ever again.

And of course any of the lugenpresse that has conspired with the criminals need to be brought to court.

All media should apologize to US and to Trump on their knees before being sent to the guillotine.

Traitors and bolsheviks should face death.

not happening lugenpresse

It doesn't make sense for them to be called Hebrew, IMO. As far as I gathered, one's ancestry at that time was described by the name of a prominent ancestor - probably Abraham or Jacob, rather than a tribe name.


Here in straya it has been pretty biased and full of fabrications that clinton is a sure thing and way ahead in the polls

Now they are reporting on there being a massive surge, which I just see as them covering their asses

After the Darkness comes the Light!


They don't get off that light. We can forgive them after we hang them.

Australian media is cucked, I switched on TV and the project had the shitskin muslim Waleed reporting how the KKKs newspaper had endorsed trump and then they showed some false flag black building that got destroyed and vote trump sprayed on the walls.

They showed Hillary being a hero by shouting down someone who yelled out Bills a rapist.

Then they showed that guy who stole the police car and steamed it, the fat bald one says "I wonder whos he voting for" and they all laugh.

΅΅hen was moses around historically?

Yeah our media is britbong tier when it comes to poz

I don't even watch anything other than american pickers and outback truckers these days.

(sage for double post)
I just walked past my living room and SBS was on and holy shit, it triggered me hard.

There was an ad for some documentary called "Clinton vs Trump: 2016 decisions" and it was just blatant
Right after that ad is goes back to its regularly scheduled programming and its a reality tv show about workers in a dildo factory

What makes it all the more triggering is the fact that our taxes go to this garbage. Also if I see that fucking fag marriage equality commercial one more time I'm going to lose my mind



Excellent trips sir.

And I'm too lazy to take your post seriously.

This. We're still in non-apology territory. It was a passive aggressive joke of an apology.

He talks nothing but shit, like he is actively subverting.

That guy doesn't think like the others on the panel. He used to look comfy on that panel, now he almost seems to subtly jab at their bias.
He knew they'd assume he meant Trump, when he himself probably deliberately left in ambiguous.

He's still a weak piece of shit if that's the case. Speak your mind, don't pretend you're one of them.

Our most left leaning paper just did an article on the horrible ghetto culture in the US after months of cring "muh black opression", and the latest papers are all posting real flattering pictures of Trump.

And this is stark in the middle of scandinavia.

So many names to put on the list.

Come to think about it there have been lots of articles about the chaos going down with sweden and rapefugees too lately, seems like they are turning into a sacrifice for Denmark, Norway and Finland to get their shit together

This is how leftist brainwash the people of other countries around the world who never will want to know more, they will want watch the media with the monopoly of corrupt leftist, the people will want to believe in the media, and they create a pressure in all world to the people support the globalist and leftist candidates

Even if Jesus Crist were against Hillary Clinton he would be related like the most terrible person. with all the manipulation proven by videos, emails, wikileaks, corporations, everything in this election.

Even countries who maybe could have good or at least less worse journalism, just copy and paste what the liberals of Americans call "source" who are the media who never will acuse themselves who never will show the emails talking about themselves hacked of Hillary Clinton on wikileaks who always will shill for the globalist candidate who is leftard who in 99% of the cases is democrats in America

If Trump wins you will see few people in other countries of the world who understand the manipulation of American election, and a group of stupid brainwashed people calling americans evil, dumb and stupid for vote for trump and thinking that Hillary Clinton is the mother of Jesus Crist and god since the corrupt media sell this propaganda.

Ever since the name 'Soros' became known to normies they've been "better".
Do I forgive them?


You should never have colluded in the first place you greedy fucks.

What about Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
The new season seems to suggest they didn't know how bad Clinton was before that season.

I'm on the fence with them still.

Pretty funny how the kikes only want to escape to white countries.

Do not fall for Jewish tricks. The Day of the Rope is nigh, and they will all hang.

He needs to give InfoWars access to the White House.

Depends on how they treat clinton's emails in the next episode next week

Free speech only matters to the losers. Let's stop playing this game and just take off the gloves.

They always flee to a whiter country, pure coincidence. Fucking parasites, they will infect their new host

Fucking kikes get out of my fucking country, we're not your pets you shitstains

Calling on all Kiwis to start glassing kikes.


So the day we confirm Trump is president is on the 8th right? That's the final day right?

We might. Kiwis reacted very badly to the TPP for instance, 10k people showed up in the middle of Auckland to protest it, which was a good showing for our population size.

Didn't do shit though, they signed it anyway and (((John Key))) spent the next week in hiding due to how fucking angry people were with him.

Gas yourself, schlomo.

Man, newsmen used to know how to write!

Unless it's a complete blowout expect it take a little longer for the results to come in and the election to be called.

Too late
In this particular case, it doesn't matter if Trump wins or not. I will Shitpost on twitter, facebook, youtube and any fucking site in this world until every single kike media is burning. The truth will be my sword and disinfo my shield. We must make sure not a single Normie will listen to them anymore. Kike Media and Hollywood is leeway to propagate their shit, they have to go down at all costs, no matter how, no matter what.

Nah, South Park is essentially family guy tier lefty shit, but it's from an earlier time when leftists actually made fun of their own.

Sleppy Negro is Mr Popo

They failed because KALI YUGA, user.

Here's hoping it's them trying to save their necks, and not just them trying to claw back some shekels after losing tons of users who can't deal with their bullshit anymore.

You won't miss much by listening. The video is just his bald head and some bullet points. A few graphs, but you'll get the general idea.

They weren't expecting the goys to relearn magic.


And chile. World wide they can't hide anymore.

History repeating itself.


I imagine the BBC will go back to being neutral so that they have something to point to when people call them out on their bullshit.

Too late.

Open up those libel laws. I don't want just the abstract "corporations" going under, I want to see reporters financial lives getting ruined.

Many of us have had our lives ruined due to our power levels, now its their turn

A good day

If you arent really interested in geo politics I dont see a real NEED for average Croat to know anything about US.
And the usual chit chatter with idiots about "le Donald Trumps hair xD" and idiot feminists (cheapo fat hair dyed cunts that i like to yell "build the wall" to whenever I see one of them talking about social democrats) talking about Bernie is fucking annoying.

Even more, I hate how shilling of SDP (the left party, controlled by ZOG) started with being associated with social democrats of Bernie kind, even though they did nothing really social democratty and they hold their name only as souvenir to keep cattle in check and perpetual "we need to vote for X or Y will win" tribal mentality.

On the more constructive note for people like me. I have been wondering why isnt there more international news other than soundbites and critical news. For instance Chinese politics on TV though… Xi Jinping might open up country to more economic reforms (ie less communism, which could lead to China buying up and creating a lot of companies in Africa and exporting male low pay working force there, which there are 33 mil surplus[based on number of females] of due to one child policy) and centralize his power with military.

After the economy boom, china will have a lot of angry young men without work on its back. Military and police is already failing in urban areas like Hong Kong, maybe exporting these people to Africa will be temporary solution?

Hmm. Does that mean that we don't erase their names and any other indication that they existed from the world? Cause if so, fuck that. No one will remember these disgraces

Heres OC just for Croat bro user

PS, putting everything in Capslock is like putting out shit for flies to encircle, stop doing it, make more meaningful convos rather than attention grabbing tactics

fucking hell I made one just like this last night
Here's a longer version:-

Miley Cyrus
Samuel L Jackson
Jon Stewart
Omari Hardwick
Amy Schumer
Lena Durnham
Barbra Streisand
George Lopez
Chelsea Handler
Chloë Sevigny
Byran Carston
Whoopi Goldberg
Rosie O’Donnell
Eddie Griffin
Natasha Lyonne
Neve Campbell
Spike Lee
Amber Rose
The Rev. Al Sharpton
Robert Downey JR
Robert Downey Jr.
Scarlett Johansson
Keegan-Michael Key
Matt McGorry
Mark Ruffalo
James Franco
Cobie Smulders
Julianne Moore
Yvette Nicole Brown
David Harbour
Veronica Osorio
Clea Duvall
Bradley Whitford
Tavi Gevinson
Ashley Johnson
Stanley Tucci
Leslie Odom Jr.
Nathan Fillion
Rosie Perez
Tom Lenk
Taran Killam
Cathy Porras
Joel Landson
Randall Park
Clark Gregg
Don Cheadle
Neil Patrick Harris
Jesse Williams
Martin Sheen

Some of these were hard to write down, I really liked some of these actors.
The Jews will pay on the day of the rope

